Prophecy of Power. Sequel to...

By Doccubus21

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Sequel to Primal Urges. Can Bo and Lauren deal with the emotional and physical consequences facing them after... More

Prophecy or Power Chapters 11-20.
Prophecy of Power. Chapters 21-30.
Prophecy of Power. Chapters 31-40.
Prophecy of Power. Chapters 41-51. Complete.

Prophecy of Power. Chapters 1-10.

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By Doccubus21

Chapter 1


It had been four days since Kenzi and Bo had left the confines of Lauren's apartment and gone back to the crack shack. Kenzi had asked the brunette to hold off on the questions for a little while so she could just enjoy having her Bo Bo back. Both women had slept for half of that time, Bo plagued by dreams, some good but most of them not so much. Kenzi had eventually climbed into bed with her, drawing the conflicted and tortured succubus into her arms and rubbing her back, comforting her friend until she finally managed to get some uninterrupted sleep.

Bo couldn't wait any longer for answers to her hundreds of questions. She sat with Kenzi on their well worn couch and ploughed right in with her first question.

"Okay Kenzi, I don't really know where to start. So I will go with how you and Lauren got so close while I was gone because I never thought I would see the day when my bestie and would actually become friends." The succubus grinned a huge grin as she watched Kenzi sigh and roll her eyes at Bo.

"Oh yeah Bo Bo, I should have known you would start with that one, I'm still waiting for the I told you so." Bo put a hand on her ample chest, as she gives the girl a "would I say a thing like that," look. Then eyes sparkling Bo says,

"See Kenzi, I told you that you would like her if you gave her a chance."

"Yeah, yeah succuface, yuck it up." Kenzi's face turns serious, which makes Bo stop laughing, as she gives the girl her undivided attention.

"Bo, we bonded because of you. What the darkness did to you; what you did to Lauren was... She is sooo strong Bo, I understand why she locks down her emotions now, it's the only way she can continue to do what she does." Bo's eyes fill with tears as memories of what she had inflicted on the doctor floods through her.

"This is going to be hard to hear Bo, I can't sugar coat it for you, that would be unfair to Lauren and what she went through to bring you back."

"It's okay Kenz, I need to hear it all, how else am I going to be able to begin making amends unless I have all the facts." Bo grabs a box of tissues and a bottle of tequila. "Okay I'm ready, tell me everything."

"Okay well you already know the parts that you did, so we will flash forward to just after you had the most delicious meal of your life...ME! When you legged it after Dyson threw you across the room. We composed ourselves and I listened to Lauren's panicked voice mail and we headed to the lab. She fussed and fed me, God bless her, before showing us your antics in the lab. Dyson was pissed after watching the surveillance footage and started badgering Lauren to show him the security tapes from her residence of your late night visit to the doctor."

"He saw what I did to Lauren?" Bo says horrified at the implications, she hadn't seen Dyson since he and Hale had left Lauren's.

"No I SAW what you did to Hot Pants Bo, she refused to show Dyson. That was when, I realised how much you mean to her. Well actually I realised how much you actually mean to each other, you broke through the darkness twice, both times with Lauren... Should I be jealous Bo Bo?... just kidding I get it." Kenzi gives her friend a smile and a reassuring pat on the thigh before continuing.

"Let's move forwards past the days of boring research where we find nothing that helps us. Then Trick hears about some Dark Fae goons asking about you on behalf of this bad ass mafia fae dude. Anyway Lauren gets a theory that you got infected by an ancient fae descended from the Egyptian God Set. Yeah I know, that woman makes Einstein look stupid. Anyway she decides that she needs to go to EGYPT and I'm like, what, you crazy. Then Dyson tells the Doc that he is going with her and OH MY GOD, she tears him a new one Bo."

"Really, why? I mean I know why, he treats her like complete crap, but she always just took his shit. God he is such an ass sometimes." Bo couldn't hide how proud she was of Lauren for sticking up for herself. "Do you remember what she said to him?"

"Yeah I remember the gist of it. She tells him that he has always treated her like shit, which has only gotten worse since you arrived. Oh I remember word for word the best bit, she says..." Kenzi can't help but laugh as she remembers the doctors words. "You have done everything besides piss on her leg to mark her yours. It was fucking hilarious. Then she proceeded to tell him to piss off until he starts to treat her better than something he would scrape from his shoe. Dyson was completely pissed off and gob smacked and left without saying a word. You would have loved it. Though I'm pretty sure Dyson was pretty upset with what he saw on the tape. I don't think he ever considered Lauren as a threat for your affections, I think his ego got a little bruised. There is one positive thing I can say about dark bad ass Bo, she knew who her true feelings were for."

"Kenzi," Bo says as a warning not to go there.

"Bo you have been bouncing backwards and forwards between them forever. It's not fair on either of them. Are you going to sit there and tell me that you are in love with both of them? Be honest Bo, truly honest."

Bo sighs but doesn't say anything. "What happened next Kenzi?"

"Okay fine bobolicious, but we will be revisiting that subject soon, I mean it, no more having your cake and eating it too. So I go to Egypt with Lauren, we find an ancient remedy to cure the darkness and we come home, exhausted and covered in sand. I hate sand, I never want to see sand again for as long as I live. It gets everywhere; I'm still finding it."

"How did you find out I was at the club?" Bo asks.

"Shani left Hot Pants a note to call her, she told us where to find you. She had seen the texts we had sent you and knew that the Doc doesn't mess around. So she decided to let Lauren know that you were okay. We went to the club; you went succustalker on Lauren. We brought in Shani to help lure you back to the Docs house. You know what happened after that."

"But how did you cure me, did you put something in my drink or what?"

"No Bo... I thought you realised that it was you feeding from Lauren that cured you. She drank the elixir and then offered herself to you. She said it was the only way, so she did it. End of story."

"Yeah except for the fact that I completely destroyed everything I had with Lauren. Let's recap what I did shall we," Bo says getting more and more upset and agitated by the second. "First I attack Lauren in her home, then I feed on her and nearly choke her to death. I then spend several days abusing her emotionally before finally topping it off by actually killing her. How am I supposed to face her after that Kenzi. She is terrified of me, I should completely remove myself from her life. I'm a monster Kenz and I always will be."

"Bo I know this is what you do, you feel guilty about everything. It wasn't in your control. Lauren knows that, she just needs time to get over the trauma. She loves you Bo Bo. She just needs time."

"I don't deserve her, she's better off without me,"

"I'm going to visit Lauren tomorrow Bo, I want to make sure she is actually doing okay. I just can't tell when I talk to her on the phone, she has been talking to me in that controlled professional doctor voice of hers. It will be okay Bo, I promise." Kenzi shifts closer to the succubus, opening her arms wide. Bo allows her best friend to hold and comfort her as she cries herself to sleep.

Chapter 2


"Wakey wakey, my sleepy little succubus. It's nearly noon," Kenzi says as she jumps up onto Bo's bed, bouncing up and down until her friend groans in displeasure.

"Kenzi, stop it, just ten more minutes. I swear." Bo swats at the girls legs as she continues to bounce.

"I'm heading off to see Lauren in a minute, but I needed to make sure you don't just stay holed up here, in your room. Bo you need to feed and I think you should go see Trick too. Please Succuface, do it for me," The young Russian pleads.

Bo turns over and is rewarded by Kenzi stopping her manic jumping and sitting down beside her. "What do you say Bo Bo, time to face the real world." Kenzi peers at her best friend, worry evident in her soft blue eyes.

"Who am I going to feed on Kenzi, I don't feel like jumping a stranger right now. I don't think I can use Dyson, because I have done some thinking about what you said last night and you are right. Dyson and I need to just be friends nothing more, I shouldn't lead him on any more."

"Like there was any doubt woman, Kenzi is always right, don't you forget it. Fine if you don't want a random feed, maybe you could call Shani. I'm sure she will help you out, are you comfortable with that? Remember that nothing happened between Hot Pants and Miss Sprite, that was all pretend to bring you out into the open." Kenzi watches as the brunette thinks about her suggestion.

"Yeah alright, maybe, I'll call her after I visit Trick."

"That's the spirit Bo Bo, yay. I will also grab some of your treatments from Lauren, if you like."

"That would be good Kenzi, thanks," The succubus says giving her friend a sad smile. "Can you tell Lauren that I'm thinking of her and that I hope that she is doing okay?"

"Sure babe, I'll do that for ya. Now get your lazy ass outta bed. I'm off to the lab." With that she slaps Bo on the butt and heads off down the stairs.


The blonde doctors looks up from her microscope, as Kenzi makes a grand entrance into the lab.

