The long journeys ahead

By 110percentcooler

1 0 4

This is pretty much just the second part to my previous book. I promise it'll be good. Please read! The begin... More

Lost and found
The Sumus Dimension pt1
The Sumus Dimension pt2


1 0 0
By 110percentcooler

I woke up, and looked out the window. I remembered what had happened last night.
{I hope that was just a dream.}
*Ding dong*
I walked downstairs to answer the door.
Gar: Hi Narri...
Narri: Hey..
Gar: uh... Did that thing last night..?
Laur: Yup... It was real I guess.
Gar: why did we all change?
Narri: well.. It was another dimension.. So...
Aph: oh hey guys! I had the weirdest dream! We-
Laur: no aph... It was real.
Aph: oh... Well uh...
Narri: why are we all so depressed? It was an amazing experience!
Gar: I guess we're all just really surprised...
*silence 0.0*
Dan: Oh hey guys! I have a question..
Laur: Yes Dante, it was real..
Dan: well DUH! I know that! I was wondering where Travis was..?
Gar: he wasn't in his bed this morning?
Dan: no! I looked every where but the kitchen sink!
Gar: well.. We'd better find him!
Garroth's POV-
We looked all over town for Travis but couldn't find him.. We asked everyone.. Even people that didn't know him!
It was pretty easy describing him.. seeing as he's the only white hired boy in town.
Laurance's POV-
We asked so many people in town if they knew where Travis was. "Let's split up.. Well cover more ground that way.." I said to everyone.
Narri's POV-
We all decided to split up and look for Travis. I honestly wasn't too worried about him.. not that I wasn't worried at all. He's probably smart enough to take care of himself

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