My Governess a Witch

By Leopardfang17

43.7K 1K 370

Nyra Stark is a very powerful witch from our time that gets sent back to Victorian England and sent to our fa... More

Where Am I?
This is a House of Horrors
Butler's P.O.V
Pink, Sparkles Everywhere!
A Bewitching Preformance
A Witch's Memories
William Appears
Two Heads Are Better Than One
Picture Perfect
A Different Talent
Competition Part 1
Competition Part 2
Midnight Flights and Curses
The Trial of Witch Hunter Angela
We're In The Future
First Day in the Future
Movie Night
Dealing With Witches in Training
A/N: Discontinued. Please read.

Another Birdbrain

1.3K 41 36
By Leopardfang17

I own nothing but my OC's. ATTENTION! This is your chance! I will be writing a chapter, possibly multiple chapters where Nyra, Ciel, Sebastian and possibly Grell go to the future for a bit. Now Nyra runs a coven with Yanmei and another witch named Brianna that trains young witches looking for higher learning. If you want you can send in a witch OC (Warlocks will not be accepted because male witches are so rare). Here is the info needed for me to hopefully portray your character the way you want.




Birth Date:

Birth Place:

Known Languages: (since the coven is in Greece I would recommend they know greek at the very least)


Special Power: (Could be transforming into an animal (a single animal), changing their appearance, affinity for a certain element. Remember they are NOT Sister Witches so they can't be too powerful)

True Appearance: (Like when Nyra's mask falls off)

Power Object: (Like Nyra's wolf pendant necklace)


Extra Info:

ANOTHER THING. I have been thinking about upping the rating of this story to M because of the violent and gory things I have planed. I won't write sex or anything like that since my mom reads this thing but it's just something I think you guys should know.

Nyra yawned as she and Sebastian walked up to Ciel's bedroom to wake him up. It was a Monday and even after so long of the same routine everyday she still had Monday-syndrome, and the calming tea scent wasn't helping. The soothing smell of the tea made her sleepy. Her green eyes were beginning to close.

"Wake up." Sebastian said, nudging her. Nyra shook her head and yawned again, running her fingers through her dark hair.

"I'm gonna need to make some coffee." The witch said as Sebastian opened the door.

Nyra gently shook Ciel awake while Sebastian opened the curtains. Ciel opened both his eyes and squinted when the sun shone in his face. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and accepted his eye patch when Nyra handed it to him. The witch was tempted to curl up in Ciel's bed and go back to sleep. Maybe she would even cuddle up with Ciel, the kid was so cute he could be used as a teddy bear.

"Ciel," Nyra began before yawning again. "Sorry, we have a math lesson at 8:30, and then at 9:00 you'll be reading some shakespeare, you can work on papers for the company until lunch at noon and then-"

"I apologize for interrupting but it seems we have a trespasser young master." Sebastian said calmly.

Nyra looked out the window. She could tell that it was a tall man and he was wearing a brown robe with the hood up, he looked almost like some kind of monk. The cloak covered his feet and his hands, his face was hidden in the shadow of the hood and they couldn't see anything. He stood at the edge of the forest, motionless. Nyra narrowed her eyes. "Wait a minute." She muttered. "I think I might know who that is." She suddenly felt wide awake.

"How can you tell?" Ciel asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he got up to look out the window.

"There's only one way to find out." Nyra replied, opening the window.

Sebastian and Ciel expected her to talk to him they did not expect her to throw a bolt of lightning at him. The man swiftly dodged. The witch smirked. With a growl she leapt from the window and when she landed on the ground the ground underneath the man's feet rose. He quickly leapt away onto a tree branch, which was good because the floating mass of earth he had been standing on exploded with large stone spikes.

'He's dodging my attacks pretty well,' Nyra thought as she threw a fireball at the stranger, which he dodged just like he had all her other attacks. He was faster than was to be expected of a human and he jumped to great heights in order to avoid her assault.

