Looney Lovegood ||Supernatura...

By GeekFanfiction1

160K 5.2K 313

"Your saying there's a whole witch community?" "Yep" "Sammy, hold me" Sixteen years after the war against Vol... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 6

8.5K 290 3
By GeekFanfiction1

Opening his sleep caked eyes, Sam rubs them and lifts himself off of the floor that he slept on, as Dean had evidently took the couch after he had pointed out it was his fault they still had the king sized bed in the room.

Looking up at the small clock that laid next to the bed, red letters glowed out from the darkness of the room, seven 'O clock. Satisfied that he had gotten enough sleep, he stands, raising his hands above his head to stretch and yawn loudly, only to jump when he turned around to see light blue eyes staring at him from across the room.

"Hello," Luna waves innocently at him before turning to look at his brother, whom has his elbow over his eyes, legs sprawled out on the sofa, and drool creeping out of his mouth into his hair, or onto the pillow that his head was rested on. "He's a peaceful sleeper, isn't he?" The Brit asked, only for a moment later his brother lets out a loud snore.

"Yeah," The youngest Winchester says sarcastically, "Very attractive."

Not catching his obvious sarcasm, Luna couldn't help but nod. As the brown eyed brother hadn't noticed about his currently sleeping brother, is that he looked at peace while he was sleeping. His mouth, which as either in a scowl or a smirk, had his lips curled up slightly as his saliva rolled over them. Dean arms, that was usually stuck to his sides had moved slightly to where one arm was rested on his chest and the other above his head, his hand hanging loose over the side of the sofa.

Luna only wished he slept with his eyes open. The green eyes where the first thing she had noticed while introducing herself to the brothers after having been able to overcome her hangover. Dean Winchesters eyes have reminded her of many memories, such as her fathers favorite green robe that he would wear on special occasions, or when they set off into the gardens to find gnomes, as they had studied them or had welcomed them. His green eyes had also reminded Luna of her mothers wizards hat, rugged and torn as it was. She had used to say it had luck, yet the luck had ran out as she had mixed one to many dragon scales in a potion she was on the verge on discovering. There was no one but her daughter to continue her work, yet Luna did not do as well in potions class as her mother had.

Luna had realized that she had been staring at the Winchester to long, moving her eyes to look at Samuel Winchester whom was closing the door loudly, a brown bag that was slightly moist at the bottom in hand. "Hungry," he offered as she nods her head.

Tossing her a burger from the bag, his attention directs to Dean who had risen from his slumber at what the youngest Winchester had thought was the smell of food. What Sam didn't know was that he had woken up later, only to feel a gaze on him.

"Food?" The eldest Winchester asked, his mouth watering. Catching the burger that had been thrown at him, he takes a bite but turns at the feeling of the gaze, once again. Looking at Luna, he found himself surprised. He had forgotten about her after waking up from a dream. The dream about fireworks he and his brother set off once, when they had been younger.

"Welcome back," The blue eyed girl says, smiling at him but quickly closing her mouth when realizing that she had only seconds ago taken a bite of her burger. Covering her mouth with her hand, Luna turns scarlet. "Sorry," She had said, soon after swallowing her burger and a moment after composing herself.

Dean only waves his hand down, not bothered by it, having done the same many times before.

"Wait," Luna stops, furrowing her eyebrows after coming to a realization that she was alone with two larger men than herself in a place that she had yet to find out. She hadn't even gone outside yet, and if these men did have the intention of imprisoning her, they would most likely be dancing with her wand.

"Where am I?"

720 words

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