Criminal *Niall Horan*

By anonlettie

1.1M 31.2K 13.7K

What happens when Wendy is kidnapped by Europes Most Wanted criminal, Niall Horan? More

Criminal *Niall Horan*
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapte 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
CHapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
CHapter 31
Chapter 32
chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
HEy there!

Chapter 35

15.9K 433 79
By anonlettie

Chapter 35

*Nialls pov*

She's gotten sick of me. Sick and tired of me never calling back, or just the thought of me.
I bet she was sick of me the day I dropped her off at te airport.

Why would she keep calling and then not pick up?

She probably hates me..

Damn it.

I paced back and forth in my room, stepping over James who continued to find 'comfy spots' right in my tracks.

I bet she just fell asleep, she never really liked staying up to late, and drunk people at news years parties was definitely not her thing.

I bet I could get Liam to just watch her, ya know? Look after her till I see her again.

No he'd just steal her from me.

I haven't talked to him in a long time though.. And if I need his 'workers' to continue to give me weed for the discount I Should probably Ring him up *liams pov*
"Excuse me, babe" I said smirking as my phone lit up with Nialls name.

Ooh this should be good, him knowing he lost his girl.. To me.

Eh, he doesn't have to know just yet.

"Hello?" I said answering the phone once I was someways away from Wendy and I'd booth.

"Aye mate, what's up?"

His voice was dry, as if he'd drunk nothing but alcohol for the past 2 weeks while smoking.

"Breakfast" I stated simply "how's the booze going for you?"

He sighed on the other end of te phone.


"Hold up one second" I cut him off.

"Hey- the waiter said he needed to know what you wanted, sorry to interrupt" Wendy said coming up as she stood next to me.

I heard Niall suck in a breath sharply.

"Who was that?!" He asked.
"It sounded like.. Wait, Liam, who are you with?"

"I'll be back in a second, tell him to give me a minute" I smiled at her, watching her nod before walking back to our table.

"Liam, did you meet Wendy I know I talked to you about her when I was drunk, Louis told me that I- never mind- wait so when did you meet, holy shit, Liam please don't-

"Hey sorry Niall I got to go, but It was nice speaking to you," I brought the phone from my ear to look back down at the scream.


I pressed the red 'end call' button before placing the mobile in my pocket and slowly walking back to the table, smiling widely.

(It's a few weeks later since the party and stuff and Liam and Wendy are dating) *wendys pov*
"Ready to go babe?" Liam asked me. He held out his hand and I took it, scooting out of the seat and standing next to him. I nuzzled my head into his neck as we walked and kissed his jaw line.
"Thank you come again." The hostess said blandly as we walked out. We got into the car and he rested his hand on my knee
"That was delicious!!" I exclaimed
"I told you you would like it." He chuckled lightly and turned up the radio
"...and I'll be making history like I do. You know it's all because of you." The lyrics of the song hey there Delilah played and I immediately changed the station
We pulled up infront of Emily and I's dorm and he parked the car. We walked into the elevator and went up to my floor.

Emily had become obsessed with our relationship. 'y'all are just so cute! The way he holds you and I just omg y'all are so cute!!' She says every time he comes over
*nialls pov*
"Should I go?" I asked nervously to the two boys sitting across from my in my living room.

"Niall, you've got like 8 months till the concert, you have time to think about it and prepare" Louis replied,
Scratching behind James' ears and pulling the cigarette back to his lips and inhaling, before breathing puffs of smoke out.

"No I don't! I have a month to decide and then 4 to decide what I'm wearing, one to get my ticket and plane ride and hotel and 3 to work out what I should bring her! I have no time"

I paced back and forth in front of them, something I've been doing a lot lately. "Is flowers to little of something? By the time I see her it would've been two years! And... And should I wear a tux or something? Maybe I should lay of the drinks for a while to look better again... Uhm... What about"

"Niall calm down! You sound like a woofter!" Zayn said, kicking his feet up on the recliner chair.

I turne to him, his eyes were closed, probably tired from me ranting in about Wendy since I swear I heard her voice 4 weeks ago.. In counting..

"Honestly, just wear some blazer with a dress shirt and khaki's, bring flowers, a good ass apology, front row tickets to see her lame ballet and you'll be in her bed by the end of the night- and bonus if you he front row seats you see her in a mini skirt for the night before you fuck."

"Zayn.." I warned, not wanting to go back in to the conversation that she was more than just a bang, so much more.

"God zayn" Louis piped in, "we don't want to start the pointless lecture about what she is to him.. We don't want a repeat if yesterday"

"Sorry mate, it's just.. You've gone a bit overboard, she's just a girl"

"She's like my life, it's like wverytime I think about her... I dunno, it hurts not being able to see her and-" I cut if Louis from his awful attempt at an Irish accent by glaring at him.
He put his arms up in surrender looking away, "I thought I was doing a pretty good job."

