Rest in Peace [Noctis Lucis C...

By albeestar

19.6K 662 206

What felt like a battle of eternity had finally come to an end when the Niflheim Empire met their devastating... More



1.5K 74 12
By albeestar

We spend our lives
looking for reasons to stay
but sometimes leaving is the only thing
that allows us to stay strong

It was late morning by the time you returned home from your overnight stay in the palace prison. Throughout the whole journey back, Ignis' words lingered in your mind. Did that seriously happen? Everything honestly felt like a nightmare. You still felt extremely confused at the sudden request, no demand of having you working at the palace. Why did the king want you to work in the palace in the first place? Moreover, why weren't you allowed to refuse? After what just happened between you and his grace, wouldn't it be in his best interest to keep you out of the palace walls? Groaning in frustration, you began to rub your temples with your fingers. A headache was starting to form all these questions that were flooding into your mindset. This was all too confusing for you to comprehend.

Shaking your head, you cut yourself from your trance. Think about it later [Name]. You should be happy that you're home. You said to yourself in an attempt to draw away from your thoughts.

However, you couldn't bring yourself to be glad, for the fact that you were finally home. After all it wasn't going to be long until you were to be sent back to the very place where you were just locked up in —a week does go by very quickly. Though you weren't exactly going to be locked up in a cell, you still felt as though you were still chained down as the king's prisoner, despite this so called 'release'

Too lost in the thoughts flooding your head, you hadn't realise how long you'd been standing outside your apartment A heavy sigh escaped your parted lips, you reached into your bag, to pull out the keys to open the door. However before you were able to insert them into the lock, the door swung open, causing you to jump in fright. You looked up to see a very flustered and stressed Fidelis staring down at you.

"Oh thank god you're here." the brown haired male gasped out.

"Wha—Hey!" However before you were able to question he took hold of your arm and dragged you into the apartment. When you stepped inside the small living room, you immediately caught notice of a catatonic Luca lying on the couch. He wasn't moving but it was clear that he was still alive. He was blinking and breathing, and he wasn't frozen stiff; he just couldn't move.

"Fidelis? What happened?" You dashed to your little brother.

"I don't know." Fidelis replied. "He was acting odd ever since breakfast. He was fine for a while, but he suddenly collapsed without a sound."

You pressed your hand against his to compare the temperature with your own. The fever was still there, but the temperature was a lot lower than when he first got it.

"I made sure he took the medication when he woke up." Fidelis said, as if he read your mind. "I checked his pulse, temperature and everything but it was all fine. I asked him if he was hungry or tired but he wouldn't respond."

Suddenly Luca came back to reality as if nothing happened.

"[Name]! I missed you!" Luca shot up from his lying position threw his short arms around you, catching you by surprise.

"Luca?" you blinked. Though you were glad then he somewhat returned to normal, he was abnormally happier than usual to see you. You were only gone for a day.

Fidelis observed the two of you. He was relieved of course, but at the same time he was also worried. Unlike him, you weren't with your little brother for the whole day, so you didn't see or know what the young boy was going through while you were gone.

"[Name], can I speak with you for a moment?"

"Sure." you turned to Luca. "Go to your room Luca." you instructed gently. The young boy eagerly nodded and went to his room as told.

"What did you want to talk about Fid?" you asked, and took a seat on the couch.

Fidelis took the empty spot beside you. "It's about Luca." he replied.

Of course he would want to talk about your little brother after what you both just witnessed. Fidelis was just as confused as you were. "How was he last night?" you asked.

"Started off good, but then it went downhill from there." Fidelis began solemnly, causing your heart to drop. "He refused to sleep last night until you came home. He cried all night, and I had to stay with him until he finally tired himself out." he felt shivers run up his spine from remembering the events of last night. His sobbing was uncontrollable. And every time Fidelis tried to get the young boy to sleep, he would only throw a tantrum and cry harder.

"Oh." you didn't know how else to reply.

Fidelis turned to face you, his worried look now replaced with a serious expression on his face. "Where were you last night?" he asked.

"I told you on the phone, I got called into work, and I said wouldn't be home." you replied.

"Don't lie to me [Name]. I know you weren't working at the store."

"What?" You furrowed your brows in an attempt to appear confused.

"I called them up this morning to let you know what happened to Luca. Felicia picked up and she told me that you weren't working." Fidelis began. "And even if you were working, they wouldn't have made you stay back the whole night."

