Prophecy of Power. Sequel to...

By Doccubus21

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Sequel to Primal Urges. Can Bo and Lauren deal with the emotional and physical consequences facing them after... More

Prophecy of Power. Chapters 1-10.
Prophecy or Power Chapters 11-20.
Prophecy of Power. Chapters 21-30.
Prophecy of Power. Chapters 41-51. Complete.

Prophecy of Power. Chapters 31-40.

2.5K 21 6
By Doccubus21

Chapter 31

Kenzi makes her way over to the storage room door, giving it a gentle knock, before calling out to the occupants within. "Hey Bo Bo, Hot Pants, wakey wakey, rise and shine. This ain't no sleep over, there's shit that needs dealing with and as much as I love The Dal, I do wanna get home to the crack shack sooner rather than later." She hears Bo mumble, something about Kenzi being worse than her mother, as hurried footsteps make their way towards the door. It opens a small distance as the obviously still naked succubus pokes her head into the small gap to talk to her best friend.

"Is everything okay Kenz?" Bo asks, running a hand through her mussed hair.

"Umm... first of all, which mother where you referring me to be worse than? Your religious freaky "sex is dirty," human mum or your psycho succubus mum who bashed your skull in a couple of hours ago?" Bo grimaces at the Russians words.

"Sorry Kenz, you weren't meant to hear that, I'll wake Lauren up and we will be out soon."

"Bo, I feel we should try to deal with this Aoife situation. I mean I know she' know crazy, but having her chained up again, can't be making her feel any better about her blood relatives right now," Kenzi says, her eyes serious.

"She's chained up? Why?" Bo responds, confusion crossing her features.

"You really haven't talked at all while you've been in there, have you? God my little skankubus, get dressed so I can fill you in on what happened after your mum threw you into the wall, cracking your head open like a walnut." The goth girl retorts, as she shakes her head as Bo blushes and flashes her an indulgent smile.

"We will be out in a few minutes, pour us a couple of shots, okay. And don't worry.. I'll keep my hands to myself, I won't even watch Lauren get dressed," Bo says, as she sees what her friend was about to say, knowing that the succubus had very little restraint around the doctor lately.

"You better only be a few minutes, Bo, I have seen how little resistance you have for Lauren these days and usually, I would just let you have at it. But we need to take care of this Aoife situation now."

"I promise," the succubus responds, kissing Kenzi quickly on the forehead before closing the door.

Bo crosses the room, moving along the side of the table, stopping beside the peacefully sleeping doctor, she leans in and kisses her chastely on the lips before stepping back. "Lauren, wake up. Warden Kenzi wants us out of here, pronto." The blondes eyes flutter open at the brunettes words, she groans and stretches out her limbs and arches her back. Bo suppresses a moan, as she watches her girlfriend stretch and turns away from her as her hunger to ravage Lauren again makes her skin flood with heat. She quickly heads towards her untidy pile of clothes in the corner and begins to dress hastily.

"Are you sure you don't want to just stay in here a little longer," Lauren asks, sitting up and moving towards the edge of the table and sitting on the edge as she watches the brunette throwing her clothes on in haste with her back to her. "Bo? Are you okay?"

"Please get dressed Lauren," the succubus says breathlessly, without turning around. Lauren frowns slightly, but jumps off the table and heads towards the door and her neatly folded pile of clothing. Lauren observes that even though Bo has completely dressed, except for her leather jacket which is still bundled on the table, she continues to face the wall. Several minutes pass and the blonde is just finishing buttoning her blue shirt, when Bo breaks the silence, "Are you fully dressed?"

"Yes," Lauren responds softly. "What's wrong Bo?" The succubus turns towards the doctor her expression unreadable, eyes downcast, looking at her shuffling feet. Lauren crosses the distance quickly as her body is awash with feelings that aren't hers, she feels shame and frustration with a touch of guilt mixed in, very familiar emotions for the succubus. "Bo?" The blonde places her hands on the brunette's face, forcing Bo to look her in the eye. "Is it what I said, I'm sorry, it was selfish of me to want to stay in here, when your mother is outside chained up."

"It's not that," Bo responds, her fists clenching at her sides as she resists the urge to sweep Lauren into her arms, even as she leans into the doctors hand on her cheek.

"Then what is it, what have I done?" Lauren implores, confused by the contradictory actions of Bo leaning into her hand and the clenched fists at her sides.

"It's not you, it's me and my lack of control when I am around you! I just want to lose myself in you and let everything else just fall away." Lauren lowers her hand from Bo and takes a step away from her.

"And this is bad because... I want you just as much Bo, it is not one sided, you know. This bond we have, is all consuming. My desire for you burns throughout my entire being and by the way your mother reacted to me, my aura is blazing for the world to see. I will try to fix it okay, I'm sorry. I will find a way to break the bond."

Bo looks at the doctor, eyes ablaze. "Is that what you want? I mean did you notice the lack of broken furniture and still intact bottles of fae wine. You are obviously getting the telekinesis under control now, so why can't I control my urges. I'm sorry I did this too you. I wish this never happened." Lauren flinches at the succubus' words, causing Bo to balk and go over the words she just said. "Wait!, that didn't come out right."

"Lets just stop shall we, before we both start saying things... we don't mean," Lauren says, as anger begins to rise inside her. She pushes her walls up, schooling her face of all emotion and turns towards the heavy wooden door of the storage room, all of a sudden feeling the confines of the small room and wanting to get some distance between her and Bo. The succubus reaches out, clutching at the blondes arm, halting her movement towards the exit.

"Just wait...please. I love you..."

"But?" Lauren says, spinning around, her jaw clenching. The look in the doctors eyes scares the succubus as they penetrate and pierce her heart.

"But does this bond mean we can never be separated, it hurts when I'm away from you too long. You are all I think about half the time, it scares me." Bo's voice is soft, her eyes pleading for the doctor to calm down. Lauren knows Bo is not saying this to hurt her but her emotions are pummelling her now, her mind racing. They have jumped into this all consuming love affair, she let Bo in completely, she wishes for a second that she could go back to not feeling anything, it was less painful and complicated.

There is a knock at the door, before it is swept open with Kenzi covering her eyes. "I'm coming in ready or not...are you...What's going on? Bo? Hot Pants?" she says, lowering her hand and staring at the two women.

"I will find a way to sever the bond Bo, I wouldn't want to tie you down. Please let go of my arm, I'm going back to the compound," Lauren spits back.

"You can't leave, we are in lock down till we have sorted out the thing with Bo's mum," Kenzi says, her eyes wide.

The air is thick with emotion and it gives the goth goosebumps, she rubs her arms unconsciously. Lauren growls in frustration, "fine I'm going down to Tricks study then, I need to be alone." The doctors looks down at Bo's hand still gripping her forearm, before looking back up at the succubus. The brunette releases her grip on the doctors arm, instantly feeling the loss. She watches the blonde walk briskly away, leaving a shell shocked succubus and a very baffled and worried Kenzi in her wake.

Chapter 32

"Hi Lauren," Shani greets the blonde, as she emerges from the storage room, her jaw set and anger in her eyes.

"Oh hello Shani, I'm sorry, could you excuse me please," the doctor says. The sprite watches Lauren as she heads straight towards the door next to the bar, she is clearly upset, but Shani stays seated feeling that the doctor needs to be anywhere but here right now.

The captive fae on the floor however doesn't seem to care, as a smile creeps across her features at the blondes obvious agitation. The beautiful woman leans forward, her eyes sweeping their way up the doctors body before locking onto her face. "Trouble in paradise, blondie? You not satisfying my daughter enough?" She says in a goading tone.

Lauren glares at Aoife and sweeps her hand forward, shoving the succubus back to her position against the wall, hard. Ignoring the pain from the contact, the older succubus, just laughs enjoying the fact that she is getting under the doctors skin.

"Lauren?" This from Trick, his voice full of concern.

"Not now," the blonde responds throwing open the door and rushing down the stairs, flicking her wrist in the process slamming the door with a resounding bang behind her.


"Bo? What the hell? You were acting like a kid in a candy store fifteen minutes ago. What happened between then and now?" Kenzi watches as Bo closes her eyes and shakes her head.

"I don't know what just happened, I obviously said the wrong thing again. I seem to be really good at that. This is all new to me Kenzi, I have all these feelings inside me, it's overwhelming. It's like I am back to square one, in terms of controlling my urges."

"Start from the beginning, Bo Bo." Kenzi sees the half bottle of fae wine sitting on the floor and picks it up, having a few mouthfuls straight from the bottle.

"I woke Lauren up, she stretches her body when she wakes and I find myself struggling to not jump on her and...well you know. So I just had to look away from her and get dressed. She seems to be getting a handle on her new abilities, why am I struggling so much with my impulses. She says she wants me just as much, I don't know maybe because she is so good at concealing her emotions, it's not as obvious but I feel that it's just me. That it's my control that is lacking, my appetite for her seems insatiable, it hurts when I am away from her for too long, my heart aches..."

"Bo you are in love with her and the succubus part of you has obviously claimed Lauren in some way. That's why her body has altered it's chemistry to produce more yummy chi for you. We don't know enough about this bond, has it happened to others of your kind? Lauren will do her research thing and figure out what it means," Kenzi says trying to ease Bo's anxiety.

"I was just trying to tell her that these feelings are scary, and that I was sorry, that I wish that I hadn't done this to her, that it had never happened." Kenzi hisses, when she hears Bo's words. "That's when she got angry, started talking about figuring out a way to sever the bond. I don't want that, I just want to learn how to control myself and the compulsive need to be with her all the time. I think Lauren believes that I regret being with her, I don't, at all. Why do we find it so hard to talk to each other."

"If relationships were easy Bo, no one would ever break up or have arguments. She is probably just as frightened of what's happening, as you. The doc, probably still believes that she is not enough for you, because of what you are and what you need."

"I am not just a succubus, there is more to me than that. I still feel more human than fae," Bo fires back, her hands balling into fists.

