Figuring Out Emma (Harry Styl...

By xPotatoesOreos1993x

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[BOOK TWO] Emma's not one to easily let down her guard, and for good reasons. But when Harry charms his way t... More

Chapter 1: Next Stop, London
Chapter 2: We Don't Bite
Chapter 3: Scares Me
Chapter 4: The Real Thing
Chapter 5: A Night To Remember
Chapter 6: Do You Trust Me?
Chapter 7: Guarded
Chapter 8: A Good Day
Chapter 9: Love Drunk
Chapter 10: Obviously... Friends.
Chapter 11: Welcome to Paris
Chapter 12: Maybe They Were Right
Chapter 13: Drowning
Chapter 15: Bullied
Chapter 16: I'm Tired
Chapter 17: Because It's True
Chapter 18: Ride The Wave
Chapter 19: Lucky
Chapter 20: Does He Know
Chapter 21: Goodbye
Chapter 22: Are You Ready
Chapter 23: Testifying
Chapter 24: Conviction
Chapter 25: Can't Do This
Chapter 26: What Do You Want
Chapter 27: Nothing
Chapter 28: Stay With Me
Chapter 29: Mine. Yours.

Chapter 14: New Best Friend

150 6 2
By xPotatoesOreos1993x

December; the girl's winter break.


Despite my height, I found myself craning my neck over the groups of people, my eyes eagerly searching for the familiar faces of three American girls who have become like family to me. It had been over a three months since we had all been together. Niall had flown in to LA in November to see Natalie for her birthday, but the rest of us had stayed in London. And even though I had talked to Emma yesterday, I was becoming impatient. I wanted to see her now. I had missed her terribly. Thankfully I had convinced her to Face-Time me a couple of times because I think I would have gone mental if I hadn't been able to see her in something besides a picture the entire time we have been apart.

"There they are! I see them up ahead!" the excited Irish lad yelled as he took off into the groups of people.

I let my gaze follow him to try and find out where he had seen the trio. About eight meters ahead, Natalie dropped her bags and began running towards Niall only to be swept off her feet and spun around multiple times in his arms.

"Niall, I've missed you so much!" I heard Natalie exclaim joyously.

"I missed you way more, princess," Niall chuckled, the largest smile I had ever seen brightening up his face.

"Not possible," she said as she placed a kiss on his lips.

"Oh it most certainly is possible," Niall whispered against hers, pulling away from the kiss for only a mere second.

"Yay, PDA!" Emma exclaimed sarcastically as she walked past the couple.

I walked towards Emma, causing her to stop in her tracks. "You know, we could make it a competition," I joked.

"I'm not into those kinds of competitions, Harry," Emma rolled her eyes.

"It was just a suggestion," I replied with a smirk.

"A bad one at that," she said as she walked around me and continued on her way.

"Where are you going?" I asked, easily catching up and walking along beside her.

"To baggage claim, where else?" she said giving me a sideways glance.

"The loo, a fast food place, a cafe, there are a few more options than you realized," I smirked.

"Okay, smart ass," Emma huffed.

"I didn't know arses could be smart."

"Shut it, Styles," Emma told me off. So I shut up, because she actually sounded irritated.

Emma stood and patiently waited for her duffle bag to appear on the conveyor belt, grabbing it as soon as she could. When she turned around I noticed how tired she looked, but it wasn't from lack of sleep, though I'm sure that was a factor. She just looked drained of all life; her eyes were dull and had dark circles under them. She also moved slowly and didn't really care if it bothered others. I asked her if she was okay, but she just shrugged it off, didn't even say a word.

"Is Emma okay?" I asked Natalie when we were making our way to the cars.

"I'm not really sure, she's been like this for a while." Natalie gave me a sad smile.

"She has? Why hasn't she talked to me about it?" I mused out loud.

"Because she doesn't talk to anyone except Justin," Anna added.

"Justin?" I tilted my head to the side in curiosity.

"A long time friend of hers. He's been there for her since the beginning," Anna vaguely explained.

"The beginning of what?" I asked feeling left out since I seemed to be the only one who didn't understand what they were talking about.

"Oh hey, look! There's snow!" Anna said, running out of the doors of the airport building, easily avoiding my question.

"It's snowing?" Natalie asked, her skin instantly paling.

"Yeah, it has been off and on for the past couple of days," Niall answered as he placed a kiss on her temple. "Is everything okay, love?"

"Peachy, just peachy," Natalie whispered.

Niall watched Natalie, puzzled by her answer. He accepted it anyways because he was just so happy to be with her again, but I could tell that it still bothered him. I looked to where Emma was walking along the edges of our massive group. She had ear buds in and was listening to music, quietly singing along under her breath. The cold winter air of London didn't faze her as we walked outside and I still found it amusing for whatever reason even after all this time.

