Italian Coffee House [BWWM]

By Stars-vs-Chocolates

1.6M 73.7K 13.9K

A Recipe for a Disaster Serving 6 Ingredients: 1 lb. Brute of a Sinfully Gorgeous Boss 1 lb. Shy Beautiful Br... More

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21.5K 1.3K 168
By Stars-vs-Chocolates

Ciao my beautiful readers,

I know some of you might well be plotting my murder. However, I pleased to announce an update.

Thank you for sticking with me. I know it may not be easy but it will all be worth it in the end.

Without a moment to waste, here's the twenty-seventh installation of Italian Coffee House.

THANK YOU TO @MiriHook for helping me put together this update. I love ya girl.


... and last but definitely not least, ENJOY!!! :* :*


Niccolò's Chocolate House

Chapter 27


My God! My best friend was a lunatic, as if I didn't know that already. It's just that it was rare that I ever saw it in action. That's why every time she'd threatened to floor Niccolò for me in the past I denied her offer. I was convinced that she would do it in a heartbeat. Tionnè snatched the purple negligée along with its hanger, sauntering over to the brunette cashier who stood wide-eyed behind the cash registered ready to run for cover at a moments notice. Tey carried on as though she hadn't just punched that guy square in the jaw. It looked painful, evidently because I flinched at the sickening thud that registered at the contact. It would've been absolutely hilarious, that is, had this been a scene from one of the our favorite TV series or had I not been so concerned with her well-being. I followed closely behind, saying a silence prayer that God would have mercy on us. Glancing around the store, I found that I was a bit anxious because having no inkling of what to expect next.

Tey approached the counter, summoning the most friendly smile she could muster, while placing the item on the surface. It seemed that the last thing she wanted to do was intimidate the poor girl whom looked to be around our age. How on earth she was so calm? I might very well be close to losing my mind and I had done nothing questionable. The timid woman looked like she would faint from anxiety any minute, but she surprised me by accepting the cash offered even if she did so cautiously. Before long the item that had caused all this trouble was bagged and the register, ringed up before she gave Tey the balance of her cash. , all while maintaining a place as far away from my crazy best friend as humanly possible. 

"Thank you," Tey chimed, in an attempt to extinguish the tension that hung over between them. "Do enjoy the rest of your day."

"Tey-" I began, about to convince her not to do anything stupid, only she interrupted me.

"-He deserved it," She defended. There was no doubt in my mind that he did, however I just didn't want her to become a causality of circumstances. Following closely behind, I retraced our steps towards the entrance of the exotic shop. Two Caucasian male officers caught my eye as they continued deep in conversation with that guy. He could only be a victim of fate because it was almost as though he was begging for it. She found my hand, gently squeezing it in an attempt to comfort me. "Keep calm Ada ... don't be afraid."

"I'm not," I urged only it came out in a faint whisper, failing to convince us both. I was beyond anxious and I had every right to be. After all, this kind of thing didn't happened often, at least not with us. It hadn't escaped me that several reports of police brutality against people of African decent had surfaced, provoking the masses to acts of protest. In some cases, unnecessary deaths at the hands of said officers who'd taken an oath to protect and serve. I couldn't bare the thought of my best friend being manhandled or mistreated in any form or fashion. It was the most terrible thing my thoughts could conjure at the moment and in light of recent events. I wasn't about to lose my best friend over something so trivial. Thinking quickly, I reached into my handbag stealthily seeking out my handheld device before hitting speed dial which forwarded my call to Nicky. As he'd rightfully said I was only to call him and as it turns out I could think of no one else to call. The only other person walked in tandem with me as we tried to leave the premises.  

"Their they are!!!" came the baritone. God help us! Nicky ... I hope you get this. Wait ... what? - They? What did I do? That little -

"Good afternoon ladies, might I have a word?" The taller of the two officers intercepted us, careful to stay a considerable distance from us. Putting an end to my hopes that maybe just maybe we would get away before things got out of hand.