"I know Bo Bo, and that is what makes this situation much more complicated," Kenzi responds softly, pulling the succubus into a hug. She feels the brunette's tension ease in the embrace. "I will go talk to Lauren, okay. You need to talk to your mum," she says pulling back, but keeping her hands on Bo's shoulders. "Are you okay? Can I fill you in on what happened, after your mum tossed you across The Dal like a rag doll."

"Yeah okay, thinking about something else, might help me focus a little better. Tell me," the brunette says, sitting up onto the table. The goth plonks herself on a couple of sturdy looking wooden crates, and leans against the wall.

"Okay, so mummy dearest tosses you aside to get to the yummy succubus snack, Lauren. Before she manages to get close enough, your now very pissed off girlfriend, tosses her across the room also, bringing her to her knees, I might add."

Bo's mouth is agape with awe, she smiles then at the thought of Lauren defending her. "Really that' and amazing," she adds quickly, when Kenzi rolls her eyes at the succubus.

"Focus succubum, while I am glad that Lauren has a means to protect herself now, that isn't the issue. Your girlfriend seems to be like a dangling carrot in front of a donkey, when in the vicinity of your species."

"I know my mum said something when she invaded Lauren's place the other week. She said that I had marked her, that her energy called to her but that Lauren was obviously mine. So I am hoping that if she comes into contact with any other succubi, they will know that Lauren is claimed and is therefore off the menu. We both know that my mum, isn't all there and has boundary issues." Bo looks at Kenzi, hoping that the goth girl agrees with her theory.

"Yeah that makes sense, good so we just have to keep your mum away from her, no harm no foul. Anyway moving on, she asked me to check on you and you were hurt bad, there was so much blood. I kind of freaked out but your girl as always, kept her cool and had me go down to Trick to get something to restrain her. He grabbed some chains and a little book. He read something from the book, some kind of incantation and bound her powers, then he chained her up. She was not happy about being locked up, she's been staring back daggers at Trick ever since. So you need to talk to your granddaddy and figure out what you are going to do about Aoife and I am going to go down to Trick's study and talk to Lauren." Kenzi watches Bo nod, but senses that Bo is not completely there with her right now. "Bo what is it?"

"Sorry Kenz, I was listening, I promise. I was just getting a read on what Lauren is feeling right now. She's still agitated but that seems to be secondary now. Lauren is worried, she is..." Bo gasps. "Shit Kenz, she's doubting my feelings for her, she thinks it may be just because of the bond, it's tearing her up inside. How do I prove to her that I already loved her before all of this?" The succubus looks at her friend in desperation.

They sit staring at each other for several minutes before an idea lights up the Russians features, bringing a look of hope to the forlorn brunette in front of her. "Lauren can feel your emotions too Bo, it's not one sided. She felt how upset you were when you fed from her in her lab. Don't you see, use the bond Bo. Think about how you felt about Hot Pants before all the darkness and evil Bo shit happened. Do that, and I'm going to head down there and talk to her. And you have to go out there and deal with your relatives." Kenzi smiles lovingly at her best friend. "Everything will be fine Bo, the Doc loves you just as much as I do, just in the sexy, I wanna see you naked way, other than the sisterly love I got for ya. It will all work out, I promise. Now get reminiscing because I want a less angry Lauren to talk to, she is kinda scary now, with her Jean Grey powers." The raven haired girl, kisses Bo on the cheek and squeezes her arms in reassurance before she heads out the door leaving the succubus alone with her thought and feelings.

Chapter 33


Kenzi made her way hesitantly down the steps towards Trick's study, uncertain at what she was going to find. She comes to a stop at the bottom, to Lauren sitting on the old antique couch, her elbows on her knees, her head resting in her hands. The blonde sensing another presence, looks up at the silent form of Kenzi. Lauren opens her mouth to speak, but is cut off before she can say anything to the young girl.

"Nuh uh Hot Pants, not a word, just listen!" Kenzi says, bravely approaching the now frowning doctor.

"Kenzi..." she starts, really not wanting to listen to the goth right now.

"Lauren, please..." This statement causes Lauren to sit up straighter, Kenzi rarely used her real name, tending to use her many nicknames for the doctor instead. The blonde leans back and closes her eyes and smiles slightly when she feels the couch shift as the raven haired girl sits next to her. "Lauren, do me a favour and focus on your bond with Bo for a moment." The doctor turns her head, and looks at the young girl sitting beside her, seeing her powder blue eyes looking back at her seriously, Lauren sighs and closes her eyes again and lets her barriers down. She is hit with a rush of emotions so intense and strong that she lets out a cry as they wash over her. Her mind and body is rocked with wave after wave of different feelings love, passion, trust, admiration, joy, acceptance. After several minutes the onslaught stops, leaving the blonde, gasping for breathe as tears slide down her cheeks.

"What was that?" Lauren asks, finally regaining the ability to speak.

"That Lauren, was Bo thinking of memories of you before the bond had even happened. Bo felt your doubt through the bond. This is her trying to squash that doubt; this is her showing you how much she loves you, bond or no bond."

"Why?" The blonde says.

"Huh, what do you mean," Kenzi says in confusion.

"I don't understand how someone as amazing as Bo, could possibly feel that much for me. She could have anyone. Why me?" Lauren says, feeling completely overwhelmed.

Kenzi looks at the doctor, she had never realised how insecure and vulnerable Lauren was underneath her cool and calm mask. "Well I can't really help you there Hot Pants, because I was not your biggest fan if you recall, before all this shit happened. If we are going to be completely honest, I spent most of my time trying to discourage Bo from pursuing you. So if anything that should help convince you just how much Bo loves you. She would always tell me that I didn't know what I was talking about when it came to you. It took all this Dark Bo stuff to open my eyes and see you the way she sees you."

"I know I overreacted up there, I don't have as much control on my emotions like I used to. I just can't believe that Bo loves me, it had always seemed like a pipe dream to have Bo wanting me and only me. She tells me the way she feels scares her and I automatically get defensive and lash out. These are my issues, not hers and I'm sorry that I took it out on her," Lauren says, giving Kenzi a small smile. "I will talk to her and apologise, this bond is scary, it scares me too. I really need to start researching it and figure out what it means."

"Yeah you really have been slacking on the science lately huh, spending too much time in coital bliss with Bo Bo," Kenzi says laughing and raising her eyebrows suggestively.

"Oh come on, she is pretty impossible to resist, Kenzi. And lets not forget that I almost got blown up," Lauren responds, punching the goth on the arm.

"Yeah okay, I know all about her magic vajayjay, I don't want to think about it. And as for you almost getting blown up, I'm really glad you weren't," Kenzi says with feeling. "Ahh you got me getting all touchy feely with you, lets get back to the matter at hand shall we, before we start crying and hugging or something. So you will talk to Bo and you will share your fears too. She thinks it's all her fault, and she feels like she is back at square one with her control issues. I think she is afraid that she could hurt you again, doc. I think her biggest fear is losing you, she never dreamed that she would find love because she thought she was a monster. You are the one who gave her answers about who she is and helped her see herself as someone with a future, you gave her hope. She still feels more human than fae, we need to nurture this part of her, because this is what makes Bo who she is."

"I know, and I promise that I will try to support Bo, in working through her control issues and try to learn more about the connection we have. Lets go back upstairs and see what sort of progress is being made."

"Okay, hopefully Bo and Trick have worked out what to do with mummy dearest," Kenzi says getting to her feet and leading the way back upstairs.


After spending about ten minutes thinking about Lauren, from when they first met, all the way through to their first time making love (she stopped before she got to the argument afterwards), she felt calmer and she felt that Lauren did too. The succubus smiles as she feels her confidence rising as she thinks that Lauren and her will be fine. They just have to start spending a bit more time talking to each other, instead of just losing themselves in the physical aspect of their relationship. She will tear down all of Lauren's walls, she would help the doctor to realise that she didn't have to be strong all the time, that it was okay to show her emotional vulnerable side even if it was just when the two of them were together. "Now it's time to deal with my mum," she thinks with new found apprehension.

Bo grabs her jacket off the table and shrugs it onto her shoulders, she can smell Lauren's scent on the jacket, she inhales deeply taking in the unique smell before heading out the door and bracing herself for what is to come.

The brunette sees Shani sitting at the bar with a nearly empty bottle of vodka, and decides to grab a drink before the sprite polishes off the clear spirit all by herself.

"Could you pour me one of those, before you finish the whole bottle," Bo says, as she slides onto the barstool next to the platinum blonde.

"Hey now, little Kenzi had already finished half of it before I got started, I swear," Shani responds with a giggle as she pours a shot for the succubus.

"Not that I mind but what are you still doing here?" Bo asks hoping she doesn't sound rude.

"Oh that was Kenzi's fault too, she accidentally told me who, the chained up woman on the floor was," the sprite says with a shrug of her shoulders. Bo downed the shot and holds the glass out for another, which the other fae does obligingly.

"Bo?" The succubus spins around in her seat at the sound of her name, and looks at the small man as he approaches her.

"Sorry Trick, I was just having a couple of drinks, liquid courage, you know, before I talk to Aoife." The small fae waves the comment off, "would you both like to join me at the table so we can discuss the options we have for getting this mess sorted out." Shani looks at the bartender in surprise at being invited to be included in whatever was going on. He notice's and smiles at the beautiful fae, "Lauren told me how instrumental you were in bringing my granddaughter back to us." Bo looks across at Shani fondly flashing her a huge grin, making the sprite blush.

"It was nothing," She responds humbly.

"I doubt that very much, the doctor isn't the type to exaggerate, so thank you," He says again.

"Your welcome, Bo is a very special woman, I look forward to getting to know her better." Shani smiles back at the succubus and at Trick. "I would be honoured to join you, and will offer any help that I can," She says, grabbing the bottle and the two shot glasses, and heads towards the table that Trick had been sitting previously.

Bo jumps down, to join the sprite, when Trick grabs her wrist halting her progress, she looks down questioningly at her grandfather. "Is everything okay with you and Lauren, Bo?" Trick asks, concern in his eyes.

"It will be Trick, we just had a misunderstanding. Come on, let's do this." Bo pats the ancient fae on the back and heads to the table, risking a glance at her mother when she does. The older succubus watches Bo with an unreadable expression that causes her to shiver. "Are you okay?" she asks, taking in the chains on her hands and feet. Bo had only been chained up for a few days and had absolutely hated it, she couldn't imagine enduring it for hundreds of years, she shivers again as she sits down, facing her mother.

