Elite Way || brooks

By desmadres

127K 3.1K 488

Lilliam Pierce never thought her first love would be the delinquent school's gang leader. More

1. Elite Way
Side Notes: Character Profile: (Lilliam Pierce).
3. Alone, Together.
4. Exposed
Side Notes: Character Profiles: Meet Luke Brooks
5. Who's your Crush?
Side Notes: Character Profiles: Meet Beau Brooks
6. Holiday Vacation Ep. 1: Playa Del Carmen
Side Notes: Character Profiles: Anakin Sky Walker
7. Holiday Vacation Ep. 2: Midnight Escape
8. Holiday Vacation Ep. 3: The Mystery of the Other Brother
Side notes: Character Profiles: Daniel Sahyounie
9. Holiday Vacation Ep. 4: Fake Relationships
10. Holiday Vacation Ep. 5: Baby, Its Cold Outside
11. Holiday Vacation Ep. 6: Happiness is a Warm Gun
12. Holiday Vacation Ep. 7: Don't Let Me Down
13. Holiday Vacation Ep. 8: "You're Really Bad At It."
14. Sweet Home Australia
15. Frozen Yogurt or Cheap Popsicles?
16. The (Almost) Kiss
17. Really & Truly
19. Twins?
A/N---Announcement! (Please Read)
20. Kiss Me
Side Notes: Character Profiles: Jaidon Smith
21. A Memory From the Past
Side Notes: Character Profiles: Savannah Pierce
22. The Mystery Boy?
A/N: Count Down Schedule Until the Finale
Side Notes: Character Profiles: James Yammouni
23. Never Letting Go
Side Notes: Character Profiles: Ashley Beckham Smith
24. So Like A Rose (Finale)
Bonus: Elite Way Game
Author's Note: Important, Please Read.
Elite Way -- Behind the Story
50K Celebration One Shot!

18. Disaster Date

2.7K 93 14
By desmadres

New chapter of Elite Way! Yay!

I wanted to post it now for you guys, before I left to the DMV. Today I have my written driving exam. Wish me luck.

Anyway, thank you for 12K reads. It means to much to me. Also, please do me a favor and check out my new story 'Bucket of Roses' and tell me what you think. I want to know if you guys would read it. 

Also, comment if you would like a sequel to Elite Way. Elite Way is coming to an end and I have an idea for a sequel, but I want to know who would read it. Just fyi though, the sequel would center more around Beau rather than focusing on Lilliam and Luke.




18. Disaster Date

It was a day like any other. I opened my eyes slowly, stretching out my arms as I did it. The light that came in through the window illuminated my bedroom nicely.

I sat up and once I saw him there, sitting on my window seat with a grin on his face, my eyes widened in shock. My hands went to reach for the covers, pulling them around myself protectively. I said in a scream, "What are you doing here?"

He chuckled and the grin on his face seemed to get bigger, if that were possible. "I told you we were going on our date today." He said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"How did you get inside my room?" I asked, still shaken over finding him casually lounging in my room, watching me sleep.

"Your parents let me in." He shrugged his shoulders. "I merely knocked on the door and when they saw me, they called me 'Luke' and invited me in. I told them we were going on a date today and they let me come wake you up. But I couldn't bring myself to do it, you look cute sleeping." His words sounded fake, as if he were only teasing me. I knew there must have been a hidden motive to his wanting to go on a date with me, but I didn't know what it was.

"Will you get out of my room please?" I need to shower and get ready. "I need to shower and get ready. The sooner we get this over with, the better."

He smirked. "You're not showing much enthusiasm, babe. By the end of the day you won't want to leave my side."

I laughed slightly. "I doubt that."


We left my house about an hour and a half later. My parents had invited Jaidon to breakfast while I was getting ready. When I went downstairs, he smiled and got out of his seat at the table. "Ready to go, babe?"

There was a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. Going out on a date with him and having him call me babe was strange. It didn't feel right. I nodded, "Yeah...Luke..."

He walked towards me and gripped my hand in his. Heading towards the door with me in tow, I was able to tell he was in a hurry to get going. My mum called out to us as we left the front door, "Have fin, you two!"

