Hard To Love

By xoxolazygirl

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"No need to be a d*ck. You know that's supposed to be a part of your body and not your personality, right?" ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2. New/Old Friends
Chapter 3. Karma is a B*tch
Chapter 4. Confrontation
Chapter 5. Disappointment
Chapter 6. Shall we make amends?
Chapter 7. We are friends
Chapter 8. Sweet Dreams?
Chapter 9. Friendzone's a b*tch
Chapter 10. Start of something new
Chapter 11. Kisses, fights and more kisses
Chapter 12. Happy Birthday Emma
Chapter 13. It's over
Chapter 15. Feelings
Chapter 16. Parties and Tequila shots
Chapter 17. A Different Birthday Celebration
Chapter 18. Make a move
Chapter 18. Part 2. The aftermath
Chapter 19. He's okay-ish
Chapter 20. Close
Chapter 21. Part 1. The Ugly Truth
Chapter 21. The Ugly Truth. Part 2
Chapter 22. This Is It
Love Me Harder.

Chapter 14. Friends in need

64 4 9
By xoxolazygirl

Emma's POV

I opened the door to my dorm room and Demi was standing there with a huge pack of ice cream in her arms. All color was lost from her face and judging by her hair, she's been running her hands through it.

I let her in and I closed the door behind her. "Start talking."

She kicked of her shoes and sat on my bed. "Grab two spoons first."

I did as told and then sat down on my bed with my back on the wall next to her. "I'm waiting." I said before stuffing my mouth with ice cream.

She sighed "After you left I stayed at Stella's for about an hour. When I decided to go home James wasn't around to drive me and Mr Anderson offered to drive me home." She said before grabbing a spoonfull herself.

Mr Anderson? Is she kidding? She made out with the guy. Now she gets shy?

I nodded encouraging her to go on "Ah-huh. Go on."

"So... on the ride home we were talking and he was in a good mood and he cracked jokes and w-"

"Wait wait wait, he cracked jokes?" I asked faking being shocked to lighten the mood.

She glared at me "Can I go on?"

"Fine, whatever you say teacher's pet." I smirked at her

"Anyways" She said in a firmer tone "I guess I had a crush on him since the beginning but just wouldn't admit it. But it wasn't me that made the move Em." She whined "He kissed me when I was about to get out of his car. I would never try anything on him."

I looked at her with a grin on my face and my hands went on my mouth "You slut."

"Emma." She whined "This is serious."

"I'm sorry, you're right." I said raising my hands in surrender stance "So what happened after that?"

She replied with her mouth full "I freaked out and basically sprinted out of the car."


"Are you seriously asking me this question? He's my professor Emma and he's 30. What was I supposed to do?"

"He made a move you idiot. He knows all that but he's into you."

She sighed

"Is he a good kisser?"

All color came back to Demi's face at my question.

God he must be a really good kisser if she blushed just by my question.

"Emma." She said sternly and I gave her a look which said who are you kidding? "He kisses like heaven. Better than any kiss I've had." She said with a sigh. "They were just two but still"

"Someone's smitten."

"Shut up." She glared at me

"We're skiping tomorrow." I decided laying down


I got up, resting myself on my elbows "Why? You wanna see your lover?"

"Have I mentioned I hate you?"

"I love you too slut." I said and stuck out my tongue at her "I think it's better to skip. You don't have to face him and I wanna stay hidden in here with someone in case Lucas shows up. Two birds with one stone."

She put the ice cream away and laid down next to me "Speaking of Lucas... Let's talk about that now. What happened?"

I sighed and turned on my side to face her.


I woke up from the sound of loud whispering that came from somewhere in my dorm.

I shifted a bit on my bed but stayed down and kept my eyes close so I could listen to what was going on.

"There has to be a reason Demi." Lucas said in a normal voice "She can't just end things between us like that."

"Shh, keep your voice down." Demi rushed to say "I told you she's asleep. And I'm sure she gave you a reason as to why she broke up with you." She whispered

"Fighting isn't a serious reason."

Demi sighed "You two are the only ones that know what was happening while you were together. I can't get in the middle of that."

"I want to see her, talk to her."Lucas insisted and I realized it was time for me to actually get up and face my problems.

"I'm up." I spoke getting up from my bed.

They were standing at the door of my dorm.

I looked at Demi who had a worried look on her face "It's fine."

She sighed "I'll stay outside so you two can talk."

