Septiplier One-Shots

By DavisLeo

888 36 15

Septiplier away! No smut here, mature rating for swearing! Mostly Fluff! Also, I have nothing against Jack an... More

Dearly Beloved Pt. 1
Dearly Beloved Pt. 2
I Found
A Love for Theatre and In the Theatre
MMOTubers: Champion of Zimthar
That Boy, He's a Motherfuckin' Monster (Dark x Jack)
Rhythm of Love
A Contract of Death and Love
Garden of Stone
The Priest from Ireland
A Shattered Performance
I Kissed a Boy
Dead by Daylight
To Be With the Man of My Dreams
Dance With Me Handsome
Eyes on Fire
When Gamers and Dancers Collide
My Heartsmith
Dovahkiin and Dovah
Stressed Out

Jackie's Prom

29 1 2
By DavisLeo

  High School AU! Where Jack is a girl. It's her senior prom and her boyfriend Mark, a freshman in college, takes Jackie's silly idea seriously

Jackie was hanging out with her boyfriend Mark. Mark had just come home from his first year of college. They were talking about Prom and who they should get a limo with. Jackie was graduating with Mandy, Wade, Felix, Ken and Cry. They all had their dates and the two of them thought it would be a fun time to do a limo and an afterparty with the bunch.
"Say Mark.. You know what would be funny?" Jackie says, getting a thought.
"What's that?" Mark asks.
"If you wore a dress and I wore a tux to prom," Jackie giggles. Mark gets a thoughtful look on his face.
"Alright. I'll do it. Sounds like fun!" Mark grins looking at Jackie. The green haired girl drops her jaw.
"You're serious right now? You'll wear a fucking dress? I was just joking around!" Jackie exclaims.
"I'm dead serious. Am I going to embarrass myself? Probably. Will it make you smile and laugh? Yes. Will it be worth it? Totally," Mark says, smiling. Jackie blushes but hugs her boyfriend. Mark hugs her back. "But we tell no one."
"Yeah. Surprise EVERYONE!" Jackie grins.

~Prom Night!~
Jackie and Mark were currently driving to Felix's house where they would be crashing. Jackie was giggling really hard as Mark drove. Her boyfriend looked so silly but absolutely stunning in the dress he was wearing. They arrived soon enough and they got out of the car, grinning like idiots. They hear laughter coming from their friends as they walked over. Mark walks out in a red dress. (see the media attachment)
"I see who wears the pants in the relationship!" Felix snorts.
"Dude, you look great," Cry says.
"Bitch I'm fabulous!" Mark says, snapping his fingers in that sassy Z, causing his girlfriend to go into a fit of laughter. Mark grins, hearing Jackie laugh. That's all he wanted. He wanted Jackie to be happy and for her to love him back.
"Say Mark... Your hair goes with your dress!" Marzia says.
"Oh yeah.. I didn't even realize that," Mark chuckles. However, photos needed to be taken since the limo had arrived which meant prom was starting soon. Jackie snorts seeing Mark have some trouble getting into the limo. Everyone chatted and laughed as they rode to prom. Jackie and Mark were the last couple to get out, causing more laughter and smiles from the faculty and other students. Jackie and Mark got plenty of compliments and people wanting to take pictures of them. They happily let people take pictures of them. Mark and Jackie hang out, eat and dance with their friends, having a blast like they did the year before. The DJ decided that he'd ask if anyone has an announcement of any kind and Mark makes his way, getting everyone's attention.
"I'd like to say that all of you ladies are beautiful but I'm so fabulous, you all just can't compare!" Mark says, getting laughter. "But on a serious note, I did this to make Jackie laugh and smile. I love her more than anything and as much as I am a little bit embarrassed, it's all worth it to see Jackie smile and laugh. So a little reminder to all of you out there single or taken: if embarrassing yourself makes your significant other laugh and smile, then it's worth it. All you should want is for them to be happy and for them to love you back," Mark says. He gets a round of applause as he walks away and goes over to Jackie. Mark pulls Jackie close and pulls her in for a kiss, which she happily returns. This was a night that neither would forget.

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