Something New

By That0neChickSam

1.3K 19 9

Highschool AU More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17: Final Chapter

Part 2

112 1 2
By That0neChickSam

The rest of the day flies by. It turns out Cas and Dean have lunch and their last two classes of the day together. At the end of the day Cas and Dean walk out the school's double doors together and wait for their rides. Dean leans up against one of the pillars. Cas glances at him.

"So what do you think?" Cas asks. Dean looks at him confused.

"What do I think of what?" He questions.

"The school." Cas replies. Dean shrugs.

"Not much different from the other ones I've been to." Dean scans the crowd of kids until he finds the face he was looking for. "Sammy, over here!" He calls. A young boy spots them and jogs over, his hair flopping in his eyes.

"Hey Dean!" He says hugging the older boy.

"Hey, so how was it? Anyone give you any trouble?" Dean asks checking his little brother over for anything that was not there this morning. Sam shakes his head.

"No, no trouble." Sam glances at the blue eyed boy standing next to them. "Who's this?" He asks. Dean looks up almost forgetting Cas was there.

"Oh, this is Cas. Cas this is my little brother, Sam." Dean introduces them. Sam sticks out his hand, Cas takes it.

"Nice to meet you." A horn honks and the three boys turn. A sleek, black 67 Impala cruises up stopping at the entrance.

"That's us. I guess I'll see you tomorrow Cas." Dean says before him and Sam hurry off climbing in the car, Dean in the front and Sam in the back. Cas watches them drive off.

"See you tomorrow." He says although no one is around to hear.

During the next few weeks, Cas and Dean become close friends. They laugh with each other, walk from school with each other, Cas starts to feel comfortable with not only Dean but Sam as well. Dean starts to feel more trusting and protective over Cas. Dean groans as he takes his seat behind Cas. Cas looks up from the doodles he was creating. "What?" He asks. Dean gestures to the board; Cas throws his head back and drags out a sigh. Mrs. Layman walks in and closes the door behind her just as the tardy bell rings.

"Ok class, in case you haven't read the board, you will all be working on a group project for the next few weeks. You will each pick a partner and an event in history to do a research paper on. Now this will require time out of class to finish, this is worth 25% of your final grade." A collective groan spreads throughout the room before the buzz of conversation takes over. Cas turns around facing Dean.

"Want to be my partner?" He asks hopefully. Cas didn't have any friends in that class and did not want to be stuck with a random person. Dean nods.

"Sure." Cas smiles.

"Great you can come by after school say...8ish?" He asks. Dean leans back in his chair putting his hands behind his head.

"Sounds like a plan. Oh hey. Can I bring Sammy? Dad's out on business and I can't leave him home alone." Cas nods.

"Ya sure." Dean grins.

"Great, sounds like a date to me."

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