Vorfreude // Jake Riley

By capsicleclifford

35.8K 1.1K 144

Vorfreude: (n.) the joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures Kendal Parker had... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10

Chapter 9

2.1K 82 0
By capsicleclifford

Jake and I were taking things slowly. We fell asleep in each other's arms because I loved the feeling of his strong arms around me, they made me feel safe and happy for the while. They reminded me that things could be worse.

But now as I stood in the door of our room watching him work I couldn't help but regret our decision. Every muscle movement seemed to torture me. Get it together Kendal. I was being shallow, if he wants to take it slow, we take it slow. I decided to be less creepy and confront him.

"Hey Jake Riley need a hand?" He was moving boxes of files and other supplies. When he heard my voice he looked up and grinned. My heart instantly began to race. God the things he does to me.

"I got these but if you want to you could run down that box to Cannerts. He mentioned he was looking for them." I nodded and took the box from his hands. I underestimated how heavy it was and almost dropped the damn thing. Jake quickly helped me carry the weight and picked it up. His hands were on top of mine and instantly I flushed. Control your damn hormones Kendal. What am I, in middle school? Why is touching his hand getting me all hot and bothered?

I shook the thought off as I pulled away and demonstrated my ability to carry a box. Without giving Jake a second glance I left the room. I need some time  away from Jake Riley, he's driving me insane.

I tried stalling as much as I could by making small talk with Cannerts which I hadn't done in the entirety of my stay at the hospital. He noticed and looked at me like he knew exactly what was going on.

I had successfully wasted 20 minutes when I entered the room again. I didn't say anything as I sat down on the furthest spot from Jake.

"You wanna help me file?" He noticed how bored I looked and I nodded. It wasn't like there was anything better to do and this was a simple innocent task. At least that's what I thought.

Turns out Jake had a cup of coffee near where he sat I just so happened to sit down close to it causing him to move closer and spilling it all over my lap. The coffee fortunately didn't burn me but unfortunately got all over the only pair of pants I had.

"Agh shit!"

"Are you okay?" Jake and I spoke simultaneously.

"Yeah I'm fine I'm just gonna go wash this in the bathroom. Be right back." I hurried away before the coffee got...everywhere.

As soon as I took my pants off I realized I had made a big mistake. I had no pants, therefore I would have to walk around pants-less. The only person who could help me was Jake and I wasn't ready for him to see me pants-less. Okay I can do this I'm a big girl.

I let the pants dry in the bathroom as I opened the door slowly and checked if anyone was in the hallway. The coast was clear so I padded to our room which was nearby. Luckily my shirt was long enough to cover my butt but not much past that.

I couldn't hide behind the door and I didn't want to face Jake. Grow up Kendal. I stepped in and saw an unsuspecting Jake still filing. "Jake, I couldn't find any clean pants." I was probably as red as a tomato when he looked up and saw me. I felt a trail of heat as his eyes traveled the length of my body.

"Uh uhm yeah I'll just-" that was the first time I had seen him flustered. Sure he got mad a lot but never nervous. That was adorable. I couldn't believe I had made Jake frustrated. I almost high-fived myself after he left the room.

Jake came back a pair of slightly baggy pants that I slipped into as he turned around. Until I was fully clothed neither Jake or me stopped flushing.

After that we went back to filing. Once we were done I helped Jake take the boxes down to Cannerts. He instructed us to put them in the archive office. Jake and I were finally done and so we started to walk back to the room.

"Sorry about earlier, I just realized I didn't apologize about the coffee." He's so adorable.

"It's okay it was my fault too." I gave him a comforting smile. Jake nodded and scratched his head. As he did so his shirt raised up and showed his abs. Stop with the thirst already. Then I decided I had, had enough.

"Damnit I can't take this anymore. I don't want to take things slow it's driving me-" I was cut off by something completely new. His lips. At first he was rough and then my lips fell into rhythm with his and everything was sweet and passionate after that.

My arms went around his neck and he pulled me up with his. There wasn't an inch between us and I felt so amazing and alive. A feeling I hadn't felt in years. It was as if everything had disappeared but us. We were the only constant in a inconstant world.

When we pulled away our eyes met and I grinned and so did he. "It's driving you crazy? How do you think I felt seeing you in only a shirt? I almost lost it right then and there." Jake said as he tucked a piece of stray hair behind my ear. Every touch made my heart flutter.

"You should lose it all the time if it means this." I grinned and he chuckled at my comment. I kissed him again because if I could kiss Jake Riley I wouldn't stop until I had to.

A/n: short mostly ship based chap but you guys deserve it after my mini hiatus, I'm sorry loves but with everything going on I haven't had time for tv or writing so this is the best I could do at 2 am X.

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