Get The Girl ✓

By jayscitylights

228K 11.5K 2.5K

A plan. A disguise. A checklist. Time to play cupid. Copyright © 2019 by jayscitylights. All Rights Reserved. More

01 | may i dance with you?
02 | dark eyes and a devil smile
03 | the golden goddess
04 | potential love interest
05 | can i fucking help you?
06 | a suicide mission
07 | a girl always hides her claws
08 | knight in shining armour
09 | another player in the game
10 | new friend request
11 | literal definition of asshole
12 | nancy drew with pigtails
13 | hamburger and potato thots
14 | earth to addie
15 | bobby the cat
16 | pretty china doll
17 | chubby bunny
18 | mermaids r real
19 | international women's day
20 | boyfriend material
21 | the great gonzalez
22 | the virgin question
23 | law of attraction
24 | you like overwhelming
25 | seventy-two hours
27 | blacklisted, pt. 1
28 | blacklisted, pt. 2
29 | not all accidents are bad
30 | king oberon
31 | olive branch
32 | fuck you right back
33 | gnome garden
34 | ready, set, action!
35 | consider me a fool
36 | summer nightmare
37 | puck's poison, pt. 1
38 | puck's poison, pt. 2
39 | history notes
40 | bronze babe
41 | your theory is wrong
author's note

26 | melbourne & douche face

4.5K 223 35
By jayscitylights

2 6

melbourne & douche face

     Once you get the girl, it doesn't stop there.

     You like each other, and you're together, and it's all paradise. You have all the elements of an established relationship: late night phone calls, low-key (or high-key) flirting, affectionate nicknames, the touchy-and-feely, and the constant eye-fucking. 

     Except if your relationship isn't like that. It's totally fine.

     But when you're finally in the safe zone, don't let your armour down. Having a princess by your side does not mean the eradication of other princes (or villagers, as Trey might differ.) And this is a point I can't be able to miss.

    "Don't fucking start," Jude warns.

    "So," Trey grins.

    "I swear to fucking — "

     Trey's smirk widens. "You think I'm confident, charming and intelligent?"

     I put my hands up in front of the two boys that's on either side of me. Even though Trey and Jude are better friends than the start, there's always a possibility of a full-fledged argument.

    Take this as an example. Yesterday, I told them what happened during the previous few days, and I guess they talked to each other to get the full story. But when I told Trey that Jude helped me realise my conclusion, he only focused on one thing: 

     — when I described Trey of his good qualities, Jude didn't argue with me.

    "Boys," I scold. "As much as I would like to witness another one of your quarrels, I'd rather not get caught in the crossfire." Especially while we're walking down a hallway.

    "Duly noted, sweetheart."

     Before I can react on his nickname once again, Jude places his muscled arm on my head like I'm a table. And then he continues bickering with Trey, who's laughing together with Jude now, and they pretend like I'm not even wedged between them.

     I huff.

    When we're in front of the cafeteria, it's already bustling with energy. I spot Justine before anyone else does. She's sitting in a table with Sean and Landon, Trey's friends, and some girlfriends that aren't Iris and Yolanda. The sight brings a smile to my face.

     The three of us are about to go through the doors when I hear a pssttt sound. I squint, trying to locate the sound, but there's no one there.

     Then I hear, "Melbourne and Douche Face."

     The voice rings in my ears like chalks scraping a board. I turn and suddenly he's there, leaning against the lockers by the corner. His posture is so nonchalant like he doesn't give a care in the world.

     The boys follow my gaze.

    "Who the fuck is that guy?" Jude hisses.

    "A douche face," I retort, inspecting the irksome entity that is TJ Barnett. He's standing alone, not flagged by his friends, which is a bit rare. Suspicion invades my mind.

    "I think I got that part right." He immediately moves in, either to tackle TJ or just outwardly confront him, but Trey grabs a hold of his sleeve. Surprisingly, Jude lets him.

     Trey calmly saunters towards TJ instead, whose face has turn pale in a span of seconds. Jude and I trail behind him, half because TJ called us, and the other half of curiosity. TJ's trying to look at anywhere but us, but with Trey's confident stride, he doesn't stand a chance.

     We stop in front of him and Trey speaks first, which, I think, was a mutual thought that occurred to all of us.

    "Hello, TJ," he goes casually. "I know it was my friends you called, but I can't help but wonder why I'm not invited in this transaction."

     TJ juts out his chin. "You're not needed, that's why. You can screw off."

     While Jude plays with fists, Trey battles with words. "It entertains me that you presume you're in power here, while, in fact, you're not. You're just as mortal as we are."

