The Djinni & The Dropout

By CocoNichole

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*Former Title: Grenadine Dreams* NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON IN PAPERBACK (link in bio) When college dropout Naya... More

1. The Hangover
2. The Source of Smoke
3. The Djinni and the Dropout
4. The Monkey Demon
5. The Collector
6. The Lie
7. The Nickname
8. The Servant
9. The Awakening
10. Heat
11. Responsibility
12. Grenadine Dreams
13. Hookah Therapy
14. The Aquarium
15. Banana Pancakes
16. Circles
17. The First Day
18. Girl Talk
19. Monkey Business
20. The Guitar
21. The Sleepover
22. Sinbad
23. Djinniyah
24. Roadtrip
25. Pizza and Passengers
26. The Magus
28. The Reverend
29. Moving On
30. Cake
31. A Fire Inside
32. Playing with Fire
33. Firesword
34. The Gourd
35. Ashes
36. The Orphan
37. Changelings and Challenges
38. What Could Be
39. Together Again
40. Second Chances
41. Sizzling
42. Finding Naim
43. The Departure
44. Taming Fire
45. The Red Dress
46. The Garden
47. The Goodbye Party
48. The Library
49. Sila
50. The Backup Plan
51. Deserted
52. Auras
53. The Mirage
54. Ghoulish
55. The Oasis
56. Sex Magic
57. The Challenger
58. Bargaining Power
59. The Magus and the Artist
60. Truth Be Told
61. Little Marid
62. The Escape
63. Quiet Fire
64. Gatekeeper
65. 1001 Days
66. Nastarajan
67. Demonology
68. Ghost Empire
69. 1001 Nights
70. The Shinigami
71. Blue Fingers
72. Firekin
73. Guilty Pleasures
74. The Whirlpool
75. Electric Kiss
76. Beautiful Hell
77. Friendship is Magic
78. Broken Bonds
79. Hunger
80. Elevator to Hell
81. Icebreaker
82. The Color of Power, The Shape of . . .
83. The Rising Sun

27. The Elephant

3.3K 329 14
By CocoNichole

27. The Elephant


I wanted to enjoy Mr. Naim's estate with Uri. I wanted to get lost in the mansion's halls and corridors. I thought about how much trouble Uri and I could get into in that enormous kitchen. Or how much hookah we could smoke out on one of the several verandas. I thought about sneaking off with Uri somewhere private where we could lose ourselves. He could make me forget about everything except him and the fire dwelling within.

But I couldn't let myself do any of those things. I couldn't bear to be with anyone but myself until it was time to face my father. So I wandered the halls of Zayn's estate on my own, until I ended up in the gardens. A mosaic pathway snaked through the exotic plants. I passed by fountains and sculptures that probably belonged in museums halfway across the world before ending up as priceless pieces in Mr. Naim's outdoor collection.

Uri tried to follow me through the gardens, but as much as I wanted him to be there, I still pushed him away. Not long after Uri left me to myself, a new presence joined me.

I was standing before a particularly lavish golden elephant when the stranger arrived. Looking at the statute's ears, I could tell that it had been modeled after an Indian elephant. In addition to the uncanny likeness, the elephant had festive designs painted on its skin, jewels and scarves hanging from its tusks, and ornate rugs draped over its back.

"Isn't it a masterpiece? I got it at an auction in Mumbai."

I whirled around. "Mr. Naim!"

Even though I wanted to be alone, I couldn't very well tell this man to vacate his own garden.

The magus held up his hand. "Please, it's Zayn. Tell me, Miss Naya, why do you cast such a dark shadow on my otherwise illuminating statue?"

My insides twisted as I forced out a chuckle. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin the mood . . . . Did Uri tell you why we're here besides helping Sinbad?"

Zayn folded his hands behind his back. "He said that it's your burden to share if you so choose."

I bit my lip and looked back at the elephant. Why not? Every one of my friends, whether they were a djinni, a monkey, or a cat, knew my business. Besides, Zayn had this energy about him that made me feel like I was talking to a therapist.

So I started to open up, "My dad and I. Our relationship isn't the best. You see, he doesn't really know who I am. The truth, I think, would break him."

Zayn nodded solemnly as if he was very familiar with this scenario. Carefully, he said, "I see. And what do you think is the worst that can happen?"

I felt myself pause. Never had I been forced to face that probability before.

I looked at Zayn. "The worst that could happen?"

His encouraging nod felt like the final push off the side of a cliff. I closed my eyes and voiced my prediction. "The worst that could happen . . . he won't want to be my dad anymore."

Zayn must have heard the water rising in my voice. "Come here, child."

We both cast a single shadow on the golden elephant as he held me while I surrendered to my tears. There was something cleansing and plainly humbling about crying on the shoulder of a stranger.

During the exchange, I was surprised that Zayn didn't promise me that everything would be all right or to forget about my woes. Instead, he held me tightly and said, "My, Miss Naya. With tears this lovely, you'd better pray that I don't tear down this statue and make a fountain out of you."

I snorted at his strange words. "Mr. Naim, what is that even supposed to mean?"

He held me at arm's length and used the edge of his wrist to dry my face.

"It was just a little something to lift your spirits. But on a serious note," he hugged me again, "if your father cannot see you and take you for all that you are – flaws and perfections – then he doesn't deserve any part of you, Naya."



Uriel watched Zayn and Naya from one of the estate's many terraces. He had suspected that Zayn could find a way around Naya's walls and bring her some relief. The magus had done the same for Uriel back when he could not control his inner fire.

The djinni only wished that he knew what to say when Naya was in pain. Though they had made a lot of progress and grown closer, they still danced around their emotions. They hid the truth lodged in their hearts behind banter, teasing, and the distraction of physical touch. Never knowing what the other truly wanted or how they felt.

Uriel turned away from the edge of the balcony and promised himself that he would be Naya's support system that night. It could very likely get ugly with her father there.

I'll take the ugly, he thought, I'll burn through every single layer of it if I have to.

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