"Yeah I'm just fine sweetie, it's not like I haven't been chained up before," she spits back. Aoife grimaces at the pain she sees flash across her daughters face. "Sorry honey, I didn't mean to snap, besides I should be asking if you are alright. I apologise for hurting you, I am a bit hungry and I haven't really had to abstain from feeding and taking what I want since I escaped from captivity. I don't think your girlfriend likes me very much," she remarks, unable to hide a smirk.

Bo glares at the infuriating woman, "I warned you about touching her, she's mine you said it yourself, so just stop trying to start trouble."

"Bo, you are a succubus, we are not meant to be monogamous, just take what you need from her and move on. Surely you can do better than that human, case and point that lovely fae, sitting across from Trick," Aoife says, gesturing at Shani, her chains clinking together. "She's lovely and has a very vibrant aura which flares brighter when she looks at you, she likes you," she says in a conspirational whisper.

"You gave up your right to give me advice when you gave me away," Bo retorts, her anger rising at her mothers disregard of Lauren. "I love Lauren, and I don't give a shit if I am not acting like a good little succubus and fucking everything in sight," Bo says louder than intended, she notices that Trick and Shani have stopped talking amongst themselves and are now looking a her and her mother.

"Bo, I am only trying to help. With all the rumours about you being the chosen one, the fae are going to be watching you closely and you know the laws when it comes to human/fae relationships." Aoife watches as her words have the effect that she was hoping for.

"What are you talking about?" Bo asks as her stomach clenches at the memory of Lauren talking about the prophecy and her being the chosen one, then her laughing at the doctor at the absurdity of it all.

"Aoife!" Trick chastises the chained women. "They are just rumours we don't even know if this prophecy exists."

"But there seem to be a lot of people, holding a lot of stock in these rumours, Trick," Lauren says from the door way, beside a wide eyed Kenzi.

"Well, well blondie, it looks like we agree on something," Aoife says to Lauren with a raised eyebrow and a look of surprise.

"We are getting off track," Tricks says. "One thing at a time." Bo gets up and crosses over to Lauren. Kenzi gives the succubus a playful shove as she passes her to join Trick and Shani at the table.

Bo smiles uncertainly at the doctor, her grin brightens when, Lauren gives her a shy smile of her own. "Are we okay?" the brunette says, softly.

Lauren gives the succubus a warm reassuring hug and whispers in her ear, "We will be." Bo leans back, to look into Lauren's warm pools of brown, before giving her a small chaste kiss on the lips. "Come on," the blonde says grabbing Bo's hand and leading her towards the others, they sit down across from each other their hands still entwined, Lauren forces her eyes away from Bo's to look at Trick. "So what? Are you going to write in your book?"

Chapter 34

"I am not going to write in my book unless, there is no other option," Trick says, answering the doctors question, keeping his gaze, firmly fixed on hers. "There are always repercussions when I use my power, it is like the rule of magic, whatever you send out into the world comes back three fold. But in the case of my power the after effects are never pleasant ones. No matter the good, I do with it."

Aoife lets out an anguished cry, "You gave me your oath that you would help me. You chain me up, using the excuse that you are protecting me from myself, what other fucking loop holes are you going to find, so that you can escape your obligations and responsibilities, father." The mature succubus strains at her bonds, letting out another enraged growl.

Ignoring the older succubus' ranting, Lauren keeps her focus on Trick. "Well whatever you are planning to do Trick, it needs to be sooner rather than later. I cannot be away from the compound for much longer. The Ash still expects me to get work done in my lab at home, he is going to notice if I am gone for too long," The doctor says, squeezing Bo's hand hoping that she doesn't get angry at her for talking about the Ash, knowing just how much she hates the idea of her being owned by anyone.

"I was hoping you could help me research the different types of fae that feed on the mind, I am hoping we can help Aoife get her sanity restored," the ancient fae says, eyes pleading with the brilliant physician. "Your knowledge of the fae could really help, Lauren."

"I can always do the research from home, I have a back up of the fae database on my personal laptop."

"You are not going anywhere, blondie. You will go straight to your master and tell him where I am. He will send a death squad for me and then I'm completely fucked, sanctuary or not they will wait me out and then I'm dead. I have not endured hundreds of years of torture, to be brought down by the Ash and his dog," Aoife spits out at the human, eyes full of malice.

Bo reacts to her mothers words violently, she leaps from her chair and lunges at the surprised succubus, smashing a fist into her face. Kenzi and Shani leap up from the table, approaching Bo quickly, trying to pull her off a shocked Aoife, as her daughter slams another fist into her face. Shani grabs the young enraged succubus around her waist and yanks her away, from Aoife who is curled into a ball, her chained hands held up protectively in front of her face.

"Nobody owns, Lauren," she screams, her eyes lit up neon, as Shani pulls her further away, Bo struggling against the sprites strong hold. Kenzi and Lauren both step in front of the angry succubus, blocking her view of the woman provoking her rage.

"Bo Bo, calm down it's okay, she's doing it on purpose. The bitch, loves drama and chaos, you know that. Just ignore her alright, this is what she wants," Kenzi says in a soothing but confident voice. The brunette's eyes return to their human brown colour, but she continues to struggle against Shani's vice like grip.

Lauren steps forward, and kisses Bo hard on the mouth, taking her face between her hands, stilling the succubus' struggle as she explores Bo mouth with her tongue. The succubus moans into Lauren's mouth as all her anger vanishes, being quickly replaced by passion and desire for the doctor, Bo reaches out and pulls the blonde towards her pressing their bodies together. The succubus growls in protest when Lauren breaks the kiss, resting her forehead against Bo's.

"Bo, go take a break in Tricks study," The doctor says, breathing hard and looking intensely into her lovers darks brown orbs.

"Only if you come with me," Bo says back, her hunger and need growing with the closeness of the blonde and the illuminating aura that is surrounding her. Lauren stands back as far as Bo will allow without her releasing her grip on the doctors hips. She looks over Bo's shoulder at Shani who is still gripping the brunette around the waist. She nods at the sprite, indicating that it is safe to release her hold on the young succubus. Shani reluctantly unclasps her hands from the iron grip and takes a step back. "Come with me," Bo says again, as her eyes flash with need, "please."

"Go on Hot Pants, take succubum downstairs. Give me your keys, I'll grab your laptop from your place and bring it here." The goth holds out her hand, waiting for the doctor to give her the key to her residence.

"And I will call Dyson and ask him to call The Ash, to request your help for a police matter, that should buy us some time," Trick mutters, as he makes his way across the bar to the old fashioned phone, picking it up. Lauren nods at Kenzi, handing her keys over to the thief.

"Okie Dokie peeps, I'll be back in a jiffy. Need anything else while I'm out running errands?"

"Actually Kenzi, if you could grab a couple of books, from the bookcase next to the tv, that would be really good. I'll write down their titles, they will be easy to find, the books are in alphabetical order," the blonde says, as she grabs a pen and paper from behind the bar, Bo reluctantly letting go of her.

"Of course they are in alphabetical order, Dr. OCD," Kenzi laughs, but is grateful that the doctor is so organised. "I'll bring us some food too, cause I'm starving." Lauren hands the piece of paper to Kenzi with a smile.

"I trust you can get onto the compound with out being seen?"

"How could you even ask me that, Dr. Doubty Pants. There is a reason I haven't done any jail time, I am that good," Kenzi replies, with a cocky, arrogant look. "I'll be back, you better go, Bo's looking a little antsy." Bo gives her friend a withering look, but grabs Lauren's hand and pulls her towards the stairs.

"Guess that just leaves you, me and dear old dad," Aoife says to the platinum blonde as she watches the two women head out of sight. The Sprite crosses the room again taking a seat close to the bound fae on the floor.

"So tell me about yourself," Shani says making conversation, eyes glinting with mischief. Aoife looks up at the beautiful sprite, a smile forming on her own lips.

"Well my daughters loss is my gain," the mature succubus purrs back, enjoying the attention the blonde is giving her.

Chapter 35


Bo led the blonde down the stairs into Tricks study by her hand. The brunette felt herself get calmer and calmer, with each second that passes. Bo still marvelled at the doctors ability to make her feel at ease and grounded. Lauren had always had a way of bringing a sense of order amongst all of her chaos and this time was no different. Though the succubus could also feels that Lauren was not as calm and relaxed as she was. Hoping to rectify that, Bo spins around wrapping her arms around the blonde, wanting to get the doctor out of her head and quite possibly out of her clothes again. The brunette claims Lauren's lips in a heated kiss, pulling her body closer. The blonde breaks the kiss after a moment, knowing that this is Bo's way of avoiding talking about the issues at hand. "Nice try Bo," Lauren exclaims, at the intense looking succubus in front of her, she takes a step away making it easier to think and form coherent thoughts.

The succubus raises her eyebrows in an expression of innocence, before responding to Lauren's comment. "What? I wasn't trying anything, get your mind out of the gutter, doctor," Bo watches, the blonde laugh quietly at the succubus' deflection.

"So you aren't trying to seduce me, so that we won't talk about what happened up there with Aoife, just now?" Bo sighs, knowing that the look on her girlfriends face meant that it wasn't going to happen the way she was imagining in her head moments ago.

"Fine you win! We will do the talking thing, but it won't be anywhere near as fun as the plans that were forming in my mind just now," the succubus says, leaning in and giving her lover another quick kiss on her luscious lips, before turning away from Lauren and taking a seat on the couch. The blonde follows and sits next to Bo, avoiding touching the alluring brunette, as her own body begins to betray her, wanting very much to make love to the succubus right here on this slightly uncomfortable antique settee. Bo watches as Lauren's aura flares brightly and chuckles at the doctors neutral expression, which is in complete contrast to the message that her aura is spelling out for the aroused succubus. "Lauren, you are not making it easy for me, your aura is glowing brighter than the sun, right now." Bo sits on her hands stopping the urge to reach out to the irresistible woman sitting beside her.