You felt a lump starting to lodge in you throat. "I-It was too late by the time I finished. I had to stay in some cheap hotel." you didn't fail to notice the stammer in your reply. You knew your answer wasn't conniving from the doubting look Fidelis had in his eyes.

"And you didn't call at all during that time?" your childhood friend continued to question. "You've could've asked me to come pick you up."

"My phone was dea—"

"Give it up [Name] and tell me the truth. You were never good at lying in the first place." He said, cutting you off.

You knew better than to lie to Fidelis. The man read you like an open book, and he always knew how to for as long as you could remember. Never once in your childhood have you ever successfully lied to him and got away with it. Looking down, you avoided turning your gaze to Fidelis who was waiting for you to give him an answer. "I—" you bit down on your lower lip as you began to hesitate. "I went to the palace...." you confessed, knowing well that he wasn't going to take this lightly. "And I saw the king." you finally revealed in almost a whisper.

Silence hung for a few seconds, allowing you hear the escalating thumps in your chest as you waited for the worst to happen.

"You what!?" Fidelis shot up from his seat. Despite you knowing it was coming, you still flinched at the sudden loudness of his outburst. "Oh my god [Name], please tell me you're joking."

You shuffled uncomfortably in your seat, still not daring to look up. "You told me to tell you the truth." you replied timidly.

You could hear a groan come from Fidelis. "You gotta be kidding me." he muttered, dragging a hand down his face. "I can't believe you. Why didn't you tell me the truth?" 

"Cause I knew you'd react this way." you muttered.

"Of course I'd react this way [Name]!" Fidelis exclaimed "What the hell were you thinking?" he furrowed his brows.

"I was just going to talk to him." You interjected.

"And talking to him could've taken away your life!" He remarked.

"Well I'm still alive!" you finally snapped, lifting your gaze up to meet Fidelis, your eyes now filled with a glint of fury. Your sudden loud outburst didn't fail to stun your childhood friend. "Just...can we just drop it already? It's done, alright. I'm sorry I went to see the king." you lowered your head once again.

A sigh escaped his lips as he finally sat himself down beside you. His lips tightened into a line at the sight of your distressed form. Fidelis hard look softened into one of concern. He had forgotten the last time you had burst into such anger. However he already noticed that your mood was different when he saw you at the door. Something about you was off, but he couldn't exactly put his finger on it.

"Hey." Fidelis softened his voice. However you did not respond. "Look. I didn't mean to yell at you alright. I was just worried about you." he then placed his hand on your shoulder. "I'm just glad you're safe."

Tilting your head up, your eyes met to see Fidelis giving you a comforting smile. You too let out a long sigh. "It was my fault for not telling you in the first place."

"Just promise me to not go back to the palace anymore. You might not be as lucky as you were this time." Fidelis said.

Subconsciously you tensed, and the event that transpired earlier this morning dawned on you once more. Unfortunately for you, Fidelis instantly picked up the sudden tension that was began to course it's way through your body. The way your body suddenly froze, and the very small enlargement of your eyes was a major giveaway. There was something else that you had yet to tell him.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"W-What?" your eyes shifted. "N-Nothing's wrong. I was just thinking about something."

Fidelis continued to stare at you with a look of doubt. It was then, noticing your nervous behavior, he was definite that something happened while you were at the palace, but what? Your gaze shifted as you spoke, not meeting his. You were hiding something and he was determined to find out what. "Seriously, what's wrong? You've been acting weird ever since you came back." he commented.

"Nothing's wrong Fid, I'm fine!" you repeated, putting on a more firmer tone, but your eyes, still avoided to meet his.

"Did something happen at the palace?" he continued to question, cryptically. Your body froze when his question entered your ears. He knew it.

"Actually, I was going to tell you..." you nervously began to explain. "About my talk with the king."

"Was it something more than just a normal chat?" he asked cryptically.

Oh god you thought. How were you going to tell Fidelis? He despised the royal family with a passion, ever since the war, he labelled them as lairs, as traitors. After how he reacted when you only visited the palace, and now you were about to tell him him about you working at the palace, you weren't even sure if you were going to come out of this alive. You breathed in a nervous breath."I got a job offer at the palace."

