Love starts small

By hbvale15151

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Amanda's life is going alright. She has alot of friends, a boyfriend, her two parents, and a bunch of money... More

* Chapter one * Arrested
* Chapter two * Weird aunt
* Chapter three * Jasper's sexuality
* Chapter four * Amanda's date
* Chapter five * Lots of alcohol
* Chapter six * Death
* Chapter seven * Amanda's new feelings
* Bonus Chapter Sophmore 1 * #Jamanda
* Bonus Chapter Sophmore 2 * Twin time
* Bonus Chapter Junior 1 * Highschool party
* Bonus Chapter Senior * Gonna get a diploma and a- ring?
* Bonus Chapter Married * The twins

* Bonus Chapter Junior 2 * Visiting prison

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By hbvale15151

Amanda P.O.V

I watched the officer drag my mother over.  Mylinda held my hand as the officer sat her down on the cold seat.  I felt tears in my hazel eyes.  I picked up the phone and she did the same.  "Hey baby." I gasped at her voice.  I hadn't heard that voice since I was 8.  I always got texts from her and dad, but hearing her voice sent memories through my brain. I remember she used to sing to me when I was very little. I couldn't help but drop the phone and involuntarily burst into tears.

Mylinda comforted me until I was just sniffing. She rubbed my back and told me how much my mother loved and missed me.  She picked up the phone and sighed. "She is very upset." Mylinda said into the phone.  My so called mother sighed and looked at Mylinda with puppy eyes.  "You really screwed up." Mylinda said, blocking the guilt the puppy eyes were supposed to bring.  "Caren, you should have been there."  The sisters looked at each other.  I looked at them.  Complete opposites.

My mother, Caren started to tear up. "Take care of my baby," was all my mother could choke. The guards patted her back and motioned for her to leave. She nodded and glanced at me one last time. I sniffed and looked directly into her hazel eyes. Those were my hazel eyes as well. They had red around them and the hazel looked more grey. Her black hair that used to be shiny and smooth is now greasy and wild.  I know my mom well enough to know she is a kind woman at heart.  She just let the job get in the way of her family.

Once the guards had took my mother Mylinda grabbed my hand.  Her giant and rough hands with my small slim hand.  She led me to the door and we walked to the dirty old truck.  We drove to another prison.  My father.  I hated him.  Truly.  He was a horrible person.  He used my mother for money.  She came from a rich family.  He came from drug dealers.  They met when my mom was given his case.  She was a lawyer. She was amazing with thievery, trespassing, assault, and drugs.

I knew he had cheated. Ever since I was born he thought mom looked 'different.' She acted different too. She was always to blind to see. My thoughts were interrupted by the truck stopping and swinging us forward. She looked at me with worry. I sighed and unbuckled my seat. I hopped up and looked at the huge building. This one had more guards in front of it.  I gulped and walked to the gates.

My father.  I thought I completely forgot what he looked like.  I guess I was wrong. His average sized mussels reminded me of how mom always said he was 'macho.' He was already sitting in the chair with a look of pity. I wasn't going to cry here, in front of him. "Now you haven't talked to papa in a while have you?" I snarled at him and talked into the phone. "Mother shouldn't have gotten involved with you." My father chuckled at this and looked up at Mylinda. "And I see you brought one of my costumers, yes?" Mylinda was confused at first until I looked at her. "He was-" I stopped myself before carrying on. "He is a drug dealer."

Mylinda took the phone out of my hand and told me to cover my ears. I really didn't care what she said to my poor excuse of a father. But, I never really heard Mylinda curse. Strange. Once she was done she hung up the phone and motioned for me to uncover my ears. I obeyed and took my hands away from my ears. She led me back out to the truck and we drove away. My damned father. He had bleach blonde hair with dark grey green eyes. He was a ladies man for sure. But, he looked nothing like a drug dealer.

When we got home I was greeted by Jasper pulling me into his arms. I always loved it when he hugged me with such passion. It always made me feel so loved. He kissed my forehead and dragged me inside. We both plopped onto the couch with Arinaie, Corel, and Pop. Arinaie is a little 7 year old.  She has golden blonde hair and big sky blue eyes.  She always has her hair and pig tails, with a big smile always glued to her face.

Corel is Arinaie's big brother.  He is about 2 or 3 years younger than me.  He has matching sky blue eyes.  But, his hair is more light brown.  He always has his hair gelled.  Then there is Pop.  Pop is their grandfather's brother.  Other wise known as their uncle.  He always watched them most of the time.  Everybody loved old Pop.  He has dark grey-silver hair.  He wasn't balding much either.  He had the same sky blue eyes as the other two as well. 

As me and Jasp sat down, Arinaie hopped onto Jaspers lap.  Kids absolutely LOVE Jasp.  He never knew why, and I was clueless as well.  Arinaie showed Jasp her bright blue painted nails and her messy, but good for her age applied, red lip stick.  It was adorable when Jasp complemented her on her finger painting skills.  I smiled at Jasp and he chuckled in return.  "I think I may want kids someday." Jasper whispered.

You have no idea how long it took to come up with this.  But hay its cool.  2 more chapters before the story is 110% over.  Hopped ya liked it. :]

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