When we got back to the flats Louis started a snowball fight the instant we had clambered out of the two cars. I was kind of glad he did it because it brought Emma out of her zombie state for a little while and afterwards I got to cuddle her a bit as we all sat in front of Zayn's fireplace. It didn't last for long but it was something at least. The next few days were packed with snowball fights and other fun things and all was great until about the third day. That's when Natalie took a turn for the worse.

"Natalie, babe I need you to wake up!" I faintly heard Niall say from my spot on the couch one afternoon.

I was playing FIFA with Lou and Zayn. I paused the game, listening for Niall to speak again.

"What are you doing? You can't just quit coz you're -"

"Shut up, Lou, I'm listening," I cut Louis off.

"Come on, Natalie. Wake up princess," I heard Niall say, his voice still faint.

"What do you think is going on?" I asked them as I stood up.

"I think you're hearing things mate," Zayn told me, giving me a sympathetic look.

"I'm not, I swear. Anna, Emma, could you come here for a second?" I called to the kitchen. A few seconds later the two appeared and I lead everyone to Niall's bedroom door.

Emma knocked softly on the door and shared the door way with Anna. The other lads and I huddled behind them, trying to see what was happening.

"She won't wake up!" Niall cried, his eyes red from the tears that fell down his cheeks.

We all looked over at Natalie who seemed to be sleeping soundly. I wondered why Niall would want to wake her up so desperately if she was sleeping peacefully. My question was answered when Natalie cried out in her sleep as if she were in pain. Then she nearly gave us all a heart attack when she woke up and started screaming at Niall. The poor lad didn't know what to do, he just tried his best to comfort her. Thankfully Anna quickly came to her senses and went over to help him. Emma quickly ushered us out into the living room so Anna could focus on helping Niall take care of Natalie.

I watched Emma as she sat in a corner of one of the couches with her knees pulled up to her chest. She was biting nervously on her lower lip and was staring off into space; one of the signs that I realized meant that she wasn't doing okay. I sat down beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Her muscles tensed under my touch.

"She'll be okay, right?" I asked Emma.

"I dunno," she whispered almost inaudibly.

"I believe that she will be. She's a strong girl."

"Yeah," Emma whispered again.

"Come on, everything will be okay. What can I do to make you cheer up?"

"Nothing, you can do nothing. I just want to be left alone right now."

"Well too bad for you because there's nothing else I'd rather be doing than sitting right here and comforting you."

"You're an idiot," she said, closing her eyes and inhaling deeply, her muscles only then relaxing.

"Quite possibly," I murmured.

"Oh, it is very true."

"Says you," I said sticking my tongue out like a little child.

"Idiot," Emma mumbled.

"Yeah, I am," I said as I pulled Emma into a partially awkward hug.

"Thanks for distracting me," she told me quietly.

"It was no problem, kitten," I replied.

I fought the urge to turn my head and kiss her on her temple. Instead I just squeezed her tighter for a few seconds then unwillingly let her go. Emma slowly stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. After a couple of minutes had passed I heard a bit of noise being made and it didn't sound good, so I got up to investigate. I peered in through the doorway and was shocked by what I saw. Emma was sat on the floor in a puddle of hot water, with her left hand clamped on her right wrist and pieces of a broken mug in front of her. A few tears were litered on her cheek bones.

"Emma! What happened?" I asked frantically as I carefully scooped her up in my arms.

"I was trying to make some tea," she whimpered. "I missed the cup and accidentally poured the hot water on my arm."

"Oh, kitten," I cooed as I walked to Emma's room. "Here, let's get you into some dry clothes."

"I can dress myself, Harry," Emma quickly said, her body tensing in my arms.

"Okay, you dress yourself and then I'll bandage your arm," I told her while I set her down on the bed.

"You'll have to wait outside."

"I know," I said, giving her a small smile before I walked out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind me.

A few minutes later Emma opened up her door and came out wearing a different pair of sweatpants and a loose fitted Mumford and Sons band tee. Her scalded wrist was already a bright red. Taking her uninjured hand, I led Emma to the bathroom and dug out Niall's first aid kit. Emma hissed at the burn cream that I applied to her wrist, but continued to let me apply it generously before wrapping it with some gauze.

"There you go, all better now. Do you have burns anywhere else from sitting in the water?" I asked as I gently squeezed her hand.

"No, it was just on my wrist. Thank you, Haz, it feels much better now," Emma told me quietly.

"You're welcome," I replied as I stood up from my kneeling position.

