Italian Coffee House [BWWM]

By Stars-vs-Chocolates

1.6M 73.7K 13.9K

A Recipe for a Disaster Serving 6 Ingredients: 1 lb. Brute of a Sinfully Gorgeous Boss 1 lb. Shy Beautiful Br... More

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24.7K 1.3K 86
By Stars-vs-Chocolates


Here's the twenty-eighth installation of Italian Coffee House. I hope you enjoy it.


All my love,


Niccolò's Chocolate House

Chapter 28


"Oh dear," Ada sighed, resting her forehead against my arm, even as I held her hand in mine, massaging circles into her hand in an attempt to calm her nerves even further.

"What is it, Bella?" I cued, worry striking me. The slightest things seemed to send me into a frenzy ever since Ada had told me about the baby. I couldn't help it either. I became so excited and so afraid, all in the same breath. At the moment, I wondered if the heaviness of the situation was finally taking its toll on her.

"If I didn't love that woman so much, I'd probably knock her out right now. She's so stubborn. I don't know what could be worse: getting a get-out-of-jail-free-card from the likes of that idiot at the price of a date or denying him altogether." She chuckled dryly. Above all else, I could tell that the entire charade had exhausted her. Her usually bright eyes seemed dreary, lacking that natural glow that drew me in from the very moment they met mine. If that wasn't a sign enough, I didn't know what was. Just as soon as we left the police department, I would take her to the doctor for our appointment if only to put my mind at ease.

"Wait here," I instructed Ada, guiding her towards the lot of chairs against the wall provided for public use.

Once I was certain that she wouldn't protest, I made my way over to the Tionnè and the guy whom I recognized from the banquet. Immediately, I knew I didn't like him and it definitely had something to do with the fact that he'd been flirting with my wife that night. I wasn't ashamed to admit it either.

"Mind giving us a moment?" I asked, sparing a brief glance at the man, who pushed off the desk he'd been casually leaning against mere moments ago.

"Who are you?" He scoffed, starting toward me with his hands in both his pockets.

"I'm the man who'll be credited for rearranging your face if you don't shut the hell up," I said as calmly as a bright and sunny morning. My meaning seemed to register and though it appeared that he wanted to give me an earful, he did the smarter thing and walked off a little way while keeping a keen eye on us.

"Tionnè I know this may be the last thing you want to hear but I think you should agree to this, even if you don't like it." Tionnè studied me with the challenging expression on her face, and I wondered if she remembered that she was, in fact, in handcuffs.

"And why would I give a damn what you think?" One of her eyebrows shot upward and I was almost certain something would break.

"Because my wife is your best friend, and she cares about you. That means I care about you, and there's no doubt in my mind that you care about her. All this is taking its toll on her. She's exhausted and I am fairly certain that she wouldn't leave until this matter is resolved and you are out of those restraints and safely home. I plan to take her to a doctor's appointment just as soon as this matter is taken care of." It was a long shot knowing that my wife's best friend was as stubborn as they come. However, I also knew that she cared deeply for Ada to the point of threatening me that day outside the court house. So my pleas definitely wouldn't fall on deaf ears.

"Oh," came her defeated response. It wasn't much but I could tell that the gears in her head were starting to shift. She leaned forward to get a better look at the guy who studied us from his spot near the water dispenser, before leaning back against the leather chair. "One date, that's it and he better not try anything, or I might end up in jail faster than you think, AND you better bring that bundle of joy to see me."

Though she narrowed her eyes at me, I could tell that she was finally ready to concede, if only to put her my wife at ease. It was remarkable, how much they cared for each other. When I listened to Ada put herself on the line on that dreadful call, I was ready to fly at her throat. However, their friendship must have meant a lot to Ada for her to go to such lengths. To her it must've been as normal as breathing. She'd go to any lengths for those near and dear to her heart. However, she almost gave me a heart-attack and had me driving like a bat out of hell to get down to the station before things went south. That woman would mean the death of me! I couldn't help but smile at the thought before the sound of someone clearing their throat startled me out of my reverie.

