Short Stories

By Percabeth5

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Short Stories
Wow! That Was Random!
The Creature
The Creature: Part Two (redo)
Love at First Sight?
My Hatred for Nyquil only grows stronger
One Day in Language Arts This is What We Came Up With.....
"Santa Claus" and a cute boy
Books I Read In 2013
Our Song
Love Inside a Coffeehouse
Lets be rebels that go to the park after it closes
Where I'm From.....
Books I Read in 2014
The Dragon
"I Figured You'd Be Here"
A Different sort of Person, in a Normal sort of Place
Someone New in the House
Jelly Beans in Aisle Three

Charlie and Adam

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By Percabeth5

Why do hospitals have to be so Mundane? When you walk into a hospital what do you see? Nothing but drab walls and boring white rooms. Everything is sad and gray, even if the doctors try to be cheerful. But then, then there is this girl. She doesn’t belong in a hospital. She is too bright and colorful. She makes everybody around her smile. It doesn’t matter what she looks like or who she is. She’s never in a bad mood and she is ultra-beautiful. In this case her name is Charlie. Charlie isn’t short for Charlotte it is just Charlie.

Charlie is the best thing that has ever happened to me. But wait. Why are Charlie and I in a hospital? Well that is why I am writing to you. But if by the end of the story you feel sorry for Charlie, then you didn’t get it. Charlie always says that there is no point in feeling sorry for her because a lot of people have it worse. Charlie always says something smart when you need it the most.

Charlie and I are both in the hospital because of me. It all started with a question. The most nerve racking question I have ever asked Charlie. Let me start from the beginning.

It was the end of June, school had just gotten out and it was hot, humid and sticky and gross. My parents were on a business trip, so naturally, I went to Charlie’s house to play fifa Soccer on her Xbox or have a movie night with ten different flavors of ‘Ben & Jerry’s’. Tonight was movie night. Charlie had chosen ‘Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure’.

I turned towards Charlie. “Hey Charlie, do you ever have the urge to just drive? Because I had this Idea.” I paused. “I want to ask you something.” My palms got sweaty and I forgot what I was going to say. I ran my fingers through my dark brown curly hair.

Charlie looked up at me, waiting for the question. She looked so marvelous. Charlie has soft, long, cocoa colored hair with blue streaks and it had been pulled back into two French braids. She has pale skin but very dark freckles. Her eyes are a piercing blue. Her smile is perfect. But the best part of her is her personality. Maybe that’s why I like her. But she’ll never know that.

“I want to go on a road trip. I also want to go with you… As a friend!” I said quickly. “Do you want to go with me?”

Charlie thinks for a second. “Where are we going?”

“Texas!” I said.

Charlie’s eyes got big. “Yes! I would love to go with you! I love Texas so much!” She jumped up and started dancing. I laughed. “So when do we leave?”

“In two days!” I replied.

Two Days Later

After picking Charlie up, we got some poptarts and headed to Texas. The first few hours went by slow. Only countryside and mountains. Charlie mostly read her books. But that didn’t bother me. After the first six hours of driving it was Charlie’s turn to drive. Since reading a book isn’t my favorite hobby ever, Charlie and I talked a lot. Our first subject was football. Green Bay Packers vs. Minnesota Vikings.

“Packers are obviously better than Vikings. They won the super bowl two years ago. The Vikings have never won a super bowl.” Charlie smirked.

“Just because the Packers have won a super bowl doesn’t mean they are better. The Vikings have beaten the Packers before.” I argued.

“Does too. Just admit it. My team, the Packers, are way better than the Vikings.” She argued. I opened my mouth to argue, but before I could get a word out Charlie said. “End of argument.”

For the next seven hours we talked about random things and ate junk food. Every time Charlie won an argument I had to get her new book. Charlie is getting eleven new books. I’m pretty sure when I get her those books she will be the happiest girl in the world.

After another hour both Charlie and I were getting hungry and we needed gas. We stopped at a gas station and I ran inside while Charlie filled up the gas tank. In the gas station I grabbed some chips, candy bars and pop. I paid for the gas and food and headed back towards the car. Charlie and I sat in the back of the truck and ate our junk. “Charlie I’m driving. For the rest of the trip. No arguing. This is an argument you will never win.” I smile at Charlie.

After dinner we got back into my truck and drove. Charlie leaned her back up against her window and faced me. Behind her I could see the full moon behind Charlie. The light from the moon made Charlie glow a brilliant silver. I smiled at her. Charlie pulled her knees up to her chest laid her head down.

“We need music.” She said. Charlie pulled her phone out of her pocket and hooked it up to my stereo. Instantly 'Let Her Go’ By Passenger started playing. I can’t help but smile. Charlie has always loved this song.

Charlie started singing. Her voice was beautiful. Charlie’s eyes and smile are so soft. She turned her body and looked out the window. Within a second her expression changed. From Soft and safe to terrified and scared. “Adam!” There was a crash, the sound of two cars colliding. Then total Blackness.

I could hear Charlie screaming but I couldn’t see her. I couldn’t feel my body either or the pain I knew I was in. “Adam! I can’t feel anything! Adam I need you!” Charlie kept screaming. It was killing me not being able to help her.

I couldn’t do anything to help her. I quietly called out to her. “Charlie calm down. I am right here. Charlie please just stop screaming!” I pleaded. Charlie’s screaming slowly died down.

I felt her hand on my arm. But it was not dry. It was warm and wet. This could not be happening. Not to Charlie. A world without somebody like Charlie is not a world you want to live in. Everything went black again.

I woke up one day later in the hospital. I have a slight concussion and a broken arm but Charlie got it worse. Her right leg is broken and her shoulder had been dislocated. Charlie has bruises all over the right side of her stomach. She has a few small scratches but otherwise she looks almost the same. The only difference is she has a scar going from her left eyebrow to her mouth. But in a way it makes her look more beautiful.

Nothing else about Charlie has changed since we got to the hospital. She still has the brightest smile and the softest voice. Her attitude is always cheerful, especially when she meets new people in the hospital. Charlie visits other patients in the hospital. They always smile when they see her. She loves making people smile. Once when I was in a bad mood Charlie wouldn’t leave until I smiled. Finally when I couldn’t help but smile she told me that even in the worst situation you can always get someone to smile. That’s what Charlie is doing now. She is making people smile, even if they are broken and can’t be completely repaired.

To Charlie it doesn’t matter what she looks like as long as she can make someone smile.

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