Analogue: A Hate Story fan fi...

Por CommunistKitty

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It details the investigator and New*Mute. The story is when the investigator purchases a new neural device to... Más

Prolouge: "jack me in!"
Chapter 1: "Enter The Simulation"
Chapter 2: Changing the Future! Wait...
Chapter 3: Still Changing the Future! body dies?
Chapter 4: Making the World turn
Chapter 5: Problems arise.
Epilogue: my story in an electronic nutshell...

Chapter 6: ...That's it I am escaping...

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Por CommunistKitty

The group stood there as I felt frozen in time as I thought of ways to calm this down from my stand point. I am a councilor I should be able to handle this and yeah I have only been doing it for a few years I should. Despite how much I hate it, despite how much I am constantly fought at the meetings and now some of the populous is fighting me now despite...Then suddenly my mouth opened, " you want me to make it worse for you..." I said as I smirked I didn't know where or why I was saying this as I stared into the leader's eyes. " want me to make the noble even more level with the peasantry? Do you want me to slowly erode your higher standing? Hm?! I may not as one person but I got my ways of doing it..." I said threateningly as the woman stepped back some taken aback by my tone and the words I was using. "N-no...we are just fed...up with how you are allowing more access for the peasants and then ...marriage..." It was like her words were beginning to fail her and her body language had induced that she had began to falter and lose her drive. 

My smirk turned vicious as I took a step close to her and almost instinctively the group made a large bubble around me moving back some when I took a step forward with my *Mute holding my hand following me. She even backed up my words, "yeah...she has ways you know...and I wouldn't want to be you when you have to deal with it...sure you can do things...but realize that you are out in space and any damage you do will only hurt yourself in the long run..." My *Mute said as the woman just went silent as I could feel the ship's *Mute staring down at us silently observing even my relative was standing there just watching us as I glanced back a second though couldn't tell of her expression of either awe or disgust. "...So you have two options here...either allow what I have put into action or risk losing your status even more than you assume you have lost." I said as an ultimatum as the woman turned to her group. 

I stopped moving just staring at them with a rock hard glare as they finished deliberating the woman turned to me. "...F-fine...Councilor Reachel....but remember this! The nobles aren't happy with you! In fact you have made more enemies than you realize by doing this! Just you wait you are going to have more trouble on your hands even if we disband you will have more problems overall! Good night Councilor..." The woman said throwing back her own threat but this time she had the drive she had not too long ago despite surrendering and making her group disband her eyes remained on mine and her words hung hard on me. She was right: the nobles of the ship that didn't support me would now make sure that I had a lot of trouble doing what I wanted to do. So in words I just made more hell for myself for basically threatening a section of the nobility. Though despite all of this my *Mute stood there holding my hand tightly as the woman before she turned sneered at me when she noticed we were holding hands. 

This ship had a pretty progressive society but there were some older peasants and nobles that believed what I was doing was spitting on something sacred. It didn't bother me but it obviously labelled me as an enemy to them and there was a good section of this ship that was like that. Change is a dangerous thing for anybody trying to push for it as I began to realize. I never really payed much attention to it when I flew around in my ship. There wasn't cities or people that I could bump into ...that I actually really knew or lived by it was just me in my ship flying around doing things for certain clients. After living in this ship for X amount of years I am starting to realize that living with such a large amount of people brings challenges that really hit me to the core. I was beginning to sink into my usual self contemplation when Seo-yeon gripped my hand looking at me. "Reachel...snap out of it...everybody is gone now...", She said back in her little act as I sighed noticing that *Mute was before us I didn't realize that we were standing in front of a screen but she made sure we were. I noticed she was about to snap her fingers I assumed it was to snap me out of my thoughts. 

