The Unbiological Sisters

By JadeHero330

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In 1786, Millicent and Temperance Ennis are awaiting arranged marriages. In 2008, Molly Miller and Taffy Will... More

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The Unbiological Sisters
Chapter 1 ~ Make the Past Last
Chapter 2 ~ Survival and Suffering
Chapter 3 ~ The First Step
Chapter 4 ~ The Second Step
Chapter 6 ~ Hey, I Just Met You....

Chapter 5 ~ The Third Step

104 3 19
By JadeHero330

  St. Ignatious School for Girls: Hallowell, Maine 

  Taffy stepped off the shuttle bus and stared in awe at the gigantic castle-like building much like the one on the cover of The Turn of the Screw. She continued to stare as other girls clambered off the shuttle and giggled, running around her down the pebbled path to the front of the school. After a few minutes, Taffy gathered her thoughts and headed down the path after the rest of the girls, pulling her scarf tighter around her neck. September was a cold month, but the Hallowell air seemed to make it even colder.

  Taffy reached the front of the castle and stopped. "I guess you're my new home now." Then she took a step forward and collapsed.


  Temperance stared out into the field, enjoying the summer breeze. Gad snuggled her closer into his embrace.

  "When can we run away together?" Temperance asked.

  Gad chuckled. "As soon as I can talk to your father and convince him we're perfect together."

  Temperance groaned and turned around to face Gad. "Can't we forget about talking to him and run away now?" She begged.

  "Your father would disown you, Tempe. You would never get to see your family again; your mother, your sister."

  She sighed. "I know. It's just so unfair. Why should I have to marry someone I don't love?"

  "You won't have to, love. I'll talk to him and make everything fine."


  Taffy gasped and opened her eyes. She glanced around frantically and realized she was sitting on her knees out in front of the school. 

  "What was that?" She wondered aloud.

  Thankfully no one was around, so Taffy quickly stood up and dusted her pants off, then she carried her bags up into the school.

  Molly pulled her lightest bag from the trunk of the car and walked toward the front doors of St. Ignatious. She let the driver collect her other things while she took in her surroundings. Woods coated the area around the school and the gray stone of the building gave Molly an eerie feeling. The castle itself didn't look familiar, but the ground felt familiar. It was almost as if she'd stood here before.

  For a second, Molly saw the castle morph into a beautiful white building, but it was gone just as suddenly as it had appeared. Molly shook her head to shake away the sleep she still felt from the long flight. She worried she was starting to daydream, but nevertheless the building had seemed familiar.

  "Head on inside. We don't have all day." The driver urged, lugging her bags.

  Molly followed the driver's directions to the Main Hall and surveyed the large room of rowdy girls. They ranged from age 12 to 18 and Molly didn't know one of them. She knew she stuck out since all the other girls let off an aura of being lifelong friends. Molly got the feeling she would be all alone.

  Taffy sat in a corner of the Main Hall amidst the bustling bodies of other girls. She couldn't help wishing she were home. This school gave her a strange feeling and it made her uneasy. It didn't help that she was the only one not making conversation with the other girls. She watched the entrance way and noticed a girl with blonde hair entering the room. 

  Taffy watched the girl with curiosity, but snapped her attention to the other end of the room when a man entered from a side door.

  "Settle down, settle down. Quiet!" He called.

  The girls all quieted instantly and took their seats. It took a few more seconds for the hushed whispers to stop, but when they did, the man spoke.

  "Welcome back for another year. We don't get many new students, but this year, we have twenty. So I want you all to make them feel welcome. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Dean Sumner. I hope this year will be better than the last and as good as the years yet to come."

  Taffy looked the Dean over carefully. He was around her dad's age and had short cropped brown hair and despite his professional opinion, Taffy would have guessed he was a regular guy when he wasn't running St. Ignatious.

  Dean Sumner continued his speech, "Our goal here is to turn you into fine young ladies and prepare you for the world beyond these walls." He moved his arm in a sweeping motion. "That's all."

  Dean Sumner then dismissed the girls. Taffy followed the crowd to the left side of the school where the dorm rooms were located. Four girls would share one room. Taffy was a bit worried about who she would be grouped with. She wasn't good at making new friends. The last time Taffy tried to make new friends...It didn't end well.

  Taffy walked slowly past all the happy, giggling girls in their new rooms until she reached an empty room. She glanced at the clipboard hanging on the door and found her name. Her eyes lingered on another name for a split second, but she reminded herself that she didn't know anyone here.

  Taffy entered the room with her luggage in tow and picked the first bed on the right, closest to the door. She had barely set her stuff down when two other girls came bustling in.

  "Hi." The first one interjected. She had red hair and deep blue eyes. "I'm Rachel."

  The other one had black hair and green eyes with a soft heart-shaped face. "I'm Callie. Nice to meet you..." She prompted.


  "I guess we're your roomies, Taffy." Rachel said, smiling. "You're new here, right?"

  "Yes." Taffy replied.

  "Well, don't be shy. We're here for you if you ever need anything. I know new schools can be tough." Callie offered.

  The two girls set about unpacking while Taffy continued to take in her surroundings.

  Molly checked every door for her name and then finally found it on the door of one of the quieter rooms. She entered into the room, feeling more tired than she realized. Molly set her bag on the last empty bed on the left nearest the door.

  "Hey." She said.

  Rachel and Callie reintroduced themselves and then Molly turned to Taffy.

  "I'm Molly." 

  Molly felt a strange tingle slide up her spine. It was a weird sense of unease and excitement.

  Taffy smiled for a split second as if she felt it too. "I'm Taffy."

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