I nodded and she walked out closing the door behind her.

"Emma..." Lucas started, his blue eyes were darker and it was obvious he hadn't had enough sleep if none at all. His hair was messed up and he looked like a mess in general which only made me feel like a bigget mess that I was on the inside already.

"What are you doing here Lucas?" I asked with a sigh.

"I'm here to see you, I'm here to fix things."

Don't you just hate it when people try to make things right after the relationship has ended? I mean if you had tried that earlier, we wouldn't be at this position now.

"There's nothing to fix now. It's over." I said

"Is there someone else?"

Of course he'd think that.

"No. I just want to be alone."

"Why don't you give me another chance?"

"All I've been doing the past couple of months is give you chances."

"It couldn't be that bad." He argued and he was right.

"I didn't say that. We had good moments, and we had bad ones too. We were in a relationship and it ended, we have to move on."

"So this is it?" He asked in a angrier tone now. His blue eyes darkening up.

"Yes. I'm sorry."

"Fine. Whatever you say." He opened the door and with that, he was gone.

"Em." Demi said walking in and the closing the door behind her.

"I'm fine." I said running a hand through my hair.

"Em honey I can't really believe you when you say that while having tears running down your face." She said pulling me in a tight hug.

I'm crying?

I wiped my eyes "I didn't mean to hurt him."

"I know." She said slightly combing my hair with her fingers "He's a big guy, he'll get over it."


"You can't skip again, it's the last day before exams start Emma."

"I don't feel like going Dem, I wanna stay home." I groaned rolling on my back.

I've been in bed all day yesterday and I was planninng to do the same thing today. I wanna sleep and I'm not working so there's nothing better for me to do.

"Please, Just do it for me, we have English. I can't go in there without you." She begged.

"Fine." I groaned "I'll be ready in an hour but then you'll leave me alone."

"I promise. See you in an hour." She said before hanging up.

"He's looking at you." I whispered to Demi.

Today we had picked the seats that were in the back of the class.

It gave us the opportunity to talk and watch McGrumpy without him realising it. Well the plan didn't really work considering the fact that he keeps stealing glances at Demi. But at least we tried.

"He's probably just afraid that I'll tell someone about the..." she trailed

"What are you two talking about?" Stella asked with a curious expression on her face.

"Just about Lucas showing up yesterday." I hurried to answer so she wouldn't get suspicious.

"You never told me how that went."

"I will, later." I promised

I made a mental note to both tell Stella about Lucas and tell Demi to tell Stella about the kiss with McGrumpy. It's not right to keep it form her.

"Again with the talking." McGrumpy observed "Miss Greene"

Why am I always the first to be pointed out? Not fair.

He continued "Miss Anderson... miss Charles."

"We're sorry." Stella said

Does he want me to tell him what we were talking about? No, I don't think so.

"Since it's the last day I would like to see you after class so that we don't have a repeat next year." He said in his authority tone.

Sucker. All you want is an excuse to talk to Demi.

Pfft, men.

The three of us nodded.

70 minutes later, and yes I counted, Class was over.

We were the last ones to leave the small theater since McGrumpy wanted to talk to us.

Demi had once again lost all color form her face, Stella had a frown on her face and I had a smirk on mine.

I'm curious as to what he'll say. I really am.

"What are you?" He started. He was leaning against his desk with his arms crossed over his chest. "First graders that I have to seperate in order to get you to stop talking?"

"We'll probably just text eachother if you do that." I shrugged

He rolled his eyes "Well do that while you're sitting next to eachother as well. I don't appreciate all the whispering while I have a 40 people to deal with."

And I don't appreciate you going around kissing my bestfriend I thought, but refrained from adding.

"Come on Alex, we're not in highschool." Stella said rolling her eyes

"And that's why I expect some understading from the three of you." He sighed "You and I " He said to Stella "Will talk at home. Now I want to have a small talk with your friends over here." He said pointing at me and Demi.

Demi was still silent and looking at the ground.

"Why can't I stay?" Stella whined but McGrumpy gave her a look and she sighed "I'll be outside."

With that she walked out.

"Well miss Greene." he started again "I'm n-"

I cut him off "Yeah yeah whatever. I'll just go distract Stella with my love life drama so you can talk. See ya." And with that I was out.

I'm not gonna listen to him lecture me.

Stella was sitting right outside. She looked at me "Well that was quick."