The witch wasn't really trying to harm the stranger, she was simply testing him, to make sure it was who she thought it was. Ciel had been dressed and was now sitting in the garden with Sebastian by his side. The demon had pulled a table out of his ass and had it set up beautifully for the master to enjoy his breakfast while watching Nyra toy with a stranger.

'There's one sure way to find out.' Nyra thought as the hooded man stood in front of her. She stood tall, opened her mouth and began to sing.

"Would you mind if I hurt you?

Understand that I need to.

Wish that I had other choices,

Than to harm the one I love."

The atmosphere around the battle field got thicker and heavier as Nyra sang. Everything looked distorted. The stranger shrank back a little, groaning in pain. While she was singing it began to snow and a bright beam of ice shot from Nyra's feet to the bottom of the stranger's cloak. The ice wrapped around him like vines before trapping him in a cocoon of ice.

"Hm, well that was fast." Ciel mused, slightly surprised and disappointed. He was hoping to have some more entertainment.

"Guess he wasn't who I thought he was." Nyra said crossing her arms, looking the frozen figure over with a critical eye. She had nearly been convinced.

The ice started to crack. Nyra's green eyes widened in surprise. At first it was just small little cracks but soon a large crack split the icy coffin in half and the cloaked man shoved the ice off of himself.

He turned to look at Nyra, two glowing golden orbs stared back at her, glittering with mischievousness. That's when the figure began to sing.

"I know I'd better stop trying
You know that there's no denying
I won't show mercy on you now"

Ciel and his servants slapped their hands over their ears, trying to block out the painful noise. How was this possible, was Nyra not the only one with super powered singing. Nyra tried to ignore the agonizing singing for a few moments to get her head in check. With her head clear she turned to the stranger and began to sing at the same time as he, canceling out his song. They were singing the exact same song.

"I know, should stop believing
I know, there's no retrieving
It's over now, what have you done?"

"What have you done now?!"

"I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away... oh
Why, why does fate make us suffer?
There's a curse between us, between me and you"

After that chorus everything was silent. The cloaked figure lunged at the witch.

"Sebastian." Ciel said. Sebastian drew a butter knife and threw it at the monk. He ducked but the knife caught his hood and tore it off. The knife landed in a tree, pinning the scrap of fabric to the bark.

"Skata!" The man swore in Greek. Nyra's eyes lit up. The man was the familiar face she had seen in Greece back in 1868. He had shaggy brown hair and golden glowing eyes. He was tan and well muscled and he also looked like he hadn't shaved in a few days.

"So it was you!" Nyra said pointing at him animatedly with a big smile on his face. She had to restrain herself from tackling the man in a big hug.

"Ómorfi̱ Skýlla mou!" He chuckled. "I haven't seen you in at least twenty years." He then noticed Ciel and Sebastian. He grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. "Sorry, I am Damianos, I met Nyra here twenty years ago."

"I see." Ciel said taking a sip of his tea. "Are you a witch as well?" He asked.

Damianos shook his head. "No, I am a siren." He said before the sound of ripping fabric filled the air. Two holes ripped in the back of his cloak and he unfurled massive body sized white bird-like wings.

Sebastian upon seeing wings that looked so similar to that of an angel felt his instincts fog his mind ever so slightly. His eyes turned demonic and a low growl rumbled in his chest. With those wings the man looked very much like the natural enemy of demons. So Sebastian felt a little aggressive. Nyra looked over at Sebastian and raised a brow.

"Everything okay feathers?" The witch asked.

Sebastian blinked, his eyes returning to their human appearance. He then smiled his signature shit eating grin. "Of course." He then turned towards Damianos who had taken off his robe. He was wearing a simple white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and black pants that ended at his knees. The man's hands and feet were bird like and had long talons. "What is your business here, sir?" Sebastian asked.

"I have some private things I need to discuss with Nyra." The siren said. He turned to the witch. "Are you free now?"

"Am I?" The green eyed woman asked Ciel. She was really hoping to catch up with an old friend.