"Hi ya Hot Pants, how you doin?"

Lauren notices some of the less accepting fae lab techs scowl in the direction of the eccentric human, they look down and continue with their work when they see their human boss give them each a reproachful look back. The blonde herself is surprised at just how happy she is to see Kenzi, the girl has managed to wiggle her way into Lauren's heart, taking a platonic place next to Bo.

"Hello Kenzi, It is good to see you," The doctor says with genuine warmth. "How are you?"

"I asked you first Doc! Can you pull yourself away from all that riveting science for a while?"

"Sure just give me a few minutes to finish up and we can go grab a coffee and a bite to eat, I'm starving." Lauren starts to put away the slides and petri dish's scattered all over the bench.

"I'll wait out side Lauren, I can tell I'm making some of the natives restless," Kenzi says with a huge grin on her face. Lauren can't help a small laugh of her own as she begins filing away a stack of lab reports. The doctor gives her subordinates directions on what is required before the end of the working day before removing her lab coat, grabbing her purse before exiting the lab. Meeting up with Kenzi, the two women head off in the direction of a small café around the block from the compound. After taking a seat on an outside table, so that they could enjoy the sun, they order their food and drinks and wait for the waitress to leave before speaking.

"How are you Lauren...really? You make it really difficult to tell on the phone with your professional doctor voice. It's quite frustrating you know, I'm usually so good at reading peeps. But you have neutrality down to a fine art, you're tricky," says the slight girl with a frown.

"It's how I've managed to survive in this world for five years Kenzi. It's a necessity, most fae barely tolerated me for years, I had to work really hard to earn their respect. Being cold and clinical just made life much easier when dealing with those type of fae."

"Yeah I get it now Doc. I know what it's like to have to do whatever it takes to survive." Lauren nods in understanding, Kenzi's upbringing was anything but pleasant.

"How's Bo?" The blonde can't help but ask.

"No...we are talking about you first. We can talk about succuface later," Kenzi says, not allowing the doctor to direct the conversation. "You are looking better physically, the bruises on your neck are almost completely gone." The girl frowns. "You are healing really fast Hot Pants, have there been any side affects from the elixir Lauren?"

"I'm not sure, I haven't had time to run tests on myself yet, I also noticed that I was healing faster than is considered normal." The blonde shrugs, "there's just so much going on at the moment."

"Yeah well... I'm all ears Doc start sharing." The women pause in their conversation as their food and coffee arrives.

"Some of what I have to say much stay between us Kenzi...I mean it," Lauren says face serious as she begins to pick at her salad.

"Okay I promise, just get talking Hot Pants, the suspense is killing me."

"The Ash was waiting for me when I returned to the lab. He knew everything."

"Holy shit balls. Did he hurt you? What did he say?" The girl was leaning forward, fear written across her features.

"Relax Kenzi, he didn't hurt me. He said it looked like Bo had punished me enough. He sat me down and told me that no fae had ever been rescued from the darkness and then he brought up the prophecy." The doctor watches the goth process the information.

"Bloody hell! So the prophecy exists then, it's not a rumour any more. Did the Ash-hole tell you what it was?"

"Kenzi, apparently very few know the specifics of the prophecy. So not a word, okay. The Ash said he couldn't divulge it all to me, but that he believes that I am also a part of this prophecy. That it mentions a healer with influence over the chosen. He believes that I AM THE HEALER. The Ash said he knows that I care for her and that he won't interfere in my relationship with Bo." Lauren looks at Kenzi unsure what reaction she will get from the young woman.

"Soooo...The Ash has given you his blessing to pursue a relationship with my bestie. Lauren we need to find out what this prophecy says. I don't trust that douche, we have to look into this ourselves."

"I told him I needed time, that our relationship is damaged. He assigned me a shrink Kenzi, I have seen her twice already. She is a fae who feeds off the pain and anxieties of others. So as I share the experiences from the last few weeks, Dr. Patterson feeds off of all my emotions. It's like she is pulling all the fear and pain away, I am already sleeping much better. I may be able to see Bo soon without my brain screaming at me to run away."

"Maybe Bo should see her too, she's not doing so great either," Kenzi says more to herself than Lauren.

"I'm sure the Ash will allow it, I will ask him. She can talk to her at The Dal or somewhere neutral. She's a lovely older fae, I think Bo would benefit from seeing her, like I have. Ask her tonight and let me know if she wants me to set up a meeting."

"Bo asked me to tell you, that she is thinking of you and that she hopes that you are alright. She's so broken up over what she did to you Lauren. I'm going to say yes about her seeing this head shrinker because she needs to get rid of some of this guilt that is continually eating her up inside. She gone back to seeing herself as a monster again, it's heartbreaking Lauren." Tears begin to well up in the doctors eyes as she imagines just how much Bo is beating herself up over everything that has happened.

"She had just started to accept who she is, we are both going to have to show her again that she isn't a monster. I need to see her sooner rather than later, I miss her so much Kenzi. Come on, you can walk me back to the lab, I have to get back, I still have a lot of work to do," Lauren says, as she rubs at her temples with her hands.

"You okay Doc?" Kenzi asks as she watches the frowning blonde.

"Yeah I've been getting headaches lately, I'll take some aspirin when I get back to the compound."

"Can you hook me up with some of Bo's treatments Hot Pants?"

"Yeah sure, but I'd like to see her in a few days for a complete physical. I should be strong enough to see her by then. Dr. Patterson has been amazing. I'm seeing her again tonight, I'll ask her to make sure it's not too soon, but I'm feeling confident that I can handle it."

"That's great Lauren and I am sure Bo will jump at the chance to see you. She's worried about you, just seeing you will help her, I think." They arrive back at the compound. Lauren goes into the lab and brings out a couple of Bo's shots, placing them in the young girls hands.

"I'll call you," The blonde says giving Kenzi a gentle hug before re-entering the lab in search of a mountain of aspirin for her pounding head.

Chapter 3


A half hour after Kenzi had left to visit Lauren, Bo finally dragged herself out of bed.

The brunette showered and dressed before heading down to the kitchen for some much needed coffee. She sipped the dark velvety liquid, relishing it's flavour as she stared at nothing, lost amongst the continuous stream of troubling thoughts that she couldn't escape. The succubus sighs when she is interrupted by a knock at the door, "Nobodies home," she mutters as she walks to the door and opens it. She comes face to face with Dyson, "This is just fantastic," Bo thinks sarcastically to herself.

"Hello Dyson, come on in," she mumbles, mustering up a small smile and allowing him entry. Seeing the shifter brings back memories of Holly, the human that died after she ran from Lauren. Fresh waves of guilt flood threw her body making her nauseous. "Excuse me," she says as she bolts towards the stairs, realising there's not enough time to get to the bathroom, Bo reverses her direction and heads for the kitchen sink instead. The succubus gets to the sink just in time before her stomach convulses and she loses her coffee. Bo feels Dyson's hand rubbing her back in comforting circles, she shrugs it off gently before grabbing a glass and filling it with water. She sips at the water as she crosses over to the overstuffed armchair. Sitting down she watches as Dyson follows her and sits on the couch.

"Are you okay Bo," He asks, concern obvious in his eyes. This just makes Bo feel worse.

"Yeah, I'm okay Dyson. Just a flash back of Holly's grinning corpse, I should be used to them by now, I've left enough dead bodies in my wake." Dyson moves to the edge of the couch, placing a hand on Bo's leather clad thigh.

"Please don't Dyson."

"What, I can't even touch you now?" He growls feeling rejected. Bo looks at the hurt and anger in his eyes.

"I'm sorry," she says pitifully.

"Did you ever care about me Bo, or was I just safe?" The brunette had hoped to avoid this conversation for at least a little while longer but obviously, as usual it was to be on Dyson's schedule not hers.

"Of course I cared for you...but."

"You care for her more," he spits back, like he's just tasted something horrible.

"You can't help who you love Dyson, I love Lauren. I choose... Lauren." Bo looks the wolf right in the eye with steely determination. "I value our friendship, I don't want to lose you as a friend, please let that be enough Dyson." The shifter leans back on the couch and closes his eyes. He had been preparing for this since he saw the tapes of Bo and the doctor. But it was still hard for him, he had lost the woman he loves to a human, for gods sake. He knew he had to have the succubus in his life however, in whatever shape or form he could get. He opens his eyes and looks back over towards the brunette and sighs.

"It's okay Bo, I had already figured out where your feelings truly lay. I just had to hear you say it, I will try to be just friends."

"And Lauren?" Bo says hopefully.

"What about her," he growls.

"Are you going to continue to treat her with disgust and contempt?"