He led me down the driveway and out the front gates to his car that was parked right at the curb. I watched in surprise as we stopped in front of a beautiful Dodge Challenger car. It was blood red and shined like a diamond. With the click of a button, he unlocked the doors and went to open the door for me. I stepped into the car silently and waited for him to get in.

Once settled in, I decided to ask, "Where are we going?"

His car started smoothly, with a purr of the engine. He was silent for about a minute before speaking. "We're going to my house to pick up my wallet and then we're going to have a full day of fun." He grinned with confidence.

I slumped back into my seat. "Alright." I let a sigh escape my lips.

It didn't take long to get to his house. But it was more like a mansion. He had driven into a wealthy part of town, a few blocks away from my own home, but the houses were much bigger. There was a large garden and the drive way was a long path that led to the front of the mansion. He parked his car by the bottom of a set of stairs that led to the front door. He went around to open my door and said, "I might be a while because my house is pretty big. You might want to come inside."

I got out of the car and followed him up the many steps. He opened the front door and we stepped inside. The moment we went through the door, I saw a young woman sitting on the couch. She was texting away on her cellphone, but she immediately looked up when she heard us. There was a glare on her face as she took me in. She spat, "Jaidon, who is this?"

She already knew who I was. I had seen her briefly when I went to dinner with Luke's father. Perhaps she hadn't looked at me when I first saw her and didn't remember me. "Ashley, this is Lilliam Pierce. Lilliam, that's Ashley." He said her name like it was nothing important.

"You're my boyfriend." She stated.

I don't want him, I thought in my mind, but refrained myself from saying it out loud. Jaidon chuckled, finding her statement to be amusing. "We went out like once." Then he added, "And I never even asked you to be my girlfriend."

"It was a non-verbal agreement." She said, her golden curls bounced as she got up from her spot on the couch.

"Sorry if you thought you were my girlfriend. The truth is I'm not interested in you. I want Lilliam." He shrugged his shoulders innocently.

"You took him from me." Ashley accused.

I raised my arms up in defense. "I didn't. I barely even know him. I don't want to cause trouble between you guys. I should go." I turned on my heels to make my escape towards the exit.

There was a tug at my arm as Jaidon prevented me from leaving. "Don't go." He said, but it sounded more like an order than a request.

"Your girlfriend is angry." I pointed out.

"She's not my girlfriend." He clarified.

I didn't really care if she was his girlfriend or not. I only wanted an excuse to get out of going on a date with Jaidon. So far, it seemed things weren't working out for me. "Whatever she is, I don't want her to start some sort of crazy war against me just because she wants you."

"Don't worry about Ashley." He told me. "She barks, but doesn't bite."

"Shut up, Jaidon." Ashley said from behind us.

He linked arms with me, with that ever present smirk on his face and led me towards the door. He paused for a second, seeming to spot what he was looking for and grabbed it off a small table next to the door.  It was a black wallet with the letters 'JS' engraved into it with gold lettering. He slipped it into his pocket and then we were out.


The date with Jaidon was awkward to say the least, with him attempting ever so casually to flirt with me.

He had set up a bunch of activities for us to do at a local park.

The activities were things like archery, go carting, and a scavenger hunt. It all made me feel as if I were in some sort of boot camp, especially when we did the rock climbing sections. With a bit of a struggle, I was able to get up the rock wall that was about the height of a building and by the time I got back down, my hands were sore and full of calluses. Jaidon seemed to be built for sports though, he did everything with ease.

I couldn't help but think about Luke. I wondered if he was any good at sports.

I was able to start easing up and having fun towards the end of what I deemed Jaidon's Boot Camp when it all went down-hill.

The very last activity was a game, more like a test, to see who knew more about who. I went first and was asked trivial questions about him: his favorite color, favorite movie, favorite ice cream flavor, etc.

As I expected, I got all the questions wrong, except the one about his age. He was a third year like me, then I deduced he must have been at least sixteen or seventeen.

When it came to him answering questions about me, he got every single answer right. More than it being cute, it surpassed the barriers of being romantic, in a bad way. I found it to be pretty scary, but maybe that's what he was going for because he laughed when he saw my shocked expression.


