Hard To Love

By xoxolazygirl

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"No need to be a d*ck. You know that's supposed to be a part of your body and not your personality, right?" ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2. New/Old Friends
Chapter 3. Karma is a B*tch
Chapter 4. Confrontation
Chapter 5. Disappointment
Chapter 6. Shall we make amends?
Chapter 7. We are friends
Chapter 8. Sweet Dreams?
Chapter 9. Friendzone's a b*tch
Chapter 10. Start of something new
Chapter 11. Kisses, fights and more kisses
Chapter 12. Happy Birthday Emma
Chapter 14. Friends in need
Chapter 15. Feelings
Chapter 16. Parties and Tequila shots
Chapter 17. A Different Birthday Celebration
Chapter 18. Make a move
Chapter 18. Part 2. The aftermath
Chapter 19. He's okay-ish
Chapter 20. Close
Chapter 21. Part 1. The Ugly Truth
Chapter 21. The Ugly Truth. Part 2
Chapter 22. This Is It
Love Me Harder.

Chapter 13. It's over

78 4 12
By xoxolazygirl

~ May ~

Nathan's POV

I rolled off of Zoe, breathing heavily. I tosed the condom aside and laid on my back.

We laid in silence for a while, there's not really much to talk about anyway. Zoe is a great girl yes and she has a great body, but I don't see this moving forward.

She offers distraction and that's what I want. There's no point in complicating things.

"You never talk." She said in a quiet voice

"Is there something to talk about?"

She sighed "So we'll just keep faking it?" she asked

"I didn't realize you were faking it." I said smirking

She pushed me playfully "I'm serious. I'm not sure I want this anymore. I mean, is there any possibility of us becoming more than just fuck-buddies? I need to know..."

I sighed. There's no point in stringing her along anymore.

She deserves better, she's a great girl and she deserves someone who loves her, who takes her to actual dates and doesn't just grab coffee with her and takes her home.

I turned my head to the side to I was facing her instead of the ceiling.

"Zoe" I said with a sigh "I told you when we met that I wasn't looking for something serious. Don't waste your time on me." I said with a small smile "Go find a guy who will appreciate how amazing you really are."

She smiled but I continued with a smirk "...In all departments."

She chuckled "I guess I needed to hear that from you to move on."

"I'm sorry." I said honestly "I'm sorry that I'm not that guy."

She smiled "It's fine. We had fun. I'm not exactly a victim here. I knew what I was getting myself into." She got up from the bed "I'll just go."

"Thank you... for not freaking out I guess."

"It's alright." She said slipping on her underwear and then her shorts.

I slipped on my boxers and got out of the bed as well while she was putting on her shirt and shoes.

"I'll leave now but don't be a stranger."

"Never." I said with a smile "I'll see you around."

"I'll let myself out." She said and walked to the door of my bedroom. She stopped once she opened it and didn't walk out "Nathan?"


"She'll come around."
I stared at her surprised. Zoe had met Emma but I hadn't realized what I felt was that obvious. "No she won't. She's in love with someone else." I said with a shrug.

"Have a little faith." And with that she was out of the room and a few seconds later, out of my appartment.

Emma's POV

I pecked Lucas' lips closing the car door "You didn't need to pick me up."

He smiled "I wouldn't let you walk around campus alone at night babe." He then drove off.

I buckled my seatbelt and yawned. "I don't even know why they invented evening classes. God I wanna sleep. I'm just glad classes are over next week"

He chuckled "I was hoping we could grab dinner."

I sighed "Baby I'm sorry. I really am tired all I need is a shower and my bed. It was pretty crouded at the diner earlier. I'm beat."

"Alright maybe I could come up and help you get some of the tention out." He said with a smirk

I felt bad for saying no but all I could think about was sleep at that moment. "Lucas, seriously I'm tired. After 3 hours in Alex's class the last thing that's on my mind is sex."

His grip on the steering wheel tightened and he scoffed "Of course."

"Excuse me?" I asked

"Nothing." He said, a few seconds later he pulled up at the dormitory "We're here."

I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned to face him. A sigh left my lips. "Are you mad now?"


"Well it certainly seems like you are. Is it really that big of a deal that I'm tired and want to sleep?"

"It's not that Emma, is that I feel rejected by you." He said looking at me with a mad look on his face.

"I'm not rejecting you. Where is all this insecurity coming from?"

"I don't know, maybe by the fact that my girlfriend is tired from drooling over her friend's older brother?" He asked in a mocking tone.

I'm too tired to deal with this.

"Lucas, what the fuck is your problem? The other day it was the guy that asked me for my notes, then Stefan who gave me a ride home, then there's our usual issue Nate, and now Alex? My professor??"I asked with a raised voice "Since when are you that jealous?"

"You're my girlfriend I can be as jealous as I like to be."