"Damn it Bo, you will be the death of me," he says, shaking his head ruefully. "I will try to make an effort to be more...accommodating towards the doctor. Happy?"

"Very," Bo's says a real smile forming on her lips. "Thank you, it means a lot Dyson."

"You are important to me, and well... Lauren sort of pointed out my faults concerning her," the shifter says with another shake of his head. "I guess, it took her finally yelling at me and then seeing her risk everything for you, that showed me a different side of her. I will try, but no promises."

"Deal," Bo says, putting her hand out for him to shake. Dyson shakes his head and rises, the brunette does the same, they share a friendly hug in agreement, before stepping away from each other.

"I was heading to The Dal to see Trick, think you could give me a ride?"

"Sure, why not. Grab a jacket, it's going to rain later." Dyson say offhandedly. Bo looks out the window seeing nothing but blue sky and sunshine. Dyson notice's the succubus' doubt and taps his nose before saying. "Trust me, a wolf knows."

Bo laughs easily, feeling relaxed for the first time in a long time. Now all she had to do was see Lauren and tell her how she feels and she could concentrate on building their relationship. Bo felt hope surround her and it felt good.

"I'll text Kenzi, tell her to meet us at the Dal."

"Why don't you text Lauren too?" Dyson says, sensing how much Bo missed the blonde.

"I don't know if she is ready to see me yet Dyson, I put her through a lot. I don't know if we can ever get back what we had... Sorry I shouldn't be making you listen to this." Bo says apologetically.

"Bo if we are going to be friends, I'm going to have to get used to you talking about your... girlfriend," he replies trying to sound easy going and comfortable with the subject.

"I don't know. I'll see what Kenzi says, she went to see how Lauren was doing post death by succubus," Bo says wincing at the memories.

"Death! What are you talking about Bo?" Shock and confusion show on the shifters features as he looks at Bo.

"Oh my God, you don't know. I killed Lauren when I fed from her, she drank the cure and then let me feed off her, to release me from the darkness." New tears were forming in the succubus' eyes as she continues to choke out the words that weigh heavily in her heart. "I had to breathe my chi back into her, she died to save me Dyson and I may have lost her forever because of it." Dyson drags the brunette into his arms again, wanting to take away all the pain and anguish that Bo had suffocating her.

"Shh Bo, everything will work out, you'll see," Dyson says, not sure if he believed his own words but knowing that this is what Bo needed to hear at this moment. After several minute's Dyson releases the succubus and gives her a small smile.

"Come on let's grab a drink and see Trick. I know he was really worried about you."


Lauren's head had continued to pound throughout the afternoon. Unable to stand the glare of the fluorescents in the lab, she had called The Ash and requested to be able to go home to rest. So here she was laying in her darkened room, just wishing that her head would explode and be done with it. The doctor reaches towards the glass of water on her night stand and gasps in surprise as the glass slides across the dark surface by it's own volition into Lauren's out stretched fingers. "Well that's new," the doctor thinks as she places the glass back onto the night stand to see if she can do it again. The doctor, reaches out towards the glass and wills it into her hand. It wobbles slightly, before starting to glide it's way across the wood and into her hand for a second time. "Shit! So I'm not hallucinating, that did just happen. I'm definitely going to need to run some tests, first the fast healing and now THIS," she muses. The doctor notices that her head is no longer throbbing, grateful for this small blessing, the blonde gets up and heads down to the kitchen. Lauren's phone starts chirping letting her know that it is time for her session with Dr. Patterson. "I'll need to ask someone I can trust to help me with the tests," she thinks as she heads out the door, hurrying in the direction of her therapists office.

Chapter 4

The Dal

Kenzi was already sitting at the bar, several empty shots glasses laid out before her. Bo makes her way across the room closely followed by Dyson, she gives the girl a hug, before taking the stool next to her. She looks up into the warm caring eyes of Trick and grins her trade mark smile before leaning over the bar to give the older fae a hug as well.

"It's good to see you Bo, how are you doing," Trick looks into the succubus' eyes and she feels like he can see into her very soul. "Come on, grab your drink, we will go have a chat, okay?"

"Thanks Trick, that would be good." Bo slides off her stool and follows the small man into his warm and cosy living room. Bo takes a seat on the couch and closes her eyes for a moment as she absorbs the sense of calm and security that she always feels in the company of the wise old fae.

"How are you coping Bo?" Tricks asks his voice full of concern.

"I'm working through it Trick, I just wish I could see Lauren and make sure she is okay," the brunette replies honestly.

"I have spoken to Lauren several times over the last couple of days, the Ash has her seeing someone, it seems to be helping. She has also asked after you Bo, she is just as concerned about you as you are about her," he says with a smile and a shake of his head. "You two are the same in many respects, you both constantly worry about and want to protect everyone else, when what you should be doing is concentrating on helping yourselves first."

"But knowing that she is going to be okay, will help me Trick. I'm the one that caused it all. I just want to make it all better, but I don't know how," The succubus says in a defeated voice.

"Lauren knows that what happened wasn't in your control Bo. It's you that needs to come to terms with that, you are not a monster. You were starting to truly embrace who and what you are and a lot of that was with the help of the good doctor. You are ruled by your emotions Bo, and Lauren can read you better than all of us besides Kenzi. She needs you to be strong Bo, to accept what has happened and embrace it. You would not be back from the darkness without her sacrifice, you need to show her how much her actions mean to you. Never doubt who you are and what you feel. Don't start by apologising to her Bo, you need to thank her first. Thank her for seeking out the cure and administering it... thank her for openly defying The Ash to save you." Fresh tears spring from the succubus' eyes as she realises that Trick is right, that regressing back to her self hatred would be an insult to Lauren and all the work she had put in to make Bo feel special and accepted for who and what she is. She hugs the wise fae fiercely, thankful for his wise council.

"Thank you Trick, I don't know what I would do with out you."

"I think you would benefit talking to the therapist that Lauren is seeing also. Dr. Patterson has agreed to meet you here in an hour. She feeds off of people's pain and before you say anything, I know that you wouldn't be who you are without that pain. But you are carrying too much Bo and that's not healthy, let her take some of yours. Let her remove some of the guilt you have been carrying for so very long. What do you say?"

"Okay, I trust you. If you think it will help, I will do it," the brunette says.

"Great, I'll let her know that you have agreed to the meeting. Come on, let's get you another drink. That is if Kenzi hasn't drunk everything in sight," Trick says with a chuckle. They make their way back up the stone steps and into the now packed bar.

"Hey Bo Bo, come sit next to me, you have lot's of catching up to do." Bo looks a the stacked glasses and as always is surprised at just how much alcohol her small friend can knock back.

"Geez Kenz slow down or I'll never be able to catch up. How are you not passed out on the floor by now?"

"Some of it would be my Russian genetics and the rest is practice and conditioning. I got mad drinking skills succuface," Kenzi say slurring slightly. "Oh before I forget, I called Shani for ya, I hope you don't mind. But I had a feeling that you would put feeding off again if I let you." The girl grins as the succubus gets a guilty look on her face confirming her suspicions.

"Great. So first I see a shrink and then I see the sprite I accused of sleeping with Lauren. Fun times ahead for me tonight," she mumbles more to herself than anyone else.

"Hey just think of it this way, It will be like you are meeting Shani for the first time, she might not even like good girl Bo," Kenzi says finding the whole situation amusing, as she slams down another shot.

Bo/Dr. Patterson

Forty five minute's and ten shots later Bo finds herself again sitting on the couch in Tricks den. Across from her in the antique armchair, sits an elegant middle aged looking woman with a kind looking face and piercing blue eyes. They sit in slightly uncomfortable silence for a few minutes, before the woman speaks.

"Relax Bo, I will be gentle with you, I promise. You actually don't have to talk if you don't want to. I can feel it all radiating from you without knowing the details. There is a lot of old pain and guilt mixed throughout the new. Most of the fae have heard about you and how you were left with human parents to raise you. Having nobody to teach you how to use your abilities when you came of age. The burden of every person you killed because you had no control over your nature and desires, all of this pain has manifested and grown, it completely envelopes you child. I can take some of it away, if you want. All you have to do is let me in." Bo listens to the doctor's soothing voice and sees the sincerity in her eyes, she feels lighter somehow just from listening to the therapists words.

"I don't want to forget them, I need to remember them all, otherwise their deaths will mean nothing, I deserve to suffer for what I have done," Bo says as all of her dead flash behind her eyes ending with Lauren.

"You won't forget them I promise. What I do does not mess with people memories, I just make them easier to bear. Aren't you tired child, let me take some of your burden, I will not strip you bare, you will still feel remorse, it just won't be all consuming any more. Will you hand yourself over to me Bo?"