"Provided it doesn't take too long." Ciel said, standing up since he had finished breakfast. "Come Sebastian."

"Yes sir." The butler said, following the young master inside.

Once the door closed Nyra squealed and launched herself at the winged man. Smiling broadly she wrapped her arms around his neck and laughed when he spun her around before setting her on the ground again and wrapping his white wings around her.

"I've missed you." Nyra said, squeezing her old friend tightly.

"I've missed you too." Damianos said before unfurling his wings and letting the witch go.

"I hope my wolves didn't attack you." Nyra said. Her wolves were territorial of the mansion, so intruders rarely got in. Typically they were eaten long before they reached the front doors. When Ciel was kidnapped by the Italian mafia she had honestly been surprised, and more than a little angry when she found out that they had killed two of her wolves.

"I just flew over them." The siren shrugged off her concerns.

"So what is it?" Nyra asked.

"Something I wanted to give you but that can wait." Damianos said. "What have you been doing these past twenty years?"

Nyra filled him in on her life at the Phantomhive household, telling him everything. She knew he would take her secrets to the grave. Nyra had met Damianos a few years after she had taken the title of Sister Witch. She had decided to stay in Greece as she enjoyed living by the sea, something she dearly missed now. The wind in her face and the spray of salt water.

While swimming through the sea she had stumbled upon a ship of slave traders. Nyra, while staying in Greece, attacked ships of pirates and criminals, often taking the treasures back to her cave. (Was the treasure still there? She'd have to look into that later.) But after she finished dealing with the criminals a rather angry bird man swooped down from the sky and accused her of stealing his meal.

Sirens used their songs to lure human sailors into rocky areas so that they would sink their ship and amidst the panic the sirens would pluck the humans from the deck and eat them. Damianos, angry at having his meal taken from him, even though Nyra hadn't eaten the humans, began to sing a powerful siren song. Imagine his surprise when the witch sang a song that was nearly identical in melody and canceled out his own song.

They got to know each other after that and became fast friends. Damianos was a siren without a colony, a lone bird. He didn't really like colony life and had decided to soar through the skies alone. But after meeting Nyra he decided to stay close by. Nyra confided deeply in him, telling him about Andrew and what he did to her and their daughter Arya. Damianos was only sorry that he wasn't able to kill Andrew himself.

He was the first person she told when she had heard that her beloved teacher, the person who was basically her mother, had been killed by another witch and frozen in an iceberg. It was the first time she had really cried since the death of Arya. Her teacher, Jorunn, had raised her from the cradle. True she had nurses and maids but Jorunn taught her how to use her magic. That was a bond that nothing and no one could break. Nyra had looked up to Jorunn and still did, even though her power far surpassed that of her old teacher.

"So you beat the reaper pretty bad, hm?" Damianos asked as the two continued their walk. They had ended up in the gardens at the back of the house. She had just finished telling him about the Jack the Ripper fiasco.

"Yes." Nyra nodded, smirking. "I was scared for Ciel and what Grell might have done to him and his aunt."

"But you know what?" The siren whispered, leaning in like they were two kids sharing a big secret.

"What?" Nyra smiled, whispering as well.

"I think that red reaper was even more scared." Damianos grinned.

Nyra chuckled before smiling deviously. "That's because nobody messes with a witch. Come here you!" Nyra said. She wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him down so that she could give him a 'Chinese Haircut.'

"What? No! Grr..." Damianos pulled out of the witch's grip before playfully pushing her.

Nyra laughed and made a vine from one of the nearby flower beds wrap around his ankle and trip him. Damianos yelped. It was really high pitched and he sounded like a girl. Nyra laughed and tackled him. In the end she found herself lying on her stomach with Damianos pinning her down. His white wings were stretched out over the grass.

"How did this happen?" Nyra asked in shock, blowing her hair out of her face. During her time with wolves she had to assert her place in the pack so wrestling was common. There was no better sense of victory then seeing your enemy tuck his tail between his legs and showing soft belly fur.

