Fuck a Thug

By daisha_babeyy

1.1K 55 18


Haunting past
Welcome back

Bitter Sweet News

395 28 13
By daisha_babeyy

Samiyas pov~
It was Friday and me and Nina slept in its around 1 and we are just getting up. I put Nina in the bath tub and pick out my clothes and her clothes . I step into my standup only shower while she is in the bath in my jacuzzi tub I bathe myself then I get out wrap a towel around my body then I Wash Nina up and taker cg g c her into my room placing her on the bed I go to my dresser getting the lotion lotioning her body up then mine she puts on her underwear and I put on her White and black hello kitty Shirt with her black skirt and some pink flats.

I put on my under clothes and start to do her hair. She doesn't really cry when I do her hair as long as she is distracted. She was playing on her iPad when she pauses her game. "Mommy?" She said in her little sweet voice " Yes baby?" I say braiding another braid in her hair "will I ever get to meet my daddy?" She said putting her head down as if she was pouting I finished the last braid then turned her too me " yes baby you will when the time comes" I said kissing her forehead.

I get up so that I could get dressed and we could be on our way. I put on my black tights with my red and pink v-neck shirt. I put on my red and black Jordan's grabbed my purse and we headed to the car.

We got in my all white BMW.  Went to the grocery store first to get things like party bags and candy and food and stuff then we headed to Toys R us. I know I'm about to spend soo much money in here I always do when I come I grabbed a basket and Ninas hand and went into the store we started picking up Sponge bob themed everything Nina picked most the stuff out. I was asking a worker to help me get the Toy Hummer because that was Jovons Present.

when I turned around Nina was gone I started to run down the isles calling her name I heard her say daddy and I turned down the next isle to see her Hugging Ray and he was looking soo confused .

Rays pov-
I was in Toys R us with Jr. We were looking at some games for his Wii U. Then a lil girl ran up to me and hugged my legs Calling Out daddy who in the hell? Then I look up and You wouldn't believe who hits the corner Samiya.

I looked down at the little girl who was still hugging my legs,and then back up too Samiya. My heart started beating fast and I went death I seen Samiya saying something but I couldn't hear then Samiya got closer and the lil girl bagged back and started pouting. My hearing them came back "but mommy" she said look up at Samiya "No Nina  lets go" Samiya said Hold on Hold on Hold on did this little girl just call me daddy and Samiya came behind her. My heart was beating faster and faster again Samiya walked off. I stood there for a second I was frozen.

Once I came back to reality I picked up Jr and rushed out the store. I spotted her placing the things she bought in her trunk. 

"Samiya! " I yelled but she ignored me
"Samiya!" I yelled again and she closed her trunk and stopped she still didn't look at me .

"Samiya" I said now in a lower tone
"What Ray?" She said finally turning around & after three years we were face to face . I kept having flash backs of the last day I saw her and I saw how hurt she was again I felt bad and then to think I left for three years and she had my baby ? Mann what have I done

Samiyas pov~
I stood there staring at Ray. For the first time in three years my heart broke all over again tears dwelled up in my eyes and he said something .

"Samiya is that my daughter ?" He asked I've been thinking of this day ever since I found out I was pregnant
"Is that my baby girl Samiya ?" He said louder I guess he notices I zoned out "yes Ray that's our daughter" I said breathing out I felt like a 1000pound weight was lifted off ma shoulder.
I seen his eyes start to water up and his breathing became heavy.

"What the fuck Samiya how you gone have my baby and not even tell a nigga then keep her from me for 3years What type of person do that shit to a man" he said sounding hurt

"Ray I found out months later and we're already done I didn't want t...." He cut me off

" why you tryna make up some sorry ass fake ass excuse you kept my fucking child from me for three years for your own selfish reasons and you act like its on me or what we had THAT AINT GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT INNOCENT LITTLE GIRL RIGHT THERE AND YOU KNOW THAAT!" He yelled sounding angry I was crying an I didn't even realize it

" YOU DONT  GET TO DO THAT RAY ! YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT YEAH IM WRONG BUT SO ARE YOU I KEPT HER FROM YOU TO PREVENT HER FROM GETTING HURT YOU CHEATED ON ME AFTER I WAS DOWN FOR YOU THROUGH EVERYTHING I WAS THERE  NOT THE BITCH YOU WITH NOW THAT BITCH LEFT FOR SIX YEARS POP BACK UP AND THATS YO RIDA!? FUCK YOU ! STAY AWAY FROM ME AND MY DAUGHTER ! " yelled crying before getting into my car I locked the doors and beat the staring wheel "mommy ! " Nina whined "mommy" she whined again "Not now Nina Noot Now ! " I yelled I just realized I have kept her away from him for MY own reasons not because of her but because of me because I was afraid to let him back in my life and get hurt again. Ray was right and the truth hurt. I bagged out the drive way heading over to Matts house.

We pulled up too Matts house I got Nina out and we walked to the front door Carliana opened the door when she seen I had been crying she asked what happened and I broke down. We went and I went j to the living room with her . Matt came in and I explained to them what had happened.

              20minutes later
After explains to them what had happened Ray said that j should talk to him. Sobs texted him on Instagram and invited him and his son to Jovons birthday party . Tomorrow gone be hell.

Short guys 😭 I know but it's a cliff hanger! Leave me comments and suggestions I'm dying too see what you guys are thinking.

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