"How does it work?" Bo says warily, finding it hard to trust the fae. "So many of the fae have lied to me, there is always a catch, what's yours?"

"There is no catch Bo, it is what I feed on. Just as you feed off lust and sex, I feed off guilt and pain. Your guilt will be my dinner and quite possibly breakfast too. All I have to do is hold your hands and close my eyes. You will close yours and think of all of those people that you have held onto and I will do the rest. Are you ready?" Bo swallows the lump of fear in her throat and nods her head.

"Okay, just promise me that you won't take it all."

"I swear to you my blood oath that I will leave remnants behind. Lets begin." The older fae sits on the couch next to Bo .

"Give me your hands and close your eyes," she says as her eyes begin to sparkle with power. Bo places her hands into the doctors waiting hands before her and closes her eyes, opening her self up to the familiar faces of her dead. Bo feels a soothing warm rush of power and sighs as the painful ache in her chest eases and is replaced by contentment and calm. The doctor pulls away from Bo several faces before Holly and Lauren in her private picture show. Bo slowly opens her eyes and gasps as she looks into glowing orange orbs.

"How do you feel child," Dr. Patterson asks.

"I feel lighter, like half of the world I was carrying on my shoulders, is gone. Thank you. I didn't realise how much everything was weighing me down until you took some of it away."

"Your welcome Bo, not all fae have hidden agenda's, but it is wise to be cautious and follow your instincts, and never be afraid to ask questions. Come and see me again in five years. Because I have left some behind, it will slowly grow again, if you come back every five years or so I will take the excess from you. Deal?"

"Deal," Bo says with a smile. "Thank you Dr. Patterson."

"Will you walk me out Bo?"

"Sure, I would love to." Bo follows the doctor out of the den and into The Dal.

"Goodbye Bo, it was a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise," Bo says shaking the fae's proffered hand, she watches her leave before heading back towards the bar where, Kenzi and Dyson are talking to the very beautiful Shani. Dyson head off towards the pool table to join Hale in a game of eight ball, leaving the sprite and Kenzi waiting for her at the bar.

"Bo Bo you're back, finally, How did the head shrinking go?" Kenzi says, when she notice's the succubus approaching.

"Good I think, I feel more relaxed, less burdened. Hello Shani it is good to see you again," the succubus replies taking her seat beside Kenzi.

"Hello Bo," the sprite responds.

Bo glances in the direction of the sprite, who is watching the brunette curiously. Feeling a little self concious at the scrutiny being bestowed upon her, Bo lowers her eyes to her hands resting in her lap. Kenzi noticing Bo's discomfort decides to tell her some news, that is sure to perk the succubus up.

"I sent a text to Lauren while you were talking to the headshrinker. I invited her to join us for a drink." All of Bo's attention is on her friends face now.

"Did she reply? Is she coming? When will she be here?" Bo could barely conceal her excitement at the possibility of seeing Lauren.

"Settle down succuface, yes she replied and yes she said she would love to catch up over a drink. She should be here any minute." As if, her two favourite humans had synchronised this whole thing, Bo hears the sound of the front door opening, followed by the familiar tingle in her core, that she always feels in the presence of Lauren. Bo feels the urge to run up to the approaching blonde and sweep her into an embrace before kissing her for all that she's worth. Kenzi places a hand on the succubus' shoulder halting her move towards the doctor.

"Woah there tiger, settle down. Be cool Bo, you don't want to frighten her off now." Settling back down in her seat and nodding her head in understanding Bo tries to reel in all the conflicting emotions raging through her. Kenzi instead slides from her stool to wrap the doctor in a friendly hug. Lauren gives a genuine smile in greeting to both Kenzi and Shani, before meeting Bo's steady uncertain gaze and says,

"Hello Bo."

Chapter 5

The Dal

So many things happened in the space of mere minutes. Bo found she couldn't speak. It was taking everything she had to keep her hunger in check. "Stupid, stupid, stupid. I haven't fed in almost a week, I need to stay in control," the succubus thought to herself. But Lauren was too close, she could smell her intoxicating scent and see her bright aura of desire. She felt her eyes change, shining that ethereal blue and she saw Lauren flinch and take a few steps away from her. Seeing Lauren's reaction hurt the brunette, she closes her eyes fighting the hunger willing her eyes to change back. There is a loud crashing sound behind the bar as several bottle's fly off the shelf and go crashing to the floor.

"Excuse me," Lauren whispers before quickly retreating through the door to the ladies restroom. Kenzi is watching, torn between following the doctor and calming Bo. The goth girl steps forward gripping the succubus' shoulders shaking her gently,

"Bo, open your eyes; look at me." Bo opens her eyes, they are still glowing brightly.

"Kenzi," is all she can say.

"It's okay Bo Bo." Kenzi looks towards Shani, silently asking for the sprite's permission. Shani understands the question and answers with a nod. She takes Bo's hand, causing the succubus to look at her instead of Kenzi.

"Come on, let's take care of this hunger, so you can actually have a conversation with Lauren, without you eating her," she says with a reassuring smile. The succubus nods slightly before allowing herself to be led towards the small storage room next to the bar.

"And I'll check on Hot Pants," Kenzi mutters as she heads towards the ladies room.

The Storage Room

Shani closes the storage room door, before turning her attention to the distraught succubus.

"It's okay Bo, calm down take some deep breathes."

"She afraid of me Shani. I couldn't control it, she makes me feel so much," Bo responds between short shuddering breaths. The sprite approaches the succubus cautiously, taking the brunettes face between her hands.

"It would help if you weren't starving Bo. You need to be able to take care of yourself and your needs before you can look after the doctors," Shani says gently. "Feed Bo, Kenzi will make sure Lauren is okay."

The sprite leans down pressing her lips against Bo's, lightly at first, waiting for the succubus to respond and take control. Bo tangles her hands through platinum blonde hair and grabs the sprite's neck bringing her lips harder against her own, before pulsing power through her fingers. The blonde fae moans into Bo's mouth and steps forward pressing her body tighter against the succubus. Bo begins to feed taking huge gulps of chi, the essence embraces Bo like a blanket, warming her entire body. After several minute's the brunette steps back flushed and full of ancient sprite essence.

Shani sits unsteadily on a table in the corner of the room, fighting waves of dizziness.

"Are you okay? Did I take too much? I can give some back Shani, if you need me too," the succubus says with concern.

"It's okay Bo, I can go to the park across the street to replenish. You need to be strong and full for Lauren. Go grab a table Bo and wait for Kenzi to bring the doctor over. Call if you need to talk or whatever, okay." The now very tired looking sprite, gets unsteadily back to her feet and moves in the direction of the door. "Come on, you can't stay in here all night," She says with a smile. Bo nods and crosses the floor closing the distance between them, before surprising Shani with a warm embrace.

"Thank you, you didn't have to help me just now," Bo says voice full of gratitude.

"No problem, it's not like it's unpleasant Bo," Shani says with a laugh. "You have no idea how endearing you are, do you? Any time Bo, remember that. Put me in your speed dial," she says with a wink, before opening the door and stepping back into the Dal. "I'll catch you later." The sprite blows the brunette a kiss before striding confidently out the door, exiting The Dal.


"I'm coming in Hot Pants, ready or not." Kenzi enters the rest room, prepared for anything. Lauren is leaning against the far wall, taking deep steadying breaths. Silent tears falling down her cheeks. "How you doing Doc?"

"I'm sorry," comes from the blondes trembling lips. "I'm going to have to apologise to Trick."

"Huh? What's Trick got to do with anything? I'm sorry about Bo, she hasn't fed since I've been trying but she's so damn stubborn." Kenzi waits for the doctor to regain control.

"She hasn't fed for nearly a week, bloody hell Kenzi. I didn't expect to react so strongly, just from seeing her again. My aura would have been flashing at her like a red flag to a bull." She says with a shake of head. "Seeing those blue eyes and the hungry look on her face...I wasn't prepared for that, then the bottle's fell and I just had to get some distance from her."

"What do the bottle's falling have to do with anything Lauren?" Kenzi asks bewildered.

"Oh that was me, I did that...the bottles I mean."

"Again I say huh." The blonde laughs at the girls confusion.

"I'll show you. Ummm lets see. Okay, watch this," The doctor says, focusing on the tap and willing it to turn. The faucet responds to the doctors command and water begins to flow from the spout before disappearing down the drain.

"HOLY SHIT BALLS!," Kenzi squeals unable to believe her eyes. "What the hell is happening to you Doc?"