"Niall, remember what I said a couple years ago? Never get to attatched, nothing ever comes good out of it"

"But Wendy is different! You guys have to meet her! She-she has this sparkle in her eye and this bright smile that makes you happy and-

"Faggggooooooottttttt" louis said in a sing song voice, putting his hand up to over his mouth so the sound was directed more towards zayn.

"Seriously Louis?" I asked in a monotone voice, staring at him annoyed.

"Look, i think you're over thinking it, just take a deep breath, go to the concert or whatever see her again and get married or some shit, live you're little happily ever after and then thank us for forcing you to go to that damn recital"
"Fuck..." I stood infront of my closet with James by my side.
"Dude, just wear a fucking blazer and jeans and nice shirt. It's a fucking ballet concert." Louis laid on my bed, playing with a rubix cube.
"But I haven't seen her in 2 fucking years Lou." I took another swig of my beer "I should really hold back on this stuff..."
"Look dude. Remember when I was with that Brianna chick? We dated for what 2 years? I don't know. Now I don't even speak to her. She's up in wherever doing some shit. Maybe that's how you and Wendy will be. She'll forget about you, you'll forget about her and you both move on." He stated
Hell no. I would rather die than just forget about Wendy.
"You're fucking crazy." I growled
"I'm just saying man. She could've already forgotten about you."
Within seconds I was holding him by his shirt about 2 inches off the floor
"Don't ever fucking say that again got it?" I whispered harshly.
"Alright man, Jesus." He said and sat back down on the bed "Bri was so hot though. Damn. And she was so good in bed too. I mean fuuuuck. I wonder what she's doing now...shit man now you've got me thinking about my ex."
I chucked and took another drink. "What do people usually wear to these things.. Is it like a rock concert or like a fucking opera..." I mumbled

He rolled his eyes, "I think I'm just going to go find zayn or something, I get why he left now"

I slumped next to the doorway of my closet, moving Wendy's nail polish that she left in my hand, between my fingers.

"Fine, bet he's at the bar down the street getting wasted"

"It's only 4 o'clock, you know zayn, he isn't totally wasted till precisely 5. Happy hour" he chuckled.

I was really not in the mood for his shitty jokes.

He sighed, patting my shoulder, "advice? Don't over think it and be yourself an don't worry about it, if you two really loved each other you'll be together again soon"

I turned to face him, biting my lip to keep a neutral facial expression.

He pressed his lips together, before taking his hand off of me and walking toward the bedroom door, givin me a small salute "I'll be at the bar if you need me"

*wendys pov*

I put on some black spandex and white shirt and grabbed my phone and my shoes.
"I'll be in the basement em." I yelled. As if she really cared, Harry was over. I grabbed a water bottle and walked out the front door, closing it behind me. I looked down at my phone

**dinner tonight be ready at 6 xx**

I smiled and hopped in the elevator, pressing the B button to take me to the basement dance room. I set my things down on the floor and put my phone in the music dock. The concert was in a few months and I needed to practice. Emily didn't think I did because I was the star of the class, but I wanted to get it perfect. I took a sip of the water and sat down on the ground to begin stretching.

I used the sleeve of my sweatshirt to wipe away a head of sweat as I stood back inmy flat feet finishing the routine, it had been a good two hours since I had began practicing and it was probably a good time to get ready for dinner now.

I grabbed my empty water bottle and threw it away before proceeding to the elevator. Once I got to my room I opened the door to see Emily and Harry on the couch watching a movie, snuggle under the covers most likely naked.

"Im going out to dinner with Liam tonight, the fridge is full, help yourselves"

"You and Liam need to get married soon and then my child would marry yours because you will have a beautiful baby and if it's a girl you're going to name it after me and-"

"In going to get ready" I said cutting we df before he could go in to more detail about my future child.

I opened my closet door, searching for a dress to wear, looking across the hangers till I went on my toes to reach the shelves above.

I scooted my hands around the top, till my hand knocked in to a small box, causing it to fall on top if me.
I screamed, putting my hands up to my face covering it as I fell down, some of the stuff in the box falling on top if me.

A green derby country sweat shirt, pictures and a cd.

I hadn't opened this since I first came to New York, it's Nialls.

I looked around at all of tyem, twiddling my fingers inbetween the fabric of the sweatshirt whic still smelled of his cologne, which coincidentally was a small bottle of Armani mania, which I sprayed on my clothes, immediately trying to get it off.

I sighed, remembering the day at the airport. I picked up the photo album, slipping the sweatshirt over my head and putting the cd in the little radio and putting in repeat. No matter how much I attempt to distract myself with liam, it will never hide the fact that I still love and care for a boy who probably remembers nothing about me. The sad truth is.. I still miss him.

My laptop didn't have wifi bc I'm on holiday so this chapter is unedited, but the next chapter will be up by Monday(:

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