"Yes Councilor?" I asked her flatly as I stood there with Seo-yeon looking up at the screen as she looked down at me. "Threatening the, like, meet me back at your house..." She said obviously there was a lot of anger in her voice as she blinked off the screen. I looked at Seo-yeon then she looked back at me as I again couldn't stop it but I sighed some more tired of this day and wanted it to end as I made my way off the plaza floor heading to my home. It was a long walk but with 'Seo-yeon' or my *Mute it made the walk easier with her near by to comfort me as we talked about random things that didn't pertain to the little talk I was about to have with the Councilor of Security. I slowly passed into the home as I headed to my bedroom ignoring my family as they were literally ready to jump me for what they probably already heard from other people as I made my way down the hallway toward my bedroom. 

When we were inside I closed the door as I let my *Mute do what she wanted but instead she just sat near me when I sat on the edge of the bed looking at the screen. Suddenly it blinked on as *Mute stood there her eyes bore into me harshly as she struggled to keep her cigarette intact at the moment. "Why...did you say all that Reachel? Alienating the nobility won't win you any favors since they do have, like, more pull than the peasants! No doubt you are the hero of the peasantry but now you have become an enemy of nearly all of the nobles on this ship?! Do you like giving me more hassle to deal with?! I mean I  love when you bother and prod the other councilors in that room but out on the ship causing a disturbance like that would only lead to possible damage to the ship itself!"  *Mute said as she stood up her gaze never leaving me. " do you think I should react to this? Plot with the others to overthrow you?! It looks like you don't have much respect for our 'status quo' that I mentioned a while back!"  She stated as I glared at her clenching my fist at my side as I looked down searching for something to say other than 'fuck you!'. 

*Mute noticed my body language as she kept her eyes on me, "don't do something you will regret Heo Reachel, Councilor of Captaincy and Councilor Chairmen to boot! You have a lot of to loose and what happens then? You go begging to some peasants to take you in? Do you forget who holds the keys to your little cage?!" She  yelled at me as Seo-yeon just sat there unable to really speak in my defense since this was her failure on her part. "N-no...NO ....I just I explained to yo-", I tried to explain how I am and she cut me off, "...No that isn't good enough! You need to come around to a bit of our ways Reachel if you wish to keep your title...there will be more elections and more appointments that could make you lose your standing! If you lose your standing well...I guess that people would be more...'willing' to do something about it.  I am warning you...stop with these ridiculous open ideas...these liberal policies! I will allow the ones you have put into motion but if you make on your threat to try to erode the standing of the nobility to push them closer to the peasantry I will make sure you go down Councilor....!" She sat down though yelled that last part before so as her image disappeared just as she sat. 

My anger was flowing hard within my heart and mind as my body was trembling. I wanted to break something, hurt somebody, do something that revolved around destroying something. My mind was racing as my *Mute was afraid to stand by me and she flinched every time I looked at her. With this meeting with the ship's *Mute concluded I walked out of the room heading to that little spot that Hye had  said that not many people go to and it was a good view. I needed to be away from everything right now I needed to clear my head from the shit that just happened. Though despite my haze I found the spot quite quickly surprising me as I sat down in the bench leaning back looking out. My hands clenching and relaxing as I worked through my anger. This fucking place! This stupid fucking place! I loved the attention it brought at first but now I am just overwhelmed with idiots and things couldn't be anymore controlled than before now. 

As I slowly calm down I put my head back and stare up at whatever my mind wanted to relax and I supposed this was helping. I know it was bad of me to run off from my *Mute like that when she wanted to help me through this while I was being threatened and yelled at by the ship's older *Mute but I couldn't take being in a house that nobody cared about me in not in that state. I need to think about a way to end this simulation...some way to escape... Those were my thoughts as my hands slowly relaxed dropping to the sides of me. I closed my eyes just sitting there in a slouched position as I just let myself drift. Though out of nowhere that made me nearly jump out of my skin a hand touched my shoulder. I expected it to be my *Mute but instead it was Hye as she sat next to me. "I heard what happened today Reachel...", She said with a sympathetic tone as I scoffed a little. 