     The other guy falters. "Move your pretentious ass somewhere else."

     Oookay. Before this can turn ugly, I nudge Trey, silently telling him dude, knock it off. I'd love to see TJ crash and burn, but at the same time, the thought that we caused it makes me feel kinda sick.

     Trey gives me a look, and then averts his gaze behind my head, looking at Jude. Somehow they have this secret conversation in their heads, because Trey nods his head and smiles back sweetly at TJ.

    "I feel bad for whoever that needed to teach you manners," he says coolly. "What a disappoint you must have been." He turns to us as if to say I'm done with him, and leaves us, disappearing behind the cafeteria doors.

     Now it's just both of us with him. Jude crosses his arms. I copy his movements.

     TJ keeps looking past us, and that's when I remember: he and Trey are basically rivals. And by the way TJ is acting — fidgety and not as self-assured — I conclude that Trey makes him nervous. That thought alone is enough for any defeat.

     I tilt my head and smile. "Where are your friends?" 

     He scoffs. "They're pussies, didn't want to come. I don't get it myself." He meets my eye but looks away when it travels to the person next to me.

     Ah. I get it now. They're scared of Trey Gonzalez and Jude Reynolds. The two guys that were casually walking with me. I stifle a laugh.

     Jude shares a look with me, and I think, wow, the power.

    "So what the fuck do you want?" he demands.

     TJ clears his throat. "78 Hampton Avenue, up the hill. 11 PM."

     I blink. "What?"

     He rolls his eyes. "That's where the Blacklist Party is at. And you guys are invited."

     Jude and I frown at each other. What does that even mean? "Hold the fuck up," Jude holds a finger. TJ pales. "Blacklist Party?"

    "It's what you think it is," he explains, but still ambiguous. "The party's hosted by Laney Burke." 

     Laney Burke. She's known to be one of the most notorious people in Dalton High. She smokes and drinks a lot, from what I've heard, and gets kicked out of parties for her wild behaviour. But she's usually the one who goes to the parties, not host them, so hearing this interests me.

     A party. Blacklist Party. Whatever the hell that means. TJ is still being mysterious. I peer at him again, and he answers by raising his eyebrows, waiting for an answer.

     I look at Jude, and he shrugs at me. Letting me decide. My eyes travel to the doors behind us. Through the glass window, I can make out the figures that are the Golden Couple. Trey just joined Justine with her friends, and he puts an arm around her, kissing her temple. Even I can sense that her friends, and possibly the whole cafeteria, is staring at them with heart eyes.

     I don't know when they became official. They just suddenly did. And that's usually how it works, right?

     But every couple needs to solidify their positions as being someone's significant other. It sounds stupid, but knowing it's the real deal would keep it, well, more real. And with a girl like Justine — pretty, outgoing and extremely popular — Trey needs the safety net. Not because Justine would cheat, but it would save him a great deal from handling horny guys looking for hook-ups. Plus, Trey attracts an awful lot of suitors, too.

     Sharing a table with her in the cafeteria is one thing, but bringing her to a party? That's like the official official Facebook status. They'll know she's his, and he's hers. 


    Because once you get the girl, make sure everyone knows it.


     We forgot something.

     Trey, Justine, Jude and I stand a few metres away from the looming, enormous house, the bass booming from the windows and the lights a tinted dark yellow. It's more like a freakin' mansion. It roots itself in a gated neighbourhood, so we had to walk up a hill, and even I feel like I'm too ill for this kind of venue. But everything about tonight has me intrigued.

     Blacklist Party.

     It's for the blacklisted.

     As in for people who's been blacklisted from previous parties.

     It's a very Laney Burke move.

    "I told you," Justine eases, fixing the strap from her top. "I have it under control."

     Thinking back, it makes sense now that TJ specifically asked for Jude and I that day. Jude's been blacklisted before, due to his aggressiveness and the countless times he's wrecked private property. But that's usually to confront a prick who manhandles girls (and guys) so none of my respect for him is lost.

     And me? Well, it's not rocket science. My competitive traits equals to trouble: drinking challenges, card games, and even dance battles can be cruel. People dislike me enough to get me kicked out. 

     And I thought it was a great idea to invite the Golden Couple. Not getting an invitation doesn't necessarily mean you can't get in. Trey's been blacklisted before. Yes, even Trey freakin' Gonzalez. He's charming, confident and drop-dead gorgeous, but his arrogance can get the better of him. He's easily provoked, so he does have a habit of making the hosts feel inferior when they're acting stupid.

     So we're qualified.

