Gossip Column (Carmilla Fanfi...

By lizzybradwell

19.2K 838 195

http://archiveofourown.org/works/6244573/ A small accident and a photograph seen out of context turn Laura's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 15

750 39 18
By lizzybradwell

Laura woke up but didn't open her eyes. She wanted to savor in the remnants of the dream she'd been having, which involved Carmilla and no clothes. A buzzing on her bedside table ended her moment of self-indulgence in fantasy land. She opened her eyes slowly and reached out for the phone. She had a message from LaFontaine and, considering how early it was, there could be only one reason for this: she must have made it to the gossip column again.

07:15 LaF: I think your girlfriend and you might want to check the newspaper.

07:17 Laura: She's not my girlfriend.

07:18 LaF: Not yet, but I know you want her to be. And she wants that too ;)

07:19 Laura: I don't know what you're talking about.

07:20 LaF: ah, denial is such a beautiful river to drown in... But seriously, you should check the newspaper, L.

Laura got up, changed and went to her mailbox to get her copy of the newspaper. Getting back to her apartment, she went to her kitchen to prepare a hot chocolate. She eyed the offending newspaper in her table and wasn't sure she wanted to see what was in there this time. She could only imagine what Sarah Jane must have said in it if she had got pictures of she, Danny and Carmilla dancing together last night. At least she was absolutely certain that there would be no pictures of her kiss with the singer. The kiss. Laura wasn't sure what to think about that. Maybe Carmilla wasn't as indifferent to her as she had thought, but then again she left without saying a word after kissing her. And they had been drinking, so maybe Carmilla just wasn't thinking very clearly and got caught up in the moment because of what had happened with Danny, that would make sense.

Shaking her head from these thoughts, Laura picked up the newspaper to read the dreaded article.

Towering redhead in the middle of Hollstein?

After the last hurdle in the road to love, no one would have thought our favorite couple would be facing another challenge so soon. But that's exactly what seems to have happened last night. Our beloved couple was seen the previous night at Silas Bar, owned by Karnstein's brother, Will Luce. As you can see in the photography above, they arrived together and seemed to be in a good mood. However, we talked exclusively with some people who were in the bar and witnessed the couple's interaction. Apparently, Hollis introduced Karnstein to some of her friends, but one of them does not seem to be happy with the relationship. According to our witness, a tall redhead took Hollis aside in the beginning of the night and they had a heated discussion. Later, Hollis was seen dancing with the same redhead and, as you can see in the photographs below, Karnstein was not happy with this and went there to reclaim her lady love. The couple left the bar right after the heated dancing contest, but the mood had changed dramatically from what it was when they arrived. Even though they left together, they were as distant from each other as we have ever seen them.

Who is the tall redhead? Is she Hollis' ex? A friend that is in love with her and is giving Karnstein a bit of competition? What comes next in the Hollstein saga?

To keep informed of any new developments in this ship, follow me on Twitter. And don't forget to use our new hashtag #HollsteinKiss to try and get the couple to give a kiss for the cameras (It's about time!)

Laura groaned and put her head down on the table. This couldn't get any worse. Now they involved Danny in this mess and honestly, Laura couldn't understand why people thought that there was anything more than friendship between them. Danny had danced a bit too close to her last night, but that was probably just alcohol and the song and some silly dispute with Carmilla for her friendship, right? Before she could arrive at any conclusion her doorbell rang, which only made her groan again because it sure wouldn't be someone telling her she won a free vacation package to Paris. If someone was knocking at her door this early on a Saturday it could only mean more problems.

When she opened the door she was surprised to see who it was.


"Hey, little nerd. Mind if I come in?" he asked.

"Of course not." Laura opened the door for him to pass. As she looked at her friend, sitting down at the sofa, she realized how tired and sad he seemed to be and she had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She sat by his side and waited for him to talk.

"Danny and I broke up." he finally said, not looking at Laura.

"Shit Kirsch. I'm sorry. What happened?" she asked, her stomach twisting with apprehension.

"I don't know little nerd. She's been kind of weird lately, you know? Like avoiding me, finding excuses not to see each other. And then, last night, she canceled our dinner plans, she said she had to work. But this morning in the newspaper..." he trailed off.