I helped Emma stand seeing as I was still holding on to her hand. She kind of just looked at our entwined hands for a second before she gently pulled hers away. It hurt me when she did that, but I have to be understanding. Emma only likes me as a friend, and I can't force my feelings onto her. That would be inconsiderate of me.

I'm still really grateful that she didn't stop talking to me when she found out that I like her. I don't know what I would've done if she had. But it still hurts because the more I get to know her, and the more time I spend with her I can't help but like her even more, and it's got me wondering. When does caring for someone turn in to loving someone? Because I'm not sure if saying 'l like her as more than a friend' explains how I really feel about her anymore.

When Emma is upset, I'm upset. When she's smiling, I'm smiling. She laughs and I will be laughing along with her. If she cries, I'm sure that I will too. Her happiness is all that I want for her when she is sad, but that seems to be occurring more lately. Something is bothering her and I've tried to talk to her but she won't let her guard down.

I remember one summer morning when I overheard Emma singing 'This' while she was making breakfast. Maybe it's time I have the ginger stop by and introduce himself...


Despite Harry being in the kitchen making lunch for us, I refused to believe that he was leaving it up to me to answer the door when someone began to knock on it loudly. I ignored it and continued to watch Thor on Harry's big flat screen.

"Hey Em, will you go see who's at the door?" Harry called from the kitchen's doorway.

"I didn't hear anything," I lied with a straight face, having decided to be stubborn, not wanting to leave the comfiest couch my butt has ever sat on.

"Just go look!" he persisted.

"Fine!" I yelled back, finally standing up from the couch and made my way to the front door. "But I don't know why I had to if you were standing right there doing nothing related to cooking!"

"Someone's in a mood," he said loud enough for me to hear.

"Someone was comfy on the couch," I said grouchily as I opened the door.

"I'm sorry to have disturbed your being comfy on the comfiest couch in the entire planet," Ed Sheeran greeted me with an amused look on his face.

"How did you... I didn't even say that out loud," I mumbled before my brain finally caught up with the sight in front of me. "Oh my god... You're.. okay, yup. This is happening," I said quietly as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Ed! I'm so glad you could make it, mate!" Harry greeted the ginger excitedly as he approached the entryway where we were standing.

"Yeah, it's been a while. This lovely young lady must be Emma. I've heard quite a bit about you," Ed said with an amused smile as he turned back to me.

What. Just, what? Edward Sheeran knows my name. Harry has been talking to him about me. What has he been saying? What have they both been saying? Granted, I don't think Ed could have said anything bad, he doesn't know me... but that's beside the point. What has that cute, curly haired boy been telling the Ginger Jesus? I must find out...

"Oh, you have? Please do share," I said in a voice that was much steadier than I thought it would be.

"He can't do that. The lad has been sworn to secrecy," Harry said quickly.

"Not yet I haven't been," Ed winked at me.

"You've just been sworn to secrecy," Harry glared at Ed.

"Wow, Harry. Keeping secrets, now are you?" I teased him.

"Yes, I am actually. Now why don't we all head to the living room so Ed doesn't have to stand in the hall anymore."

"Right, yeah, sorry about that," I said as I opened the door wider and stepped aside so Ed could come in.

"Whatever you're trying to cook is burning, mate," Ed chuckled.

"Shit," Harry said under his breath as he took off for the kitchen.

"Well that's a first," I commented.

"What? Harry swearing?" I nodded my head. "He's pissed 'coz he was trying to impress you with his cooking skills.

I laughed softly before Ed introduced himself. "Now that Curly is gone we can formally introduce ourselves. Hello, my name is Ed," he smiled kindly as he held out his hand.

"Hello, I'm Emma," I replied as I shook his calloused hand. "Has he really talked about me?" I wondered out loud.

"He has, he's told me nearly everything he knows about you. My guess is that he invited me over to see if I can squeeze some new information out of you," Ed smiled earnestly. I laughed at his reply and we walked into the living room together.

As we sat there waiting for Harry, I unpaused Thor and Ed and I got to talking. Now, I don't know if it's because we seem to have a ungodly amount of things in common or if it's because he's ginger, but I have decided he is my new best friend, and therefore I have stolen him from Harry. Ed is mine now, in a non-creepy way... I hope Harry doesn't mind. When he finally joined us I broke the news to him, and he kind of took it in a weird way.

"Harry, I'm sorry to say this but Ed is no longer your best friend," I smiled.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked as he sat down in one of his chairs.

"I mean that he's my best friend now," I smirked a little.

"How can he be your best friend? You met him like ten minutes ago," Harry pointed out as he crossed his arms across his chest, and his eyebrows pulled together.

I looked to my right at Ed and since he already knew about my love for gingers, smiled at me, already having guessed what I was about to say.

"Ginge," we said simultaneously, making me burst into laughter.

