Mary's Innocence

By Hannytanny

25.5K 801 207

Mary Pemberton was no supermodel. In fact at five foot one, she was quite short for her eighteen years of age... More

Mary's Innocence
The past and the present
Her first impressions
Gender Misunderstandings
Violent side comes out to play
Being his enemy
Violet eyes
Poor Mary
Finding Joshua
His ex-lover
Waiting for someone
Her fairy godmother
Facing the music (or the boy)
Definition of Jealousy

Heartbreak hurts like a bitch.

1.3K 53 18
By Hannytanny

Mary spent the next few days in confusion, her feelings for Marc were quite clear, his feelings for her however? She had no idea, but that kiss – it must’ve meant something right?

Nobody would kiss someone that they had no feelings for, would they?

Telling Vivian about it was out of the story, since the pixie faced girl couldn’t keep a secret to save her life. Liz was also ruled out; the elderly lady would most likely start calling for grandchildren, since Mary was technically of age to do the deed.

So it all came down to the one person left. Victor. He clearly knew about her feelings for Marc, but could she trust him enough? After all, he could well use it against her – like blackmail.

But he already knew about it, didn’t he? And he had still taken her to see Marc, instead of leaving her sitting there in the cold, foolishly waiting for someone who had no intention of coming.

Taking a deep breath, she quickly headed over to find him before she changed her mind again.

“What do you want?” Victor had scowled, making her confidence shrivel almost immediately.

“Do you have some time?” Mary asked quietly.

“What is it?” He gruffly snapped.

Maybe this was a bad idea, he seemed far from willing to listen, so what made her think he would even give her advice?

“Just spit it out. You’re probably going to bother me later anyway.” Victor muttered in arrogance.

“I’d rather not waste your precious time then!” Mary hissed back dryly, the constant stick up his butt was really starting to get on her nerves.

 Unexpectedly, his hand shot out to clutch her wrist to stop her from turning away from him, “it’s about Marc, isn’t it?” He stated more than asked.

Mary was too shocked to respond, was it that obvious?

“You should tell him about your feelings.” He added quietly.

“Really?” Mary couldn’t help but blurt out. He was Marc’s best friend so he was bound to know more about that boy, than her.

“He treats you differently than the others, almost as if you are made of glass.” Victor muttered softly with a shake of his head.

Mary blushed at the statement, however she didn’t know if it was due to the strange static between them, or the actual words that he said. “Thanks.” She whispered.

He gave a grunt in response as an unreadable emotion flickered past his gray pupils. “Shouldn’t you be going right now?” He growled at her roughly, simultaneously killing the moment.

“Okay!” Mary bristled, feeling agitated and a little peeved at his sudden change of emotions.

Turning around, she felt his eyes burn into her back but she ignored him, only throwing a ‘bye’ over her shoulder in strained politeness.


Mary’s heartbeat had accelerated, pumping with adrenaline from what she was about to do.

She felt invincible. Brave. Like nothing could stand in her way.

But when she found who she was looking for, the strong shield of confidence she was holding up instantly shrivelled into a flimsy piece of plastic, the moment she saw him with Leah.

The classroom door was halfway open and the two were the only ones in the room. A sickening feeling had spurned in Mary’s gut, yet she couldn’t tear her eyes away and she couldn’t help but watch.

“How long have you been bulimic?” Marc was asking her.

Leah shifted slightly; she was sitting on top of one of the desks with her long legs dangling off the edge. “Since I was in Russia.” She softly murmured.

Almost immediately, Marc let out a frustrated growl, “why did you do this to yourself? Haven’t you tortured me enough already?”

“I missed you. I missed you so much that the guilt was eating me from inside!” She cried.

Mary’s blood boiled, what right did she have to say that when she was the one who left him in the first place?

There was a tense silence for a moment, then to Mary’s surprise, Marc took a step towards Leah, and bending down to look her in the eyes, he whispered the three words that had the ability to shatter Mary’s soul.

“Let’s start over.”

Mary felt like somebody had just ripped her heart out, with no anaesthetic. A hot binding pain seared her body and she fought the urge to scream, shout, and do anything to make him take back his words!

 A small gasp escaped from her lips and the other girl snapped her head towards the sound like an eagle. Catching Mary red-handed, Leah didn’t bother alerting Marc though. “I love you,” she whispered to him instead, and a smug smile twisted at her lips as she crushed her mouth onto his.