"Perhaps I have gotten better." Damianos said, Nyra could sense his smirk.

"Or perhaps my age is finally starting to catch up with me." Nyra said. Back in the future she used her age to get out of doing things she didn't want to. 'My old bones can't handle that' or 'give this old hag a break.'

"Now, now, witches do not weaken by the hands of time." Damianos said, holding out his hand. "Unlike us sirens." Nyra's eyes shinned with sadness.

Sirens did not have eternal life like witches, they only had eternal youth. Even though Nya could still be killed by disease or injury, her age would never affect her. Damianos was really a little over fifty years old and sirens had the same life span as a human. Nyra was really happy to see her friend again after so many years, but was now cruelly reminded that he would die eventually.

The curse of eternal life, watching those you care about die around you. It was one of the main reasons why witches were so secretive. Making friends with humans would only end in heart break. Many witches had committed suicide over the loss of a mortal friend or simply believing that their life was complete and that there was no need to prolong their existence anymore. Nyra strongly believed, no, she knew that she was the oldest living witch. A few tears leaked out of her green eyes. Damianos got down on a knee in front of her.

"Hey, hey, hey, no tears." He whipped them away with a taloned hand that most people would flinch away from.

"I hope you know that I'll miss you." Nyra said, smiling sadly.

"Don't worry; I'll save a nice cozy spot for you in hell." Damianos winked playfully. There was no way a man eating monster could get into heaven. Nyra laughed and stood up, feeling better.

"Oh, jeg nesten glemte." Translation: "Oh, I almost forgot." Damianos said, still on one knee. Nyra's eyes widened in surprise.

"Du snakker norsk?" Translation: "You speak Norwegian?" Nyra asked, in the language of her home land.

"Jeg lærte det i Norge mens jeg var på utkikk etter dette." Translation: "I learned that in Norway while I was looking for this."Damianos said, pulling out a black box and opening it, revealing a familiar ring. It had an onyx stone that was circled by diamonds. "Jeg håper det gjør opp for tjue tapte bursdager." Translation: "I hope it makes up for twenty missed birthdays."

"Er det virkelig det?" Translation: "Is it really?" Nyra asked, looking at the ring that held so many memories for her.

"Ja. Dette er den kraften ring av Jorunn." Translation: "Yes. This is the power ring of Jorunn." Damianos said proudly.

Nyra stared at the ring of her dead mentor, memories flooding into her mind. Nyra smiled brightly when Damianos slid the ring on her finger, ever being the charmer. Nyra hugged him as tight as she could, thanking him multiple times. To think that the siren would go through all that trouble of locating her old master's frozen corpse to dig out the ring, she knew her friend was truly loyal. What on earth had she done to deserve him?

"So you'll be heading back to Greece soon?" Nyra asked.

"Who ever said that?" Damianos smirked. "After hearing about all that trouble that you've been getting into, I think I'm going to stick around London to keep an eye on you." He spread his wings and began to take flight. "I'll be checking up on you, witch!"

"Be sure that you don't get caught, siren!" Nyra called after him. She then laughed hysterically when Pluto, who had finally woken up, started chasing Damianos and breathing fire at him. Damianos screamed like a girl once again but managed to dodge all the blasts of fire. The demon hound chased the siren well into the forest.

As the day went by Nyra couldn't help but think of the future. She gave Ciel his lessons and ate her meals with all of these thoughts constantly plaguing her mind. Not just about Damianos eventually dying, but when Ciel succeeded in his revenge, what would Nyra do then? She couldn't take over the household and watch the servants die around her. Obviously Sebastian wouldn't stick around but she would miss the stupid demon, even after he took little Ciel's soul.

True, in the future Nyra ended up running a coven with the help of her two friends Yanmei and another witch named Brianna but that was over a hundred years away. She couldn't start it now, the coven took place in an underwater hotel and technology wasn't nearly ready for that. The First World War hadn't even happened yet. Suddenly those hundred and twenty-six years between 1888 and 2014 seemed much longer.

