Letters to The Boy Who Lived

By jesusgirl27

15K 405 65

What would you say, if you could write a letter to the most famous wizard of all time, the Boy Who Lived? The... More

1. Introduction
2. Love- Madam Puddifoot
3. Light- Fleur Delacour
4. Dark- Lucius Malfoy
6. Break Away- Igor Karkaroff
7. Heaven- Moaning Myrtle
8. Innocence- Colin Creevey
9. Drive- Cornelius Fudge
10. Breathe Again- Narcissa Malfoy
11. Memory- Gilderoy Lockhart
12. Insanity- Broderick Bode
13. Misfortune- John Dawlish
14. Smile- Alice Longbottom
15. Silence- Hannah Abbott
16. Questioning- Dolores Umbridge
17. Blood- Fenir Greyback
18. Rainbows- Luna Lovegood
19. Grey- Helena Ravenclaw
20. Fortitude- Godric Gryffindor
21. Vacation- Mrs Figg
22. Mother Nature - Nymphadora Tonks
23. Cat- Minerva McGonagall
24. No Time - Vincent Crabbe
25. Trouble Lurking- Sybill Trelawney
26. Tears- Augusta Longbottom
An Author's note- Please Read! Thank ya!! :)
27. Foreign- Viktor Krum

5. Seeking Solace- Hermione Granger

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By jesusgirl27

Dear Harry~

I'm to teach you about seeking solace in this letter. This is my story.

"He's never going to notice me." said Ginny sadly. I tried to comfort her, like I always did. I knew Ginny's feeling quite well.

I was waiting for Harry to arrive from his date with Cho when Ginny stopped in. She'd noticed the two of them in Madam Puddifoot's, and come with tears in her eyes. I tried consoling her.

"You've liked Harry since first year," I said slowly, choosing my words carefully. "Why?"

"I don't know." she sighed,  sipping the butterbeer I'd bought for her. "Because he doesn't want to be famous. He doesn't want to be a star. And he's... courageous, you know? I know he'll never be happy unless he's fighting for what he believes in."

I nodded. Poor Ginny had liked Harry since before she went to Hogwarts. Now, though, he was dating Cho Chang, and GInny felt as though he'd never see her as more than a little sister.

"Maybe you should just relax around him, Ginny." I told her. "Go out with other people, yeah? Maybe if you act like yourself, he'll notice."

"I'll try." she sighed. "I'll be seeing you around, Hermione." Trying to look a little stronger than I knew she was, Ginny left the Three Broomsticks.

I wondered how I could help Ginny. All I could hope for was that Harry's eyes would soon be opened to the little redhead who had loved him for so long.

One Year Later

"Harry! We did it! WE WON!" Ron shouted, brandishing the Quidditch Cup above his head. Harry had been in detention with Snape during the match, and Ginny had filled his place as Seeker.  

My heart nearly burst when I saw Harry's eyes focus on Ginny. Running towards her, he threw his arms around her and their lips met.

The two of them left through the portrait hole, Ron looking confusedly after them. I walked over to him and gently lowered the Cup from his hands.

"Be happy for them, Ron." I murmured. "Harry's liked her for ages, and well, Ginny's always loved Harry. Please?"

Ron turned and looked me straight in the eye. "But...I thought you liked Harry!"

"Me?" I laughed. "Never. He's like my brother, and I think he feels the same about me."


I willed Ron to ask me who I did like. I wanted to pour out my heart to him; tell him I'd loved him from the very day I'd told him he had dirt on his nose, the first day we met. I wanted Ron to see that although I hid behind books, cleverness, and bushy hair, I was just the girl he was looking for.

But I didn't. I didn't tell him any of that. I guess I was meant to comfort others and watch their love blossom, but never to experience it for myself.

Harry, tell people that that you love them often. Do not be afraid to seek solace, and do not be afraid to give advice. You need your friends, and we need you too.



Aww Hermione! This is probably my favorite so far, since Hermione's the character I relate best to. So... yeah. I'm proud of it!

Comment and Vote! Thanks a bunch!!!! 

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