Since when am I his property?

"Well if you keep this behaviour up I'm not gonna be your girlfriend much longer." I spat out and opened the door of his car "Goodnight." I slammed the door behind me and headed to my dorm.

Why the fuck is he acting like that?

I've never given him a reason to doubt me. Damn it, I don't even look at other guys anymore. Why is he acting like that?

God. All I need is a LONG hot shower and my bed. The rest of the world can wait until I've had my sleep.


I woke up by a knock on my door the next day.

I ignored it trying to go back to sleep. The person on the door insisted making me get up eventually.

I walked to the door yawning. I opened the door only to find an equally tired, as I was feeling, looking Lucas.

He gave me a bitter smile raising both his hands. "I come in peace."

Of course you come in peace, you're the one who screwed up.

"Did you come to your senses?" I asked crossing my hands over my chest.

He sighed "Yes."

"Come in then."I stepped aside so he could come in and closed the door.

"I'm sorry. I acted like a dick. I don't even know why you're with me since it's obvious I don't deserve you." He said sitting on my bed and then ran a hand through his blonde hair.

I sat on the bed next to him and grabbed his hand in mine.

He looked up at me and I gave him a small smile "Well you're okay...when you're not being a dick."

"I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"Let's just forget it okay? It's enough for me that you realized you were being unreasonable."

"I was." He said and placed me on his lap with one sweet movement "I love you." He whispered before placing his lips on mine, capturing them in a small sweet kiss.

I pulled away a couple seconds later "1. Morning breath 2. I love you too."

"I don't care about morning breath." He said.

I chuckled "Wanna snuggle with me for a while?"

"Sure" He said before kicking off his shoes.

I climbed off of him and back down onto my bed.

Lucas laid down next to me wrapping his hands around me.

"I hate it when we fight" I mumbled against his chest.

"I know baby, me too. I'm sorry." He mumbled against my forehead before kissing it.

~A week later~

The room was quiet. You could only listen to Stella's typing on her computer and the rest of the room, as well as the house was, quiet.

Demi was on the floor doing math and I was finishing up the last essay of the year for my Media, Law and Society class. Exams start next week and then we're done for this year.

Stella's place had become an actual meeting spot of ours for no particular reason.

Truth is I can't really concentrate on this essay. I'm supposed to hand it in two days and I'm not sure that the five paragraphs I've written so far make sense.

The past few days I've come to a realization.

I'm no longer in love with Lucas.

I don't know exactly when my feelings vanished but I know that all he does the past few months is drive me insane. I mean, I didn't pay attention in the beginning but as the time goes by things get worse.

All we do is fight and I'm honestly tired of crying, tired of having to apologise because I wan't to be with my friends.

Maybe I'm better off alone.

I know he loves me and I know that I care about him too, but I can't stand this.

He gets jealous or possesive, we fight, he then apologizes and we make up and then the next day the same thing happens.

A relationship is not supposed to be like that.

I'm not naive enough to believe that there's a relastionship in which people don't ever fight. Even if there was one, it would be a boring one.

All I'm saying is that we're going in circles and that's not something I want.

I let my pencil down and rolled on my back.

"I think I want to break up with Lucas."

At my words both Demi's and Stella's heads turned to me. Stella stopped typing and Demi stopped doing the equations she was working on solving.

I looked up at the ceiling breathing hevily.

Wow, saying it out loud makes me feel like I got something off my chest.

Demi was the first one to break the silence that followed my confession. "What do you mean you think you want to break up with Lucas?"

I sighed. "It's just that all we do is fight. I feel like I can't do anything without having to explain myself or apologize for something I did, eventhough it wasn't something he should have gotten mad about."

Both girls got up from where they were and walked ove to me, laying down on Stella's bed , on each side of me.

I went on "I don't know how we became...this. We started so good. I don't understand."

"Lucas is a good guy Emma." Demi said.

"I know."

"But you should do what's best for you babe."

"Do you know what it is that is best for you?" Stella asked

Do I?

I want to be happy, and at the first few months of being with Lucas I was, I really was. But now I'm not so sure.

It seems like everytime we talk we fight and I can't stand that.

I don't deserve that.

"I want to be alone."

"Then do that." Demi said and Stella nodded before adding "Just make sure to tell him as soon as possible, there's no need for you to drag it out if it's over."

I nodded "I want to think for a while too. So I'm gonna walk back to my dorm." I said and got up from Stella's bed.

"Em, we walked here together and it's 9pm. Don't go yet."

I stuffed my notebook and pen into my purse. "I need to stay alone and the fresh air will help me clear my mind anyway."

"Don't you want James to drive you? Or call Nathan? I could ask Alex too." Stella suggested

"There's no need to ask anyone and Nate's visiting his mom but even if he was here I think I can manage a 20 minute walk by myself."