"I think it maybe be from the elixir and the chi Bo breathed back into me. I have to run some tests. I will need your help, because I will have to do it after hours, I'm not ready for the Ash to know yet."

"No worries, I got ya back...Ummm, Do you want to try again with Bo? I asked Shani to feed my ravenous friend, so she should be able to control her raging libido in your bootylicious presence now. What do you say, are you ready for round two?" Kenzi says hope in her voice, knowing just how much Bo needs this. Lauren splashes her face with water, before turning the tap off and drying her face off with paper towel.

"Yep, I'm ready, lets do this. I want this as much as she does Kenzi, it's time to move forward."

"That's the spirit Hot Pants, lets go." Taking one more steadying breath Lauren follows Kenzi back into the crowded bar and the waiting succubus.

Chapter 6


Lauren and Kenzi spied Bo tucked away in a booth, in the farthest, darkest corner in The Dal. She was hunched over nursing a beer, a far cry from the confident and out going woman, that Lauren was used to. The doctor stops her approach causing Kenzi to crash into her.

"Shit Doc, a little warning next time. What's going on?" the goth asks, going around the stationary doctor and looking into the blondes eyes.

"It's too busy here; too many ears listening to have any sort of real conversation. Can you ask her to meet me at my car, I'll go to your place," Lauren says with a slightly breathless voice.

"Do you need me to chaperone or is this something you want to do alone, just the two of you? Cause I don't mind hanging with D-man and the music maker over there, but only if you are confident in being alone with her."

"You said that Shani was going to feed Bo, yes?"

"Yeah, I can tell she has, because now she's all mopey. It's like she's gone right back to square one and not enjoying her freaky self any more," Kenzi says with a sigh.

"Okay, I think that we will be fine now that Bo's fed. I don't want to waste another moment. We need to talk. I can't leave things like this, it's time to move forward. It's time to be honest with each other, I don't want to hide my feelings for her any more. I'll meet Bo outside," the blonde says again, before pivoting and heading for the exit.


"Hey Bo Bo, are you full as a goog now?" Kenzi asks sliding into the booth opposite her friend. Bo looks up from her beer with confusion on her face.

"Sometimes Kenz, I swear you don't even speak English. What the hell does full as a goog mean?" Bo replies with an upturned eyebrow.

"It's an Australian saying, it's mean that you have eaten or drunk to excess. So what I'm asking is if Shani filled you up or not?"

"Yeah Kenzi she did, I'm fine now. Hey where's Lauren, has she gone?" Bo begins searching the crowd looking for Lauren. "She's gone isn't she, I've scared her away. I'm such a fucking idiot Kenzi, why didn't I just feed. None of this would have happened if I had been feeding," Bo says dejectedly.

"Calm down Bobolicious, she's outside waiting for you in her car, she's taking you back to the crack shack. She said there were too many ears listening here, for the conversation you guys need to have." Bo just sat there staring at her friend. "Well get a move on succubum, your girlfriends waiting for you. You wouldn't want her to think your not coming now would you? GO!" Bo gives Kenzi a smile before lurching from her seat and practically running out the door.


Bo was excited and hopeful as she approached Lauren's car. She felt a bit of her confidence returning, it was good to finally start feeling like there was something to look forward to. The succubus opens the passenger side door and leans in, giving Lauren an eye full of cleavage, when she turns her attention to Bo. The brunette watches as the doctors eyes linger on the view before returning to her face, and is extremely pleased with the brightening aura that surrounds her.

"Are you heading my way by any chance beautiful?" Bo drawls as she flashes Lauren a suggestive smile. Lauren visibly relaxes and laughs a nervous laugh in response before replying.

"I think that can be arranged, jump on in." Lauren watches as Bo slides into the plush leather seat and straps herself in, before starting the car and heading towards the crap shack. They drive together in silence for a while just getting used to being in close proximity to each other again, each one occasionally risking a glance at the other until finally they both happen to look at the same time.

"It's good to see you Lauren. I've missed you." Bo says, unable to look away. Lauren breaks eye contact first and concentrates on getting them to Bo's place in one piece.

"I missed you too," she responds almost shyly. Bo reaches over taking Lauren's hand in her own, fingers interlacing before pressing a light kiss on the back of the doctors hand. They spend the rest of the drive silent, just holding hands, both lost to their own thoughts.


She didn't pull away when I took her hand, that's a good sign right? We will be at the crack shack soon, do I initiate the conversation or do I let Lauren take the lead. Man her hand feels amazing, so warm. I never want to let her hand go. Do I tell her that I love her? Do I tell her that I told Dyson I only want to be friends? No, I can't rush things, this has to be on Lauren's terms. I don't want to frighten her, I don't even know if she feels the same way. Man I feel like I'm on a date, she's the only one that ever makes me nervous. Rules, I need rules so I don't screw this up. Oh shit we're here, just be cool, let her initiate all contact. Most importantly don't jump on her and kiss her stupid because she's so damn fine.


She has a way of making me feel at ease and safe. Thank god for Dr. Patterson, just days ago, the mere thought of Bo made me break into a sweat and start shaking. She took my hand and I felt relief that I didn't feel the urge to pull away. I am not completely at ease but I think after a few more sessions all this anxiety I feel about Bo should be gone. We will talk first, starting with that night when she left to fight Vex. I want to tell her everything, but I can't not yet. I can't tell her about the prophecy until I know more. Do I mention the side effects? No I shouldn't until I have run some tests. We are here, just stay calm. Avoid too much physical contact with Bo, it makes me stupid and I need to speak clearly. I can do this, I'm strong. If she doesn't feel the same way, I can deal with that too. What if she decides she wants to be with Dyson, can I handle that? Breathe Lauren, just breathe, baby steps. Maybe start by turning off the car and letting go of Bo's hand. I don't want to let go of Bo's hand. Okay, time to have that talk, time to lower my walls and let someone in. God give me strength.


The two woman sat out the front of the crack shack, neither wanting to release's their grip on the other. Lauren finally, pulls her hand away from Bo's and immediately misses the contact, but they couldn't stay out here forever. After Lauren releases Bo's hand, the succubus jumps out and runs around to open the door for the blonde and offering her hand again. The doctor smiles at Bo before taking her offered hand and getting out of the car. They walk towards the crack shack hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder.

Chapter 7


"Can I get you something to drink Lauren? Wine? Coffee?" Bo asks, reluctantly releasing her hold on the blondes hand, as she heads towards the kitchen, turning on a few lights to chase away the darkness.

"Have you got any beer?" the doctors asks, before heading towards the familiar worn couch.

"Yeah of course, make yourself comfortable. Do you want a glass or is from the bottle fine?"

"The bottle is fine Bo...relax," Lauren says sensing Bo's nervousness. The brunette grabs a couple of beers from the fridge and makes her way to the couch. She twists the caps off of both bottle's before handing one to Lauren, allowing her fingers to brush lightly against the blondes in the exchange. "Thank you," Lauren says before taking a generous sip of the bitter amber liquid. Bo sits on the couch beside Lauren making sure that she doesn't encroach on the blondes personnel space. They sit together in uncertain silence, each occasionally sipping at their beers, both uncertain on where to begin.

"Bo...I," Lauren begins awkwardly.

"Thank you Lauren," Bo blurts at the same time as the doctor begins to speak. "Sorry, I have to get this out first and then the floor is all yours, okay?" the brunette say hurriedly. Lauren nods her head and waits for Bo to continue. The succubus begins again, "Thank you Lauren, for everything you did. Trick told me you went behind The Ashs back to help me, with no regard for the consequences. You are so selfless, I mean we weren't exactly on speaking terms when all this stuff happened, and yet you went above and beyond to rescue me from the darkness. After that night...when we... and then the way I treated you throughout the whole ordeal and you didn't give up on me. Kenzi told me everything, that you were willing to sacrifice your safety...your….life for me." Bo feels the tears starting to pool in her eyes. "Well you did sacrifice your life...I...Killed...You...I." The tears are falling freely now, Bo unable to continue, hangs her head into her hands, trying to regain control of her emotions.

Lauren feels threatening tears of her own as she leans forward, gathering Bo into her arms as she tries to sooth the sobbing brunette. After several minutes of Lauren rubbing circle's on Bo's back and whispering soothing comforting words, the succubus pulls away from the doctor, calmer and no longer crying. "Sorry," Bo mumbles slightly embarrassed for showing such weakness in front of the blonde.

"Don't be sorry Bo, it can't have been easy watching everything you were doing and not being able to control it," Lauren says words full of understanding and forgiveness. "You know after you ummmm visited that night at my house..."

"Attacked Lauren, I attacked you, please don't lessen what I did," Bo says. Lauren closes her eyes for a moment, pushing the memories away before trying again.