"Time's up!" Came the masculine voice and, God as my witness, I could've lived up to the promise I'd made to him earlier but my wife may have just saved his life.

"Don't hesitate to call." I cast another look at Tionnè who looked as agitated as I was. She nodded in acknowledgment and I got the feeling that she understood my meaning clear as day.

Without another word, I retraced my steps to the woman who'd surely send me insane. She somehow managed to look unbelievably gorgeous while she closed her eyes and leaned back into the chair. I was tempted to kiss her right then and so I did.

Ada immediately responded to me, consuming me with the urge to take her home at once. Her soft fingertips lightly traced my jawline while a hum escaped her. I reluctantly pulled away not wanting things to go too far in full view of the public. Her eyes opened slowly to hold my gaze, her fingertips still against my jaw.

"How did you know it would be me?" I chuckled though I meant to be serious.

"Have you met you? There's not a soul that you've failed to intimidate yet. No one would dare. Besides, I know how you make me feel." A gorgeous smile warped her features, bringing life to her eyes again.

"Do you now?" I began suggestively, tracing the length of her forearm with my fingertips before she caught my hand, lacing her fingers through mine.

"Thank you," She confessed soberly.

"There's no need to thank me. I'd do anything for you!" I confessed and meant every word. "And this little guy."

Ada chuckled the mention of our baby while I continued to rub her belly, and I couldn't help that my heart soared at the sound.

I knew there wasn't a chance that I would love another more till the day I die.

I removed my jacket, draping it over her shoulders, noting that she shivered slightly before resting her head against my chest. I wrapped arm arms around her, hoping that it helped to keep her warm.

The sound of keys jingling caught my ear, prompting me to turn in Tionnè's direction to see that an officer had removed the handcuffs from around her wrist. Relief flooded me that she took my advice. No sooner had he freed her than she walked right by the idiot who trailed after her. She could handle herself since that's what landed her in this mess in the first place.

"Red?" Tionnè finally came to a halt in front of us. Her eyes settled on Ada before she crouched down in front of her. " Promise me you'll never do something so stupid again?"

"Shouldn't I be the one telling you that?" Ada replied before they both burst laughter, grabbing each other into a hug.

"You never told me what day you'd like to go out!" Every time that guy spoke my thoughts conjured a muzzle.

"You said I had to go out with you. You never said anything about this millennia." Tionnè scoffed while rising to her feet. "Ok guys, I'm out. And thank you."

"Wait, Tey we can give-" Tionnè walked down with that guy hot on her heel, disappearing around the corner.

"You're coming with me." I stood, extending my hand to Ada seconds before she accepted it. I wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me.

We left the police department, descending the stairway to the parkade below. The faster we got out of there, the better. It hadn't escaped my attention how many men - even occasional officers - had been ogling my wife and I suppose the precinct wasn't the best place to pick a fight.

Ada sat in the front passenger seat of one of the vehicles driven by our chauffeur whom I'd left at the restaurant in a hurry. Her head was at an angle as she stared out of the window, the locs of her hair cascading down her shoulders like syrup. Maybe I was a little hungry. Lunch was out of the question considering I just rushed out of the restaurant without an afterthought. I leaned over a bit to touch her cheek with the back of my forefinger, startling her back to reality.

"Sorry," I apologized, keeping my eyes on the road. She took my hand in hers kissing the back. "Penny for your thoughts?"

Ada took my hand, relaxing it before placing it over her belly. I couldn't help but smile at that. The truth is, I would definitely dote on our little Casimiro and there was no doubt in my mind that she would as well. Even though I was just becoming acquainted with this side of her, I could tell that she would be an amazing mother.

She allowed me to caress her belly, even as I felt her warm brown eyes settle on me. We drove the remainder of our journey in a comfortable silence and it wasn't long before we made it to the doctor's office -- a state of the art facility known for its track record delivering healthy infants with the lowest mortality rates in the country. That was a major concern of mine as there was no way I was going to lose our baby and its mother all in the same breath.