Nyra got ready for bed that night, still worrying. Tossing and turning for hours she finally gave up on trying to go to sleep. She tossed the heavy comforter off of her body, which was clad in a long black silk nightgown. Putting on her regular shoes since the floors were so cold, she created a small flame in her hand to light her way through the dark halls. The witch tried to remain as quiet as possible as she snuck through the halls.

She opened the big doors that led to the ballroom in the mansion. The room had yet to be used since the mansion had been rebuilt. Nyra was honestly surprised that Sebastian even bothered cleaning it. The moonlight pouring in from the enormous windows made the floors look white and the light reflected off the crystal chandelier above Nyra's head. She saw a large piano tucked away in a corner.

Nyra did not extinguish the fire in her hand since it was a cloudy night and the moonlight wouldn't be sufficient enough. Instead she spread her arms and wisps of fire flew from her hands, lighting up the ballroom and searching for the candle wall sconces. Now with sufficient lighting Nyra simply stood in the middle of the room, not really sure why she entered it in the first place. The witch suddenly sensed eyes on her and felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.

"What are you doing up?" A familiar voice asked.

Startled, Nyra jumped with a gasp and turned around, only to see Sebastian. The witch put a hand over her pounding heart and sighed.

"Scared me, feather brain!" The witch said, calming down.

"Why are you awake?" The demon repeated walking up to the witch.

"I couldn't sleep." Nyra said, glancing away, refusing to meet his eyes. Her previous thoughts came back to her in full force. What would she do with herself after everything? Would she go find Yanmei? Would they search for Yanmei's lost son together?

"Is this what that creature wanted to talk to you about?" Sebastian asked, grabbing her wrist and examining the ring on her finger. The diamonds sparkled and the onyx stone was perfectly smooth.

"Yes." Nyra said, not pulling away.

"What exactly does it mean to you?" 'He's just full of questions tonight.' Nyra normally would have voiced her thoughts but she was especially melancholy this evening.

'I suppose this is what I get for bonding with those that will eventually leave you.' She thought to herself. Nyra didn't deeply confide her past in too many people. The only people she had ever told her complete past were Yanmei and Brianna. Sure Damianos knew what Andrew did to her but only Yanmei and Brianna ever knew what made her fall for him.

Andrew was a very kind, responsible and religious man. He would invite her to his home for dinner many nights and they talked more than they ate. He was pleasantly surprised to see how knowledgeable she was. Most men during that time and in Victorian times as well, were intimidated by smart women. But he found her to be interesting and she could hold a conversation about any subject. Soon he asked to formally court her. He learned of her love of music and would play the piano while Nyra danced and sang.

He learned all about her. Her favorite color was green, she loved canines and wolves especially, her favorite season was winter because it reminded her of home, when she got really worried she would cross her arms and bite her thumb nail but she wouldn't chew on them because she loved her long nails, her favorite fruit was strawberries, she demanded respect, she would gaze outside when deep in thought, her favorite way to end the evening was to curl up on the couch in front of the fire in a pair of cozy pajamas, a fuzzy blanket and a good book. The list went on from there.

Nyra supposed the main reason why she fell in love with Andrew was that he took the time to learn about her, except for the fact that she was a witch of course. Most men saw women as books, if the cover didn't interest them, they wouldn't bother to look inside.

"Nyra." Sebastian's stern voice snapped Nyra out of her thoughts. "Answer me."

"It is very precious to me." Nyra said her eyes beginning to water but she refused to let them fall. So deep in sorrowful memories she didn't notice Sebastian tighten his grip or hear his growls. "It was my teacher's ring, Jorunn. This ring served the same purpose for her as my pendant does."

"The woman from you memories?" Nyra nodded.

"She was the one who took care of me. She taught me how to use my powers." Nyra said.