You watched Fidelis, waiting for him to respond. That deafening silence returned with vengeance. It was like a bomb, and with every second that ticked past which felt like hours only intensified that fear which was enveloping your being. However his response was not what you were expecting; he laughed.

You blinked. What? 

"Oh god, that was a good one [Name]. You almost got me there." Fidelis continued to laugh. The sound of his laughter made you feel uneasy.

"It's—" you paused for a second and nibbled down on your lip. "It's not a joke Fidelis. I'm being serious."

As soon as he processed your words, Fidelis' laughter came to a halt. The amusement on his face diminished and was replaced by the furrowing of his brows. He searched your face for any sign that you were joking, but there wasn.'t. Your face was devoid from any emotion, there was no evidence of amusement. He knew that face so well, and even if he wanted to, there was no way he could deny it. You were serious. "No...that can't be true."

You tightened you lips into a line. "That's what I've been telling myself too." you mumbled.

"No." Fidelis gasped. "No, no, no, stop joking around [Name] this isn't funny."

"Listen." you said, the seriousness on your face was yet to falter. "It's up to you if you want to believe me, but I got offered a job at the palace and I am in no position to refuse."

"No!" he exclaimed, bolting up from the couch once more. "You can't accept the job [Name]!"

"I am in no position to refuse." you repeated yourself. "Believe me Fidelis, if I had the choice to refuse I would've done it myself."

Fidelis hands curled into fists as his feelings of shock and confusion was boiling into one of anger and frustration. "He's the one who's neglecting us and leaving us to die." his voice was growing louder with every word that came out of his mouth. It didn't take you long to notice the fury burning in his hazel now narrowed eyes.

"You think I don't know that—" you retorted.

"And yet you want to work for him." Fidelis snapped back, interrupting your answer "You can't do this [Name]."

"King's order Fidelis." you spat. "It's either this, or I get thrown into prison. Is that what you want?" 

Fidelis halted, taken back by your by your words. But by the look on your face, now contorted into frustration, you meant what you said. With nothing else left to say, he slumped back down onto the couch beside you. "How long are you going to be working there for?" he asked, his voice now softened from his previous outrage.

You sighed. "I don't know. They're giving me a week to get ready and then I'm off."

Fidelis stayed quiet, his thoughts switching to Luca. "Are you sure this is what you want? You're leaving Luca again."

Your stomach felt very heavy at the thought of leaving your little brother by himself once again. "I don't have a choice Fidelis..."

"He went into a catatonic state, [Name]. And that was only after one day. Can you imagine what would happen if you're gone everyday."

Your face paled. "I-I'm still going to be around Fidelis. It's not like I'm leaving forever." you said in an attempt to make the situation better, but alas you knew it was no use. 

"But to him it's gonna be forever." Fidelis mumbled.

"He still has you." you tried to reason. "He's not exactly alone."

"I'm not you [Name]. I can't give him what a big sister can."

You bit your lip, having full awareness what Fidelis said was true. But if providing for your family meant sacrificing the time you spent with them, then you were willing to make it, no matter how much it tore you apart. "Think of it this way. I work in the palace until I earn enough to give us a better life, and then I'll quit." But deep inside you knew it wasn't going to be that easy.

"I hope you know what you're doing [Name]." he turned to face you.

"Don't worry about me Fid. I'm not that helpless little girl I use to be."

"I know you aren't but just be careful." his face pulled into a grimace. "He's the reason why we're living like this."

You nodded "I know." you breathed out heavily. The sigh that escaped your lips was slow, as if your brain needed that time to process what had happened. Now that you managed to somehow "talk" to Fidelis about it, everything was beginning to sink into reality. You could no longer convince yourself that what happened back at the palace with Ignis, was all just a nightmare

. . .

The week rolled over much quicker than you wanted to. Today was the day. The day you were leave the comfort of your home—your safe haven—into the place you deemed the equivalent to hell. The day when you were to throw away the one life you had left all for the king.

You were sitting on your bedroom floor, listening to the sounds from outside. The noises which entered your ears weren't birds chirping, or children laughing, but the sounds of people yelling, and police sirens blaring. Though the sounds were disastrous and unpleasant, it was enough to tell you that the world was in a much brighter mood than you. Sighing deeply, you continued to pack the bag you were going to take with you for your stay at the palace. Due to your bag being fairly small, you had to keep in mind on the things you needed to bring, and the thing's you wanted to bring—already your bag was filling to the brim.