"Okay, after the...attack at my house. I well... I sat there and thought that I had deserved what you did, because of what I had inadvertently done to you, when we were together."


"No, please let me finish. I never meant to hurt you Bo. The Ash may have asked me to distract you, but I certainly hadn't planned on sleeping with you that night. I was going to talk to you again and if that didn't work, I was going to..well...drug you," Lauren says sheepishly, before continuing. "But when you talked about wanting a real relationship with the picket fence and kids and that you didn't think anyone would want that with you, I wanted you to see that there are people that would want that with you, *sighs and rolls her eyesthat I would want that with you. Over the last few months I have felt feelings that I never expected to feel again. I was frozen inside Bo, it was the only way I could survive in that place, but..when I met you, I felt things I had resigned myself to never feeling again. You melted that ice around my heart Bo, and I wanted you. That's why I slept with you, because I couldn't ignore those feelings any more, I didn't want to ignore what I was feeling for you. I'm sorry for hurting you Bo. I just wanted to keep you safe, to protect you, like you have done for me since we met." Lauren looks at Bo with uncertainty in her eyes, she can't read the expression on the brunettes face. The blonde looks down from those dark eyes and stares at her fidgeting hands in her lap.

"Why didn't you tell me this that night? I felt like I had opened myself up to the most honest and real connection, that I had with any one in my entire life. I had never let myself be vulnerable before and then I find out that the Ash sent you. Oh Lauren, I was so angry and hurt."

"I'm sorry, I was afraid of what I was feeling and of what I meant to you. I wasn't ready to declare how much for you." Bo reaches out cupping the blondes face with her hand lifting Lauren's face so that she could look into the doctors eyes.

"Can we forget about that night, well not the first part, because that was amazing, Bo says, a smile forming on her lips at the delicious memories of the doctor splayed naked and beautiful beneath her. "But the end of that night can we just forget it ever happened, we both said things that we wish we could take back. Can we move past it please?"

"Only if you can stop blaming yourself for everything you did while you were infected with the Darkness. I know you feel horrible for what happened and I am still dealing with some of it. But...It...Wasn't...You ...Bo. Kenzi says that you have started to view yourself as a monster again. If you were a monster you wouldn't care or feel remorse for anything you did Bo. You were really starting to embrace who and what you are, and so was I. We need to just accept what has happened and move forward. I want to rebuild our friendship Bo, I want to get the trust and honesty back. Can we try to do that?"

Lauren resisted the temptation to embrace the brunette, as she tried to process the forgiveness in the doctors words. But Bo was also fixated on that one word... friendship. I want more than friendship with this woman, she thinks, unsure whether to voice her concerns or not. The succubus is not given a chance however as a very drunk Kenzi stumbles through the front door and falls into the armchair next to Bo.

"What's up bitches, have you kissed and made up?" the girl slurs, as she glances at both of them through heavy lidded eyes.

"We have made a good start Kenzi," Lauren says giving Bo a gentle smile, and a pat on the arm.

"That's great Hot Pants, I'm glad you kids are working through your issues. Wow... the.. rooms... spinning, ummm Bo Bo could you carry me to my room please, I can't feel my legs. Thanks buddy,"Kenzi says with her sweetest, pretty please, you've gotta love me smile. Lauren stands up preparing to leave, but Bo reaches out to stop the blonde.

"Please don't go yet, I'll just toss the drunk one into her bed and I'll be right back," The succubus says with pleading eyes. Lauren sits down, but says, "I really need to head off soon, I have to be in the lab early."

"Give me two minutes, I will walk you to your car, but I want to see you tomorrow, can I come by the lab?" Lauren nods in compliance as Bo scoops up the now softly snoring Kenzi and carries her into her room. Lauren is shrugging into her jacket when Bo re-emerges from tucking her drunken friend into bed. They walk outside into the cold brisk night. Lauren can feel the heat of Bo's arm through her jacket, she is walking so close. "Lauren," the brunette says quietly.


"What if I don't want to be just... friends?" Lauren's breath catches in her throat at the question, her hands begin to shake. She shoves them into the pockets of her jacket as they finally arrive at her car. Bo places her hands gently on the blondes shoulder's and turns her so they are facing one another. Bo moves closer pressing her body close to Lauren's and moving one of her hands to cup the doctors face.

"Bo..can we do this one step at a time... please," Lauren can feel Bo's breath on her lips. "Bo," she says again as she leans the last few inches towards Bo's lips. The kiss is gentle and sweet and over all too quickly.

"As long as it takes Lauren, but know, that I want all of you. I want your body, heart and soul." Bo leans in and gives Lauren another gentle parting kiss, before turning and walking back towards the house. Lauren fumbles for her keys, and falls into her car. Feeling completely overwhelmed by the rush of emotions, she puts the car in gear and heads towards home.

Chapter 8


Lauren had had the most restful sleep in what seemed like weeks. The tension she had been carrying around about Bo and the fear of losing her had lifted, allowing the blonde a solid eight hours of uninterrupted blissful sleep. Lauren had left for the lab with a spring in her step, looking forward to the day ahead. That was until she stepped through the labs double doors and saw Dyson leaning against an examination table and flirting openly with one of the nurse's. He straightened up at the sight of the doctor, obvious that it was her he was waiting for. Her agitation changed into confusion when Dyson actually smiled at her as he approached. It wasn't the usual condescending smile, it was a pleasant almost friendly smile and it threw her off balance.

"Hello Dyson, what can I do for you this early in the morning?" Lauren says going for her easy emotionless reserved voice.

"I just thought I would see how you are doing after everything that happened with Bo," Dyson replies, sounding sincere. Lauren was struck mute for a moment, trying to make sense of what the hell was going on. Am I in some alternate reality where Dyson isn't an ass, she wondered. "Lauren? Are you okay?"

"Ummm sorry, but who are you and what have you done with the real Dyson?"

The wolf laughs at the blondes comment before saying, "I guess I deserve that. I haven't treated you fairly over the years have I? Look I'm going to try to make an effort to be more congenial, maybe even take the time to get to know you, if you would be open to that. I'm not saying lets be best friends or anything but I would like to see if we can find a way to get along." Lauren just stared at Dyson as if he had grown another head; she had no idea what to say. "Look, it's just that after Bo told me that she didn't want to see me any more because she is in love with you, I thought..."

"I'm sorry what did you just say," Lauren was having trouble breathing, she crossed the floor and sunk into a chair. The wolf faltered at the look on the blondes face realising he had just revealed something that the blonde obviously wasn't aware of yet. He wasn't sure what to do now, Kenzi said that the women were having a big reunion talk at the crack shack last night. He just presumed Bo would have declared her feelings for Lauren, but obviously he was wrong because he had totally thrown the doctor for a loop.

"Ummm sorry, I just presumed she would have told you last night and I had promised Bo to make an effort and shit she's going to be pissed with me." Dyson turns to the sound of the lab doors opening and watches Bo followed by a weary looking Kenzi enter the room. Bo stops just inside the door, Kenzi bumping into her with a groan. "Shit Bo, I'm so hung over, please tell me when you're gonna just stop like that."

"Sorry Kenz. Dyson what are you doing here?" Bo says, voice suspicious as she looks at him and then at the very shaken looking form of Lauren. "What have you done to Lauren, damn it Dyson, you said you were going to try." Bo approaches Lauren standing next to her facing the wolf and putting a protective hand on the blondes shoulder.

"Bo, I didn't do anything bad, well not intentionally anyway. I came here offering the doc an olive branch. Umm Lauren can you tell Bo, I didn't do anything? She looks like she's going to kill me." Lauren looks at Bo, her body is tense, her face set in anger. Lauren places her hand on Bo's hand resting on her shoulder, causing the succubus to turn her attention to her and is met by the glowing blue orbs that rises with Bo's power. The doctor flinches but forces a smile in the attempt to reassure Bo that she is fine. The sound of shattering test tubes and flasks, provoke Kenzi into action.

"Bo go outside; calm yourself down." The succubus glances in the direction of Lauren, when she sees the blonde nod her head, she lets out a frustrated groan and exits the lab. Kenzi turn to the shifter, eyebrows raised, "Well start talking wolf man, I'm not feeling well so this better be good."

"Can you excuse me please? I'll be in my office," The doctor says hurrying away.

"D-man I'm waiting."

"Shit Kenzi, it's not my fault. As I told Bo, I came over to try to make peace with the doctor. If Bo and I are going to be friends I need to make an effort to get to know Lauren. I mean she can't be that bad right, Bo loves her and you guys are friends now."