"Sorry," the blonde says, blushing in embarrassment at her own lack of control when it comes to the succubus and the things she wants to do with her. "See, I told you, it isn't just you that struggles with this bond, Bo. My aura will always betray the way I'm feeling, even if it doesn't show outwardly." The doctor reaches forward, cupping the brunette's cheek, "Never doubt the way I feel about you Bo. I need my mental barriers and my neutrality to deal with the fae I encounter day in and day out, but I can never hide from you, remember that. But you can't protect me from everyone Bo, are you going to attack everyone that insults me because of my humanity and my status with the fae world. Aoife is goading you on purpose, I can handle whatever she has to say about me, I've heard it all before Bo. Try not to let her get to you, that is what she wants. Besides I'm not entirely helpless now, I could hurt her if I really wanted to, so as much as I love your protectiveness, you need to ignore it. The more she sees it getting to you the more she will do it."

"I know you're right, but I can't help it, it makes me so angry. It's not just her, I hate the way my kind treats humans. I obviously won't go around attacking every fae that looks at you the wrong way or says something insulting, but this is my mum. She thinks I'm weak Lauren, because of my feelings for you, for humanity. She makes it so hard, I want to bond with the woman, but she disregards our connection, our love. And I know she has been through a lot and it has affected her mind, but Jesus, she is just so frustratingly horrible."

They are interrupted by Shani coming down the stairs, "Sorry guys, Trick asked me to grab a couple of books for him. I will try to be quick."

"It's fine Shani, but why didn't Trick come down, surely he would know where they are, more than you would," Bo asks.

The sprite laughs, eyes glittering playfully, "I think he was afraid of walking in on something."

"Oh," Bo responds, a blush heating her face at the thought of her grandfather walking in on her and Lauren. "How is my mum?" Shani looks in Bo's direction for a moment seeing the concern on her face before resuming her search for the book titles on the list. Lauren gets up to help the fae search, taking the piece of paper from her and finding one of the titles straight away.

"I've read it several times before," the doctor says, at Shani's look of amusement at the speed in which Lauren had found the book. "I'll find em, I recognise all of the titles," the blonde says, motioning Shani in the direction of the couch. The sprite sits next to Bo, eyes more serious than the succubus had ever seen them.

"You certainly did a number on her face Bo, I allowed her to feed a little to heal her injuries. I think she, respects you a little more if that means much. She is broken Bo, she told me that she didn't want to give you up, but it was for your own safety. I think she is trying to provoke and hurt you, because you make her question the decision she made to abandon you. But the hatred burns deep in her Bo, she wants to bring down the establishment, and I think she was hoping you would just fall into her arms and help her, no questions asked. She wasn't expecting the compassionate and caring woman, that she was confronted with. I think she was hoping to turn you against Lauren, so that she could gain some control over you."

"Yeah well that's not going to happen, the sooner she realises that the better," Bo says, in frustration. Lauren comes over with a pile of books heaped in her arms.

"Here you go, Shani. Let Trick know that we will be up shortly."

"No problems, thanks Lauren," the sprite responds, getting up from her position on the couch and taking the books from the blonde and making her way back upstairs.

"Bo, are you alright?" Lauren sits next to a frowning succubus, curling her arm around the brunette's shoulders, wanting to comfort her.

"Yeah I think so, I want to get to know her, Lauren. I have been wishing to find her, since I found out I was fae. But what was she protecting me from, or who, my father? Is my father, the dark king that held her captive for hundreds of years, was I the product of violence and torture. Is that why she abandoned me, because I would be a reminder of what happened to her?" Bo shivers at the thought, of how she may have been conceived.

"Only your mum can answer those questions, Bo. Lets try to get her well first, before you try to broach the subject of who your father is, Okay?" The succubus just nods in response feeling tired and sad all of a sudden, as she leans into the blonde, needing the comfort that Lauren always offers. "Are you ready to go back up?" the doctors asks, kissing the side of Bo's head.

"Could you just hold me for a bit longer?" the succubus asks, snuggling into the blonde a little more.

"Of course," Lauren responds, her heart aching for the now despondent and vulnerable succubus.

Chapter 36


"Are you ready to go back upstairs, Bo?" Lauren queries, the vulnerable succubus laying in the doctors lap, as she strokes her luscious brown locks soothingly. Bo turns over onto her back so that she can look up at Lauren with sad, conflicted eyes. She wanted so much to just take the doctor and Kenzi far away from here, to just escape from the constant chaos and discord that had been plaguing her constantly for the past few months, since becoming aware of the fae. The brunette sighs, as she gazes up into Lauren's concern filled brown eyes.

"If I have too," she says, pouting a little. All Bo wanted to do was stay wrapped up in her lovers warm embrace. She felt so safe and calm in the blondes presence, it was tempting to just bury herself deeper into that feeling and never come out again. "Kenzi will probably be back soon with your laptop and I know we need to figure this crap out, so that you can get back to the compound." The succubus frowns at the thought that Lauren would always be expected to return to The Light and the Ash and there was nothing Bo could do to about it. She then thinks about what Trick had said about The Ash owing Lauren a life debt, could she request her freedom from the fae because she had saved his life? A little glimmer of hope sprung to life within her at the thought of Lauren being free. The blonde notices and feels the influx of conflicting emotions resonating from the succubus.

"What is it?" the doctor questions, wanting to know what is causing the small slow smile now forming on her lips.

"Oh nothing much, I'm just enjoying my position here in your lap, and I am thinking that I would much rather have my wicked way with you, than deal with my mother," the succubus responds, feeling that bringing up The Ash and the doctors subjugation, was not a good idea at this time.

"Hmm." Lauren doesn't believe that this is what the brunette was thinking about, but decides to let it go. She leans down and claims Bo's lips with her own, kissing her thoroughly, causing the succubus to moan into the blondes mouth. Bo reaches up grabbing her behind her long slender neck pulling her mouth harder against her, plundering the doctors mouth with her tongue. The doctor grabs the hands clasping her around the neck peeling them away so that she can break the kiss before they both get completely lost within each other, they couldn't get distracted right now. There was just too much to get done, no matter how much Lauren wanted to just give into the succubus and let everything else fall away. Bo groans in protest when Lauren gathers enough strength to break away from her enchanting girlfriend.

"We really need to go back up there, Bo, we can't hide down here forever," Lauren says, to the frowning, disappointed brunette.

"I know... but you can't blame a girl for trying, right?" Bo responds, as she sits up from her position on the doctors lap, swinging her legs onto the floor. The blonde gets up, and stands in front of Bo, looking down into her now, shiny, playful dark eyes. She reaches out her hands, the succubus takes them, and laughs when Lauren pulls her up into an embrace, kissing her again. The doctor pulls away first, staying in control of the raging desire that is flooding through her body, making all of her nerve ending scream for more contact.

"Just know that this girl, is finding it extremely difficult not to take you up on that delicious proposition," the blonde says, giving her lover a huge grin. "Come on, before my resistance fails, you really do make it hard for me to think about anything else." Lauren grabs the brunette's hand and heads towards the stairs, her knees buckle slightly when Bo pulses her hand with a huge rush of desire, causing a tensing of the muscles at the blondes core. "Jesus Bo," she gasps, as she rips her hand from the succubus and flops on the stairs, as she tries to regain her faculties after her unexpected orgasm.

"Sorry Lauren, my control slipped, I was looking at your umm butt. Have I told you how great your ass looks in those jeans," Bo says, grimacing as she watches the blonde try to regain her composure. "I think it's best if we don't touch too much right now, I am having difficulty maintaining my control."

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea," Lauren replies with a chuckle. "I don't think, I will get much research done if you were to keep giving me orgasms just by holding my hand, It would be very distracting. Not to mention that I would probably just end up like a blob of jelly on the floor. Maybe you should go up first, I will be there in a minute, when my legs decide that they can hold me up again." The two women grin at each other for several minutes both thinking about what they would both rather be doing, before Bo kisses Lauren on her forehead, her hand caresses her cheek and pulses her again. Lauren groans as she is hit with another orgasm.

"I thought you might like another, it could be a while before I get to touch you again," Bo says with a playful laugh, as she passes by the panting blonde and heads up the stairs.


The thief couldn't believe her luck when she saw who was at the guards station at the front gate of the light fae compound. Julius was one of the nicer guards on the compound, he had always been polite when her and Bo had come the compound in order to visit Lauren in her lab. Kenzi knew the attractive muscle bound man had a huge crush on her best friend, which would also help her get to the docs residence with no effort on her part. She noticed that the other guard didn't look as friendly, but the young goth was confident that she would have no difficulties talking her way into the heavily fortified compound.

"Hey Julius, my man, how you doin?" She says, with her sweetest smile.

"Hello little Kenzi, where's Bo? I haven't seen her for a few weeks, since that night she had to get something from Dr. Lewis's place." Kenzi recovers quickly from the revelation that poor Julius was the one to be hit by Bo's whammy when she was stalking Lauren.

"Oh Bo and Lauren, sorry Dr. Lewis are helping Dyson with some police thing, but the doc needed her laptop, so you know the human pet gets to be the errand gal," Kenzi say with a roll of her eyes. The not so friendly guard, sort of snorts at the girls words, still eyeing her with suspicion. "She gave me her key, see. I won't be long, is it alright if I go on through. Dyson said I could get you to call him for conformation if I needed to."

"Oh no, that's alright, after the help you and Bo were for my sisters problem last month, I know you aren't an enemy of The Light. I will have to accompany you though," the fae says, almost like an apology. "Watch the gate Bruno, I'll be back in a few minutes." The big burly Bruno just grunts in reply, giving Kenzi another dirty look as she walks past him and into the compound...

Ten minutes later, Kenzi gives a small smirk to Bruno and a friendly wave to Julius, as she exits the compound through the front gate, with Hot Pants' laptop bag slung over her shoulder. "Now to pick up the pizza's, then back to the crazy, that is The Dal right now," she thinks to herself as she tosses the satchel onto the passenger seat, before gunning the mean machines engine and peeling away from the curb.

Chapter 37

Bo's phone chirped at her, just as she entered The Dal's main bar area. She pulls the phone from her jacket pocket, smiling as she reads the message, she sees displayed on the screen.