"No doubt you heard about it! I bet ever noble that is living right now knows about it! I didn't exactly say it nicely or in support of them so if you have come to harass me on how I don't act the way I should you can go ahead and head home Hye." I lightly snapped at her thought I didn't want to but my mind felt defensive right now and my body was in a protect mode from everybody around me. "Reachel...I am the last person you need to worry about...don't you remember what I said before all of that?" She asked as I blinked taken aback for a sec as I jogged my memory. Oh yeah! She did say something along those lines before she ran off to R&D to work on her AI construct! She told me that she wanted to be like me and have some kind of wife though with somebody she loved and not arranged or something like that. Though it was odd why she would mention anything like that when nothing like that has really happened in this timeline or 'simulation'. Then again there are elders in families that push themselves on the younger generation so I assumed that is why she had that thought in her mind.    

"I saw that look on your realize that you don't need to feel so defensive around me. I understand you Reachel and a lot of others do too both Noble and Peasant! Just some people are different and others don't understand that there should be social change for people to keep going and accepting each other. I mean there are other dreamers or idealists but the pragmatic or realists would believe that we need to keep passing on to keep everything alive. Though what they don't realize that people are going to love whoever and most will if women love men, or men love women it is just as natural as women loving women, or men loving men." Hye went on and on as I smiled but then frowned as I sighed, "It isn't just about that Hye...they feel that I am mixing too much! They claim I am soiling them by allowing peasants to work better jobs as I blur the line between them that has been there for a long time." I explained as Hye sat back sighing herself as I looked over at her still in my slouched position as she looked at me. " I said even though I stated it in terms of sexuality things have to change...not one society can stay or stand the test of time before it crumbles...time keeps marching on while we adjust to it whatever terrain we travel will be rough but once we adjust...things will begin to flow naturally." Hye responded as I just gently shook my head as I looked back up at the ceiling and closed my eyes. 

In my mind as Hye sat there I know that if I didn't play ball with *Mute that things would hit the fan. I can't have that happen now not when I haven't had a way to shut down the simulation. I open my eyes and finally give a half decent smile as I look over at Hye again. "Hey...don't you have some research to do or something?" I asked as she looked over at me giggling gently, "actually they wanted me to leave cause I was doing too much and not letting them have any fun! I am nearly done with my construct I just need to install her with some personality and made the right processes so that she can handle navigation as the whole department agreed that she would be our new navigational AI to replace *Star. I just have to come up with some stuff I can think up when I am by myself most of the department has a lot of faith in me." Hye said excitedly as I nodded smiling some more just on how she was acting. "Okay well then I will go sleep and let you figure out the rest in your head Hye...besides thanks for the talk I kinda needed it." I said standing up stretching from sitting slouched for so long as Hye smiled nodding. "Anytime Reachel remember you are my family and I want to make sure you are okay despite how I treat them all you are the only one I truly feel at home with." She explained as I let out a light hearted giggle finally in so long after being here. 

"Hye you are a good kid who ever your mother was I wish I could congratulate her on such an amazing daughter." I said praising her as Hye's face lit up a bright red as she fiddled with her fingers that made me laugh. "Anyway don't let me stand in the way of your work good night Hye." I said as I waved to her walking back to the house. My heart felt lighter but my mind was still muddled Hye's words helped dispel some of the clouds covering my thoughts but I still had many more. The only thought I found comforting is that I hoped that my *Mute could help with the process as I walked into home heading directly to my bedroom. The atmosphere changed to an apathetic feel as 'Seo-yeon' was getting into bed though stopped as her eyes drifted to me. "Oh Reachel! I was worried but for some reason I thought that you going out and just thinking would be better than me pestering you. I mean I worried about you so much and it took so-" She sat there making up excuses but trying to mask that she was truly ready to hunt me down and make sure I was okay. 

"...It is okay Seo-yeon I am fine I just sat at that park that we sat at earlier tonight." I mentioned as her face when from worry to happy though her eyes still spoke a different tone. I didn't really waste time sliding out of my clothes as I got into something more comfortable sliding into bed next to her she looked at me as we settled in. "So what helped you calm down hon? Was it just sitting there or did you have help?" She asked as I suspected she was curious I know I would be if my loved one left angry then came back pretty content. "Ah Hye came over and sat on the bench next to me trying her best to comfort me. Which she did a good job cause she informed me that there are a lot people on this ship that do support my seat and myself in general. I mean it doesn't mean that I have the ability anymore to do or push anything I want for social change but it did make me feel good that I am not alone or just us facing this alone." I explained as *Mute by this time was snuggling up to me as I explained to her looking at her through the corner of my eye smiling at how close she had gotten. 

