" Plus Size Isn't Pretty"

By stephanie9167

231K 6.2K 272

Nikki Miller is use to being with he own group of friends but since senior year started she's caught someon... More

" Plus Size Isn't Pretty"
Author's note!!!
Did that really just happen?
Is this a joke?
tell me whatcha think?
Long Doesn't describe this day.
I should be happy right?
Don't mess it up
You Buttface!
Family dinner no biggie.
Game Day.
much more.
first game of the season
old friend.
Something with bling.
Cheap or a Whore?
Couldn't have been happier.
Clueless,College and Critters.
Someone is in the house.
more secure.
mini vacation.
to be honest.
Family dinner part 4
Forever and Ever Babe.
big news.
Angel williams?
Thank You.
she's not pregnant. Right?
Daniels and movies
Moving In and other news
the news.

coffee shops and graduation

3.3K 106 8
By stephanie9167

Katherine and i went to a doctors appointment to see how far long alonge she was i guess she was  about one month pregnant, she was supper happy i looked at her with jackson on her side hoping that one day it would be me and Blake.

I woke up the next day to my little brother's jumping on my bed screaming

"It's graduation day sissy!"

"Thank you boys!" i said  giving them both a hug and kiss and got up getting ready to go to school to practice one more time for the walk.

i threw on a skull shirt with a skull cut out on the back with a jacket, a pait of black skinny jeans and some cute combats. who says a pluz size girl can't look cute?

i smiled thinking that and threw my hair up a little touch of make up and out of the house i was.

i stoped  off at a coffee shop, grabbing a rasberry pomegranate refresher along with some coffee's and tons of bagels,cream cheese and danishes.

While i waited i called in a meat lovers omelet and some hasbrowns with some bacon and toast for blake

once i left i made my way over to  the resturaunt to pick it up then to blakes hosue, i saw it was only 9:30 A.M and we had to be at the school at 11:30.

pulling up to the drive way i saw everybody was home with made me smile.

 i used my key on the front door, i saw that no one was up yet because it was very quite. I put everything on the island in the kitchen and made my way upstairs to blakes room. Opening the door i saw him laying there in a pain angel form, it caused me to laugh seeing him so outstretched and peaceful.

i couldn't help but take a few pictures, but then i  jumped on the bed yelling

"It's Graduation day blakey!"

he turned over facing me and i sat on him in a straddle posistion

"Good morning angel." he said kissing me and my nose while resting his hands on my hips

"Good morning babe, i broguht tons of food but ya gotta come down stairs for it ." i said resting my head on his bare tan chest.

"This is why i love you." he said while his hands traveled down further to my rear end causing me to redden

"Come on mister!" i said getting up 

"Not so fast angel i just want to lay here for a second." he said pulling me down

"Man i hope a certain pregnant sister doesn't eat your meat lovers omelete." i said looking at him and i caught the surprise on his face as he was about to jump up and leave me i grabbed him

"But cuddling does sound better." i said mocking him

"Hell not when theres a meat lovers omelete downstairs with my name on it." he said half way out of the room.

he didn't have anything but boxers on and i guess he didn't care

i giggled and met him downstairs stuffing his face.

"I louuvbee  youu shooo myuch." he said with a full mouth

"Yeah i bet." i said pulling out a bagel and cream cheese

"Is that a meat omelete i smell!" i heard katherine say walking in

"Back off Pregnant one!" Blake said protecting his food

"Whatever meanie!" she said in reply with jackson by her side

"I brought coffee, bagels, and some danishes" i said hugging her

"I LOVE YOU" she said holding on to me even longerand harder

"Honey let go of nikki." jackson said gently prying her off me

i mouthed a thank you and went over to my food

"Man is that food i smell, chris it must be a miracle that our kids cooked fo-" Jessies words were cut short

"I knew it was too good to be true dammit!" she said smiling

"Hello darling!" she said hugging me

"Good morning! i brought some bagels,coffeee and danishes for you guys." i said still hugging her

"thank you dear." her and chris said in unison

we all started and continued eating breakfast until i felt blakes hands wrap around me

"I'm gonna go take a shower and get ready okay?"  he asked while leaning on my shoulder

"Sounds good, i'll be down here." i said kissing his cheek.

when he left i found my way back into the conversation that was going on.

"Man oh man you have him wrapped around your little finger."Kaitlynn said coming in

"What do you mean?" i asked

"He is so head over heels for you duh." katherine said

"Not even." i said laughing

"Honey i have raised that boy since the day he was born i have seen the girls he messed around with but he has never introduced any of them, alll he does is talk about you and how you guys are gonna be together, he is head over heels in love you." jessie said finishing her coffee

"Well  that's good." Chris said

"Thanks you guys." i said smiling


As soon as the teacher's told us we were done for the afternoon we all went  home to get ready graduation ceremony was in four hours and i had to get ready.

 while getting ready i picked out a coral strapless dress that reached my knees it was detailed with lace, and i grabbed a jean jacket with some tan chunky heels.

i went over to my makeup desk and started on my makeup covering my face with some foundations and counclers i made my way to my eyes and started to work on them applying coats of mascara and shades of color. once i was done i thought on what to do with my  hair happy that it was back to it's blonde color i started to  curl it when it was done being curled i grabbed my cap and put it on then put my outfit on with the gown as the finishing touch i grabbed my things and went down stairs.

"Mom,Dad are you guys ready?" i asked

"The pictures are in 10 minutes!" i added making sure i have everything

"Yup honey you go on over to blakes we will meet you there okay?" she said grabbing her camera

"Okay i'll see you there" i said making my way to the car.


After picture's were over me and blake drove to the highschool, meetin with up with the rest of the group.

"The couple of the year has finally arrived everybody." Dylan said while Monica was wrapped around his arm

"Shut it Ashburn" blake said in reply before going over to hug him

"Can you believe we're graduating today!?" Monica said breaking down in tears

"I know! it's crazy" i said hugging her back with tears in my eyes

"Oh my god already?" Robby said coming up to us

"Shut up" we said in unison

"come here baby gurl." blake said scopping me in his arms kissing my head


 we made our back there to line up and start walking.

the band started

the school song was being played for eveyone

i looked around and thought it was sad

seeing all the parents crying,smiling,laughing over memories from previous years.

the camera flashes.

and finally being seated and having it start.

"Good Evening student's, parents, and adminstartors.

Today we celebrate a special day for these young adults, this is not the end only a new chapter for their lives.

In the last fours years of being here they have learned and prepaired for what life outside of school has for them,getting  a job, being accepted into there dream school doing whatever it is in life that makes them happy and i'm truly proud to say that we helped them.

And with that being said lets start!" 

The principal started calling names and before you knew it my name was next

"Nicole  Miller." he said

while walking cheering and clapping errupted  casue me to blush and smile

" I LOVE YOU ANGEL!" i heard blake say i looked at him adn blew him a kiss

he looked so good in his cap and gown

"Nicole i'm more than happy to present this diploma  to you." he said shaking my hand and leading me down the line of adminstraitors shaking their hands as well.

i sat down  waiting for the rest of the  group to be called

"Blake Williams"

and i thought i had a lot of cheers  just about everybody was cheering for this man i smiled and yelled back to him

"I LOVE YOU BABE!" he smiled and blew me a kiss

"congratulations to our class of 2013, you guys did it!"  he said and started to count




Everybody threw there caps up in the air smiling, laughing, crying cheering and happy.

Once we found our caps we made it the front of the gates  we met up with everybody talking about where we're gonna eat and celebrate

Blake grabbed my hand and we made our way to car.

"Can you believe it we're graduated angel." he said kissing me

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