     The problem: Justine is not.

    "Under control?" Jude gapes. "If you're not blacklisted, J, you can't get fucking in."

     I try to hide my smile. Jude adopted my nickname for Justine. He catches my growing smile.

     I hastily look away.

    "He's right," I add in, clearing my throat.

    "And I'm sorry to say this," Trey begins, inspecting invisible dust on his shoulder, "but I have to agree with your brother. The rules are exemplary."

     I frown. "Exemplary?"

    "Typical. Characteristic."


     Thing is, no one in their right mind would kick Justine Reynolds out of their party. Even if she had set the kitchen on fire. She's too pretty and too popular, even beyond Dalton High. She's the life of the party. It's social suicide to blacklist her.

     Then there's the other side of the spectrum: Laney Burke. She's wild and notorious. Letting an angel like Justine into her party would probably wreck her reputation.

    "Chill, guys." Justine gives us all a bright, bubbly smile, and it almost wins me over. "If you don't trust me, just wait and watch."

     She's already trudging forward in her heels before we can say anything. I adjust my long-sleeved crop top and shredded shorts. It's something Liv would wear, but I'm feeling bold. I guess Justine is feeling it too.

     Jude walks closely beside me, wearing a white shirt under a leather jacket. His wardrobe screams bad boy, but he's not, not technically. I mean, he's the captain of the track team. He's more like the popular guy who plays rough. And by his posture — shoulders tall, eyes alert, that confident stride and even the little scruff by his chin — Jude Reynolds oozes masculinity. I can't even begin to explain it. It's kind of overwhelming being near him.

     He catches me looking.

     Shoot. To save myself, I say, "What do you think's going to happen to your sister?"

     He shrugs. "I don't know. From this fucking point on, she's becoming as crazy as you."

     A grin envelops my face, and Jude playfully smacks my forehead.

    "Stop smiling," he says roughly.

    "You love my smile."

     He opens his mouth to retort, but he falters a bit, as if a thought just reoccurred in his mind. A faint frown appears, along with a distant look in his eyes that I can't really place. Before I can comment on it, we've reached our destination.

    "Hi," Justine greets, like it's an everyday talk.

     I almost balk.

     The bouncers who guard by the cream-coloured double doors, look about as suspicious as every other person in this place. One of them has piercings on his nose, lips — everything's just shiny when I look at him. The other has bleached blond hair and emits the distinct smell of weed.

     I do not like them.

    "Hey there, blondie," the bleached one slurs, even though he's blonde himself. "We know who you are, Jennifer — "

    "Justine," Trey corrects.

    " — you can't come in. The three of you, you're free to go. Jennifer... you stay."

     As if the name-calling isn't enough, he has the audacity to rake Justine's body with his high, heavy-lidded gaze. I immediately become terrified for my friend. Luckily, Trey's already readying a stance next to her, a clear fuck-off move. I see Jude clenching his fist, and I put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

     Justine looks disgusted herself, but she plasters on a smile. "So I can't get in?"

     Piercing Guy smirks. "That's what we just fucking said."

    "Good." Everyone is confused. "So by saying I'm not welcomed here, you deemed me blacklisted from the party. And may I ask you what the theme of this party is?" She grins. "The Blacklist Party. So, if you'll excuse me." 

     The bouncers are frozen with identical idiotic expressions as Justine slips between them, pushing against the gigantic frame of a door. The gap lets a sliver of the party, and I eagerly lean in: the sudden flash of lights, heavy bass of R&B music, people swaying, dancing and laughing.

     Trey is stunned for a while, in awe of her, then says:

    "Now you know to never underestimate and objectify her again. Or to all girls in general. I would offer you guys a good day, but that would be unpleasant to me." With this, he follows his girlfriend quickly, avoiding the bouncers as if they were contaminated.

     Now that the Golden Couple are gone, the bouncers' attention wavers to us. Rather, me. One of their gazes land on my exposed midriff. I freeze. 

     I can't help but be unresponsive. I know I've done many things — things people would think twice about — but this atmosphere right here... people passed out in the grass, the sight of white powder, the smell of whiskey... gives me the bad vibes. All the smokers, crackheads, drinkers and troublemakers are gathered here.

     What have I gotten myself into?

     Jude grabs my hand and leads me away from the bouncers, bumping their shoulders aggressively.

    "Fuck you," he spats to the guys, before he opens the door.

     And the first thing that happens is that I get drenched in alcohol.

A/N: All what you've been waiting for. The single one-night event that changes everything for our beloved gang. Put on your seat belts, kids.

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