Trick or Treat

By Halloween123

742 37 28


Trick or Treat
Chapter 2
Trick?? Or......

Chapter 3

79 4 2
By Halloween123

"WAKE UP WAKE UP PLEASE WAKE UP"  My eyes opened to see a crying Cody pulling on my shirt shaking me violently.

"What what?"

"James as well as the others went inside the house and they can't get out."

"WHAT." Cody moved back giving me the chance to stand up and assess the situation

I ran to the door and began to pull and twist at the knob but it didn't budge even a little.

"AHHHHHHH HELP" The sound of screaming came from inside the house


"Help us somethings in here, it grabbed Timmy." Came his terrified voice. He was gasping.

What should I do. I tried to force myself to respond over the growing panic as the sound of wind gushing up against the house kept me from thinking clearly.

"CRASss" A sound of glass breaking came from one of the window

"Help me its me James." We saw a hand coming out from the window.

I rushed over to grab the hand pulling as hard as I could Cody rushed over to help me but still we were not strong enough to pull him out as it felt like something else had a hold of him. The something else was strong and apparently very scary. Very scary. James looked terrified, he couldn't wait to get free.

As me and Cody continued to pull James he began to come steadily out of the window.

"What is that." Timmy yelled out as two glowing red dots appeared in the darkness right on the other side of the window.

As I heard these words from Timmy a strength grew in me allowing me to pull James from out of the house.

"RUN" I screamed as James hit the porch

 Cody, James and me lept off the porch and began to run as fast as we could from the house and down the pathway from the house.

The sound of the wind lessened as we got further from the house. The three of us continued to run even as the lights around the pathway flickered off . We ran as we knew our lives depended on it.

None of us wanted to think of the kids left behind. We ran through the estate as fast as our halloween costumes would allow. The wind was howling now. It went wild in glee I think.

The lights in the lantern, those old fashioned ones with candles in them, were flickereing too. As if enjoying our panic. All I wanted was to reach home and hide. But the faster we tried to run, the longer the path to the gate seemed.

Suddenly, we felt hot. As if huge flames were following us. We ran even faster. Cody and me running ahead and James trying to keep up. 

"AAAHHHHHH HHHEEELLLLLPPPP!!!" We suddenly heard James' yell. Two red flames pulled him away as we tried to turn around while running.

He flew backwards in the air, high above our heads. Even as we tried to jump to pull him towards us, he was taken back towards the house.

The sight was so scary that Cody wet his pants in panic. "I want my MOMMY" he cried. 

I held his hand as we ran towards the gates. Surprisingly, we reached the gates soon.

We crossed the gates and they closed themselves with a loud CLANK. Chains flew into place barring us out.

Suddenly, the winds weren't howling, the lights of the candles burn out. The moons came out of the clouds and illuminated our path.

We now had to cut through the dark forest to reach home. Sobbing and panting we ran, not thinking of what we were to tackle but only of reaching home.

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