"How did he get this? You said witches can't use their powers without it." Sebastian said, tilting the ring and watching it sparkle. The ring was of very high quality, especially for even earlier than 420 A.D.

"No, it focuses our power. Without her power object, our powers act only on emotion and we can't control them. Say someone took off my necklace in a fight, as that is the most likely scenario. Because I know that I won't be able to control my powers, I get scared and my magic reacts to that. Blizzards can start, the ground may shake, lightning might strike and I could end up accidently killing someone." Nyra said, started to shake herself.

"You've lost your pendant before?" Sebastian asked, picking up on the sudden spike of fear in the old witch.

"A couple of times. Three out of four times it was a witch hunter. I remember, he pulled off my pendant and shoved me to the ground. When he raised his sword to stab me I froze and so did he, quite literally. The area around us covered with snow, ice spikes rose around me and the witch hunter froze solid like a statue. He was solid ice. The moment I put my pendant back on the ice was expelled with such a force that that the statue shattered." Nyra said.

"So I was wrong." Sebastian mused, letting go of the witch's wrist.

"About what?" Nyra asked.

"I saw him give the ring to you. He was on one knee, had the ring in a tiny black box and he put the ring on for you. I'm sure you can figure out where my train of thought was going." The demon said, smiling a brilliant shit eating grin.

Nyra stood there for a moment, a completely stupefied look on her face. "Pfft..." Nyra snickered before bursting out laughing. "Me and Damianos? HAHAHAHAHA! I'm WAY out of his league!" Nyra joked, all previous sad thoughts gone. The siren was one of her best friends but they both knew that in no way was their relationship romantic.

"So you don't want to marry him and dance off into the sunset?" Sebastian teased with that stupid smirk.

Nyra was gasping at this point and had tears of mirth rolling down her face. She tried to speak but she couldn't breathe from laughing so hard. She managed to wheeze out, "...Bird can't *gasp* dance..."

"Are you saying that birds can't dance?" Sebastian asked, smirking. His eyes glowed demonically.

Finally having calmed down Nyra whipped her tears away. "I don't know, when we tangoed at Viscount Druitt's we couldn't get to complicated because of how prudish this century is. Do I know you can even do those moves?"

"Shall we find out?' Sebastian smirked, offering his hand.

"This isn't exactly a tango friendly dress." Nyra said flicking a speck of dust off her hip.

The dress itself was ankle length and did not give Nyra complete mobility. Suddenly Sebastian was right behind her. Before she could ask what he was doing the demon took a knife and slowly cut a slit in her nightgown. As the knife slowly glided up her thigh Nyra smirked.

"That's one way to solve the issue." She said as Sebastian stopped cutting once her was a good six inches away from her hip. He rested his head on her shoulder.

"You should be able to move with ease now." Sebastian said with his lips centimeters away from her ear. He put the knife back with the others that he hid in his sleeves.

"So you're going to prove to me that birds can dance feather brain?" Nyra asked.

Sebastian spun her around so that she was facing him. Sliding an arm around her waist while her hand glided up his arm to his shoulder, the two joined hands before quickly sliding into step. Finding it slightly odd that they were dancing with no music, Nyra decided to provide.

"Vuelvo a mirar, tus ojos son un volcán."

Sebastian smirked when the witch started singing and at the lyrics. The demon understood Spanish since he once had a contract in Spain. (A little Author Insert here. Sebastian has said previously that he waits a long time in-between meals so he clearly doesn't hang around humans too often. I don't know what Sebby does down there in hell but I doubt it's memorizing every single language and what are the odds that one of his contracts demands him to speak Norwegian. Sebby is still Mr. Perfect, he just doesn't know everything and one of those things is the Norwegian Language.)

"No escaparás, tu fuego dirá la verdad
No importa si quieres o no, porque hoy mando yo"

Just as the song picked up in speed, so did the speed and dynamics of the dance steps. Sebastian had lifted Nyra bridal style and spun her around quickly before setting her down and the two flawlessly slid back into the quick paced dance steps.