Kenzi: Hey sexubus, get off the doctor and open the door and let me in.

Bo chuckles to herself as she makes her way to the front door, if only Kenzi knew that the succubus had indeed gotten Lauren off... twice, just moments before. She opens the door with a smile, as she sees her BFF's arms laden with three pizza's and Lauren's laptop bag slung over her shoulder.

"Here Kenz, let me help," she says, unburdening the small girl of the pizzas, inhaling deeply as she does so, she groans, realising she is absolutely famished. "These smell amazing. I didn't realise how hungry I was until now. Come on, lets eat." Bo spins around and heads back inside, eager for a slice and maybe an ice cold beer to wash it down with. "Kenzi brought pizza," Bo announces to the room, noticing that Lauren has not graced them with her presence yet.

"Yo! Bo Bo, where's Hot Pants at?" Kenzi queries also noting that the doctor is absent.

"I'm right here, I was just grabbing a few extra books, that I thought might be useful," Lauren responds from the top of the stairs. "Oh Kenzi, I love you," the doctor says, as she crosses the room and places the two huge volumes she is carrying and placing them on the table, next to Trick. The blonde then turns around and heads straight for the boxes in Bo's arms, "I'm starving," she says, as she opens the lid of the top box and pulls out a slice of pepperoni pizza and taking a huge bite, she groans in contentment as she swallows and takes another bite.

Bo smiles at Lauren, watching her eat in gusto. "Well gee doctor, save some for the rest of us," she says, smirking as the blonde comes down from pizza heaven and notices that everyone is watching her with smiles of amusement.

"Sorry, but you wore me out earlier, a girls gotta refuel after being with you," the doctors says, in explanation and grabs the top box and heads for the table, her hand already inside, grabbing another piece. Kenzi laughs as Bo blushes at her lovers words, she slaps the succubus on the butt as she moves past and sits alongside Lauren. Bo heads around and sits across from her two favourite ladies, placing the other pizzas in the middle of the table. The succubus notices that she isn't feeling hungry any more and realises that it was Lauren's hunger that she had been feeling, not hers. She should have realised that it wasn't her that was ravenous, but Lauren, because the only thing she ever felt that hungry for was sex and the chi that accompanied it.

"Bo Bo, why aren't you eating? I thought you said you were starving." Kenzi asks, as she dives into the box for another slice.

"It wasn't me that was starving it was Lauren," Bo responds, feeling bad for not taking care of her human lovers needs. "I'm so sorry, Lauren." Bo looks over into the blondes warm chestnut coloured eyes.

"Bo, it's fine, really. I will just have to start carrying some power bars around with me. I'm fine," the doctors says again, to ease the succubus' mind.

"Are you sure, you're okay?"Bo says, opening her self up to their bond to see for herself. All the succubus feels is happiness and contentment through the bond, and relaxes a little as she continues to stare across the table at Lauren, who is shoving another piece of pizza into her mouth.

An hour later, everyone is sitting silently at the table, the only thing to be heard is the turning of pages and the gentle clacking sounds of Lauren typing on her laptop. It is Lauren that breaks the silence, as she addresses the small old fae at the other end of the table. "Trick, what about Dr. Patterson, she feeds off pain and suffering?"

"Yes, I thought about Margaret as well, but there are several problems with getting her involved. First is the fact that her and The Ash grew up together, we are harbouring a fugitive from The Light, from The Ash, but even if she would agreed to assist us and to keep it from her childhood friend, I don't think she would be able to help. I talked to her several days after she had had her session with Bo, and she said that she was still full from all of the guilt she had syphoned from her. That was only ten years worth of pain and guilt, it would take years for Margaret to relieve Aoife of hundreds of years worth of pain and torment. Every minute that passes is another minute closer to The Light finding out that she is here and insisting that I hand her over to them for her crimes." Trick shakes his head sadly, "I will not hand my daughter over to the Ash, Lauren, I won't."

"What about...oh never mind, I'm sure one of you would have already thought of that," Bo says, as an idea sprung to mind. Lauren had sensed the brunette's burst of excitement, before it was replace by an overwhelming sensation of self doubt.

"Tell us what you thought of , Bo," Lauren encourages gently, prodding the succubus to reveal her idea.

"Oh no I'm sure it's a stupid idea, really, I'll just leave it to the smart people in the room to figure this out," the brunette responds, in a self deprecating tone.

"Bo, please tell us what your idea was. I'm sure it's not stupid at all," the blonde prods again, saddened by the woman's low opinion of herself and her ability to offer helpful ideas.

Bo sighs and looks up into her girlfriends warm and encouraging eyes. Drawing strength from the blonde, she tells the quiet attentive people sitting around the table, the idea forming in her mind. "Well I was thinking about the trial that The Ash and The Morrigan had me undertake at the glass factory. More specifically, I was thinking about the second under-fae that I faced. He told me he was a pain eater that he could take away all of my pain, of course it meant dying, but what if they can do it with out killing. He was powerful, I would have let him do it, too. If I hadn't heard Kenzi yelling out to me, breaking the trance, I wouldn't be here right now." Bo sighs again, "as I said, it was a silly idea." The look on her lovers face however, tells her that she doesn't think it is a stupid idea at all. A small smile forms on her face as she watches the doctors eyes dance at the theory Bo had just voiced.

"See Bo Bo, I told you, you aren't just a pretty face and a killer bod, who can sex it up like nobodies business. You are totally smart too, you are the complete package, my friend. If I was into chicks, Lauren would totally have a fight on her hands," Kenzi says playfully, leaning across the table and squeezing the brunette's hand.

Bo laughs at the goths endearment, squeezing back. "Thanks Kenz. So this idea has some possibilities then?"

"Trick?" Lauren asks, pulling her gaze from Bo and fixing it on the thoughtful face of the Blood King.

"Well done Bo, this is something we should really look into. I do not know much about these fae, they are quite reclusive and secretive. I think I may have a seeker spell that would lead the way to finding one. I'll go find the book, this could be the answer Bo, I'm so proud of you." The look of pride on her grandfathers face made Bo's heart swell, she beamed back at the old man before looking back over to Lauren.

"Trick, would you mind if I took Aoife downstairs, she's been sitting on the floor for hours, surely we can make her a little more comfortable. You said yourself, that you have bound her powers, so I'm sure she wont give me any trouble. Aoife?" Shani says, looking over towards the mature succubus.

"I won't cause any more trouble, my ass is numb, it would be nice to sit in an actual chair." Aoife looks across at the sprite, a genuine smile forming as she admires the platinum blonde's beauty and compassion. "Thank you."

"Please don't make me regret this Aoife," Trick says in a serious tone. "She may need help getting down the stairs Shani, but be careful, she is still strong I only bound her compulsion abilities." He turns away, from the room full of women and heads towards his study in search of the spell.

Shani stands and heads over to Aoife and helps her up, the succubus shuffles forward towards the stairs, slightly hunched over, chains rattling. "It might be easier if I just carry you," the sprite says in a playful tone. She doesn't even wait for the older succubus to respond before sweeping her up into her arms and carrying her down the stone steps.

"I think Shani likes your mum, Bo Bo," Kenzi says wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"Oh come on Kenz, she's just being nice," Bo responds, unsure on how she would feel if the sprite did actually have a thing for her mum.

Lauren raises her eyebrow at her girlfriend as she watches the brunette, watching the sprite disappearing down into Tricks study with Aoife in her arms. The doctor shakes her head trying to dispel the light flickering feeling of jealousy spreading through her, at seeing the way Bo is looking at Shani. "She's an attractive woman, why wouldn't Bo look," she thinks to herself, hating her need to analyse every little minute detail of Bo's reaction towards other people. She never realised just how insecure she was. Lauren pushes the annoying thoughts away and looks down at her laptop again trying to occupy her over active imagination on something more constructive.

"So are you two up for a little fae hunt," Bo asks, bringing her attention back to the ladies sitting across from her.

"Hey why not, you know I'm always up for a an adventure, Bo Bo. How about you Hot Pants?" Kenzi asks, looking at the blonde, who is staring intently at her computer screen.

"Um I might stay here and see what I can find out about these under-fae, in Tricks library, and I have a couple of colleagues that might have some information," Lauren replies, not even glancing up as she starts reading some random stuff on her screen.

"Okay so while the doc here does the boring geeky research with books thing, we will bag and tag us a scary, ugly under-fae. Yay fun times had by all, I say," Kenzi responds with enthusiasm. "Besides I'm afraid if I spend too much time here I might start getting sick of the place, and I can't have that because this if where my free drinks for life, lives.

"Are you sure you don't want to tag along Lauren?" Bo questions, as she feels Lauren's walls go up, shutting her out. The doctor looks up at Bo, giving her a small smile.

"I'm sure Bo. I really shouldn't risk being seen, I'm supposed to be helping Dyson on a case remember. It would be best if I stay put, besides I would probably just get in the way, I'm much better at the research thing. Just be careful, both of you. I'm going to head downstairs as well, I will see you both when you get back." Bo and Kenzi watch the blonde grab her computer and disappear from view, leaving them alone.

"Okay, is it just me or was Hot Pants acting a little weird just now?" Kenzi says, drawing the succubus' attention away from the empty door way.

"Hmm yeah, I don't know Kenz, her walls kinda went up didn't they. I will talk to her later and ask her what's up."

Trick appears moments later, and walks the two friends through the spell and tells them that they should head to the glass factory and start their search from there. After being sure that the two women understand how to work the spell, Trick wishes them both luck and send them on their way, locking the door behind them.

Chapter 38


"Jeez Bo, you really take me to some lovely places sometimes," Kenzi mutters, as she trudges along beside the succubus, following the little floating orb of bright light.

After arriving at the glass factory, Bo had followed Trick's instructions and cast the seeking spell. A small glittering ball of light had manifested in front of the two women and had then started to makes it's way along the dirt road and down an embankment. The fae and human followed after their guiding light and had found themselves ankle deep in sludge, as they made their winding way through a maze of tunnels under the city. The tunnels were smelly, dirty and pitch black, the only light penetrating the darkness was the seeker orb, that cast ominous shadows across the slimy concrete walls of the tunnel.