"Certainly," Tey replied, keeping her legendary calm while I felt myself go into overdrive. I must say she was handling this a lot better than I was. "Is there a problem?"

"The gentleman claims that you struck him?" The officer, whose nameplate read Dayton, began indicating toward Mr. Anderson who held his jaw even then with that signature hard look in his cold eyes.

"Gentleman? Where is he? The man I see before me is none but a pig." Tey hissed, her tone dropping dangerously low as she held his gaze.

"Ma'am did you or did you not strike him in the jaw?" Officer Dayton inquired, though he was struggled to stifle a bout of laughter. In my humble opinion, there was nothing humorous about the sudden turn of events. How often did situations like these occur? Couldn't a woman defend herself?

"I did," Tey confessed, proudly refusing to cower despite the look of things.

"Then I have no choice but to arrest you." Officer Dayton gently took Tey's hands pulling them behind her before fastening the handcuff around her wrists. I couldn't help but that they reminded me of shackles. "You are under arrest. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can be held against you in a court of law."

"Tey-" I began, the overwhelming urge to cry gripping me to my core.

"-No worries babe," She turned to me with a genuine smile on her beautiful face. I couldn't bare the thought of not seeing her again. Of her never being able to show my baby why we had become sisters. I took her bags racking my brain to figure out what what I could do to help. I prayed to God that Niccolo would come get us.

"If you're taking her ... then you have to take me as well." The words left my mouth before I even knew what I was saying. Not necessarily meaning that I meant it any less. 

"No Red-" Tey shot me a loaded look, however it was my turn to interrupt her.

"-You'd do it for me." I had no idea if this would make matters worse. Oh but I counted on it. That jerk should get what's coming to him.

"I'm a witness to the incident," Clearly I'd lost my mind but I wouldn't change a thing. "You're going to need me if you're going to pursue a case."

Minutes draw on as the officers took us down to the police station. Tey hadn't said much but I didn't blame her and in fact it was better that she didn't. The look of handcuffs around her wrists gave me a nervous chill in the pit of my stomach. It was odd riding at the back of a police vehicle, not that I expect it to be a satisfying feeling. In spite of everything, I admired that my best friend could remain true to herself even in the face of difficulty. That she was ready to defend her beliefs at a moments notice. It was one of her better traits, one befitting of a warrior.

"You'll make a wonderful Godmother," I whispered. There was not an shred of uncertainty in my bones as I placed my head against her shoulder. The only evidence that Tey had heard my confession was a faint sniffle and I didn't expect it in the least. She was tough, nothing could phase her. Heavens ... she was in cuffs in the backseat of a police vehicle.  At least, I thought nothing could phase her. looked at me her eyes watering at my deep confession. I'd never seen her cry before and it was simply amazing that it took all this to see that side of her. It was beyond incredible,  that she cared enough about me and  the baby, so much so that she was brought to tears. That and I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt, if anything were to happen to me or Niccolò, even with her other priorities, she wouldn't hesitate to take love and care of this baby. Subconsciously, I found myself gently rubbing my belly as I continued on deep in thought.

"I love you," She confessed, leaning her head against mine.

"I love you too," I didn't have a lot of friends, but was grateful to have her. If I was uncertain before, I definitely knew the one I was blessed with was more than rare and worthwhile. She was passionate and a risk-taker, sure but she also had a level head on her and a heart of gold, and I wouldn't trade her in or abandon her if it meant my own demise. Good friends were hard to come by and even harder to keep, but we're making it.

The car rolled to a stop nearly jerking us forward towards the rear of the front passenger and driver's seats. Once we'd recovered from our initial shock, Tey survey the area as did I. It didn't take a moment to recognize where we were. I'd scene it on the news so many times while my father in the other room back at our apartment. The vehicle had been secured in the parking aid of the police department before both officers opened the doors on either side ready to escort us inside. God please let Niccolò be here soon. I had no idea how to get Tey out of this.

The officers escorted us pass the entrance of their department. I watched as all the men in a one mile radius became alert at the sight of my best friend. I might just laugh despite everything but I got the overwhelming urge to pee.