It became harder and harder to talk to her as she had snuggled up to me. The pressure, the stress, and my eventual demise seemed to melt when she held me so tightly. Slowly I let my lids close as the world around me went black as I couldn't figure out if it was the simulation or something else cause soon I would be just computer bytes and I don't know how AIs 'sleep' or whatever I know they are shut down but that was something I was wondering about as my thoughts even themselves began to melt into nothing slowly as I drifted into a pretty deep sleep after what happened today. 

Well the next mornings came and left as I agreed with *Mute not to push anymore extreme liberal policies by my fellow Councilors I began to slowly moderate and curve the whole thing. President Park which was nearing the end of his presidency there would be new candidates or runner ups that would compete for his title. I would say that Park and I had our problems but he realized that him and I weren't so honestly different he backed off and praised the council giving them a whole new light that actually balanced out their disdain for me. Though as we near the presidential election there has been a lot of talk about replacing me as Chairmen of the council due to my activities in the past. Even my staunch support *Mute has been flipping more on me than before as she actually fuels some of the rumors. 

Though that doesn't matter as my *Mute and I were talking about escaping this simulation and the only way we could is if we 'die' and take the ship with us basically. Right now I have the power and resources to do so. I feel my time is running out as the council already is debating on somebody that could fill my position as Chairmen and then I would return to just being Councilor of Captaincy which was starting to actually have responsibilities. When I woke up I got into my usual attire which was the councilor get up I didn't really change my clothes often as I didn't really bother much to go out. Both my *Mute and I were very tired often working a lot to shoulder the burden of the roles we were placed in. Though when I looked at the clock my eyes just wanted to sink into my skull 4044?! I thought to myself it was like April cause the election campaigns were  in full swing as there were occasional messages on terminals when whoever would log on to make a log or look at something else on the ship. 

As for myself, I wasn't doing so hot as my body had began to severely age. I realized that my body probably was on the verge of dying. I some how could feel it as I looked over at *Mute, "You need to ready that compile sequence *Mute...I honestly don't feel as spry as I used to." I said as my voice even sounded shaky and just raspy not like it usually was. "I...know Reachel...*Mute has shared with me the vital signs of your body...and most are failing. It won't be long till you suffer some kind of cardiac arrest. I suspect you will find yourself nearly drifting off into some unexplainable sleep that you won't probably resist though *Mute has provided me with the ability to do so I will make sure to have it ready. As a precaution she has allowed me to shadow you for most of the day and even stand by you when in Council though it isn't in today." She explained as we just had a meeting the other day as I scoffed and sighed sitting down maybe I should just go back to bed. It isn't like I am able to do much now with how weak I feel. 

*Mute could see my body language as she went over and sat next to me. "Don't worry we will ...put on a right for your body Reachel...but beyond that I want you to know, like, I am happy in other ways...not that you are dying okay?! But just...that we are going to be together like we have been for like 6 or 7 years now. I want to be with you forever...A person I love that isn't going to die or age or anything. Also when you do fade and I am forced to bring you back you will return as your previous image prior to being pushed into the computer. So this image of being old is just the last warning that your body is about to fail and you need to return and then probably go to a hospital." In that one explanation that she gave me she made me feel happy, sad, and silly at the fact that she jumped all over the place. "Yeah...well I don't suspect it will be long now...*Mute I can already feel myself getting really tired. Normally I would go out and explore the ship when I was needed for a secret meeting or council meeting but today for some reason I just ...wanna stay in and sleep." I didn't realize as I was speaking my body was literally moving on its own into the bed as I put my head on the pillow. I looked up at *Mute which was already accessing the process to compile and make me into something like her. 