"My boots are gonna be ruined Bo Bo, it took me months to pay for these babies, and now look at them, they are never going to be the same," the goth girl whined at the succubus again, sounding like she was on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry Kenz, it's not like I knew we would be ankle deep in... ah... whatever the stuff all over the floor is. I'll buy you a new pair of boots, okay," the brunette responds, trying to placate her friend. "Now lets pick up the pace a little, the seeker thing seems to be picking up speed. Come on." They move quicker though the grime infested pipe, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"This place is giving me the willies. I wish we had called Dyson and Hale now, or at least asked Shani to tag along." Kenzi was walking as close to the succubus as she could, without actually being inside her skin.

"What are you trying to say Kenz, you don't think I can take on whatever is down here?" Bo asks, feeling slightly offended by the Russian girls words.

"Oh don't get me wrong Bo Bo, you are totally bad ass, it's just...Shit what was that? Did you hear that?" Kenzi latches onto Bo's arm and brings them both to a halt. Bo pulls out her short sword from her belt, listening to the strange sounds echoing off the walls of the tunnels.

"We have to keep moving, or we will lose our light," Bo says, pulling Kenzi along. The sound of low menacing growls reverberate throughout the tunnel, causing both women to flinch.

"Bugger this, you go first succubitch, it's your mum we are trying to save by finding this thing."

"Oh real nice Kenz," Bo mutters, as she takes the lead, her muscles tensing ready for whatever is laying in wait ahead. They turn a corner, seeing an opening up ahead and two rather large creatures standing on all fours, either side of the opening. Bo stops and crouches down pulling the young girl down with her, placing a hand over her mouth before she can voice a protest. She motions in the direction of the dog like creatures, watching the goth girls eyes go wide as she sees them.

"Well fuck me, under fae guard dogs, that's just perfect. They look like the bloody skags from that game I play, you know the one, Borderlands," Kenzi whispers.

"Well whatever they are, I'm going to have to fight my way through them because my guess is that we have just arrived at the pain eaters residence. See, the seeker is just hovering over the doorway," Bo whispers back. "Give me your knife, I'm going in. Stay here Kenz. I mean it, don't move. If they take me down, just run, got it...Kenzi promise me."

Kenzi gazes at the determined succubus in the murky light coming from the room ahead, she just stares wide eyed at her best friend and only real family. The young thief places a gentle kiss on Bo's forehead before nodding in compliance at brunette's instructions. "Be careful and please don't die," Kenzi pleads in a hushed tone.

"I'll try not to," Bo says, giving her friend a huge smile, trying to calm her down. "Here goes nothing." The succubus lunges forwards moving fast, hoping to take the huge creatures by surprise. She holds Kenzi's knife by the blade, before throwing it hard at the dog on the left, nailing it in the head, the edge plunging all the way to the hilt. The beast crumples to the floor, without a sound. "One down, one to go," Bo thinks, as the other monster notices it's companions demise and locks it's glowing yellow eyes onto the approaching succubus. The beast lets out a loud growl, and bounds forward with remarkable speed before launching into the air, claws outstretched, huge mouth snarling, straight into the incoming succubus. It's claws rip into Bo's shoulders as it rides her down, her back and head hitting the concrete floor. Bo struggles with the beast her forearm between the beasts head and front legs, it's jaws snapping just inches from her face. Her other arm, clutching her short sword plunges in and out several times into the creatures side. The succubus uses the arm under it's head and shoves hard, giving her the opening she needs. Bo shoves the blade into the belly of the beast, all the way down to the hilt and yanks the sword down hard, slicing it open, blood and viscera pouring out onto the brunette trapped underneath. The under fae falls heavily onto the succubus, she rolls out from underneath the carcass, taking in huge gasps of air, before vomiting on the ground beside her. It hurts to breath, she realises that she must have several broken ribs, when the beast first pounced on her and the pain from the huge claw marks on her shoulders is excruciating. Tears stream down her face as she tries to get enough oxygen into her lungs, before she passes out.

"Bo Bo?" Kenzi squats down beside the battered form of her friend, blue eyes trying to see Bo's injuries, amongst all the blood and gore coating her front. "Bo? What can I do?" the girl pleas, at a loss on how to help her friend. The succubus looks up at the panicking Russian with neon blue eyes. "Oh," Kenzi gasps, realising what she needs to do. "Don't lose control Bo Bo, when I tell you to stop... you stop, got it." The brunette nods unable to speak. Kenzi kisses her best friend offering her the life essence she needs. After a minute the young girl taps the succubus on the shoulder and finally after several more seconds, Bo pulls herself away from the kiss and her friend, shuffling back several metres as she tries to reel in the monster inside her, fighting for control. The two women sit together in silence for several minutes both trying to get their breathing under control.

"Thanks Kenz," Bo whispers, as she gets up on shaky legs.

"No problemo Bo Bo. Are you healed enough to keep going, chica?"

"Yeah, I'll be alright. We have come too far to go back now," the brunette replies resolutely, determination written across her dirty and bloody features. "Lets go." Bo pulls Kenzi onto her feet, before turning towards the dead fae beside her. She bends down rolling the beast over and retrieves her sword from it's belly, wiping it's blade on the dead creature's thick fur, before depositing it back into her belt. They proceed silently towards the dim light up ahead, stopping in the doorway so that Bo can retrieve Kenzi's knife from the other dead fae. Bo hands the blade, handle first back to the Russian girl, before proceeding into the room.

The succubus spots the pain eater, sitting on it's knees in front of what appears to be some kind of alter. Bo strides forward and yanks the under fae up by his arms and slams him into the nearest wall, holding his arms at his side so that he can't can't get into her head. "Kenzi, the cuffs, put em on him!" She orders, as fresh pain erupts from her shoulders, a sheen of sweat forming on her brow, as her skin begins to heat up. The goth girl pulls out a pair of fluffy pink hand cuffs from her bag and carefully puts them on the restrained under fae. Bo look into the pain eaters eyes and is slightly taken aback by the fear she sees in them. "He's afraid of me," she thinks. Ignoring the twinge of guilt that she begins to feel at the way she has handled the creature in front of her, she speaks to it. "Don't struggle and you won't get hurt," she says. The brunette holds onto one of the pain eaters arms and leads the way back towards the glass factory. "I hope you can find the way out of here Kenzi, cause I'm not feeling so good, I think that those dog things claws may have been poisonous or something, I feel like shit. Grab that torch on the wall so that we can see where we are going," Bo says, pointing at the medieval fire lit torch hanging on the wall. "Now lets get out of here."

An hour later...

Kenzi pulls the mean machine out in front of the Dal as she hits call on her cell. The doctor picks up after a couple of rings. "Hot Pants, we are outside let us in. And get Shani, cause Bo's hurt and is going to need to be carried in. Hurry, she really isn't looking good." Kenzi turns around, looking into the back seat, the pain eater is sitting silently, cuffed hands resting in his lap, looking over at the slumped form of Bo in the passenger seat. She is sweating profusely, her face flushed, her breathing shallow. "If she dies, ugly, I will kill you myself," She says with a snarl, before opening the door and getting out and pushing her seat forward and motioning for the under fae to get out. The pain eater complies without a word, Kenzi holding her knife at her side and clutching his robed arm with her free hand. Shani and Lauren emerge from The Dal. The sprite opens the passenger side door and scoops the ill succubus into her arms and carries her into The Dal quickly. "Come on," the goth girl says, yanking on the pain eaters robe, moving him towards the entrance. The pain eaters eyes are fixed on Lauren's as he is pulled towards the door. The doctor stands motionless, as she listens to the under fae speaking to her telepathically, shock registering on her face a frown creasing her brow as she listens to the pain eaters silent pleas. "Come on Hot Pants, Bo needs you," Kenzi yells over her shoulder, confused as to why the doctor is just standing there and not hurrying to save her girlfriend.

The blonde, snaps out of her internal conversation with the pain eater to heed Kenzi's request. "Sorry Kenzi, I'm coming," she says, crossing the distance in seconds and entering The Dal and locking the door behind her.

Chapter 39

Lauren walks into Trick's study behind Kenzi and the terrified Pain Eater. The blondes eyes seek Bo as soon as she reaches the bottom of the steps. She has to look away when she sees Shani allowing Bo to feed from her. She pushes down the jealousy before it gets a chance to take complete hold of her.


The doctor looks back towards her beloved and the sound of her speaking her name in a weak breathless voice. She crosses the distance quickly, kneeling beside the couch where Bo lays, covered from head to toe in blood, her eyes bloodshot, her skin shiny with perspiration. The sprite is leaning heavily against the backrest, clearly depleted.

"I'm sorry Lauren, this is the third succubus feeding I have done in as many hours, I don't have any more to give," Shani says to the blonde, her voice barely above a whisper. Lauren looks at the washed out sprite, she is extremely pale and appears to be having trouble staying awake.

"Trick, where is your wine cellar? Does it have exposed earth?" The doctor asks the old barkeep, now worrying about both Bo and the clearly drained and exhausted sprite sitting along side her on the couch.

"It is through this door, and then it's the second door on the left down the hall, and it does have exposure. Why?... Oh of course, never mind, how could I let that slip my mind. Kenzi could you assist Shani into the cellar so that she can commune with the earth to regain her strength." Trick responds, though clearly struggling with his emotions as his granddaughter looks to be at deaths door and his daughter is looking on, clearly fighting her own conflicting emotions. Kenzi helps the Sprite up into a standing position before sliding an arm around her waist and placing Shani's arm across her shoulder supporting the fatigued fae as they slowly make their way towards the heavy oak door at the back of the room. The doctor refocuses on the fevered form of the young succubus, she pulls Bo's leather jacket down her shoulders, followed by her tattered bloody blouse exposing the almost completely healed puncture marks.

Lauren turns her head, eyes narrowed at the silent cuffed under fae, standing against the wall in the corner. It looks almost as if he is trying to hide, his eyes filled with fear. "It's the poison, isn't it? If she feeds some more, will the poison be purged...answer me, damn it!"

