Only You [Aliens In The Attic...

By SpontaneousMischief

44.3K 968 287

Luna "Looney" Drake travels with her best friend Tom, and his family, to the family lake house to join them o... More

Chapter 1: Pearson Family Summer Vacation
Chapter 3: Paintballs
Chapter 4: More Problems
Chapter 5: Aliens On the Roof
Chapter 6: Creepy Crawlies
Chapter 7: Zombies and Rotary Phones
Chapter 8: Mind Control

Chapter 2: The Family

6K 143 89
By SpontaneousMischief

Chapter 2: The Family

Looney POV

I sat on Tom's lap in the backseat of the Pearson's car, squished in between Hannah and Bethany. Hannah was listening to music and letting her arms spazz out, smacking Tom and I in the face with her sock monkey. I was just about ready to toss the damn thing out the window and laugh maniacally as I did so.

Bethany was texting on her phone, jamming her elbow into Tom's side. He groaned as he turned to Hannah.

"Hannah, next time can you ride the hump?" He begged. Hannah acknowledged him, taking one head phone off her ear.

"I barf in the middle, remember?" She replied, sort of smug. Hannah started dancing again and she smacked me in the face, twice.

"Ugh, can I just ride with the luggage? Please?" I groaned, letting my head fall back on Tom's shoulder. Tom adjusted his grip on me, before looking over Bethany's shoulder as she texted Ricky.

"Wow. Your boy toy is such a tool." Tom scoffed, snatching Bethany's phone away and showing me the picture. Ricky was shirtless while holding a bunch of flowers, his face was contorted into a pout that probably had Bethany creaming, but I was gagging.

"Gross." I choked, trying to swallow the bile that rose in my throat, partly from Ricky and partly from motion sickness.

"Pullover. I have to throw up." I groaned, placing my hands on Mr. Pearson's seat.

"Just hold on for a little while longer, sweet pea." Mrs. Pearson cooed. I slowly nodded, leaning back against Tom. I turned to see Bethany glaring harshly at Tom.

"Say one more word about Ricky, and I will end you." She said, before Mrs. Pearson called for us to all settle down. I just started ignoring everyone, faintly hearing something about a meteor shower and wearing hats.

_Time Skip_

We finally pulled up to the lake house, Bethany opened her door and slid out, Tom and I following suit.

"There's the pool. Tootles." Bethany called, marching over with her bag in hand.

"Good riddance." I mumbled so only Tom could hear, he smirked before turning to look at the house. Tom didn't look happy, I bumped his shoulder with mine and gave a reassuring smile before turning to Mr. Pearson.

I walked up and grabbed my duffle bag from the ground, I slung it across my shoulder.

"Hey, Mr. Pearson? Where do I sleep?" I asked curiously, tilting my head to the side. He chuckled.

"Pick any room, Luna." He said. I nodded excitedly, racing into the house. I bounded up the stairs and looked into each room before finding one that I reeeeeaaaaaally liked. It had butter yellow walls and a huge window with a little window seat just below it. The curtains were white and yellow striped. The floors were hardwood and shiny, there was a small white carpet by the bed. The bed had a large, white, feather comforter with yellow sheets and pillowcases.

I grinned and set my bag down on the bed, the room was spacious with a desk against the wall beside the door and a bookshelf holding many, many, many books. I grinned happily and ran to find Tom, intent on showing him my room.

I ran past a room, glancing through the doorway and seeing Tom talking to someone.

"Tom-- oof!" I cried, sliding down the hall on a carpet that I didn't notice. I fell but scrambled upright, the carpet tangling around my ankles. I stumbled into the room, kicking the carpet away, composing myself as I did so.

"Tom!" I cried frantically, jumping over to him and slapping his arm really fast.

"Ow! What is it, Looney?" He questioned, moving away from my frantic slapping. I followed after him and hugged him, feeling happy and craving affection.

"My room is amazing." I answered, sighing dreamily.