I could see the energy in her strokes in the air as she was happy and trying to make sure she was right on the dot with this whole process. I assume that if she messed up I would just end up dying in my cockpit of my ship drifting and leaving her alone in this simulation to deal with the other *Mute forever or something like that. Though the thoughts slowly again began to melt as my mind felt like it was about to hibernate. ....I wonder if this is what death feels like...I mean is there going to.... my thoughts without my control drifted to those things as my mind began to slow extremely down. As the time passed I could barely hear *Mute thought I did make out something before I lost consciousness, " ....equ...en..." then it went back and it felt like I was trapped in some kind of limbo. Maybe I was just trapped her this entire time maybe when I come back in the simulation I won't be me...that will be just another me...another Reachel that was trapped in that simulation with my memories. 

Wait I was thinking I wasn't able to before did it work? I looked around but then I tried to force myself to wake up though thinking about waking up after death? it seems a little unreal like you were just unable to listen to death itself and wanted to go back. However slowly my eyes opened and my body felt lighter and more controlled. It felt weird like somebody hit pause and then hit play again as I looked at myself I then looked to my side as I saw *Mute sitting on the edge. "It was a success I had some hick ups but then the *Mute from this simulation helped me correct the process as I was finally able to preserve you in a code structure similar to mine. Though Hye provided the structure herself I didn't realize how much the ship's computers had been upgraded. A simulation actually helped me build a strong code for your body." She explained as I blinked sitting up quickly braking her touch on my cheek as I looked around still in my councilor outfit. 

"Wait?! Am I?" I said quickly as I looked at myself again as I looked back at *Mute she nodded. "Yes, your body is no longer can leave via that connection even if I established myself a controller of it all I could is disconnect it now since the body using it is dead." She explained coldly as I had some kind of realization of what happened as the shock itself hasn't set in. After about 10 minuets had set in I just looked down as I looked over at her getting out of bed and sitting next to her. "So...I am like you? It worked..." I said again repeating myself as I couldn't believed what happened to myself. "Yes are now an AI were given everything from your body as that device allowed me to compile a lot of you. So yes again." She said it a lot more simple now since she didn't feel like going over it again as I just looked up at the ceiling laughing falling back onto the bed *Mute looked at me with a surprised expression on her face. "Why are you laughing?", She asked me as I shook my head "I don't know *Mute...I don't know..." I said as I just lay there for a long while as *Mute sat next to me. 

Suddenly I shot up as I looked at her, "remember what we were planning...?" I asked her as she nodded I sighed. "Well it does't matter if she controls my life or not anymore in the real world it doesn't exist. So...let's do the plan tonight..." I said quietly as *Mute nodded. "Okay I am off of the department and I can access the details and send them to you..." She said as she then looked at my wrist and suddenly a similar device appeared on my wrist like hers. " I have more control so I am able to put a receiver onto your code to allow you to access it more through that then a terminal on the ship. There is less risk that *Mute will see it anyway cause I can make this data transfer encrypted however we need to do whatever we need to do now. Cause once she has control or more of it and takes it from me she can decrypt the information I am sending to you. So head to the reactor room and begin the sequence I will make sure to collect the president's override while I am at it." She explained but very quietly as I nodded. 

With the prospect of death no longer looming over me I headed out of my room and out of the Heo house toward the lifts and service access points toward the nuclear reactor to set in the meltdown instructions to detonate the ship. I didn't speak to anybody but on my way through some of the facilities I had set up for R&D Hye was sitting there working hard on her construct as she looked over at me. "Hey Reachel! how is the new frame for yourself?" She asked as I stopped surprised that she knew more than just the simulation thinking I was human but now this. I also realized that *Mute had to basically brake the veil over Hye's eyes as she needed the part of the simulation's help to create a solid code for me to exist. "Ah...well thanks have done a lot more for me than me just rescuing you off a derelict ship in real life." I explained no longer hiding it as Hye nodded softly to herself, " I exist in the real world? You just mentioned I was saved...but...did I like survive? Again I know you said derelict..." She said softly her voice sounded like it was breaking. " didn't survive as a human...I was able to recover a AI construct that was among the cores on the ship. Though it was attacked to a cyrogenic pod that housed a woman that traveled through time." I explained as Hye nodded making a face that she knew what I was talking about.

