Twenties [Bts]

By queenarmy

1.1K 89 249

A story about seven individuals, in their twenties, crossing paths and living life to the fullest. "Life go... More

1: Meet Park Jimin
2: Meet Min Yoongi
3: Meet Jeon Jeongguk
4: Meet Kim Taehyung
5: Meet Kim Namjoon
6: Meet Kim Seokjin
7: Meet Jung Hoseok
8: Come Over

9: It's complicated

66 8 7
By queenarmy

"Can I take a rain check today?"

"Hackers never get a rain check."

"My best friend is sick, Namjoon!"

Namjoon put his phone on speaker and threw it on the couch as he continued doing his sit ups.

"Just go meet the kid again! I checked his records, he's too harmless for a hacker to be involved."

"Why would I go meet him? If you're taking a day off," Namjoon crouched upwards touching his elbows to his knees as he spoke "I'm taking a day off too."

"What ever dude that's money on the line, not me though, I'm hanging up."

The line cut signalling Hoseok ending the call.

Hoseok's POV

"Hobbie just go to work, you have the world to save." Julia coughed as the worried Hoseok put a warm cloth on top of her head.

"And leave you alone to die? The world could wait." Hoseok shot a toothy grin towards Julia's way, making her feel ten times better already.

Julia shivers as sweat beads trickle across her forehead, "you're getting cold sweats." Hoseok climbed into Julia's bed and under her blanket.

"Hoseok what are you doing?" Uncomfortable yet comfortable is what Julia felt, if she wasn't sick this would be her ideal setting. The arms of her first and only love wrapped around her.

"Shhh, you're okay." He whispers as he strokes her hair.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Namjoon's POV

"I can't believe what I'm doing right now." The very indecisive Namjoon can do nothing but talk himself down, as he spies on Soekjin, and hesitates on messaging him to go on a date. As he looks through his hefty binoculars, Namjoon spots Soekjin laying on his bed reading, clearly having nothing to do. Soekjin takes out his phone from his back pocket and scrolls through his contact list stopping on one particular name. Zooming in, Namjoon saw his name and number across the touch screen and all of a sudden everything went blurry. Soekjin got up and paced around his room contemplating if he should call Namjoon or not. Finally Soekjin brought the phone to his ear and Namjoon was already quick to take his own phone out of his pocket.


"Hi Namjoon."


"Um.. I.."

"What do you want?"

Namjoon pulled the binoculars up to his eyes and watched Soekjin at the same time. The poor boy walked over to his bed and sat down with slumped shoulders.

"N-nothing, I meant to call someone else but clicked your number by accident and just decided to say hello."

Soekjin sighed as Namjoon smirked because of the weak lie.

"Oh okay."

"Okay bye."

Soekjin pulled the phone from his ear and was about to hang up before Namjoon spoke.


"Huh, hello?" 

He put the phone back on his ear.

"Would you like to go somewhere tonight?"

"Ahh yes, that would be nice, I mean I am kind of bored."

Soekjin calmly replied, although through the binoculars his excitement was clearly evident. The blonde haired boy jumped straight off his bed and ran around his room punching the air.

Wow he has great breath control, thought Namjoon.

"Alright pick you up at eight."

"Alrig- ht, ah sorry bye."

Soekjin hung up and slapped his mouth too embarrassed over the voice crack, this caused Namjoon to break out into a low chuckle.

Spoke too soon, Namjoon thought.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Taehyung's POV

- jeongguk, how are you feeling?

Taehyung sighed as he set his phone down next to his pillow and rolled over on his other side. Jeongguk hasn't been feeling well lately and Taehyung doesn't really know why. He feels really helpless in this situation because jeongguk doesn't want any help from him.

Fine -

- Are you sure? 

No -

- Can I come over?

No -

- Why not?

Because you have to pay to come over -

- What?

They all pay.. -

- I'm on my way.

Taehyung sprung up from the bed, without speaking to anybody, he grabbed his car keys and ran out of the house.

As he pulled up to jeongguk's place, he heaved in a breath trying to prepare himself for what ever melt down jeongguk was about to have. Little did he know, nothing could prepare him for the future event that was going to take place. Taehyung stood in front of the Jeon's front porch and knocked on their door.

"Hello there, welcome!" Jeongguks father opened the door with a large smile plastered on his face, showcasing his large white teeth. This made Taehyung assume it was Jeongguk's father since they resembled each other so much.

"So, are you here for Aerum, or Krystal?" Hoon cheered, clapping his hands together to emphasize his excitement for more cash.

"Pardon?" Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Who are they? He thought.

"Oh you must swing that way," Hoon chuckled. It wasn't a sound that made Taehyung comfortable. "you must be here for Jeongguk then?"

"Uh yeah.." Taehyung answered, still a bit confused.

"What will it be? So far, we only have a few goodies on the brochure for Jeongguk, but I can assure you we'll be researching more ways to spice things up.

"Uhh sir... Where is Jeongguk right now?"

"Oh he'll be finished in about," Hoon looked as his wrist watch for the time "five minutes or so."

"Woo! That was great." A tall man in his mid thirties walked down the stairs as he zipped his pants up and got his wallet out from his back pocket.

"Oh spoke too soon!" Hoon whispered to himself.

"How much?" The stranger asked.

"That'll be sixty dollars." Jeongguk's father replied.

"Here's seventy, he's just that good."

They all pay, Taehyung thought.

Both men laughed as Taehyung stood there utterly flabbergasted.

Taehyung.. Please hurry.. I'm tired I can't do this anymore. -

"Alright, you're up son! You can go on up and let Jeongguk know what you like. You're the last of the day so treat him right." Hoon let out another chuckle which put Taehyung even more on edge.

Taehyung glanced at his phone and tried to surpress lashing out at Jeongguk's father. He didn't want to jump to conclusions as to what was going on, he was just going to let Jeongguk tell him on his own.

"Where's his room?"

"Upstairs on the right."

Taehyung ran up the stairs two steps at a time and barged right into Jeongguk's room.

"Jeongguk." Taehyung deadpanned as he witnessed the latter curled up on his bed

"Taehyung, I'm.. I" the younger couldn't even finish is words before he burst into tears causing Taehyung to sprint towards him and hold him. Jeongguk flinched at Taehyung's touch but soon enough sunk into his warmth, this is what he longed for. Someone to hold him is what he loved the most.

"Jeongguk what's going-"

"Please... Don't, let's just stay like this for awhile okay?"

Taehyung nodded and just caressed the boy in his arms.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇


What a trash ending lmao I'm so sorry I've been gone forever and my excuse is I just have a lot of shit that I can barely handle let alone write a story 😂

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