Star Wars: Reminiscence of a...

By MemboMonster

22 1 4

All rights go to George Lucas, Disney. 4,000 YEARS AFTER THE EVENTS OF STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS It's been... More


22 1 4
By MemboMonster


Alon peered up, disappointed. He thought he'd really done well this time. Apparently not. Sheathing his blue Lightsaber, he climbed back to his feet, keeping a stern look on his face. He wasn't going to crack, he was going to keep a straight face. He was serious about this Jedi academy. Keenan returned a similar face. He shook his head, his black silky hair swaying. He turned his head, a disappointed face showing.
"Alon, you've got potential -- and I know I tell you this every day, you probably get bored after a while."
Alon nodded, swallowing.
"You're young, you're still in training, but we've practiced this drill multiple times, yet you still fail every time. It's a pretty simple course, Alon."
"Master Keenan, with all due respect, I did wake up with a headache this morning, I'm not thinking that straight, I-"
"No more excuses, Alon." Keenan swallowed hard. "I'm done with them. Now get back up on that course."
Alon nodded, trying hard not to blurt out what he was thinking. He scrambled back onto the course, igniting his Lightsaber. The wild, distorted whir echoed across the room. Keenan watched hopefully as Alon leapt across platforms, slicing manikins. Keenan then braced himself, only to be disappointed as Alon collapsed, tumbling over the platform.
"Failed." He spoke, sighing heavily.

For the next two months, Alon spent most  of his free time on that course, and the other two ones that were meant for Jedi Masters. He was determined to be the best, and show significant improvement when he trained with Keenan for the next two months. Finally, the day had arrived where he could nail the course perfect; and he did just that. Keenan smiled with glee as Alon made it the end of the course, executing the last manikin in half. He yelped proudly as he watched Alon swiftly landed flips. It was truly one of the best things he'd ever seen. Alon didn't think so.
"My hand... It hurts." He cried, as he made it to the ground. Keenan walked too slowly for Alon's liking, but instantly nursed his hand. "Come on," He said, "Let's get you to Gee-Truff."

Gee-Truff belonged to a weird type of species, there were not many of his kind around, but he was nice. Old and frail, closer to death more than anything else. He was yellow, with brown spots and large ears. He was small, and rather plump and he was constantly smiling. His chamber was golden, lighten up by sunlight through the large glass stained Windows. He called it his "Meditation Chamber". However, Alon would beg to differ. Alon considered it too big to be a meditation chamber, and on multiple occasions organised events in there when Gee-Truff was away.
Pushing through the gigantic doors, Keenan held Alon's hand. Every injured Padawan, no matter how great or small, went to Gee-Truff for healing. He'd been around for -- what? -- 9,000 years now. He knew how to use the Force like no-one else did. Steadily, Keenan approached the podium, Gee-Truff's shadow coming into vision. Alon had only seen the old fellow once or twice (when he was getting into trouble, that was) and every time he did it felt somewhat... Magical.
"Master Gee-Truff." Keenan spoke, softly. "My Padawan, Alon, he's hurt. Could you do something for him, please?"
Gee-Truff turned his head, but not his body. His old frail voice crackled as he spoke.
"Your hand." He said, as he rolled up his robes to reveal two skinny yellow hands. "Pass it to me."
Nervously, Alon approached and leant his hand out. Gee-Truff took it, resting it on his left hand. With his right hand, he began waving it around in the air above Alon's injury. The tight, tense pain in Alon's hand began to shiver. Then it was gone, and just like that, Gee-Truff had stopped waving his hands, and was smiling at Alon.
"You must be careful on the course, Padawan."
Alon nodded. "Yes, Master Gee-Truff." He looked nervously up at Keenan, who smiled back.
"Thank you, Gee-Truff." He said, nodded. They made their exit, Alon feeling much better.
Except they didn't get very far.

Two large Star Destroyers piled in, casting a huge shadow over the Jedi Temple.
"Alon, go -- run!" Keenan said, pushing Alon back.
"Not without you!" Alon exclaimed, trying to pull Keenan back with him. They both tumbled back, as millions of other Jedi came out to face the threat, Gee-Truff amongst them. Despite being in absolute fear, the Jedi knew what they had to do. Use the force.
Alon watched as nearly all of the Jedi closed their eyes, both of their hands in front of them. The Padawans attempted as well, and as Alon scrambled to his feet, he saw Keenan doing it as well. So he tried. There were two of them, but could the Jedi take them down?
They were coming closer -- too close. Suddenly, the first (and significantly larger) tore out of the sky, diving into the ground. Grinding across, it created rubble as it rolled into the Temple. The barracks and the large gates were down, and amongst the crowd were gasps of terror and shock. Alon diverted his attention back to the second Star Destroyers, as did many other Jedi. Before they could attempt to do the same thing they did to the first, the ship opened fire.
"NO!" Called a Padawan, as a Jedi Master collapsed to a ground. Millions followed, a cauterised bullet wound tattooed on their chests. Keenan forcefully shoved Alon into a corner, where many Young Jedi's and Padawans were being hidden. Alon watched in horror as Keenan and the other Jedi's attempted to bring down the Star Destroyer while holding a Lightsaber.
Come on, Keenan Alon's thoughts went wild with the thought of Keenan dying; having an incomplete training.
Keenan kept diverting his attention to Alon, to make sure he was okay. Alon's palms were sweaty, as was his forehead. He watched hopefully as Keenan started to fall back to shelter as millions of Temple Guards fell out onto the battleground.
"Yes, Master Keenan!" Alon yelled, leaping into the air. Keenan smiled as he jogged back.

Suddenly, he stopped running. He collapses to the cold floor, beads of sweat on his forehead.

"NO!" Alon exclaimed, his voice cracking in the volume of his screech. He sprinted, pushing past the Jedi trying to hold him back. He skidded to his knees next to Keenan, putting his hands on his wound. Keenan, with faint eyesight, looked up at Alon. His lips were dry, and he was losing air fast.
"Alon -- you --" He stopped, coughing. "You will -- you will bec-c-come... A great Jedi." He said, his hand touching Alon's face. Tears stung Alon's eyes, he panicked. Keenan was losing the colour in his skin.
"Master Keenan, don't close your eyes -- it's okay, Gee-Truff will save you -- he'll save you!" The hot tears streamed down his face as he held Keenan's hand.
"Keenan - Keenan! - you stay with me, s-stay with me! Look at me! Keenan?" He stopped, Keenan smiled, shutting his eyes and rolling his head to his side. Gee-Truff was nowhere to be seen.
"KEENAN?!" He yelled. Alon wanted to run; he wanted to pretend this never happened. Did the Force allow you to take back time? Could he save Keenan? But it was too late. Was it? Letting out screams of pain, Alon bowed his head, resting it on Keenan's pale, lifeless body. Up in the fog, the second Star Destroyer collapsed, destroying another part of the Temple. It tumbled, and rolled. Everyone ducked for cover, except for Alon. The Star Destroyer was tumbling his way, but he did not move, nor did he intend to. He did not raise his head, he kept it on his Master's body. As if by miracle, the Star Destroyer stopped right in front of him.

He had lived, but he wished he hadn't.

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