"Damn it." Laura said, "Kirsch, you must know that there's nothing between Danny and me. She is my friend, but that's it. What that woman wrote in the newspaper is a lie, just a stupid gossip."

"I know she's just a friend to you. That's why I came here. I wanted to tell you that I don't blame you." He said.

"Then talk to Danny. You guys are good together, I don't like seeing you like this." she said, but Kirsch just shook his head.

"Can't do, Laura. Danny, she" he gulped, "she said it's true what Sarah Jane wrote, about she having feelings for you."

"WHAT?" Laura shouted, jumping from the couch.

"When I saw the newspaper this morning, I asked why she lied yesterday about where she was going and she, and she told me..." Kirsch gulped and stopped talking, Laura looked at him and realized he was crying.

"Oh Kirsch." She said in a soft voice, sitting beside him again and embracing him the best she could, considering how big he was for her tiny arms. "I'm so, so sorry about this. I swear I had no idea Danny felt like that."

"I know Laura. You're the best bro ever, I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me."

They stayed in silence for a while, Laura holding Kirsch, trying to comfort him. Her stomach was twisting with everything he'd told her and she wished she hadn't had that hot chocolate after all.

"I better go, little nerd. I'm meeting some of my Zeta bros, I'll be staying with one of them for now." Kirsch said, getting up.

"Look Kirsch, I'm really sorry about all of this. If you need me for anything, you know I'm here for you, right?" she told him.

"I know. I'm here for you too, if you need me." he said, with a small smile.

At that moment, Laura's doorbell rang again. When she opened the door she stiffened immediately. Danny was standing there.

"Can we talk, Laura?" she said, and then she noticed Kirsch behind the journalist and grimaced.

"I don't think we have anything to talk about Danny. How could you? How could you do this to Kirsch? What is wrong with you?" she said, staying inside the apartment and blocking the door, standing defensively in front of Kirsch, which should have been hilarious considering Danny was almost twice her size, but the look in her eyes was more than enough to compensate for her tiny frame.

"Laura, I can't help how I few. I've always been in love with you." she continued.

"God, Danny. I can't recognize you anymore. How can you say something like that to me in front of you ex-boyfriend as of this morning? How can you be so callous?" Laura was astonished at the way Danny was acting.

"I just can't hide it anymore Laura. I didn't make a move before because I knew you've only ever seen me as a friend. But I have to try, I just can't keep ignoring my feelings for you. If I do, I might lose you forever." Danny insisted.

"Well, too bad Danny, because, right now, I can't even be your friend anymore. Leave, and don't come after me again unless you go back to being the person I knew, or thought I knew."

"Laura, please, just give me a chance."

"She told you to leave, I suggest you do as she says." came a voice from behind Danny.

"Carm!" Laura said eagerly, passing by Danny and hugging Carmilla, who looked at her and smiled before she looked back to Danny with murderous eyes.

"This is all your fault. You're the one turning Laura's head with this famous punk girl attitude and the idiot is falling for it. You're just going to use her and then destroy her like you did with Ell." Danny said angrily, towering over Carmilla.

The singer immediately let go of Laura and grabbed the lapels of Danny's shirt, turning and pressing her against the wall, which was pretty impressive considering how much taller the redhead was.

"Do not dare to talk about things you can't possibly understand. I've been patient with you so far because I didn't want to upset Laura, but you've crossed the line now. Do not talk about Ell, and do not talk about Laura like that. I don't know how you can say you're in love with her when you can't even show her some respect. I won't let you treat her like crap. She may be too good a person to actually kick your ass, but I'm not. So, unless you learn how to treat a lady, do not come after Laura again, or God help me, I'll make you regret it." Carmilla said in a low voice that could scare the bravest of people.

She let go of Danny's lapels and backed away closer to Laura. Danny looked at the three of them and seemed to finally understand she wouldn't get her way this time. Without a word she turned and left. The other three stayed silent until Danny disappeared inside the elevator.

"Whoa there, angry hottie. That was super awesome, bro." Kirsch said with admiration in his voice.