"I'm sorry! If I had known it was the chosen one trespassing in my territory, I would have called off my hounds. Please don't kill me, I didn't know. She should be able to heal fully with another feeding, if the Sprite had been at full strength the chosen would be healed. If I had known... I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me."

"Don't bother trying to get anything out of him Doc, he hasn't said a word, since we nabbed him," Kenzi says re-entering the room. "Shani says she will be fine in about twenty minutes."

"Bo doesn't have twenty minutes, several of the puncture marks were really close to her heart, that's how the poison has struck her down so quickly, her heart is pumping it through her body," Lauren retorts. "Trick, are your guest rooms down the same hall?"

"Yes, they are through any of the doors on the right."

"Okay, I will take Bo into one of the guest rooms and heal her. Trick do you still have the ingredients for the tea that Kenzi needed when she got sick from the foot soup?" Trick nods in response to the doctors question already moving to make the tea. Lauren looks down at Bo and cups her blood stained face with her hands and leans in kissing her gently on her dry lips. "Bo," the blonde whispers against her mouth before kissing her again, praying for a response. The succubus opens her mouth slightly, her tongue darting out, tasting Lauren's bottom lip. The doctor parts her lips, deepening the embrace as she feels her essence begin to leave her body and enter the brunette's still form beneath her. Bo's eyes open flashing blue, the blonde having accomplished what she needed in order to get the succubus conscious so that they can get to the guest room, breaks the contact. "Can you walk with my help Bo?" The succubus frowns for several seconds as if contemplating her girlfriends question seriously before nodding her head in the affirmative. "That's good baby, come on, then lets get you better," Lauren says, as she stands and then pulls at the succubus' arms and helping her stand. "Kenzi, does Bo have any spare clothes in the beast?"

"Yeah she has a gym bag in the trunk with some sweats and tanks. Want me to get them?" the goth girl responds eager to be of use. Lauren nods her head, as she and Bo head in the same direction Shani had gone through earlier. "What about ugly, can I just leave him?"

Lauren looks at the under fae, "Do we have to worry about you?" All the occupants in the room, look at the doctor as if she is insane, talking to the fae again after getting no response the first time she engaged with the pain eater, but they don't say a word as they watch the blonde curiously.

"I will stay here. I wish to help the chosen one in whatever way I can. You do not have to worry about or fear me, I give you my oath."

The doctor nods her head before saying, "go Kenzi, he will not cause any issues he gave me his oath."

"Um yeah okay Dr. Crazy Pants, you will be explaining this when you get back from saving my BFF's life, because I haven't heard this dude speak once," the Russian says emphatically, before heading for the stairs.

"Lauren the tea is ready," Tricks says, bringing the cup to Bo and placing it to her lips. "Drink Bo! It's not hot, but it doesn't taste very nice so try to keep it down, it will slow the poison and give you some strength." The succubus allows her grandfather to pour the vile tea into her mouth and she swallows it all, fighting the overwhelming urge to spit it out. "Good girl," the old fae says, eyes shining with pride at just how strong his granddaughter is. He steps forward opening the door for the two ladies, before moving back into his study and sitting heavily into his favourite chair.

Lauren opens the first door on the right revealing a simple but comfortable looking guest room. The blonde manages to get the succubus to the bed just before her legs buckle, Lauren's arms stop herself from falling onto the ill form laying haphazardly on the patchwork quilt covered bed. The doctor moves Bo over and then gets to work removing the brunette's blood stiffened clothes and tossing them onto the floor. She notices the fae shiver and places the spare blanket at the end of the bed over Bo and then removes her clothes and slides under the covers with her.

"Bo," Lauren whispers into the brunette's ear as she starts peppering kisses down her neck and along her jaw towards Bo's parted lips. The succubus' eyes flutter open, she blinks a few times to focus on the chestnut coloured eyes looking lovingly into her own.

"Lauren," Bo says, with a small smile. The blonde leans down and kisses her lover with a passion invoking kiss, guaranteed to ignite the succubus into feeding. The brunette moans into the doctors mouth, her arms moving up into Lauren's blonde tresses and pulling her tighter against her mouth. She begins to feed on the intoxicating and purely addictive essence of her one true love, as she continues to kiss Lauren furiously. Bo continues to feed until she feels her lover begin to sag, no longer able to hold herself up above the succubus' body, and she moans again as the blondes naked form joins completely with hers. Bo reverses the flow of the chi, and breathes some back into her lover. Lauren is hit with her first orgasm as the essence flows, flooding her with the most intense pleasure she has ever felt. She cries out burying her face into the crook of Bo's neck, as her core continues to pulse and twitch. The doctor feels her girlfriends shoulders moving up and down, and realises that Bo is laughing. Lauren raises herself up to look at the happy amused succubus, an eyebrow raised.

"What's so funny?" the blonde asks, feeling a little self conscious.

Bo cups her girlfriends face, "I love how your body responds to me. I haven't actually touched you yet and your aura is already bright enough to light up the whole city. Nobody heals me like you do, Lauren. You are a goddess and I love to bask in your light. It caresses me. You make me feel so loved and safe. Promise me that it will always be like this," the brunette says, with bright shining eyes.

"I promise Bo, you make me feel the same way," Lauren responds, brushing a gentle kiss to Bo's already kiss swollen lips. "So I take it you are feeling much better already," Lauren responds, moving as if to get up.

"Hey hey, where do you think you're going doctor? I am not done with you yet." Bo smiles at the blonde before gripping her forearms and flipping her over so that she is at her mercy beneath her. "I am going to need a bit more healing. It's better to be safe than sorry right," the succubus say suggestively, her hips grinding into the blonde underneath her.

Lauren groans as her hips move to meet Bo's craving more contact. "Bo..we have matters that need to be resolved, everyone is waiting" the doctors gasps, trying to fight her bodies impulses, she groans again losing all control as the succubus adds her fingers into the seduction.

"I'll try to be quick doctor, I promise," Bo says with a sly chuckle as she watches all of the fight go out of the blonde beneath her as she melts with the succubus' intimate touch.

Chapter 40

Lauren awakens from her light slumber to a knock at the door, followed by Kenzi's quiet voice coming from the other side. "Hey Dr. Feel Good, Bo's gym bag is by the door, can you get her up and dressed now the the earth has stopped shaking from the two of you sexing it up. We need to get moving on this, so the Ashhole doesn't get suspicious. So get your lazy asses up pronto."

The blonde slides out from her position in Bo arms, missing her lovers embrace almost immediately and crosses the short distance towards the door before speaking softly back to the goth on the other side. "Okay, we will be out soon. I will wake Bo up and get her cleaned up a bit, then we will be out."

"Put your clothes on before you wake her up sweet thing, because we both know the effect your lady parts have on Bobolicious and we don't have time, for you two to go for another round."

Lauren laughs quietly at Bo's loyal companions playful but truthful statement. "We will try to restrain ourselves Kenzi. Could you take the restraints off the Pain Eater, he really poses no threat to us, he feels bad about what happened to Bo." The doctor starts grabbing her clothes that are scattered over the floor and quickly begins putting the now wrinkled garments on.

"Okay doc, but if ugly tries something, he will get one of my grime encrusted boots kicking his ass," Kenzi mutters back, before turning on her heels and heading down the hall towards Tricks study.

The blonde grabs the gym bag from the hall and heads over towards the content sleeping form of her girlfriend. Bo always looked so innocent and trouble free when she slept and Lauren never got tired of watching the beautiful woman sleep, her heart swelling with love at the mere sight of the succubus. "I can't live without her, I am hers completely," she thinks to herself, as she leans over and brushes a lock of dark hair away from her lovers face and tucks it behind her ear before placing a kiss onto her cheek. "Bo, sweetheart, wake up. It's time to see if we can help your mum."

"Just a few more minutes, I'm having the most delicious dream," the succubus mumbles, as she opens her eyes sleepily, focusing on the blonde leaning over her. "Hmm never mind, the real version is so much better than the dream." Bo's smile grows wider, when she sees the doctor blush at her endearment. "You really don't see how beautifully stunning you are, do you?" the brunette asks, sitting up and reaching out cupping the blondes cheek. "I really wish you saw yourself the way I see you, Lauren," Bo says, before giving her a sweet but passionate kiss on the lips.

Lauren pulls away from the kiss first as she feels her desire for Bo rise, her body urging her to fall into the brunette's arms and losing herself in the embrace forever. The blonde bends down grabbing a pair of sweats and a tank from the gym bag Kenzi had grabbed from the car and yelps in surprise when Bo sneaks up behind her and grabs her ass, before sliding her arms around Lauren's waist and nuzzling her face into the doctors neck, placing a few kisses on her pulse point. The blonde leans back against Bo, letting out a small whimper as the succubus continues to assault her neck with her mouth and tongue.

"Bo, please take these and take a shower. I promise when this is all done,... you can ravage me until we are both too exhausted to move, but right now..moans... your mum needs us," the blonde manages to rasp out, fighting the pull of the woman behind her. Bo sighs in frustration, knowing Lauren is right, and that she had to get her head back into the situation at hand. She reluctantly disentangles herself from the blonde and moves in front of her taking the clothes on offer.

The succubus leans in and kisses Lauren quick, before making her way towards a door that she presumes leads to a bathroom, opening it and seeing a shower she glances back over her shoulder. "I will take a cold shower, but rest assured I will hold you to the ravaging that you promised doctor. That's my promise," She says turning on the taps and jumping into the stream of water and watching the water turn brown as it goes down the drain. Ten minutes later the brunette is dried and dressed in her workout gear and is following Lauren down the dim hallway towards Tricks study. "So Lauren, how are you communicating with the Pain Eater?" Bo queries as they enter the room and seeing everyone sitting around waiting for them.

"Actually that is something we would all like to know, Hot Pants," Kenzi pipes up, her keen ears hearing Bo's question to the blonde standing before them. Lauren looks over to the now unrestrained pain eater sitting in the corner his eyes fixed on Bo and Lauren.

Our kind communicate telepathically and when you came out to the car when we first arrived, I sensed how open your mind is. The almost limitless potential made it easy for me to talk to you the same way. You have a gift doctor, but it is also a burden. There are people who will try to use your abilities against you and the ones that you love. You will need to learn some shielding techniques in order to protect yourself from attacks.

