Unexpected Love Story //Jamo...

By aut_189

18.1K 277 47

A girl Ramona gibbler and her mother kimmy gibbler move in with her mom's friend DJ, who just lost her husban... More

Moving Day
First Day At School
Unsolved feelings
The First Love
The Mistake
Sick Of Fakes
The Fake Bitch
The truth Comes Out
Ramona's Big Party
A Week Of Love
Family Drama
A week later
Eighth Grade
What's Going On
Sweetness Ruined
2 Years Later
Authors note
What's Next?
Is Too Late ??
Five years later
The Wedding
20 years later

How could you?

454 11 5
By aut_189

Jackson's POV
After I yelled at him and punched in the face. Ramona told to stop, but I didn't and she ran away. I go to Ramona she went to Tommy's room. I'm sorry Ramona I shouldn't of got so mad and I'm sorry. "Well you didn't and you hurt him, so I can't forgive right now" She yelled. Then why did you have to do it with him? Instead of yelling I cried. Great now she knows that I still love her. "I'm sorry Jackson it just happened but I have question for you"? What is the question? I ask her. "Why julia just why you couldn't not gone for Tyler's ex. Really" she yells and" Just let you know I'm dating Bobby" she runs off. What!? I yelled. "Yep and I'm happy sorry" she runs down stairs and bobby is there and they were kissing or making out on the couch. How you could I wanted to say but I just kept it to myself. I saw Tyler and he was in the kitchen getting ice. I'm sorry man, I just lost it like that on you. "Its okay, I know you love Ramona" he tells me. But she is with Bobby and well I pointed to the living room. "Oh that sucks man" he says giving a hug. How could this happen? Then I think of what started this.
At the hospital where Ramona said she need time to love me again. I was sad and Julia was there and she was comforting me. But it lead to something Tyler, Ramona don't know about. "I'm sorry Jackson" she said hugging me. Then I kissed her and lead to cheating on Tyler I stopped this a bad idea and I went Ramona room but she was making out with Tyler. Yea I already knew them hooking up. So she told me she broke up Tyler. I went home and I wished the pill thing never happened.
End of flashback
I went upstairs to my room and cried. I broke it off with Julia. She was already cheating on me. Wow she is a bitch. I text Lola
J: Hey I broke up with Julia and well she told me she was already cheating. Ramona is with Bobby. And I miss her so much.
L:Awe Jax I'm sorry and why Bobby?
J:idk but it hurts and Remembered about the pill thing and I didn't tell you that Julia I kissed that night and I stopped it. When I went to her room she was making out with Tyler.
L: Oh well that's in the past and I'm sorry about what Ramona and Tyler did a few years back it was the night she broke up with you.
J: Oh.. 😢
L: I'm sorry Jax.
J: I got go bye night.
L: ok bye nite
I went to bed.
The Next Day
Ramona's POV
I wake up in Max's bed oh yeah I staying here for a few days because my papa has a car race thing and mom has gibbler thing. I go down stairs and I see Jackson I haven't talk to him since yesterday. He's all sad. Hey Jackson what's wrong? "Well I broke up with Julia and she told me she was already cheating on me" he cries. Awe I'm sorry she such a bitch. I missed having him in my life I say to my self. Who the fuck does she think she is I yell. "Ramona calm down" so I do cuz I don't want what happened to happen again. We were staring at each other and I started to lean in but he stops and says you have a boyfriend. Oh yeah sorry. I so wished I could kiss him. My phone Pings I answer it. Yes oh you want to break up. Well fine bye me and slam my finger to end the call. "I'm sorry about your break up" he says as he leans in and I lean into. We kiss and it turned to a make out. I stopped for air. Do you want to get back together? I ask him but he cuts me off by kissing me. "Yes"he says happy. I kissed again and went down stairs. Guess what. "What"? They all say. Were back together. "Yay" they all say as they hug us.

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