Roleplays Galore

By Skye_CherryBomb_21

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ROLEPLAYS EVERYWHERE Welcome to my book of many different roleplay topics! From Fandoms to Original roleplays... More

Roleplays that will soon be here.
Ace Attorney Roleplay 2
Apocalypse RP


216 3 609
By Skye_CherryBomb_21

Welcome to the Hunger Games roleplay!

Here is the form you must fill out. I will roleplay with two others.





Things they lack skill of:


Weapon of choice:


Other facts: (Optional)

Here's my character:

Name: Skye Vortex

District: 11

Age: 17

Skills: Sneaking up on people, staying hidden, very accurate with a bow and arrow, tending to wounds, and identifying plants because she is from District 11.

Things they lack skill of: Throwing knives, building snares, camouflage.

Personality: Quiet, caring, may seem cold when she first meets someone, but she is just protecting herself, protective, shy, sometimes sensitive.

Weapon of choice: Bow and arrow.

Looks: Dirty blonde hair with black highlights, dull and empty dark brown eyes, wears all black. Has a bracelet from her friend back at home.

Other facts: (Optional) Usually seems tired, is prone to getting little cuts and bruises on accident, clumsy.

Comment the filled out form if you would like to join!

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