"That's... Nice. Looney, this is my cousin Jake. Jake, this is Looney." Tom introduced. I released him and turned to the boy he was talking about. He was really tall with curly blonde hair and green eyes. He was hot, he was obviously pretty toned underneath all that clothing.

I held out my hand to shake, he took it. He stared at me and I returned the favor, liking the feeling of my small hand in his much larger one. I realized I was still holding his hand and went to pull it away, but his grip tightened. He stared down at me, seemingly dazed. Tom snapped his fingers in his face and Jake quickly released my hand, blushing a bit. He regained his composure.

"Your name is Looney?" Jake smirked. I was unperturbed by his expression as I shook my head.

"Nope. But this dumbo decided that I was to be called 'Looney' in order to showcase my apparent insanity. My real name is Luna." I grinned, grabbing Tom in a headlock. Jake nodded in understanding before he eyed Tom and I.

"And are you two...?" He trailed off, gesturing to the both of us.

"No, Looney's just really affectionate. Seriously, now that she knows you, she'll probably hug you constantly. She's like a koala bear, just clinging to things." Tom said, struggling to release himself from my hold.

"Oh thank God." Jake sighed.

"Why thank God?" I asked. He blushed and avoided eye contact.

"No reason." He said unconvincingly, clearing his throat. I eyed him suspiciously before releasing Tom, he lightly shoved me once he was standing upright.

"Oh, and she's cold. All the time. So she'll try and steal your warmth." Tom added. Jake nodded while I flopped down onto a bed.

"Oh no, make no mistake. I will steal your warmth, ain't no try about it." I corrected, leaning back on my hands.

All the sudden there was the sound of tires squealing. Tom, Jake, and I all made our way to the window. A yellow convertible was parked in front of the house, Dr. Love blaring from the speakers. A familiar disgusting someone climbed out of the car.

"Uuuuuggh. Gimme a friggin' break." I groaned.

"What is he doing here?" Tom muttered before rushing downstairs, Jake and I following. We arrived just in time to see Ricky pull something out of his car engine.

"What's that?" Tom questioned.

"What's what?" Ricky asked mockingly, shoving whatever it was into his pocket and slamming the hood of his car down. Before Tom could say anything, he was cut off by Bethany squealing and shoving past us.

"Ricky!" She cried, throwing her arms around him. He grabbed her in his arms and they started making googly eyes and touching each other before Ricky told Bethany to 'give papa some sugar' or whatever.

"I'm leaving." I stated, before speed walking back inside.

_Time Skip_

"What a gas pipe." Jake commented as we walked back inside the room. Turns out, Ricky gets to stay here for the night. He basically kissed the Mr. And Mrs. Pearson's asses and did something to his car, and now he's staying here.

"Tell me about it." I grunted, throwing myself onto the lower bunk bed. I shivered slightly, so I stood and shuffled over to Jake, wrapping my arms around him as he spoke with Tom. He stiffened a bit but he wrapped an arm around me. He smelled nice, really nice. I tuned back into the conversation to hear Tom say how much he didn't like Ricky and that they had to get him out of here.

"I say if it stops us from ever seeing him again, we chloroform the little bastard and toss him in the lake." I suggested, completely serious.

"I'm in." Jake said.

"No guys. See? This is why I call you crazy." Tom stated, I shrugged and moved closer to Jake, still really cold.

"Maybe we could just scare him?" I suggested before tuning straight out of the conversation. Jake was suddenly moving, he gently moved out of my arms and grabbed a case out from under his bed. He opened it to reveal a paint ball gun, a really pretty paint ball gun.

When Tom asked why Jake had it, Jake responded saying that ever since his dad's divorce if he or his siblings ever mentioned their mom, Nate drove them straight to the mall.

"Not bad." I said with a nod.

"Thanks." He responded, smiling at me.

A/N: I borrowed a line from Teen Wolf. It was the chloroform one. Just sayin'.

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