"His kind communicate telepathically, and because of my condition he is able to talk to me the same way. This will definitely help. Bo ask him, if he is able to do what you need." Lauren says, looking at the brunette standing close beside her.

"Wait, why don't you just ask him," Bo responds, looking over at the pain eater suspiciously. "And why isn't he in the handcuffs any more, Kenzi? His giant under fae guard dogs almost ripped me in half, so why is he just sitting there like we are about to have tea?"

"Hey Bo Bo, the doc asked me to remove his cuffs and told me he wasn't a threat and seeing as she is the only one that can talk to him, I did as she asked," Kenzi says defensively.

The succubus, turn her attention back to Lauren. "So what do you know that makes you trust him?"

"He was terrified when Kenzi pulled him out of the car. He pleaded with me not to hurt him. He told me if he had known it was the chosen trespassing in his territory he would have stopped the hounds from attacking you. He told me he would aid in any way he can."

"Oh my God again with the chosen one crap. There is nothing special about me," Bo exclaims exasperated. Lauren flinches at the succubus tone. Trick gets up from his chair approaching his granddaughter slowly.

"Bo calm down, Lauren is only telling you what the pain eater said, forget about who he believes you are for a moment. We will talk about these rumours later," the old fae says, trying to sooth his granddaughter.

Lauren finds herself getting angry, she knew that Trick knew what was going on and he would have heard the rumours going around. She just didn't understand his reluctance to explore the possibility that the rumours were more then rumours. "For goodness sake Trick, stop putting your head in the sand. You know everything that goes on in the fae world and don't you dare deny it," Lauren says, in an low tone.

"Lauren," Trick says, in a warning tone of his own.

"No Trick, you listen to me. The Morrigan and The Ash fear Bo because of this prophecy. They conspired together infecting Bo with The Darkness to find out whether she is indeed the one from the prophecy. And Bo didn't die, we saved her from The Darkness and now The Ash is convinced that Bo is the one. I went to hell and back for Bo, because I love her and I will not stand by and let the fae keep their secrets and spin their lies, especially if it is something that could be potentially life threatening to Bo." The ground beneath their feet shook and several items fell from their resting places on shelves and tables, several books flew from their places on the many bookshelves scattered around the large space. The blonde was shaking with rage, she was so sick of the fae and their bullshit, she would seek out any fae who would be willing to give her information about the prophecy and how it would affect Bo, she would do everything in her power to keep her safe. Lauren sees the dark brown eyes of her lover materialise in front of her, concern and...was that fear reflected in them. The succubus places her hands on the blonde shoulders and rests her forehead against the angry shaking form of her girlfriend.

"Shhh Lauren, I'm sorry...please calm down, before the roof caves in on us," Bo whispers, her breath caressing the doctors parted lips. Bo slides one of her hands down the blondes arm taking her hand. She pulses a small amount of her power into her agitated girlfriend, hoping to calm her. Lauren sighs softly against her lovers mouth as her power and influence caresses her dispersing throughout her being, calming her down.

"I'm sorry," Lauren mutters, stepping away from the succubus, her brow furrowed. The doctor sits on a chair in a corner away from everyone else.

Trick looks between Bo and Lauren several times before pinning his gaze on his granddaughter. "Bo, what have you done?"

"Excuse me?" the succubus says, tearing her eyes away from her lover, to look at her grandfather.

"Well I knew that the doctor had had some kind of after effects from what she did to rescue you from the darkness, but you bound her to you, didn't you. Bo this is serious, she belongs to The Ash."

"Nobody owns her." Bo hisses in reply, feeling her own temper rising.

"Well now that's not true, because even if you refuse to accept that the doctor belongs to The The Ash. There is no denying that you and Lauren are bound together for life, I should know I was bound to my wife Ysabeau until her death..."

Trick is cut off by Aoife, "Shut up you stupid old fool, if you weren't so stubborn, mum would still be alive. Bo baby, don't listen to what Trick has to say, I can see how much you love her sweetie. Don't listen to what anyone else says we are succubi, we are ruled by our impulses. You do what you feel is right and don't let anyone dictate who you can and can't love."

"Oh so now you are going to give her your sound wisdom and advice, a few hours ago, you were telling her to use the human and then move on," Trick says, agitated by his daughters interference.

"I love her and she sacrificed herself to save me from The Darkness, I couldn't let her die. Would you have preferred that she didn't make it Trick...that I let her die. Do you think I could honestly live with myself if that had happened. You don't know me Trick or how I feel, so do not lecture me on the fae dos and don'ts because in cause you haven't noticed I don't give a rats ass about their rules.

"Um guys, we are getting off track a bit. The bond between Bo and Lauren is no ones business but their own, so keep your opinions to yourselves and lets get on with asking the pain eater for some help, shall we," Kenzi says, in a strong voice, trying to diffuse the heightening arguments before it gets completely out of control. "Lauren are you going to help me out here or not," the young woman says, looking over at the silent form of the doctor.

Lauren gets up from her chair with a resigned sigh and crosses the room towards the under fae who look like he wants nothing more than to climb into a hole and disappear, and in this moment in time Lauren would have gladly joined him. "We came to ask for your help. As a pain eater do you have to kill, in order to take some ones pain away?"

"No, we can do it without killing. Does Bo want me to take away her mothers pain? It is substantial. I fear I would need the help of several of my brothers to save this woman. It consumes her, her mind is fractured there is no guarantee that she would come out the other side intact. If she willingly submits the odds would be more in her favour. Also I am sorry to say that it would help if her father was not present, when we try the procedure. Her pain stems from him, it fuels her turmoil."

The doctor nods agreeing with the under fae's assessment. "Lauren? What is he saying," Bo asks, coming alongside the blonde, standing close.

"He says that he is willing to try, but that there are risks and that he would need several of his brother's to help with the extraction," Lauren replies, leaning into the succubus, trying to calm the tension surrounding her girlfriend.

"What kind of risks?" Bo asks, looking at the pain eater and then back to the doctor.

"Bo, it doesn't matter what the risks are. I'll do it," Aoife says from her place across from Shani and Kenzi. "Anything would be better than continuing to relive the last few centuries over and over again, I want it to end...I need it to end."

Lauren moves towards the Blood King, "Trick he also suggested that it would be better if you weren't here for the procedure."

The old fae opens his mouth to argue, but stops and nods his heads in acceptance. "I will be upstairs having a few drinks. Kenzi, Shani you are welcome to join me if you wish."

"Sure thing Trickster, it's bad form to drink alone. Come on princess sparkles, lets get our drinking on," Kenzi says, looking over at Shani.

"Really? You go from Barbie to My Little Pony." Shani laughs at the goth girls new nickname. "I like it better than Platinum Barbie, but I still think you can do better. Come on lets join Trick. Call if you need us."

"Yeah what she said Bo Bo, Hot Pants and Bo's crazy mum, if you need us just holler," Kenzi says, as she follows the sprite up the stairs.

"Could you summon your brothers please and let me know when they arrive," Bo says, addressing the pain eater for the first time. He gives a nod of acknowledgement before bowing his head and closing his eyes. Bo then grabs Lauren's hand and takes them both to the couch across from Aoife. "Lauren can you tell my mum what the risks are please?"

"Sure," Lauren says, going into doctor mode. "He said that your mind is fractured and that there is a risk that after the extraction, you may not come out of it intact. Though he did say that giving yourself over willingly would increase the odds of success... Um Bo would you like to spend some time alone with your mother? I can join Kenzi and the others upstairs for a while if you like," Lauren says, squeezing her hand supportively. The doctor is surprised when Aoife speaks instead of Bo.

"No your place is beside my daughter, I can see how much you care for her. And because you are a doctor I know that you know my daughters needs as a succubus, probably more than she does. It has become obvious to me that you and the other little human have looked out for my girl over the past few months. Thank you for that, can you promise me that you will continue to look out for her, protect her and love her."

"I will do my best," the blonde replies, shocked by the kindness of the older succubus' words.

"Bo, if I don't make it through, do you promise to end my suffering?" Aoife looks into her daughters chocolate brown eyes, watching them widen at what her mother is asking her to do, if things turn out badly. Bo closes her eyes and shakes her head.

"I'm sorry mum, I don't think I can promise you that. I only just found you, I don't want to lose you."

"Oh baby, even if mummy makes it out the other side, I will not be able to stay. I will still be a fugitive. I would say come with me, but your place is here and you more than anyone would understand that a life on the run is no life at all. I promise to stay in touch. I want to get to know you properly Bo, there is so much I want to tell you, to teach you about your powers and what you are capable of..."

"My brothers will arrive shortly." Lauren is startled by the under fae's voice inside her head making her flinch.

"Lauren, are you okay?" Bo asks, feeling the doctor start beside her.

"Yes, sorry Bo. The pain eater says his brother's will be arriving shortly. His voice startled me," Lauren answers, giving the brunette a smile and a small kiss on the lips.

"Okay I will go upstairs to let them in," Bo says, getting up and heading for the steps.

"Lauren, can you do what is necessary if my mind is broken after the procedure?" Aoife asks, turning her attention from her daughters retreating figure to the blonde sitting across from her. Lauren cannot hide her shock at what the dark beauty is asking of her, but she recovers quickly.

"If you ask me as a doctor, I cannot refuse your request," Lauren says carefully, unsure if this is a good idea or not. What if something does go wrong would Bo be able to forgive her if she has to euthanize her mother.

"Dr. Lewis, I request that if I do not come out of this with a fully functioning mind, do you give me your oath to do what is necessary to end my suffering?" Aoife asks the blonde doctor seriously.

"As a doctor, I will comply to your wishes," Lauren says, with only the slightest shake to her voice showing just how hard it was for her to promise something that had the potential to completely destroy the one that she loves.

"Thank you, Lauren,"

The blonde looks over towards the pain eater, "I hope you do not screw this up, because I do not want to be the one to take the chosen one's mother from her."

"And we will do our best to prevent you causing pain and suffering to the chosen one."

"God I hope so," Lauren thinks to herself as she buries her face in her hands.

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