You turned your attention away from your packing to the door where Luca stood. "What's up Luca?" you asked, giving him a smile. Without responding, the little boy padded into the room and sat himself down beside you.

"How are you feeling?" you asked, placing a hand onto the boys forehead. "The fever's gone." you commented.

"Yup!" Luca beamed. "Fidelis took good care of me."

"I'm glad. I was really worried about you."

Luca shook his head. "You don't need to worry about me. It's not the first time I've gotten sick and you weren't here. And you don't need to worry about me when you go work at the palace."

Your eyes widened, shocked by his words. "H-how did you..."

"I know it's bad to eavesdrop but I heard you and Fidelia talking." he paused. Unbeknownst to you and Fidelis however, Luca managed to hear a portion of the talk. His curiosity spiked up when he began to hear the two of you yelling through his door. "You're leaving again aren't you?"

You bit down on your lip, throughout the whole week you were trying your best to hide it from Luca, but it was too hard to hide it from him now, with all the clothes you had piled around you. It didn't take an idiot to know that you were packing. "Luca." you said softly, and reached out to grab his hands. "It's only for a little while." you felt his grip tighten.

"I'll be okay." Luca smiled softly. "You already have a lot to do for us, and I don't want to give you more trouble."

"You're not troubling me—" You argued but Luca cut you off.

"I know I'm sick, and sometimes I can't do things on my own. But I want to try to start taking care of myself." Though Luca was young, he was smart. Everyday, he could see the exhaustion on your face, even when you are try to feign a mask of enthusiasm. He didn't want to see you overworking yourself anymore. He didn't want to weigh you down with anymore burdens. "I'm not a baby anymore."

You didn't respond as you allowed the young boy's words to sink in. You knew what he said was right, he wasn't a baby anymore, but didn't stop you from worrying about him. How was a capable of taking care of himself when he was this weak? You knew he was capable of being safe, he was in good was just that, you couldn't bear to even imagine what would happen to him while you were not around, especially after witnessing what had happened to him earlier. But then again, giving Luca the chance to look after himself, would allow him to gain independence and freedom. Due to his weak health, Luca wasn't able to grow up like the other kids, and you knew that that was what he wanted.

"I know you're not a baby." You held your arms open, your silent gesture of asking for a hug to which Luca obliged. "You're a good kid Luca." you murmured. Mum and Dad will be proud.

Your moment with your little brother ended short however when the both of you heard the sound of a loud knock coming from the front door. You froze, knowing very well who was behind that door. Just like Ignis had said, they were here, and they were coming to get you.

"I'll get it!" Fidelis' loud voice yelled out, before you were even able to take a step out of your room. The knocking sounded again causing him to inwardly groan. "Coming!" he shouted in response, and with brisk steps he walked to the front of the apartment. As he opened the door he was greeted by the face of a bespectacled man. Fidelis furrowed his brows as he analyzed his well groomed appearance and his attire being a well tailored suit and expensive leather shoes. In an instant, he knew that this man standing before him was not from this run down part of the Insomnia.

"Good Morning." Ignis greeted in his usual polite and formal manner. "I'm here for Miss [Surname]."

Fidelis frowned as he came to the realisation of who Ignis was and why he were here for you. "I'm afraid you've got the wrong "

"Sir Scientia." you arrived at the door on cue just before Fidelis was able to finish his sentence.

"Good morning, Miss [Surname]." Ignis said, turning his attention away from Fidelis to greet you. "Are you ready to leave?"

"Ah yes, just let me go grab my bag." you replied and made your way back to your room.

As the two male stood by the door waiting for your return, the grimace remained on Fidelis face while he continued to stare at Ignis. There was no softness in his gaze as he glared at Ignis with what looked like bubbling hatred, disgust perhaps at the sight of seeing this high class citizen standing by the doorway. "So who are you exactly?" he asked Ignis. "Sir Scientia." 

Ignis turned to look at Fidelis, pushing his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose. "Oh, I'm sorry. I haven't introduced myself yet." he extended his gloved hand towards Fidelis. "Ignis Scientia. I'm the royal adviser to the king."

Fidelis lowered his gaze at Ignis' outstretched hand with an evident scorn before reluctantly accepting the gesture. "Fidelis." he introduced himself in a mutter, giving Ignis' hand a firm shake.

"Happy to make your acquaintance." Ignis said.