"What?" Harry asked, bewildered.

"It's the hair, mate. She digs my hair," Ed laughed along with me.

"But... the curls get the girls, not the ginge with the fringe!" he pouted before he stormed out of the living room.

I sobered up as I heard him slam his bedroom door. I had not expected Harry to act like that, and now I felt really bad. Glancing over at Ed, I saw my expression mirrored in his face.

"Somebody can't take a joke?" I said hesitantly.

"No, somebody can't understand how you can so easily warm up to me and not to him," Ed reworded.

"Oh," I said quietly, casting my gaze down to my feet.

"Do you mind explaining why to me?" Ed asked softly. "I promise not to tell Harry."

"It's... it's complicated," I whispered as I fiddled with my fingers.

"Explain to me what you can."

"Well... it's like this; I don't trust easily; especially guys, and it's even worse if I like a guy."

"Is there a reason why?" Ed asked sadly.

"Yes, but that's what makes things so complicated."

"Okay, go on."

"I want to trust Harry, and some days I do even though I know I shouldn't. But I can't let myself get to close to him."

"Why?" Ed asked, confused.

"Because I'm not entirely sure on my feelings for Harry and it's for his own good that we don't date."

"How come?"

"I can't explain, not now. Not when he could overhear me. He could have overheard more than enough from what I've already told you. Maybe I'll finish explaining to you over tea some time."

"Okay, but I think Harry deserves to know how you feel about him once you've sorted it all out, and he also deserves your trust. He's a good guy and he'll never do anything to purposely hurt you. I won't tell him what you've told me because I've promised you, but also because it's something that you need to do, not me."

"Thank you, Ed," I said, giving him a tiny smile.

"You're welcome, Emma. I'm going to go. Tell Harry I'll see him tomorrow," Ed said as he stood up.

"I will," I said, joining him.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Emma. I will certainly be taking you up on that offer of getting tea sometime. I would like to keep in touch with my new best friend," he smiled.

"Most certainly," I giggled.

"Good bye, Emma," he said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Good bye, Ed," I replied, hugging him back.

After Ed left, I hesitantly made my way to Harry's room. I stood outside of his door for a solid five minutes before I gently rapped my knuckles on his door. I winced at the small amount of pain in my wrist, but ignored it as I knocked once more. When I still didn't receive an answer, I became a little worried. He couldn't be that mad at me could he?

I was startled when the door behind me opened and shut. I spun around and came face to face with Harry. He had been in the bathroom. Light tear stains covered his cheeks, and I gasped at the sight.

"Harry, why were you crying?" I asked, immediately reaching out and grabbing his hand.

He looked down at our hands and then at me before he slowly pulled his hand out of my grasp. Just like I had done to him yesterday. It felt like someone was stabbing at my heart with a needle, and wouldn't stop no matter how much I begged.

"Haz..." I whispered, searching his blood shot eyes for answers that he wouldn't give me.

"Why don't you go talk to your new best friend? I'm sure you'd rather talk to him than me," Harry spat at me under his breath, making it hard to catch what he was saying.

Before I could even respond, Harry rubbed at his nose with his jumper sleeve and walked back into his room, sniffling. He shut the door, which any normal person would have taken as a cue to leave but I'm not normal.

"Harry, talk to me," I said as I knocked on his door again.

"Go away," he mumbled from behind the wood.

"No. Not until you talk to me."

"I don't want to talk to you."

"W-what?" I asked dumbfounded.

Harry opened his door and looked me square in the eye, "I said I don't want to talk to you."

And then he shut the door in my face, again.

I stood there trying to comprehend what the hell just happened, but I couldn't. Not when I could hear Harry crying right behind the door I was standing in front of. Not when I couldn't believe his words. Not when I couldn't believe that he didn't want to talk to me.

Harry had always wanted to talk to me. What had made him change his mind? Was it me?

"But... I wanted to talk to you," I spoke a little bit louder than a whisper before I turned and headed for the front door.

I was half way down the hallway when I heard his bedroom door creak open.

"Emma, wait," Harry choked out.

So I waited.

A/N: So just to clarify the note about the December thing, I'm just letting you know how much time has passed. Since the last chapter took place end of July/ early August. The whole time gap probably would make more sense if you have read my first book 'Running Into Destiny' because you'll know that the boys and girls were going to Natalie's family's island at the end of August, I didn't really feel like recaping that chapter as well as one of the other chapters....... yeah it would make more sense if you had read my first book, but it's okay if you haven't. 

and sorry if I just totally confused you there...

Also, I know it might seem totally just... childish? carrot-ish? whatever, to bring Ed into the story, but I really love the guy and felt it had to be done. So I at least hope I did it in a decent sort of way.

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