Not Much Of Romeo 'N' Juliet...

By absent_archive

537 26 3

They could suck your non-existent dick because you wouldn't care if they would kill you are not. It was a fun... More


A Prisoner

240 13 1
By absent_archive

The guards were laid bloody and lifeless. He glared at them as they twitched. The skeleton scooped the souls out of the guards, and left them there to rot. His boots clicked through the hospital like hallway. If he were honest, he was lost and had no idea where the heiress was. He was reaching towards an end of a hallway, seeing to paths that set to different rooms. Every few room was a empty echo. The skeleton swung open each hospital like door. Every room had at least one item, guns to mysterious wooden crates. The inventory for their guns were pretty impressive, but he wasn't looking for any machinery. Just a human being. A cruel human being. Further.
Further. Left. Right. Dead end. It was a swift route, the skeleton craned his body. He began to walk back to his original destination. It was still silent and only his shoes comfort him. The skeleton swiftly walked into the other corridor. Slamming and opening the doors that obtained nothing, but a hospital like room. Lastly, as he peeked into one last room. A ear popping sound repeated itself as an echo. The skeleton immediately spun around to meet a familiar face. The heiress. The puzzle pieces of the door were scattered around the female figure. Her gown reached above her ankles, leaving her feet bare and in stance. He heard chuckles chime through the dense air.
"Well, well, morning sunshine." The girl said almost mockingly. Her shot gun was held tightly and the barrel oozed out smoke into the empty air.
"It's good to see you too, heiress." The strands of her hair was in a disorganized shape. Her feet was bare and in stance, ready to pounce on anything that moved a inch or so. A crooked smile stretch across her face coldly. The female had the eyes of a predator about to rocket forward towards a prey. Or that's what she believes in. From a skeleton's perspective she was rather a powerful (mentally, he thinks) opponent against him. The scar faced skeleton felt like they had the same balance of power. Except she was rather smaller and what seems like a physically weaker opponent. Scarface thinks she's nothing, but a fraud that can dominate a bitch- especially this one.
"Please, don't call me 'Heiress'. Call me, 'Red'. You Halloween decoration." She sneered, her eyes stood as a scowl, yet her smile was still a perfect smile. The warrior laughed, her little name calling was nothing, but child's play. Her child-like threats weren't nothing, but a soft blow.
"You'll be laughing now, but soon those bones will turn to dust. Every single speck will be scooped clean from this-" she stomped her dominant foot twice.
"Floor. Your dust will be mine and I will make a great profit out of it. Especially the leader." She laughed as she shot a few fires at bone-man. One punctuated a hole on his forearm. She smirked in success. The blow in his arm made the girl laugh.
"How cute. Your reaction was priceless!" She commentated as he winced in pain. The skeleton growled at her. She only smile more.
"Come at me, baby." She purred as she sign him over. The skeleton dragged the air up. Crackling filled the empty halls in the sickening way. The floor split as lines of bones made a trail towards Red. She swiftly dodged the slower attacks.
"You asked for it." He growled as he stomped over to Red. The girl was in stance to spit out another bullet from the barrel. Dodging her bullet, he took a quick jab at the stomach. Red cough as he slid behind her. Red craned her body around as began to shoot another bullet. Before the bullet spiraled neared his socket. A pearl white bone held the velocity of the iron bullet, and bounced off of the bones. Red was surprised as how thick the bone was compared to a human bone. She sneered, "Magic." Red stepped to the side, but a turquoise bone stopped her path. Layers of white bone covered the wall of blue bones. She shot the bullet at the blue bones. It spiralled through and hit the corner of the wall. Leaving a black pit as a reminder of the current moment. She shot another bullet, but this time at a different set of bones. Making the metal trinket ricochet. The girl ducked as the realization of the bouncing bullet. The metal item stopped as energy was wasted.
"Looks like you're trapped, Princess." Droid teased with a big shiny smirk stretched across his skeleton face. Red swung at the blue bone, her skin felt like it's been stripped to the muscle. If one was to experience the pain, it felt like you dipped your hand in boiling oil. She screamed in agony as the burn sizzled on her skin. Red snapped her hand back and held it to her chest. Her eyes bounced at her open wound toward the monster. Droid chuckled at her distressed expression. His eyes inflamed a glorious golden yellow, his being began to shatter into many cubes. The cubes that held the pigment of the skeleton had climbed it's way up to the air, and swiftly dropped in front of red. The cube's created a the skeleton within second. The entity was in motion as the blocks connected together. Droid was pieced together. With one of his spawned bones he whacked the girl unconscious.