Carmilla turned to him.

"Do not call me that ever again."

"Okay, okay. Never again." Kirsch said, his hands up in surrender. "But, thank you, for defending Laura and putting Danny in her place. I mean, I like her you know, she was my girlfriend, but what she did was wrong, and she hurt me and the little nerd and I don't want to see her again."

"Didn't do it for you, beefcake." Carmilla said.

"Right, huh, I'll go now. I'll talk to you soon little L." he said, turning to Laura and giving her one of his bone crushing hugs.

"If you need anything, I'm here for you Kirsch."

"I know. Bye Laura, bye angry hott.. I mean, uh, Carmilla."

With that Kirsch turned on his heels and left. The two girls stayed silent looking at each other. Now that the mayhem was over, Laura was feeling nervous about being alone with Carmilla after what had happened the night before. She didn't know how to act, since she had no idea why Carmilla had kissed her, or if she regretted it,or if she wanted to do it again just as much as Laura did.

"Well, that was a kick." Carmilla said, breaking the tension.

Laura laughed and invited her in.

Once they were sitting in Laura's kitchen table while she prepared coffee for Carmilla and another hot chocolate for herself, the journalist asked how how long she had been there listening to the conversation with Danny.

"Long enough." Carmilla snorted. "That beanstalk is a piece of work, Cupcake. I don't know how you could ever be friends with her."

"I don't know what's wrong with her, she never was like that before."

"The way I see it, she just showed you her true self." Carmilla replied, "Is the puppy going to be okay?"

"Yeah, I think he will be fine." Laura replied, while swooning a little bit internally because it was just so sweet of Carmilla to be worried for Kirsch.

"What are you doing here so early, anyway?" Laura asked handing her a cup of coffee, "Not that I mind you being here, I just didn't expect to see you again so soon. I mean, it's really early and I thought that you would still be sleeping but instead you are here and..."

"Breathe, Cupcake." Carmilla interrupted, even though she liked it when Laura went on a ramble like that, it was adorable.

"Right, I'm breathing" she replied with a nervous laugh.

"I got an early call from my sister. She saw the newspaper, she told me to stop playing games with the media."

"Are you going to obey her?"

"Nah, Sweetheart, you know I'm not one to do as I'm told." she smirked which made Laura laugh.

"No, you're not."

They stayed silent, Carmilla sipping her coffee and Laura gulping down her hot chocolate. Unlike other moments of silence that they had shared, this one wasn't comfortable. It was pregnant with the tension of the unspoken elephant in the room.

"Laura, about last night..." Carmilla started, but they were interrupted by the message tone of Laura's phone. She got up and picked the phone, internally cursing whoever had sent her a message right at that moment.

08:50 LaF: So, did you read it?

08:51 Laura: Yes, and I have a lot to tell you and Perry, but I can't talk now, I'm with Carmilla.

While she texted LaFontaine back, Carmilla had stood up and washed her cup. She was now standing behind Laura, reclined on the counter. Laura turned back to her and gulped nervously when she realized how close they were. She cleared her throat.

"So, you were saying?" she asked in a breathy voice.

Carmilla stood there just looking at Laura, her eyes traced every detail of her face, reaching her lips and going back to her eyes. Laura kept her eyes on the singer's, her heart hammering in her chest. Throwing caution to the wind, Carmilla moved forward and kissed Laura again. This time the kiss was slow and gentle, each one savoring the taste of the other. Carmilla's hands were cupping Laura's cheeks and Laura put her arms around her waist, bringing her closer. Laura ran her tongue over Carmilla's lips and she promptly opened her mouth and let a small moan escape when she felt Laura's tongue on hers. When they parted, they kept their foreheads together, trying to catch their breaths.

"Will you have dinner with me tonight?" Carmilla asked.

"Will that be a date?" Laura asked in return, opening her eyes to look into the singer's eyes.

"Yes, that will be a date." she answered, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Then my answer is yes. Yes, I'd love to have dinner with you tonight." She had a huge smile on her face and Carmilla smiled too, before closing the gap between them to kiss Laura once more.

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