The whole world crumpled at Mary’s feet as she witnessed the boy she liked, whole-heartedly kiss another girl. What about the kiss they shared? What did that mean then?

Leah pulled away first, her face glowing in content, “what about Mary?” She asked Marc intentionally, just for her to hear.

“She only reminds me of my sister, there’s nothing else.” He cruelly replied, shooting an arrow right through poor Mary’s heart.

And that was when she felt the first symptoms of heartbreak attack her. How could she have being so foolish, to even think that he may have seen her differently? Feeling utterly disgusted with herself, Mary turned to leave before Marc could realise she’d been eavesdropping.

But Leah wasn’t so considerate, the stunning brunette was determined to make her suffer, clawing at the fresh wound until it was fatal. “You heard him, he doesn’t like you the way.” She said, almost innocently, staring straight at Mary. 

Mary’s resolve shattered completely, as her pride and heart lay broken beyond repair at her feet. Tears of pain and pure humiliation ran freely now, like waterfalls down her face.

“Mary-” Marc’s mouth dropped open in surprise.

Saving her from answering, someone suddenly pulled her gently against their chest, her nose colliding with cold hard planes of muscle. “Don’t watch anymore.” Victor’s deep voice rumbled as his arm circled tightly around her shoulders.

Mary sniffed and that was all Victor needed to tug her away, his warm hand secured on her wrist as he paced.

“Wait Mary!” Marc yelled, his booming voice sending her to an instant halt.

Feeling so exhausted all of a sudden, Mary lashed around to face him, her face drenched with tears. “I just need a little time alone.” Her voice shook uncontrollably as she spoke.

Leah, who had obviously followed Marc out, wrapped a slim arm around his waist from behind. “What a pity, poor darling found out her little crush was only one-sided!” She pouted mockingly.

Victor tightened his grip on Mary while his other hand clenched into a fist, but it was Marc who spoke next.

“Do you think it’s funny? Playing with other people’s feelings? If anyone who is pitiful here, it’s you! I can’t believe I even thought you had changed!” He hissed at Leah.

The smugness fell from her face in a second and she immediately paled at his words. “I-“

“-No you’re still the same, no matter how much you deny it. You’re still that manipulative and selfish person you always were, heartlessly hurting others just to achieve your goals!” Marc shouted angrily.

A crystal tear slipped down Leah’s cheeks but he ignored it.

“Two years ago, you ditched me for your career, tossing our love aside for your own ambitions. Now two years later, you’re willing to crush someone’s innocence just to take me back.” He shook his head in disgust.

Leah dropped down to her knees with a sob; “I was wrong Marc, forgive me! I need you, please!” She begged shamelessly, clutching his leg.

The look he sent her after that, was as cold and unforgiving as the words he said next.

Don’t. Don’t force me to forget the last good memory I have of you.”

With that said, her hands dropped away from him completely, and shaking, she got up on her knees before stumbling away in defeat.

Marc didn’t spare her a second glance, and turned to Mary instead, with a regretful expression. “I’m sorry, I-“

Victor cut him off with a growl; “what the hell were you thinking?” He yelled, shoving him against the door.

Marc shrugged his hands off him with a glower, “would you let me explain!” He scowled.

“Explain what? That you lead her on, let her fall for you then tell her that you only thought of her as your sister?” Victor hissed furiously.

Marc looked frustrated; “I didn’t know she had feelings for me, I- ”

“I trusted you, I even told her to go and confess but you were fucking around with that bit – “

“Stop fighting!” Mary shrieked. Then taking a deep breath, she looked at marc. “I’m the one who should be sorry, how could I possibly think in the slightest that my feelings could be returned? I mean look at me!” She murmured sadly, gesturing to herself.

Marc’s face fell as if he realised what he’d just done. “Mary, I –“

“I have to pick up Joshua.” She interrupted and without another word, she sprinted away.

Marc groaned in lament as Victor stepped up to him with a snarl.

“You don’t need to say anything because from now on, you aren’t going to touch her, talk to her, god forbid even look at her if I can make sure of it!” He barked

Marc growled. “Seriously? Fifteen years of friendship gone, just because of a girl?”

 Victor took a step closer, his dark gray irises bone-chilling cold. “She’s not just any girl.” He said.


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