"He said that I should keep my mouth shut next year and he wanted to talk to Demi about her latest essay." I lied easily although I felt bad.

I couldn't betray Demi though, she comes first.

"Oh okay. We could wait here then." She offered with a smile

"Well I was thinking that we could walk around, I kind of wanna talk about Lucas. Feel like listening Stel?" I asked with a small smile

"Always Em. Come on, let's go." She said motioning me to walk with her.

I just hope that Demi and McGrumpy don't hit it off too bad in that theater.

Nathan's POV

"Thanks for watching over him dude." I said to James while kneeling down to pet Winston.

"It was no problem. How's your mom doing?" He asked while taking a seat down on his couch.

I threw myself next to him "She's fine. She dragged me around her charities almost the whole week." I said cringing.

"Don't be a dick. Your mom is great for helping so many people."

"I know." I said leaning back and putting my arms behind my head and closed my eyes "So, anything interesting happening while I was gone?"

"Actually yes." He said making me open my eyes and raise an eyebrow at him.


"Trouble in paradise. Emma and Lucas broke it off a couple of days ago. Stella told me." He said with a smirk on his face.

I sat up straighter and looked at him trying to see if he's fucking with me or not.

I'm gone for a week and the world comes crushing down.

"What? Why? What happened?"

"Can't help with that." He said shrugging. "All I know is that Emma was the one who ended it."

Wow. If those aren't the best news I've heard in a long time. Emma and Lucas broke up. I can't help but wonder why though.

Well, I can't say that I'm really sorry to hear about it but I can at least pretend to be when I see her.

What if this is my chance to finally make a move on her?

No you dick. My rational voice screamed. She needs you as a friend now. Don't screw it up by making a move now.


"Yo" James waved his hand in front of me "Earth to Nathan. Dude wake up."

"What?" I snapped

"I've been talking to you and you've been deep in though. I said you can finally make a move on Emma now with Lucas out of the picture."

"I've told you I don't like Emma like that."

I know I'm lying, he knows I'm lying but I'm gonna keep lying anyway.

"And I've told you I don't believe you. You're a love struck idiot stuck on friendzone and you'll end up loosing her AGAIN."

"Gee thanks."

"Just trying to help." He said placing his hand on his chest right over his heart.

"Yeah of course you are. Why don't we talk about how Charlotte won't give you a second glance?"

He glared at me "Shut up."

I mocked him "Shut up."

Emma's POV

"It's too hot to be outside Nate." I whined rolling on my back. I held the phone to my ear.

"I'll take you to the beach. You need to get out of your damn dorm room."

"I was out two days ago and I really don't feel like going to the beach either. Plus, if I wanted to go to the beach I'd call Demi and Stella."

Lie, big lie.

Demi is sneaking around with McGrumpy doing God knows what and Stella is currently in New York visiting her aunt so I'm kind of on my own.

Not that I'm complaining, sleep is important.

"Stella is in New York and Demi is lazier than you are. I'll be there in half an hour and you better be ready by then or I'll drag you out of the bed and dress you up myself." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"You'd love that now, wouldn't you? I'll be ready dick. Bye."

"See ya." He said and hang up

I groaned and got of the bed. Great I need to shave my legs now.

Damn you Nate.

25 Minutes later I locked the door behind me and headed down to wait for Nate.

What I didn't expect when I got out of the dormitory was to see Lucas right in front of me.

"Lucas?" I asked surprised "What are you doing here?"

He looked at me, his eyes looking straight into mine. "I'm here to talk to you."

"I don't think there's something to talk about."

"There is Emma. I gave you space, time, I barely bothered you. Don't you think it's time for us to get back together?"

"I didn't ask for space Lucas, I broke up with you. I'm not planning on getting back together with you."

"How can you do this to me?"

I sighed and placed my sunglasses on top of my head "It's been a month Lucas. Move on."

"Why? Have you already found my replacement?" He asked, his jaw clenched.

"Νο I haven't. I didn't break up with you to get with someone else. Can't you realize that it just wasn't working between us?"

The sound of a very familiar motorcycle made me look away from Lucas. Nate pulled up a few feet away from where we were standing.

He is here. Thank God.

Nate took his helmet off and got of the bike, he started approaching us.

"Of course you were waiting for him." Lucas exclaimed.

"Emma" Nate started when he had reached us "Is everything alright?"

I nodded "Yes. Let's just go."