By the time it was all over, I thought he was going to drive me home. But we passed my neighborhood and he wasn't stopping the car.

We passed the Elite houses, where he lived. Then we passed the lower Elite houses, where I lived. Then we went into the middle class houses and he randomly stopped in one of the middle class neighborhoods.

He got out of the car, and being curious as to what he was going to do, I did the same. He frowned when he saw me opening the door and stepping out. "Get back in the car, Lilliam." He ordered.

I nodded quickly and did as I was told. He shut the door in my face and then opened it with a smirk. "What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I'm being a gentleman." He stated.


He must have some sort of mental issue, I thought jokingly. I got out of the car and he shut the door, pressing the lock button and his car made a beeping noise.

He grabbed a hold of my hand and held it possessively. We walked, with him leading me, along the sidewalk slowly. I almost felt as if there was a particular house he wanted to pass so someone would see him. I swallowed hard. I hope this isn't what I think it is.

My heart sank when we were near the end of the street and we saw four boys, four delinquent boys, sitting on the front porch of a light yellow colored house.

They seemed to be talking and laughing, but all of that stopped the second Jaidon and I approached them. We came to a stop right at the front of the house and Jaidon greeted them with a smirk, "Hello, peasants." Then he added, "I think you all know Lilliam Pierce, don't you? She's student council president of Elite Way."

I couldn't bring myself to look at them, instead I looked down at my shoes.

"Yeah, we know her." Beau said.

Jaidon announced proudly. "Lilliam and I are dating. Aren't we, Lilliam?"

"What?" I looked up at him.

My gaze darted towards Luke. He got up on his feet instantly, anger flashing in his brown eyes. "I thought you said you weren't dating him." He said through gritted teeth.

"I'm not." I defended myself. I tried to pull my hand away from Jaidon, but he held on to me tighter.

I heard a laugh coming from the boy next to me. "Don't lie to him out of pity, Lilly. You can tell him you love me. I'm sure this low class delinquent is a big, tough boy. He can handle a little heart break."

"But you're lying to him!" I said loudly.

"Am I?" Jaidon asked innocently.

"Yes!" I exclaimed.

"But I remember asking you to be my girlfriend just a few hours ago and you delightfully accepted."

"Stop." I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath to try to keep from murdering Jaidon right then and there.

There was another laugh, but this one wasn't Jaidon. It came from one of the boys in front of me. It was bitter and full of hatred. I looked up slowly, my eyes meeting Luke's which were cold and expressionless. "You can date whoever you want, Lilliam. I don't give a shit. You and I have nothing happening between us. Don't worry about me."

"But..." I began, feeling like my heart was shattering into a million pieces.

"But nothing." Luke interrupted me. "I don't care who you date."

"Perfect." Jaidon said happily.

He was not tugging on my hand to lead me away from them. But I refused to budge. "I'm walking home."

"Lilliam." Jaidon said firmly.

"I said I'm walking home." I repeated, through gritted teeth.

Not wanting to hear my protests, he picked me up bridal style and began walking towards his car. Debating on how I should go about things, I was calm for about a minute. Then my right hand balled into a fist and I aimed it at his face with all my strength.

He dropped me on the ground when he felt the impact, his hands going to touch his nose which was bleeding.

I took it as my opportunity to escape.

Getting up on my feet quickly, I ran down the street in a hurry. I looked back to see he wasn't following me. I let out a sigh of relief.

I looked down at my hand to see my knuckled were bruising. "Great." I muttered.

I walked for several minutes until I heard a honk coming from the road. I turned to see Jaidon, driving slowly, following me in his car. "Lilliam, let me take you home."

"No." I refused.

"Please." He sighed.

"If you don't leave me alone, I'm going to scream and tell people you're a pedophile." I told him.

"Suit yourself." He said, "But I'm not done with you and you won't be getting rid of me so easily."

Before I knew it, he was gone, speeding down the street. Once he was gone, I let myself think of other, more important things Like how I was going to explain to Luke that Jaidon was lying to him about us dating.

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