"Excuse me Officer would you kindly direct me to the urinal?" I asked, winning an uncomfortable look from the man who I thought would have no trouble with women. Clearly, I might have misjudged him. 

"Certainly," He blushed, standing to show me the way. What on earth was his problem I'd never know.

"Thank you," I stood, following after him out of the room and down the busy hallway to a door at the end of the hall. He nodded signally that he would wait there for me. I opened the door ambushed by the smell of lavender that seemed to fill the room. The smell usually agreed with me however it did the opposite. Wasting no time, I entered a stall shoving Tey's package in my bag. Once I'd revealed myself, the sudden feeling of deja vu gripped me but I couldn't say why. I washed my hands before wiping my hand with the paper towels. I opened the door again to find the officer exactly where he said he'd be. He escorted me back to the room and to his desk urging me to have a seat. I surveyed the room looking for Tionnè only to find it useless. She was nowhere to be found. God please be with her.
"So Ms.-" He forced his deep brown eyes to his note pad which he'd fetched just before joining me again.

"- Mrs. Casimiro." At the mention of family name, he glanced up at me then down at the ring on my marital finger and I couldn't help but find it odd. Was there something wrong? As if to confirm my suspicions he sighed as he began his report. It was an odd reaction considering I'd been nothing but co-operative, too much in fact.

The sound of a door closing registered in the distance catching my attention. I turned to see if maybe it was my best friend leaving without handcuffs and in light of the misunderstanding. However, I was met with the sight of my husband in one his darker suits. He easily towered over the man whom evoked laughter from him. It was easy enough to fall in love with him again, if not for the sole fact that he was here. Just then he caught my gaze, his heartstopping smile replaced by a grimace that made me gulp involuntarily. At once, he matched up to the officer's desk while I did my best to avoid his gaze concentrating on my hands as I fiddled with my fingers. I noticed his defined shoes though I didn't acknowledge them. What happened next filled me with so much emotion that I was embarrass that I was on the verge of tears.

Niccolò crouched down before me gently taking my hands in his, rubbing circles in them which helped to calm me. With our hands, he lifted my chin so that I met his rich expression.

"Bella are you alright?" I couldn't take it anymore. I reached out to him wrapping my arms around him before buried my head in his neck. He hoisted me off the chair, standing to his full height, in full view of everyone holding me to him. One of his arms at my waist and the other diagonally against my back, rubbing circles into my shoulders. I cried into his neck while he cooed that everything would be alright. My heart neared gave way in my chest at the intensity of our embrace. It was so rare that I caught this vulnerable yet beautiful side of him. He was mostly a serious man and I couldn't blame him after everything he'd been through. However, the way he held me was enough to convince me that this would turn out fine. When his pale blue eyes met mine again, I was tempted to kiss him. However, his eyes softened gaze accompanied by that warm smile that crossed his lips somehow reminded me that we were still at the police department.

"I'm sorry," I offered, wiping one of my eyes while he wiped the other gently with his thumb.

"Never," He grinned before placing a kiss on my cheek which somehow managed to coax a smile out of me. He lowered me to finding my footing again before turning to the officer who met his gaze. "Which way to Ms. Banks?"

"She's in booking." I wondered if I'd missed something. My husband just asked the officer the directions to my best friend and was immediately rewarded with an answer.

"Thank you," Niccolò nodded in respect, before lacing his fingers through mine. He lead me to the area where my best friend was being held. Only the idiot stood some distance before her with a smug look on his face.

"I'll drop spare you all this drama if you'd just go out with me." He leant casually against the officer's desk like he owned the darn thing. I closed my eyes knowing I couldn't stand to watch.

"Is that all I have to do?" Tey asked, feign innocence.

"Is that a yes?" He asked. I could feel him grin and at that Tionnè must have fought the urge to roll her eyes.

"I wouldn't go out with you if you were the last man on earth." She hissed. I opened my eyes again to see grin at her confession. God help us indeed. 

*END of Chapter Twenty-seven*

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