The Heiress was propped up into the back of the van. He watched her helplessly struggle in the chains she is cuffed in. Clink. Clink. The chains rattled angrily as she continued to beat herself against the small corner.
The security of the heiress was the only one monster. He propped one foot on the bench, and admired the fact that she was finally captured. Red was quiet, and didn't let any noises through that duct tape.
"These chains are made out of the finest iron, Princess. Can't yank yourself out the chains. I already tried it myself." He stated with a bored tone. The heiress still yank and pulled the chain. She needed get somewhere, doesn't she? Something important? , Red wasn't one to give up. He could tell. The bumps on the road left clanks and a few grunts up at the front seat. Red tried to pull the chains out of the floor, yet she couldn't pull it off. A few bumps on the desert road, the heiress stayed quiet and motionless. Her chest only came up softly. It seemed so peaceful.. Yet it's like the night shade a beautiful plant, yet the most poisonous
"Boss," A gruff voice spoke out in the front. The skeleton gave the monster at the wheel attention- despite the bars
"We're near the base. How's she holding up? You haven't killed her yet, have you?" The monster with a Irish accent joked with a big toothy grin. The skeleton chuckled and disagree to his 'conclusion'.
"Not, yet Oscar. Not yet." He stated with a laugh traced smile. The monster looked at the rear view mirror and back at the dusty road.
"Boss, you know I could of helped you capture the girl. You didn't need to hustle." The monster kindly noted.
"I was fine, Oscar. I didn't want you to worry. After all, you might of killed her the second you saw her. After what happened and all." The fusion didn't want his friend to kill this girl for many reason. He needed the girl for a reason.
"We need her either way." He added.
Seeing a familiar headquarter, the skeleton tapped the (Hair color/ H/C) girl with the tip of his shoe. Red jolted alive from her slumber. Droid shoved a key in the keyhole and unlocked the chains tiger handcuffs.
"Come on, kid. Stand up." He grumbled. Hopping off of the end of the van, he dragged the girl down the van. The scorching sand box terrain air had burned the skeleton's sensitive nasal cavity. He grumbled a complaint as he hooked his hand on the chain of his prisoner. Red hissed as the hot grindy sand slapped her foot. The girl tried to keep her contact as far away from the skeleton. Droid growled at her and yanked the female closer to his skeleton-self. The two trudge through the hot sand as Oscar locked up the van. The monster followed the two through the sand. Red huffed as the hot and dry air touched the walls of her nostrils. The heiress trudge blindly, hearing certain beeps and a solid object slide. Droid palmed her back and pushed her through the entrance. The headquarters, Droid leads, had cooler environment and had the stench of a nursing home. Droid flicked his head upward towards the security that mirrored his actions as well. The uniformed man scurried over to his station. A sharp beep bounced off of the walls as the security guard slammed on the button. The bar doors slide open, Droid yanked on the back of the girl's gown. Droid yanked off the rag in her mouth, and untied the blindfold. He dragged her through the entrance harshly.
The three of them silently walked through the empty halls absentmindedly. Droid began to see rooms, and people coming out of them. A little monster scampered his way towards Droid with sparkles in his eyes.
"Mr. Gaster!-" His glimmering eyes began to dull out. Fear began to crystallize his being, the kid walked backwards and ran shrieked back with fear. She's a real terror for the kids, He stated in thought. The adults began to see the terror that was rocketed by the kid. The monster tried to find the lead, and they did. Everyone gasped, shocked and frightened by the prisoner. And the adults as well, Droid added in his thought. He sighed as he clenched onto the gown of the girl. The monsters heads were attached to the predator's presence.ONe monster ran up to the skeleton. His glare was filled with concern and anger.
"Gaster! What the hell? Why did you bring her here? She could slaughter these monsters! Especially the children!" The monster exasperated.
The skeleton grunted,"Look, we need her. Unless you don't want your wife back, I suggest you to back away." The monster was in a clear state of confusion as Droid retorted back.
"Now!" He commanded harshly. The monster nodded and walked backwards out of fear.
Droid sighed,"Look! I need all of you to stay in your cabin until we have locked up the girl! We need you to lock your doors and stay there! If you need anything contact the guards, and they will contact me. Understood?" He roared the command. Everyone was shaken up from the prisoner to the military yelling. But, everyone understood. He murmured out a 'Good' and dragged Red away from the crowd.

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