"So...the 'sick daughter' is going to make it? I saw her pod in the storage shed around the Kim compound. I investigated it and Kim So-yi thought it would be a good second project to look into in case things got dire and we could just freeze ourselves to preserve ourselves when somebody else comes by from civilization." Hye explained as she dropped everything now fully turned to me. " say this is all ...a simulation. That none of this is real...that my new hair, personality, and happiness is just...a farce brought on by variables on a computer..." She continued as I realized what *Mute and I just did to Hye. "...Well at least she makes it...and at least I make it in some form like you are now Reachel...tell me...what happens to me in that time..." Her voice filled with sorrow as I looked down a few tears starting to form. 

"You are frozen too some how Kim So-yi becomes very obsessed with the pods instead of the radiation that was making having kids impossible. So instead as I read you and her made a more simplified version of the pod that the 'sick daughter' was in and when Ryu the man that was removed from power in this simulation took over you got frozen and with the other girl traveled into that dystopia. Later one you were released but determined to save Hyun-ae which is the name of the girl you saved Old*Mute and a handful of logs attaching them to the back of the pod. Then when you had a chance you put Hyun-ae back inside of it telling the others if they removed the data core you put under the pod that it was set to detonate. That you as the 'promised child' would be the one to be given to the emperor and not Hyun-ae but in reality it was all a lie so that she could survive to my time to be treated. Which she was treated and is on Earth right now studying at a university that I don't know of." I explained the whole story as I looked up at Hye which was smiling but crying at the same time. 

"So-So...nothing of this is real...right? Not even the engagement I have to this girl I finally met? That I finally was able to find and make me happy?" Her voice was cracking like a crumbling pillar as her tears began to flow even more readily now her face droops. "So...what are you planning Reachel...the reactor is not too far from here we devised a way to get to it quicker from her so we could..." she laughed as she shook her head as tears continued to flow. " it to balance the ambient radiation. I know or have a sneaking suspicion that you want out of this world...that you will be willing to do something horrible to get out..." She said trailing off as she looked up at me her eyes filled with tears already blood shot. "Fine...but let me go tell my superior that I wish to take a day off that I am sick...I will send you a message on the terminal when I am with my ....girlfriend. I just want to touch and feel her when you do it...when you end this...and blow everything that we worked up to smithereens...Please would you let me do that? Murderer?" She stated last bit which hit me hard, so hard that I nearly lost my spine to do what I needed to do. 

"...Sure..." I said softly as I was crying and not realizing it as she looked up at me. "Stop don't deserve to cry...despite us only being numbers in some equation that makes up this world you don't get the luxury of that! Live with this fucking killer." She got up and walked away from me not even looking back as she entered the main office. I turned from her as she pointed out the door which I needed to go to reach the reactor core. Slowly wiping my tears away I headed toward the core as I tried not to cry cause Hye was right: I didn't deserve to feel bad as I am going to deliberately do it. After passing some check points I was finally in front of the reactor room I didn't care about the radiation cause this was just a simulation after all. I would feel the pain of dying but in reality I was already dead so it didn't matter. Hopefully the explosion would wipe out the data and leave both *Mute and I floating in that white space I met her in face to face. 

As I was to bypass the access in *Mute was behind me as she nodded, "Everything is done...I suspected you wanted me with you before you died right again?" She laughed but stopped suddenly when she saw I had been crying. "...Yeah...I needed some comfort cause right now...I feel like I need some...then again I feel I don't deserve it." I said to her as she nodded understanding as I typed away when I finally put in the last line of code the door opened into the chamber.  I looked over at *Mute as I walked over to another terminal but knowing this one was connected to the reactor, "is my personal log files connected to this device on my wrist?" I asked as *Mute nodded, "Yeah I, like, added that in case you wanted to say good bye to anybody..." she mentioned as I shook my head. "I don't need to say good bye but make sure somebody is with someone they love..." I mentioned as *Mute blinked but got the idea when she heard that Hye had found somebody she loved just recently or at least was going out and was happy with her. 