"Okay." Stella nodded

"Em." Demi tried looking worried

"I'm fine Demi, I need to walk. Stay here, finish your homework and don't worry. I'll probably play some music have a shower and go to bed."

She sighed "Fine." She got up from the bed and walked over to me pulling me in for a hug "Whatever you need me just call me okay?"

I nodded "Okay."

Stella hugged me too "Text us when you get home."

I nodded and walked to the door "See ya tomorrow. Bye"

"Bye." They said in unison

I was out of Stella's home after saying goodnight to Alex.

See? I really am in a bad mood, I didn't call him McGrumpy.

Honestly though, he's not that bad. He is strict but only because he had to kind of raise both James and Stella because their parents were never home.

His behaviour is because of how many responsibillities he had since he was still basically a teenager.

He's hang out with us a few times and he's a good guy.

My phone rang in my pocket and I got my phone out checking who it was. Lucas.

No surprise here, he wants to know were I am every second of the day.

I let it ring until it stopped.

A minute later he called again.

I ignored it once again.

The dormitory came into view and I was glad that I could lock myself in my dorm and be alone with myself.

My phone went ofc for the third time and I sighed before picking up. "Hello?"

"Where are you?" Lucas' voice said from the other side of the line

"I left Stella's and I'm basically at home, why?"

"Why didn't you pick up the phone?" His tone revealed how angry he was

"It was on silent." I lied

"And why was it on silent?"

I groaned "For fuck's sake Lucas. Sometimes I want to be alone. Quit the interrogation." I said closing the door of my dorm behind me after entering.

I let my purse down and then kicked my shoes off.

"It's not an interrogation, I just want to know where you are."

"Fine." I said

"Where were you?" he asked in a calmer tone.

"Didn't I tell you two minutes ago that I was at Stella's?" I asked irritated

"Did you finish that essay you said you'd do?"

"No, I had a quickie with Alex on the kitchen table and couldn't concentrate after the orgasm."

"Emma..." he said in tone which showed he had no patience left.

Well guess what! Me neither.

"No. You know what?" I sighed "I can't." I sat on my bed and ran a hand through my hair.

"Can't what?"

"I can't do this anymore. This isn't working, honestly... You get mad, I get mad...that's what we do. And I can't stand it."

"Babe what are you talking about? You want me to come over? We can t-"

"No. Lucas this isn't something that is in the spur of the moment. The past few months fighting is all we do. I can't stand this anymore."

"Babe, I know I do stupid shit and get jealous and that I upset you but don't give up on us that easily." His voice was almost pleading now.

"I can't Lucas. It's not working between us, can't you see that?"

"No I can't. Why are you doing this to me?" He said in a firmer tone now.

"Well I do see it. And this just isn't what I want, I'm sorry."

"Emma, don't be like that now."

"It's over. It's better that it happens now, before we end up hating eachother."

"Fine." He said and then the line went dead.

Well, it looks like he hates me already.

I threw my phone away on my bed and ran a hand through my hair.

Why couldn't it work out?

Why did he have to be so jealous?

It was all so great in the beginning, why did we end up like this so soon?

I ran a hand through my hair and headed to my bathroom.

I didn't expect it to hurt so much breaking up with Lucas. I really didn't.

At first I felt numb... No emotion, but the moment the hot water hit me, I started sobbing uncontrollably.

All I wanted now was to curl in a corner and cry. Cry because of the break up, cry because I hurt him, cry because he hurt me and because something that started great ended up not so great.

I'll be alright, he'll be alright. People move on.

After getting out of the shower I grabbed my phone that was ringing and by grabbing it in my hands I realized Demi had already called me 5 times.

God, she must be worried sick.

I picked up the phone quickly "Dem, I'm so sorry I didn't call you, I just broke up with Lucas and I was in the shower for an hour, I'm sorry."

"You did what? And no I didn't call because I was worried, well I was but that's not the entire reason."


"What? What do you mean that's not the entire reason? Did someting happen? Are you okay?"

"No" She said seeming unsure.

"No as in nothing happened or no as in you're not okay?" I asked loosing my temper

"Well... I'm gonna tell you something but just don't freak out okay?"

"Okay" I agreed unsure.

"I.. I uhm.."

"Spit it out already dammit."

Her next words made my jaw drop.

"I uhm... I sort of kissed our professor."


Well... you didn't see that coming, did you? Demi and McGrumpy? This should be interesting.
Thoughts on Emma breaking up with Lucas?
What about Nate and Zoe?

Chapter 14 Preview:"Is he a good kisser?"

And that's how Demi got her color back.

God he must be a really good kisser if she blushed just by my question.

"Emma." She said sternly and I gave her a look which said who are you kidding? "He kisses like heaven. Better than any kiss I've had." She said with a sigh.

"Someone's smitten."

"Shut up." She glared at me

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