"That doesn't explain why we found her looking like you just flashed her or something." Kenzi says irritated as her head continued to thump.

"You told me they were going to talk and sort things out last night, so I presumed that Bo had told her that she broke up with me because she is in love with her." Dyson says, unable to hide the pain he still felt by Bo's rejection.

Kenzi's face blanched at the realisation that the wolf had inadvertently told Lauren that Bo was in love with her. "Oh my God Dyson, did you just out my best friends most intimate feelings to the unknowing source of those said feelings. Sweet baby Jesus, use the back entrance Dyson, because Bo's going to have kittens." Dyson didn't wait another second before taking the labs second exit, leaving Kenzi to sort the mess out.


Bo was pacing back and forth just outside the lab doors, muttering under her breath and waving her hands about in frustration. Kenzi approaches her friend with caution, as her hung-over brain tries to come up with the best approach for dealing with this new crisis.

"Kenzi, what did he do? And where is he?" The succubus stops pacing and approaches the goth girl, slightly calmer but still agitated.

"I sent the stupid wolf man out the back door, as for what he did well..."

"Just say whatever it is Kenzi, you never hold back from me. So don't start doing it now; out with it,"

"Alright, what happened is this. Dyson knew that you guys were having a talk last night, and so decided to make peace with the doctor because he presumed he would be seeing a lot more of her now, because of your choice. He presumed that you declared your love for Hot Pants last night, I thought you would have as well for that matter, anyway obviously you didn't tell her that you made your choice because that's why we found her sitting in the chair all flushed and shocked. Dyson told Lauren that you had broken it off with him because you were in love with your hot, hot doctor lady love in there," Kenzi concluded.

Bo just stood there, looking at Kenzi incredulously, opening and closing her mouth several times unable to form anything coherent. The succubus sits on the bench next to the lab doors completely deflated, all the anger gone as she realises that Dyson had spoken her three little words to the doctor. Words that she had never spoken to anyone, the blonde was to be her first.

"I didn't tell her about Dyson and I, because I didn't think she was ready for it, obviously I was right. What the hell do I do now Kenzi, how am I supposed to face her. She wanted to work on being friends again, this is too much too soon. Bloody Dyson damn it."

"It might not be as bad as it seems Bo Bo, just go in there and tell her that yes you broke it off with wolf man but that there are no expectations. That you will give her as much time as she needs to works through how she feels and what she wants."

"And the I'm in love with her part, do I say it or just not mention it at all," Bo questions her friend,as she jiggles her legs nervously.

"Just see where the conversation goes, If the time feels right say it, if not, don't. Go with you instincts Bo, you two are connected, that much is obvious to anyone with...well...eyes," Kenzi laughs to herself and shakes her head, "I feel like Dr. Phil or something, just go in there and be whatever she needs, Okay."

"Okay, thanks Kenz, I don't know what I would do without you. Wish me luck." Bo gets up and heads back towards the lab doors.

"Luck," Kenzi says, as she gets up from her position on the bench. "I'm going to head down to the Dal, get me some pancakes for breakfast. Come down when you are finished with the Doc."

"Okay, and if you see Dyson tell him, tell him, there will be words." And with that the succubus takes a deep breath and goes in search of her doctor.

Chapter 9


Bo knocks lightly on Lauren's office door, after hearing a "come in," from the other side, the brunette takes a deep steadying breath and opens the door. She steps awkwardly into the small, well organised office, closing the door with a quiet click before turning her attention to the blonde sitting behind her desk. Lauren appears to be completely composed and calm, and for just a moment Bo envies the doctors ability to control her emotions, outwardly anyway. Who knows if she is actually calm on the inside as well, Bo thinks as she stands there facing Lauren uneasily shuffling her feet.

Lauren watches as Bo shuffles her feet, looking ill at ease and awkward, and she finds it completely adorable. "Do you know how absolutely adorable you look when you get all shy and awkward Bo?" Lauren says trying to break the ice.

"Really? Because I feel like a complete idiot, how could me, not having any idea how to speak to you... be attractive." The doctor blinks at the succubus' words and quietly chastises herself for not keeping her thoughts to herself. She gets up from her chair and approaches the brunette.

"I'm sorry Bo, I just wanted to lighten the mood; to make you feel more at ease." Bo looks up into Lauren's chocolate coloured eyes and feels herself visibly relax at the warmth she finds in them. Bo steps forward preparing to embrace the blonde woman, finding that she is much more comfortable with actions rather than words. Before Bo manages to reach the doctor however, she steps away heading back behind her desk and starts tapping at the keys on the open laptop on her desk. Bo stands there, completely at a loss at what is going on and how she can salvage the mess that Dyson inadvertently made.

"You don't want me to even touch you now?" Bo questions the blonde, as she continues to do whatever she is doing on her computer.

"Just a moment Bo... Sorry," she says, as she finishes what she was doing. "I was turning off the surveillance camera's so that we could have some privacy, of course I want you to touch me." Lauren feels the blush rise up her cheeks at how that last part of her sentence sounded. Lauren rolls her eyes and says, "I don't mean …. well...sorry that came out sounding a bit ummm dirty."

"Hmm well, I certainly don't mind at all, you can talk dirty to me as much as you like Dr. Lewis. You know how sexy I find you in that pristine, white lab coat of yours." Bo says suddenly feeling much more confident now that Lauren is a bit flustered and not all controlled and doctor like.

Lauren sits on the edge of the desk and watches as Bo openly checks her out, making her blush even more. "How can you possibly make me feel like I'm the most beautiful thing you have ever seen when I am wearing a lab coat," Lauren says as Bo continues to undress her with her eyes and unconsciously licks her lips.

"I find everything about you beautiful, Lauren," Bo says. The playfulness is gone replaced by an intensity that the blonde has never seen from Bo. "So, Dyson came by wanting to bury the hatchet so to speak," Bo says, finally ready to get everything out in the open.

"Yes, he was waiting for me when I came into work this morning, said he wanted to make an effort to get to know me and to try to get along. He told me that you broke things off with him and that you...ummm..."

"That I broke things of with him because," Bo says staring intently at the blonde holding her gaze. "It's okay Lauren... if you don't feel the same or whatever, I couldn't not say it myself after Dyson had already let the cat out of the bag so to speak." Lauren had closed her eyes, breaking contact with the succubus as she tried to get her rushing emotions in check. The blonde had wanted to hear Bo say those words for quite sometime now and now that she had, she was terrified of finally acknowledging just how much she loved the woman standing in front of her in return. Lauren is brought back from her own turmoil as Bo shouts in surprise and shock as several of the filing cabinet drawers open by themselves, scaring the succubus half to death.

"What the hell, Lauren. I think you have a ghost or something in your office," Bo says eyes wide. The doctor stares at the filing cabinet drawers and wills them to close. Bo watches in silent awe, her eyes flicking from the look of concentration on Lauren's face to the closing filing cabinet drawers. "Umm okay, not a ghost then. Lauren what just happened? Oh my god I have to sit down." The brunette makes her way towards the chair in the corner and plonks her self down, then continues to stare at the doctor waiting for an explanation.

"I think it's a side affect from the combination from consuming the elixir, when I wasn't actually the one affected by the darkness and the chi you breathed back into me when you brought me back to life. I haven't had the opportunity to run tests yet, I was going to ask Kenzi for some help after hours so that I can give myself a CT scan, to see what's going on with my brain function. I'll take some blood and run an analysis as well, it may not even be permanent. But I have not got full control of it either as you just witnessed. My emotional state seems to be closely linked to my control of the telekinesis or the lack of control as the case may be. A bit like your abilities actually. Interesting, I might have to examine you again as well Bo, take some blood compare it to my own." Lauren looks over to the silent form of Bo. "Bo, are you okay? You're freaked out aren't you. Does this change anything? Bo please say something," Lauren pleads unable to bear the silence any more.

"It's all my fault," Bo says almost so quietly that Lauren didn't hear it. "Everything I touch, I taint or wreck, I'm sorry."

"Bo damn it, that's not true. I knew the risks, they were mine to take and I would do it again, a hundred times over if it meant saving you. I love you Bo, so much that it hurts," Lauren says tears springing from her eyes as she gets up from her place on her desk and kneels in front of the despondent succubus, cupping the brunettes face in her hands forcing her to look into the doctors tear filled eyes. "I love you, I would risk everything that I have to keep you safe, this is not your fault. You need to stop blaming yourself for everything that happens."

Lauren kisses Bo's lips hard, needing the succubus to feel everything that she feels. The doctor puts everything into the kiss and completely melts into Bo's arms as the succubus responds to Lauren's passion before adding her own into the embrace as well. The filing cabinet beside them crashes to the floor, scaring both woman into breaking the all consuming kiss, both breathing heavily and flushed with desire.

