
By LegolasOfMiddleEarth

5.7K 71 10

Zach and OC Zach moves to the small town of Madison where he meets his new neighbor Sky, and her dad Mr. Shiv... More

Chapter 2- School.
Chapter 3- Hanging with Sky.
Chapter 4- Screams
Chapter 5 investigating
Chapter 6 Busted
Chapter 7 R.L Stine?
Chapter 8 More Trouble to Come!
Chapter 9 Gnomes Suck!

Chapter 1- A new start.

1.5K 23 5
By LegolasOfMiddleEarth

Zachs pov

"Madison, Delaware, wow" I said, reading the sign as we past it, sighing unhappily. "Mom, are you positive that there was not any other places looking for vice principals" I asked, still looking out the window, as mom drives. "Like where?" Mom asked. "Guantanamo Bay?" I asked. "Ooh, to hot." Mom said. "North Korea" "No, they didn't call me back." Mom said. "Detroit?" I asked, I kept on looking out the window till we got to the house. As we kept on driving we finally pulled up to the new house, as we got out I turned and look at the new house while I stretched my legs.
"This is it. Come on come on" mom said, I walked around the car follow her up the path way. "Look a yard. You'd never get this in New York." Mom said, while she looked at the yard. "You don't have to keep seeking me on this place, I'm staying because I love you." I said. "Aww I love you too." Mom said while she put her arm around me. "And I looked into it, legally I can't live on my own until I'm 18." I said while we stopped walking and mom looked at me playfully and then started walking up to the house and looked back me while, jingling the keys, looking at me. I look over at the other house, suddenly feeling that am being watched, I look at the window for a few seconds and then i see the blinds close. I looked away and started going up to the house. I walked in and closed the door behind me walking into the hall I looked into a room to see its the living room and I walked more into the hallway and into the kitchen. "Look at this kitchen. It's bigger than our apartment." Mom said, while taking off her jacket "We don't cook." I said. "We'll look at all of this counter space to put the takeout on. Whooh. Do you hear that?" Mom said randomly. "No. I don't hear anything." I said. "Exactly." Then all of sudden a voice startled me."live from New York its my sister gale with special guest, my Nephew Zach get in here with a hug" aunt Lorraine said, walking up me and giving me a hug. "Heh, hey" I said. "It's SNL reference." "Yeah" I said. "You lived in New York." "Yeah" "oh, my god. Look at you." Aunt Lorraine said walking up to my mother and give her a hug. "Your not in colour. We should change that" she said pulling out of the hug, before turning to me again. "Okay let me take him in, oh, my gosh. He gets more handsome every time I see him. So good looking." She said. "Thanks aunt Lorraine," I said, waiting for her to say it. "Just a beautiful boy. Thank god, you were such an ugly baby." She said. "There it is." I said, pointing to her. "What? It's fine. He's handsome now. It not like he gonna go ugly, handsome ad then back to ugly. No. The danger's passed. Heh heh. Oh, I almost forgot. I got a present for you because I'm a cool aunt. This is from my new signature men's line." Aunt Lorraine said and passed me a sparkly diamond hat. "Ohh" mom said. "Check it out." Aunt Lorraine said. What do say? And then I said the only thing I could think of. "Awesome" I said. "It's limited edition. So your not gonna see a lot of men wearing that hat." Aunt Lorraine said. "Yeah. I can't imagine anyone would be wearing it. It's so limited edition." I said. "Try it on make sure it fits." Mom said. "Try it on right now? Okay" I said. "Oh Yeah, take her for a spin." Aunt Lorraine said. I then put the hat on. "Aww...." Both mom and aunt Lorraine said. Oh, yes. Look at that" mom said while Aunt Lorraine said. "I mean, come on, that is it." Okay. Um, I'm gonna unload some boxes now an see you around." I said turning to leave and I tried to take me hat of but.. "Oh, honey. Leave the hat on. I don't want you to burn" "you look great with it on." "Thank you. Cool" thank mom.

Sky's pov
I looked out the window to see a boy with a pretty hat on, so I watched him grab some boxes and started to move up the pathway when the boxes burst. "Smooth" I said. "So your the new neighbor?" "Yeah. Nice to meet you." He said walking up to the fence. "How long was the drive from New York?" He look at me confused on how I knew that. "No, I can just tell by the pretty hat you have." I said. "Oh, no this-- no this is.. This is actually a gift from my aunt" he said, whist taking the hat of." "It's also a gift for me and everyone who gets to see you wearing it." "I'm Zach,by the way." Zach said introducing himself." "I'm Sky." I said. "Sky" dad said. "I gotta go." I said before moving away from the window. "Good talk." I heard Zack say. Dad walked up to the window and open the curtains. "Hi. Hey, we're just moving in. Just.. Just me and my mom. This hat was a gift" heard Zach say, before dad cut him off. "You see that fence? Do you see the fence?" Dad asked. "Uh, yes"Zach said. "Stay on your side of it. You stay away from my Daughter, you stay away from me... and we won't have a problem." Dad said, while closing the window. He turn to me and said, "what were you thinking." "I was thinking that I want to be normal" I said. "But your not normal and we can't risking anything" he said and then walked away, I sighed and then went and sat you the couch, closing my eyes and thinking. 'Why can I just have a normal life'

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