"Likewise." Fidelis responded. His stony and hard glare carved in his hazel eyes did not go unnoticed by the royal advisor. It was the only message he needed to, know where they stood in this situation. When their hands finally let go, Ignis felt a brief ache in his hand--like it was being held by a vice grip.

"Excuse me, mister" Luca's soft voice called out catching the attention of the two men.

Both males looked down from hearing the voice of the young boy. None had noticed Luca's arrival during their not so pleasant meeting.

"Luca." Fidelis responded. Ignis saw the hardened gaze he gave him softening towards the child. "I thought we told you to stay in your room."

"But I want to see the visitor." Luca replied back, turning his attention to Ignis.

As soon as Ignis eyes laid on Luca, he straightaway took note of his thin body weight, and pale skin. He almost looked too fragile to touch. He's sick he commented in his head. And it looks like he's not doing too well. Ignis usual fixed stern expression falted and he gave the young boy a small smile. "Hello, Luca." he greeted gently.

Luca stared back at Ignis in awe, for he had never seen someone quite like the royal advisor before. Due to the fact that he always stayed indoors, Luca wasn't exposed to the people outside the walls this apartment. The only type of people he was familiar with were you; his sister, Fidelis and those he sees outside his window, who blend into the concrete jungle of this slum he called his home. Never once had it crossed his small,young mind, that someone who was as prim and proper as Ignis existed. In his world, the only people who looked like such were the members of the royal family.

"Are you the king?" he asked.

Ignis almost laughed at the little boys question, but managed to suppress it to a light chuckle. "No I'm not the king." he shook his head. "But I'm the royal adviser."

Luca blinked. "What's a royal adviser?" he asked.

"It means I'm someone who guides and mentors the king to be a strong and reliable ruler." Ignis explained.

Fidelis scoffed. "You're not doing a very good job at it." he muttered under his breath, luckily going unheard by Ignis.

"Wow!" Luca gasped in amazement. "That's so cool!"

"What's so cool?"

Upon hearing of your voice, all three heads turned their attention to see you return with your bag now slung over your shoulder. Luca was the first to respond.

"Mister here was telling me about how he's a royal advisor!" The young boy said with his voice full of excitement. "He gets to see the king everyday! Isn't that cool?"

"Yeah, it is." you replied. So very cool...

A gasp then sounded Luca when he came to realization. "Does that mean you get to see him everyday too, [Name]?" his eyes beamed as they looked up at you. You had forgotten the last time your little brother looked so happy and full of life, and being able to see it again pulled at your heart-strings.

"Y-Yeah, I guess I will huh?"

"Are you going to be friends with him?" Luca continued to bombard you with questions. However before you were able to respond, Fidelis spoke up.

"Alright Luca, that's enough." placed a hand on Luca's shoulder. "It's time for her to go. Sir Scientia is waiting." he said, glancing up at Ignis.

Luca's lips pulled into a pout and his shoulder slumped as his energised self seemed to dwindle away as soon as it came. "Oh..."

You felt your chest tightening at the sight of the gloom overcoming your little brother. I'm not you [Name]. I can't give him what a big sister can. Fidelis very words echoed in your ear once more. If hurt you to leave, you couldn't bear to imagine what he was feeling. You had left many times before, in those cases you were only working at the fruit shop, and you always....always came home to him. But this time you were gone for good, and you didn't know how often you were going to be able to come back to this small apartment--to your home. Suddenly, you began to hear sniffles coming from the young boy, followed by the shaking of his shoulders, and the clenching of his fists. It didn't take long before you heard the sound of sobs escaping from his parted lips. He was crying.

"Luca." you called his name out gently and bent down to your knees so you were face to face with him. "Don't cry."

"I-I'm not c-crying." he sobbed and brought his arms up to wipe away the tears on his face, but fresh ones quickly replaced them.

You smiled softly, and cupped his small face in your hands. "You're a really bad liar Luca." you teased lightly, and rubbed his damp cheek with your thumbs.

Luca swallowed down the sobs that were forcing their way up his throat, only to have him let out a trembling breath. "I-I'm gonna miss you."

Your heart dropped and you pulled him into your arms for a tight embrace. "I'm gonna miss you too.." you murmured into his hair. "So much."