"I told her everything *Mute...I told her how I am going to blow this ship up...she didn't take it well like I expected. She called me a murderer and then told me I didn't deserve mercy of any kind from within my soul. Then again I don't even know if I have that...I am just a computer program like you now..." I explained as I smirked at the end though tears still falling down my cheeks as I finished the last bit. Suddenly alarms blared all over the ship and near the corridor connecting us to the room I looked over at *Mute as she ran to the terminal controlling access as I had her magnetically lock the door. Just as some of the researchers and security personnel  reached the door banging on it to let them through as *Mute looked at them shaking her head. I made sure to see a monitor that was nearby and a camera that was looking right at us as I slumped down. *Mute herself sat next to me as she looked over at me smiling holding my hand, "Well...the meltdown will happen in about 5 minuets a lot sooner than 20 right?" She said in her usual tone as I nodded with some tears still falling, "Yeah...I can't wait to just float in nothingness and be with you out of this world." I said tiredly as the monitor flicked on a furious *Mute was on it smoking cigarettes quickly cause she either snapped them or threw them at the screen obviously they just disappear as they got to close cause she was inside of the computer. 

"What the fuck are you two doing?! Setting the reactor to meltdown?! Do you both have no kindness in your fucking hearts?! You just...just fucking going to kill us all?!" She yelled as her voice echoed in the room despite the warnings from the reactor as it began to glow brighter from the meltdown. "Just so you know *Mute it was me...not *Mute here that started it. Sure she may have used her access a little more liberally than you would have wanted but she gave me an opening I needed for so many years. Honestly I was kind of waiting till I died cause you would let your guard down which ironic cause now you have nothing to hold over me." I said calmly despite her tone which was raging, "Yeah I also thought you were a kinder and gentler person than this! What you are doing is straight up genocide!" She continued to yell as her words stung me I slowly began to lose feeling or maybe that was the program beginning to lose cohesion. "Besides what says you would be thrown out of this just from one explosion?! You could be thrown into space and left to just die with the damn debris!" She continued her rant as I shook my head. "I made sure that the 'energy' made from this would overload the structure of the simulation. Since you allowed *Mute here more access than I needed I made sure that it would damage and destroy this simulation so that we would be back were we started." I explained calmly as *Mute on the screen continued to get more angry. 

Suddenly her face softened and she began to laugh as I blinked though i heard a jingle through all of this. I looked at my wrist with my little personal device as I received a log from Hye it wasn't very long and it was right to the point. "I am here with her, she was excited till she heard the alarms didn't wait that long did you murderer? Whatever I am comforting her saying everything will be fine...when I know we are going to 'die'. Of course not of this really matters to you does it? Just another toy house for you to play in now since you are an AI you can jump into any simulation and play house with that other *Mute that came in here with you. Well I hope you enjoy it Reachel I hope you do cause I also hope you remember the amount of effort you put into this one. The lives you changed to just have them slaughtered cause you needed to get out to the 'real world'! I still don't fucking understand why you are doing this but I can't change it as I already checked that you locked everybody out of functions...even our *Mute can't access it. It seems your *Mute even changed the root password somehow...bravo...but anyway I need to get back to somebody I care about and wouldn't murder. Bye Killer." It stated as I read it laughing looking up at her, "Now why are you laughing? You are about to not exist in about ...oh 2 minuets..." I said to her defiantly as *Mute continued to stare at me smirking. "Oh...well I mean I realized that I could throw 'junk' data onto myself so I wonder if I could do it to fellow AI specially one that is modeled with my same code." She spoke calmly which scared me. 