"We're not done talking." Lucas said grabbing my arm.

"Yes we are." I said trying to get him to let go of my arm but he didn't.

"We're done talking when I say we are." His grip on my arm tightened and he then turned to Nate "You should leave us alone, we need to talk."

Nate chuckled and grabbed Lucas' hand, dettaching it from mine "Yeah, I don't think so buddy. She doesn't really seem like she wants to talk to you."

"That's none of your bussines." Lucas said pushing Nate a bit.

Oh god. Why can't he just take a hint?

I want him to leave me alone. How many times do I have to repeat myself?

"It is my bussines as long as it has to do with Emma." Nate argued

I got in between them looking at Lucas "Lucas just go, okay? There's nothing to talk about."

What is this? Some kind of lame romantic comedy?

"Go and leave you with this douche?" He scoffed.

"The only douche here is you obviously." Nate said raising his voice.

I turned to him. "Nate, it's not worth it, let's just go."

"Tell me Nathan" Lucas started "Is she giving it to you already or are you waiting for the right moment so you can screw her?"

I turned around and glared at him "Go to hell Lucas."

"This is enough" Nate said pulling on my arm "Let's go before I loose my temper."

I nodded

Nate turned to Lucas "I really feel sorry for her wasting her time on you."

Nate's words probably were the last straw because Lucas did something I never thought he'd do. He punched Nate.

"Lucas" I almost screamed but no one seemed to pay attention to what I was saying.

Lucas' punch didn't seem to affect Nate much. He held on to his nose of a few seconds before returning the punch to Lucas. The only difference was, that the one he threw was a lot harder than the one he received.

Well shit

"Nate enough." I exclaimed once again getting in between them "Stop it. What the hell is wrong with the both of you? Lucas get out of here now"

Lucas turned around and walked to his car without a word. He got in and left.


I ran a hand through my hair and faced Nate "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Are you?"

I nodded "Let's get you some ice." I motioned for him to follow me.

I sat on my bed next to Nate. I held the towel with the ice on his nose.

"I'm fine Emma." He said pushing my hand away.

I slapped his hand "I don't want this to bruise, okay? Keep quiet." I said, my voice full on authority mode and I went back to pressing the towel on the spot where Lucas' punch had found him.

Nate nodded and remained silent.

I can't believe Lucas would so something so stupid such as punching my bestfriend. Who does he think he is?

"Thank you." I said in a calmer tone than the one I used before. "You didn't have to but you defended me anyway."

He moved my hand away from his face holding it in his. "There was no chance I'd let you be alone with him. It was obvious you were uncomfortable."

"Thank you anyway." I said pressing the towel back on his face.

"He didn't hit me that hard, I don't need ice. I'm sure my punch was a lot harder." He said with a small playfull smirk on his face.

I nodded removing the towel.

Nate turned serious, he placed a strand of hair behind my ear "He didn't touch you did he? I mean before I got here."

"No. Of course he didn't. Don't worry." I said offering him a small smile.

"That's not possible when it comes to you." He said in a quiet voice looking me straight in the eyes.

I held his gaze for a few seconds. Nate's hand was on my cheek, stroking it slightly.

I hadn't realised that I was leaning on his touch until his hand started stroking my hair slightly and I realized that I was actually leaning both on his touch and in towards him.

I shook my head, snapping out of the staring contest we had going on before I showed him my gratitude in a way that would ruin things between us. "I'm gonna get a drink" I said moving away "Do you want a coke?"

Nate stared at me for a couple of seconds before blinking and then nodding "Yeah. Coke is fine."

I nodded and walked over to my mini fridge.


That was longer than I remembered.

Anyway, thoughts on Demi and McGrumpy?
What about Lucas and Nate punching eachother? And was Emma really leaning in for a kiss with Nate? Hidden feelings or got caught up in the moment?

Please don't forget to vote and comment because it means a lot. :)

Chapter 15 Preview: Demi looked at me and then at Stella.

"Spit it out already." I exclaimed.

Why is she making a big deal out of this.

"Shut up, will you?" Demi glared at me and I raised my hands in surrender stance, still rolling my eyes. She looked back at Stella "I'm seeing your brother."

Stella seemed taken aback "You and James? Didn't see that one coming."

You won't see what's coming, coming hon.

"Actually" Demi started "I'm not talking about James."

"Pardon me?" Stella asked with a raised eyebrow

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