"Come on and take me, come on and shake me
Quiero saber lo que sientes por mí
Come on and take me, come on and shake me
¿Que no lo ves que estoy loca por ti?
Come set me free, just you and me
La noche es para mí"

The song had slowed down and once again the two had slid into much more flowing and slightly slower steps. The two were smirking at each other, seemingly playfully flirting. It was almost like a game of 'Tryst Chicken' in the form of dance. Just having fun, or maybe it was relieving desires. There was no true love in it, just playful flirting behind closed doors. Sebastian twirled her around the ballroom while the witch continued to sing.

"No puedo más, juro que mío serás
Ven a bailar, ya no podrás escapar
No importa si quieres o no, porque hoy mando yo"

At that line Nyra hooked her left leg onto Sebastian's right thigh, wrapped her left arm around his shoulders for better support and lifted her leg completely vertically in the air. Sebastian smirked at the witch with demonically glowing eyes. His hand supported her back which also helped her hold the position a little longer. Then they quickly sprang into the fast paced steps of the tango that seemed to have a few salsa steps thrown in every now and then.

"Come on and take me, come on and shake me
Quiero saber lo que sientes por mí
Come on and take me, come on and shake me
¿Que no lo ves que estoy loca por ti?
Come set me free, just you and me
La noche es para mí"

"Take me, shake me, take me"

"Brilla la luz, mi mágica noche eres tu
Ya no hay tabús
Quiero clavarte mi cruz"

"Come on and take me, come on and shake me
Quiero saber lo que sientes por mí
Come on and take me, come on and shake me
¿Que no lo ves que estoy loca por ti?
La noche es para mí
La noche es para mí
Come set me free, just you and me
La noche es para mí"

By the time Nyra finished singing she was panting and her cheeks were flushed. Sebastian didn't even look the slightest bit tired. All previous sad thoughts had left her thoughts. Perhaps instead of worrying about the future, it was more important to live in the moment. The two slid into a slower and easier dance when Sebastian suddenly asked,

"¿Cómo se dice "se baila bien" en noruego?" Translation: "How do you say "you dance well" in Norwegian?" Nyra looked up, green eyes wide with surprise but she smirked and answered with mischievousness in her voice.

"Sólo te voy a decir si le preguntas en noruego." Translation: "I'll only tell you if you ask in Norwegian." Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"Bueno, ¿cómo puedo preguntar?" Translation: Well, how do I ask?" Sebastian asked.

"Hvordan sier du ... på norsk?" Translation: "How do you say... in Norwegian?" Nyra replied, smirking.

"Hvordan sier du 'you dance well,' på norsk?" Translation: "How do you say 'you dance well in Norwegian?" The demon asked, pronouncing the Norwegian bit perfectly.

"Du danse bra. 'Bra' means good." Nyra said.

"Du danse bra." Sebastian smirked. "Hvordan sier du 'you should go to bed,' på norsk?"

Nyra rolled her eyes but answered. "Du bør gå til sengs."

"Du bør gå til sengs." Sebastian said as if lightly scolding a child that was still up past bedtime, which Nyra probably was.

"Hvordan sier du 'I will escort you back to your room' på norsk?" Sebastian asked, leading her to the door of the ball room.

Smirking, Nyra snapped her fingers and all the candle wall sconces went out. She created a small flame in her open palm before answering the demon. "Jeg vil følge deg tilbake til rommet ditt"

"Jeg vil følge deg tilbake til rommet ditt." Sebastian repeated as the two walked down the hallways. It didn't take long for them to reach Nyra's door.

"Takk, it means thank you." Nyra said, opening the door.

"And my response would be?" The demon asked.

"Du er velkommen." The witch said, enjoying being able to speak her mother tongue again.

"Du er velkommen." Sebastian replied.

"God natt." Nyra said before closing her door. Sebastian had no problem translating that on his own, good night.

"God natt." The demon replied before going down the Phantomhive hall to do whatever he did while everyone else was sleeping.

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