"Say it again," Bo says, breathing heavily, eyes burning with unbridled passion and desire.

"I love you," Lauren replies, stroking the brunette's cheek and jaw, before leaning in for another kiss. Lauren breaks the kiss before it gets too heated. "Bo, I still need to take things slow, if that's okay. There is still a lot of stuff going on in my head and I don't want to rush us, even though it feels so right."

"Whatever you need Lauren, I want to get it right this time and I also don't want to risk something falling on our heads," She says with a grin, motioning towards the upturned filing cabinet.

"Right and that could be a definite possibility, with the amount of emotions that I feels when I'm with you," the doctor responds. "I will definitely need to work on controlling this thing before I do hurt someone." Lauren gets up off the floor, brushing the dust marks off the knees of her pressed slacks. "Would you give me a hand with this Bo," she asks motioning towards the cabinet. Bo stands up from her chair and helps the doctor lift the stainless steel filing cabinet back into it's upright position.

"Would you like to go out for dinner sometime, just me and you?" Bo asks a shy smile quirking her lips.

"Bo Dennis, are you asking me out on a real date," The blonde says enjoying the butterflies she feels in her stomach. Bo moves forward placing her hands on the doctors hips.

"Yes that is exactly what I'm doing Lauren Lewis. So what do you say?"

"I would love to have dinner with you Bo," Lauren says giving Bo a peck on the lips before stepping away. "Now I really should get back to work, and turn the camera's back on, they will get suspicious if they are off for too long."

"Okay, can I call you later to see if you are up to having a drink or something?"

"Sure, I've got quite a bit to do, but if I'm not to tired, I would love to grab a drink with you and Kenzi." Lauren taps in a few strokes on the keyboard, turning the camera's back on. "I'll see you later," she says giving the succubus an enticing smile.

"Definitely," The succubus responds flashing the blonde with a cheeky grin of her own. "Bye," She says giving Lauren one last longing gaze before opening the door and leaving the lab.

Chapter 10


The doctor had worked doggedly throughout the entire day, skipping lunch, as she tried to get all the work that was piling up around her done. She needed to get the urgent cases finished so that she could hopefully start the investigation on this mysterious prophecy and unlocking the secrets behind her new found abilities. Not to mention that she really wanted to catch up with Kenzi and was longing to see Bo. She had missed the presence of the succubus almost immediately after she had left the compound.

Since reconnecting with Bo after her death and subsequent rebirth so to speak, she had found that the woman consumed her thoughts entirely. First it was the pain and fear overruling her senses when she thought of her. But after several sessions with Dr. Patterson, the pain and fear were overtaken by an aching longing that urged her to seek the succubus out, to seek comfort in her strong arms. Lauren had felt the pull of Bo powers before when they had first met and were flirting constantly, but now when she was in close proximity it was like a tractor beam was pulling her in and that it would be impossible to resist. Not that she wanted to resist, but she was a servant to The Light and human, it was against the law to have a relationship with Bo. Bo was unaligned which gave her the freedom to choose but Lauren was bound by the fae laws and had to act accordingly or it would be her death, Bo's or both. The Ash had given her permission to pursue Bo but that did not make it any less dangerous for both of them. She would need to set ground rules with the succubus to ensure that they restrained themselves in public, especially in The Dal.

The doctor was brought out of her reverie by her cellphone, her breath hitched at the thought that it could be Bo, but looking at the text revealed a message from Dr. Patterson instead. She wanted to have our final session tonight, which meant it was unlikely she would be seeing Bo or Kenzi. Texting a reply that she would be there at seven as requested, Lauren decided to head over to the archives, to do a little searching into the prophecy in the hour she had before her appointment.


Kenzi and Bo arrived at The Dal at half past six after wrapping up a case in finding a runaway fae girl and returning her to her very worried parents. A huge pay day meant the the two women would be set for pizza and ice cream for the next month at least. They were both in high spirits as the headed towards the bar, greeting Trick warmly at thanking him as he laid out several shots and a beer for each of them. As soon as Bo had taken her seat she pulled out her phone to text Lauren asking her to come down for a drink.

"Wow, I'm surprised you managed to get all the way to the bar before sexting your lady lover," Kenzi says eyes twinkling in humour.

"I can't stop thinking about her Kenz, it's crazy."

"Well I suggest you top up your tank, by kissing a few of these fae, so that you don't devour Dr. Hot Pants as soon as she gets here. Bo you have to be discreet when it comes to Lauren and the feelings you guys share," Kenzi says lowering her voice to a whisper.

"Why, I'm unaligned? I'm not governed by their stupid laws," Bo says agitated just thinking about the fae's disregard for humans.

"But Lauren is Bo Bo, what you two are doing is dangerous for her," Kenzi says, willing her love struck friend to understand. Discretion and subtlety had never been the succubus' strong suit.

"Damn it Kenz, it shouldn't matter," Bo say angrily. "Why hasn't she replied yet?" Bo looks at her phone, concern crossing her feature's.

"Bo it's just gone seven, the nights still young. The Doc is probably totally absorbed in some nerdy experiment and is too geeked out in her big science brain to notice her phone beeping at her," the goth girl says with conviction.

"Fine, I will go dance and top myself up, like you suggested. Otherwise I'm going to go insane waiting for Lauren to reply. I want her near me all the time, is that normal?" Bo questions.

"Why are you asking me Bo, do you see any man candy hanging off my arm. I don't think I have ever been in love. Just go with it, if you get too annoying, I'll try to slap it out of you. Deal?"

"Deal," the succubus says laughing and slapping Kenzi playfully on the arm, before heading into the dancing masses in search for a meal.


Lauren thanked Dr. Patterson again for her time, before stepping out of the office and into the long stark corridor in the East wing of the compound. Lauren pulled out her cell and turned it back on, and was greeted by a missed call from Bo and several texts, two from Bo and one from Kenzi.

Bo: Lauren, I'm at The Dal. I really need to see you, get your sexy ass here now. The text was finished off with a winking smiley face.

Bo: Are you okay? I'm going to call you.

Then she had the missed call from Bo, followed by the text from Kenzi.

Kenzi: Ahhh Dr. Hot Pants you might want to answer your phone pretty soon, cause my girls get a bit antsy in her pantsy's. If you don't answer soon she's gonna come looking for you.

Lauren laughed at Kenzi's text as she pressed call on her phone as she stepped outside to make her way to her living quarters on the other side of the compound. Bo picked up almost instantly panic evident in her voice.

"Lauren, are you alright? Why didn't you answer?"

"Sorry Bo, my phone was off, I was having my last session with Dr. Patterson. I just finished and am heading home. You and Kenzi can come by if you want, I'll open a bottle of wine and order some Chinese."

"That would be great, we will be there in twenty minutes."

"Okay I'll see you both soon," Lauren says unable to hide her smile at the succubus' obvious excitement. "Bye Bo."

"We will be there soon, I can't wait to see you," Bo says, sounding a little breathless.

"Me too," the blonde replies, before ending the call. Lauren walks the last hundred metre's or so to her door with a renewed spring in her step. She opens the front doors switching on the lamp in the entrance, and lets out a little gasp when she sees the dark figure of The Ash sitting on her pale coloured couch. Lauren falls to one knee, lowering her head, as she follows proper protocol.

"Rise child, I'm sorry if I startled you." Lauren turned on a couple more lights before sitting in the chair across from The Ash.

"Is everything okay sir?" Lauren asks trying to keep her voice steady.

"I heard you were having your last session with Margaret, oh sorry Dr. Patterson to you," The Ash says noting the confusion in the doctors face when he used the therapists first name. "I came to see, if you are feeling okay after the sessions and to see if you have made any progress with Bo."

"She and her human Kenzi with be here momentarily, we are going to have dinner," Lauren replies cautiously.

"Then I will not take up any of your time, so that you can get changed out of your work clothes and freshen up a bit, for your company. I disabled the security in here so that we could talk in private, leave it off until the succubus and her pet have left, it will make things easier. I applaud your forethought at doing that in the lab earlier. Please seek me out tomorrow so that we can talk in full, Lauren," The Ash says, his features not giving any indication of his emotions.

"Yes sir, as you wish."

"Goodnight, Lauren. Enjoy your evening." The Ash rises fluidly from his position on the couch and moves silently across the foyer and out the door, closing it quietly behind him. Lauren gets up and heads for the stairs, taking two at a time, she had ten minutes to get herself cleaned up, before Bo and Kenzi got here.

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