Doctor Henrique, the Head Obstetrician at the facility, met us in the foyer once her Secretary told her that my wife and I were here to see her.

"Hello," Dr. Henrique shook my hand before shaking Ada's with a welcoming smile on her face. "I'm Dr. Henrique and it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Casimiro. Please follow me."

Dr. Henrique led us to down the soundless hallway to a room, opening the door for us. Once inside I stood behind Ada, listening for what the doctor had to say next.

Truth be told, I was kind of nervous. There was never an occasion I enjoyed going to the hospital. My mother, Krysta and I had been at the hospital when one of the nurses gave us the horrible news that would change my life forever. I couldn't have been more than thirteen. My father had been my mentor and my sister's muse. I looked up to him and Krysta adored him. He'd sit on a chair and allow Krysta to sketch these ridiculously cute yet hilarious stick figures of him as he struck various dramatic poses. Before there were things like IPhones and Candy Crush, that's what we had. Moments.

"Please have a seat, I want you to be comfortable so please don't hesitate to tell me if something doesn't agree with you." Dr. Henrique confessed as she walked around to the chair sitting vacant behind her desk. "Let me start off by introducing myself. I'm Dr. Elaine Henrique and I'm the senior obstetrician at this facility. I've been in this line of work for twelve years and have been stationed here for the past eight years. I've handled some of the toughest pregnancies in the country and I'm pleased to say that we have the lowest mortally rates and an even better track record for successful births. The health and wellness of my patients are very important to me on a personal level which is why I take a keen interest in infants and the mothers even after birth. Before we continue, if there's anything you'd like to ask, please don't hesitate. I'm here to ensure that you get the best care most suited to you and if that isn't me or this facility that's ok too. Bottom-line: I want you to be confident that you are in good hands."

"Let me just say that I think you are the right person for the job. I like the vibe you're giving off." Ada admitted causing the middle-aged doctor to blush.

"My wife is right." I felt comfortable that my family's lives were in good hands and certainly that wasn't an easy thing to come by but I believe as Ada expressed that she was the right fit.

"Thank you," She broke into a smile.

"You're welcome," We replied in unison.

"Ok, shall we begin?" Dr. Henrique held two clipboards in her hand ready to present them to us. "These are to fill out the history of your family's health. This is to determine the probability of any heredity diseases passing on to the baby."

The room fell silent while Ada and I did as requested, providing all the information applicable to us. At that precise moment, I couldn't help but wonder what my future would be like. My beautiful wife, our precious baby, my dear sister and Papa, it seemed the blessings keep poring in. The more I received the more I had to lose, I just hope that God has mercy on us.

Glancing to the side, I noticed that Ada stared blankly at the clipboard in front of her. I touched her arm lightly prompting her to look at me, a forlorn expression in her brown eyes. I could see that she was almost on the verge of tears.

"Please excuse us a minute Dr. Henrique." I was in the processing of standing to take Ada outside when the doctor interjected.

"Of course I'll give you both some privacy. When you need me, I'm just outside," She nodded, anticipating the need for us to be alone. Dr. Henrique stood from her desk, making her way around it swiftly and by us before stepping outside.

"Bella, what is it?" I urged but she didn't respond. I took the clipboard from her as well as my own, placing it on the doctor's wooden desk before I gently pried her from the seat. She searched my eyes with her glossy brown ones. "Please baby, tell me what's on your mind?"

"Besides my papa I don't much know anything about my family. It must sound stupid, I know." Ada ducked her head unable to hold my gaze any longer.

"There's nothing stupid about that Ada." I began lifted her chin so that I could look into her eyes again. "Here's something. I was just thinking of my good fortune and here's yours: You've got a best friend who'd probably take a bullet for you, my sister and she is crazy about you, you are fortunate enough to have Papa and we have a beautiful baby on the way who'll probably get spoilt rotten by all of them. You may not know about your blood, but your family is right here."

*END of Chapter Twenty-eight*

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