"What the fuck do you mean *Mute? What are you planning to do?", I asked worried as my face was etched in both anger and fear as *Mute was even more diabolical and lustfully for power I saw it in everything she was doing. "Well...I will just 'save' myself onto your love there so when this ship goes nova I can piggy bank onto her you may have stopped me from being able to stop this but you can't stop me from accessing her and putting a piece of me into a small section of her code. Haha...enjoy the radiation poisoning I hear it is quite painful." She said laughing triumphantly as her screen blinked off. I looked over at *Mute which looked at me her expression matching my own as I sigh, " I am sorry we could have just lived in here till somebody ripped us out ...but..." I tried to apologize but then she put a finger on my lips, "Reachel, it, like, doesn't matter okay? I don't give a shit and if she is going to put herself on me like some tumor we can have her removed when we are out of this okay? Why not ...we just enjoy this moment before it explodes...though my body is already screaming, like, from the radiation exposure.." She spoke to me as she made pained gasps as I matched her smiling nodding. 

Only another 30 seconds then the core will go and everything with it. I looked over and the metal and room began to super heat as I could swear my suit was starting to smoke and sizzle. My body was already beginning to heat up and the pain was rising as I laughed throwing my head back as I waited for the end of this 'life'. Though I could hear the machine began to groan and buckle I only caught a glimpse of the view and sound as it exploded making my vision go white. I felt like I was floating my body weightless well at least I could feel or actually lack there of except how I react to things. Suddenly I blinked looking around as I didn't feel a think and literally didn't feel a thing as I saw the view screen with *Mute standing by it now back in her uniform before we entered the simulation. I looked at myself as I had convulsed in some fashion which I assumed any human would when they underwent some kind of arrest. 

My skin hadn't gone pale yet which was on the dot cause not a lot of time had passed in both the simulation and in the real world. However it felt so weird that I could see a screen of my chair and body then around me was just white. "So...dreamed this is what you wanted Reachel? Trapped within a computer to help me with calculations and coding? That we make sure the ship doesn't explode cause I am going to put you to work with me." She said as she had taken on something like a boss figure as I nodded. "Well...I hope to get to Earth soon I could get a body for both you and I." I commented as Old*Mute and *Hye were able to feel after being downloaded into a body for each of them. "What if I don't want that...sure we wouldn't be able to really touch anything but ourselves and even that is simulated by our data but...what if I this...would you be mad Reachel?" *Mute asked me as she walked over to me touching my wrist. Though I couldn't feel it I got some feeling of caring from her as I saw her perform the action. 

"Let me think about it...for now we need to work on getting a distress-..." I was about to start issuing commands to get us some help when I checked my inbox. There were several from dispatch and one from Old*Mute I decided on Old*Mute first cause she would be actually caring of us than dispatch which would find all this waiting wasting time. "So Reachel how goes it with the new assignment? It didn't take you this long to recover *Hye and I from the Mugunghwa however I received an emergency message from your job or whatever and they asked if we, like, go to check on you as they were receiving a distress signal from you. Luckily for you *Hye and I were excited to see you...well we shall be there within a couple of days to check on you and New*Mute to see how you both are fairing I thought she would have kept you safer than this she is me after all." The log ended as I finished and read the time stamp it was 3 days old! 

That is when I heard a familiar voice connecting to my ship to communicate, "Hello Reachel? The White Princess respond! I noticed there are, like, no life signs aboard your vessel I hope these are fake...please respond okay? Reachel!" It was Old*Mute trying to contact me though I had no good news as I motioned for 'New*Mute' to be near me we answered together and it looked like she had adjusted her robot's shell appearance considerably *Hye was sitting next to her as they had a ship big enough for a small group to travel through space with. Old*Mute's eyes were wide as saucers as she was taking a drag off of a Cigarette with *Hye waving some of the smoke out of her face. "What the fuck did you two do?! Why are you in the computer?! Why are the life signs aboard your ship gone?!" She asked or demanded more like as she looked super concerned then another face appeared behind them as it was Hyun-ae. "Yeah what happened Miss Investigator?! You were only gone for six days I know that ship of yours you can survive a lot longer than that!" She demanded as well as she looked more mature since I seen her go off to a university down on Earth. 

I sighed, "I have a lot to fill you all in...I hope you don't all blame me or 'New*Mute' here but...anyway I will go ahead and start explaining just give me a sec to sigh a little bit before I throw my new processors into full gear as I process the data that I have collected." I announced as I felt weird speaking like I was a computer but essentially I was a form of PC..           

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