It was in that moment did the emotions within Luca overflow, and the quiet sobs quickly turned into loud cries and he made no attempt to hide them. You could feel the grip from his small arms tighten around your body, and the growing dampness on your clothes from his streaming tears. The sound of his loud wails which entered your ears, shattered you in and instant. This departure was a lot more painful than you thought.

Ignis watched the two of you embracing each other. It was shocking to see that this woman in front of him was the same person who approached the king a week ago, screaming venom laced words. He could tell and see how much these people meant to you which brought him to the realization on why you soughted help from Noctis in the first place. Coming here, he could see the atrocities that befell this part of the city. They didn't deserve it, and it brought him guilt, knowing that he had to tear you away from them in order to meet the demands of the king. If only Noctis could see you now, maybe things would've ended differently. No one should be punished for a crime they did not commit. It was wrong, yet why was Ignis still complying?

"Miss [Surname]." he returned to his usual firm voice. "It's time for us to leave. We're already far behind schedule." he regretfully spoke up, however as per usual he swallowed down his conflicting emotions.

Your gaze flickered to Ignis who returned the gaze through his glasses, his eyes seemed to be deprived from any form of emotion. As much as you didn't want to let Luca go, you knew the parting would be much more painful the longer you held on. Breathing in deeply, you placed your hands on your little's brother shoulder and attempted to gently push him off you, however as soon as he felt the contact, Luca immediately tightened his grip.

"No!" he cried out, further burying his face into your shoulder.

You could feel the vice grip on your heart intensify at the sound of Luca's sobs. Nevertheless, as much as it broke your heart, you had to force yourself to stomach these emotions. You couldn't let them get in the way from your responsibility. It hurt to leave your family, your But as you always vowed; if this was what was going to bring the better to your family's then you were willing to make that sacrifice. You had to protect your family, protect Luca.

"Luca." you said again, patting his shaking form. "I have to go."

Luca shook his head in protest. "No! You can't leave me!"

You tightened your lips and turned to Fidelis with pleading eyes. Fidelis sighed deeply and placed his arms around the little boys waist, and without warning he pulled Luca away from your arms. In an instant he began to kick and scream. The screaming sobs was primal. It had a raw intensity to it that told of urgency, of desperate need. With his arms locked tightly around the child, Fidelis gave you the look--the signal for you to leave before it was too late, Quickly, you grabbed your bag which you had dropped on the floor, and rushed to the door where Ignis remained waiting,

"You ready?" Ignis asked once more.

This time him a definite nod in response. "Yeah." you mumbled, taking one glance back to Fidelis and Luca before closing the door behind you. And even through the wood of the door, you could still hear Luca's desperate cries--like the sound of agony seeping into your skin.

With heavy steps filled with grief and sorrow you followed Ignis down the steps of the apartment, savouring the sounds of the creaking floorboards under your feet, and the sight of the rotting walls which you had become so accustomed to seeing everyday. Walking out of the apartment, you eyes locked onto the luxurious black car parked outside. The sun reflected off the shiny black paint of the vehicle, blinding you slightly—not a single scratch was in sight. You did not expect them to pick you up in this sort of transportation.

"You coming in?"

You looked up to see Ignis standing by the car, opening the door for you. You halted in your steps, hesitant to enter this luxury of a vehicle. From the corner of your eyes you could see people staring from every nook and cranny of the street. It wasn't an everyday occurrence to see such a beauty drive through these parts of the streets. You were certain that you were going to catch a lot of attention.

"Miss [Surname]?" Ignis called again.

You swallowed down the lump which had formed in your throat and with slow steps you made your way towards the car, entering before Ignis closed the door. Even though the seats were plush and comfortable, you couldn't bring yourself to enjoy this comfort. You sat hard and rigid, like the leather of the seats were burning your peasant skin. Compared to all of this you were a mere stain.

"We'll reach the palace soon." Ignis said when he sat down beside you, leaving the middle seat empty like it was a divider.

You gave a small nod in response and turned your head away from the royal adviser, signalling your unwillingness to converse. Looking out the crystal clear glass window, a solemn expression was plastered on your face, and with an heavy-hearted gaze you watched the grey walls and dejected stares from broken hopes and dreams of the slums—your home, your safe haven—speed past you.

. . .

A/N: HI GUYS! Just a a nice chapter to squeeze in before a get KOd by school once again, and then exams omg the exams. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Not much happened but I promise the next one will be a lot more exciting ^^

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