
By jonnalowbeer

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I am Jackie Ortiz. I'm a High School student at Oak High school. I live with my mum in a little city called R... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

11 0 0
By jonnalowbeer

I begin to unpack my luggage, filling the wardrobe with my clothes and putting my books and magazines in the drawers of the desk. When I'm done I decide to change my clothes. I put my hazel brown hair into a bun and put on some black skinny jeans and a white tanktop. I sit down on the bed. What will I do now? Am I supposed to stay in here for the rest of the day or will I get to go outside? I could really use some fresh air right now. The feeling of being unknowing scares me. I walk towards the black door and turn the door knob. Nothing happens. They locked me inside of here? I am not like the other girls here. I am not a criminal. I'm just lost. Suddenly a brittish woman voice break the silence in the room: 

"Dear residents, this is your head director speaking. I may beg you to exit your rooms now." The voice is coming from a large speaker hanging right above the doorframe. The door automatically opens and I slowly walk out and into the long hallway outside. The old lady from before is standing outside the room. I look around but when I feel the glares the other 'residents' give me, I decide to look at my feet instead.

"There will be a guardian standing outside your door. This person will look through your room, since drugs, alochol and other selfharming implements, except nicotine, are forbidden here at Lockwood Youth Residence. I remind you to stand still, or one of the guardsmen may have to make you." So the old woman is my 'guardian' now? I prefer my mother to be that person. I unobtrusively look at the ends of the long hallway. Two men are standing at the opposite walls with their hands on the hardware hanging from their belt, making sure each and everyone of us aware of the harm they could cause. 

Did I just say 'us'? I meant me and them, there's no 'us' in this. It's just me, alone.

"This is a daily rutine here and whilst the staff is looking through your rooms you shall remain silent. After the search-through the new residents have 10 minutes of asking your guardian questions, utilize these minutes well and make any issues your priorities. That was all." And with that said the head director stops speaking. 

After about ten more minutes my 'guardian' is finished seeking through the room. She gestures me to sit down on the bed and seats herself on the chair across from me.

"My name is AdaLynn, but you can call me Addie. I am your new guardian and welcome to Lockwood Youth Residence!"

"Jackie" I queitly respond. I notice a binder in her hands. The woman, apparently named AdaLynn must've caught me looking:

"These papers contains all the information you'll need." She says handing me the binder. I open it and start to look through the papers inside.

"Dinner is served at 8 pm everyday and breakfast is served at 8 am during weekdays and 10 am during the weekends, both meals are served in the dining hall. On weekdays you get a lunch bag to bring to school and on weekends we serve lunch between 11 and 12 am." She makes a short pause before she continues:

"You may get an extrajob as long as you take care of your school work. Studyhall is available every sunday from 6 pm to 7:30 pm, you can sign up for that on the board by the library. You may also sign up as extrahelp in the kitchen, wich is very appreciated." She smiles at me and winks, but when she notice my lack of interest in her attempt to a joke her facial expression drops from polite to angry. 

"Any other questions?" Addie angrily speak. I can feel the tension filling the air. 

"Yes, when and where can you smoke?" I ask. She raises her left eyebrow and huff at my question with a teasing smirk on her face, making my blood boil. I could really just the relaxation of the nicotine right now.

"What's so damn funny? The head director said cigarettes were allowed!" I snap at her. 

"Only for residents who've become of age too buy them." She takes out my marlboro package from her pocket and dangles it in the air in front of my eyes. "So I'll just take care of these, okay?" She grins at me, making me even more angry.

"But-" My protest gets interuppted buy the metallic sound of the door opening and a bell ringing. 

"Oops looks like the time's over, darling." Addie rises from her chair and walks out the room. Moments after that the door swiftly closes and a click is heard, erasing my only way out of here.



I hope this chapter clears some stuff up! Hope you enjoyed it and please give feedback by leaving a comment down below!

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