The Search for Jetfur

By ad_meliora

4.1K 197 44

[Warriors Cats Fanfiction] After Tigerstripe's former clan, MoonClan, falls apart after its loss in battle, T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Author's Note

Chapter 47

60 4 2
By ad_meliora

The next morning nearly appeared peaceful for Tigerstripe. He awoke to the sound of chirping birds and the faint traces of sunlight flickering into the den. He yawned, and for a moment, he believed he was alone with Jetfur in a den of their own. The reality that he was in MoonClan hit him only a few seconds later.

He turned and sighed, noticing Jetfur was sleeping peacefully. He smiled but worried for her. It would be another difficult day of training.

"GET UP, YOU CATS!" came a loud screech from outside the prisoner den.

Tigerstripe sighed, watching as the other cats began to stir. Though he regretted it, he lightly poked at Jetfur.

Jetfur awoke suddenly, startled.

"Oh," she mumbled, rising without even stretching or grooming herself.

The prisoners were led outside like normal into the center of the camp where Hazelstar and their mentors waited for them. Tigerstripe glanced sadly at the blue sky and the songbird chirping in the trees, wishing this was a more lighthearted scene.

Tigerstripe felt Jetfur stiffen beside her and shrink down.

"Are you okay?" he asked. He knew she was frightened in MoonClan. He was too. But she didn't normally act this cowardly.

"I...fine," she argued. "It's nothing," she said, straightening back up again. Tigerstripe frowned but glanced forward, waiting for Hazelstar to speak.

"I expect nothing but great practice today," Hazelstar announced. "If that means blood and sweat then so be it!"

He watched as some of the kits in front of her cowered in fear.

Bone started making his way toward the two while Hazelstar spoke to him.

"Go easy on them Bone," she said, laughing. Tigerstripe glared at her then turned his attention to the large tom.

Hazelstar began rambling to some cat in the back that Tigerstripe couldn't get a good view of. He ignored her and instead focused on his mentor, waiting to hear what unbearable pain they'd endure for the day.

Jetfur appeared to have stiffened again and stared blankly past Bone.

"Ready for pain?" Bone asked, unsheathing his claws.

Tigerstripe was feeling more annoyed than ever today, and he let out a low hiss.

"I'm not sure why they let you back in this clan anyway. You got rid of MoonClan and ran like a coward. And your pathetic son broke my sister's heart and ran off with another she-cat."

Bone growled quietly while Jetfur poked Tigerstripe, indicating him to stop.

"Tooth is dead now. I'm sure you haven't noticed him around here."

Tigerstripe rolled his eyes. "What will you be teaching us?"

"Whatever I feel like it," he purred.

Not sure what compelled him, Tigerstripe leapt at Bone and pinned him to the ground, digging his claws into the tom's shoulders. He watched as Jetfur backed away a little, not wanting to fight.

Turning away from her, Tigerstripe turned back to Bone and dug his claws into his shoulder. The tom let out a yowl of pain and threw Tigerstripe off.

"NO ONE ATTACKS ME!" he spat. "I knew you'd crack eventually."

Tigerstripe leapt over Bone before he could make another move. Bone, stupid and confused, looked around to see where Tigerstripe had gone. Tigerstripe let out a hiss, allowing Bone to find his position, and leapt at him.

"Very good," Bone snarled.

Tigerstripe turned and watched Jetfur, her eyes widened in horror. The other apprentices and mentors had left, and now, cats were beginning to watch this training session unfold in the center of camp.

Tigerstripe let out a hiss once more while Bone turned his attention to Jetfur.

"Enough practice for you, Tigerstripe. Jetfur, it's your turn."

Tigerstripe felt his heart quicken and watched as Jetfur stepped forward shakily. She looked scared to death.

Bone leapt at Jetfur and snarled fiercely. Jetfur let out a yelp and turned to run. The tom caught onto her though with his claws and pinned her down.

"STOP!" Tigerstripe hissed, suddenly fearing for Jetfur's life. He pushed Bone off of Jetfur.

"What? Afraid I'm going to kill her?" Bone teased.

"I-I HATE THIS CLAN!" Tigerstripe snarled.

Bone let out a sickening laugh. "Better not act too rebellious or Hazelstar will have your head. These training sessions are required, Tigerstripe, and you'll be doing them whether you like them or not," he said, thrashing his tail.

Jetfur stood up from the ground, blood dripping from her flank and shoulders. She backed away slightly and unsheathed her claws, apparently now ready to fight.

"No, Jetfur!" Tigerstripe shouted. "You can't fight him. I-I don't want to see you get hurt anymore."

"Same as I," Jetfur muttered. She turned to the tom and spoke to him loudly. "I plead you to contemplate on what you're doing. It isn't right. What's your motivation? Every life you scar, it reflects back at you. And when you die, what have you taken down with you? The pleasure of blood stained to your paws, homicide committed. Is that how you want to be remembered?"

Tigerstripe glanced up and noticed this speech had caught Hazelstar's attention.

Bone stood there, dumbfounded, not sure what to do. Hazelstar continued to watch though, and Bone slowly moved forward and hit her face with his large paw.

"NO CAT DARES TO INSULT ME!" he shouted, but Tigerstripe could see Bone had been altered by Jetfur's words. Jetfur wailed in pain as Bone slashed a claw down her shoulder. She then bared her teeth and sliced her claw down Bone's cheek.

Bone was furious now. Whatever he had been contemplating before had turned into pure rage. He slashed at Jetfur and pinned her down. Blood trickled down his cheek and spilled onto her. Tigerstripe stood to the side, not sure what to do. It was as if his legs were frozen.

"Any last words, Jetfur?" he asked, raising a claw.

Jetfur writhed under Bone's grip and spoke through gritted teeth. "Rot in the Dark Forest, you wretched feline of crow-food," she cursed, her voice echoing throughout the camp.

Suddenly fearing for her life, Tigerstripe leapt at Bone right as he was about to bring his claw down. He pushed the tom aside, freeing Jetfur from his grasp.

"Very good," Bone said, laughing.

Tigerstripe turned and growled, helping Jetfur up. He hated how manipulative Bone was in his training sessions. He had never planned to kill Jetfur, but he had gotten Tigerstripe to fight despite his wish not to.

"Are you okay?" he asked Jetfur quietly.

Jetfur froze again and looked forward. "I'm...fine," she said.

"What's the matter?" Tigerstripe asked.

He turned to see what Jetfur was looking at and froze. Sitting directly in front of them next to Hazelstar was none other than Krait.

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