A Luna's Destiny

By InfiniteMarissa

414K 13.4K 233

Blaze knight has been a rogue for 10 years now. She had a horrid past with her old Pack, the Red-moon pack, s... More

A Luna's Destiny
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 *finished*
Authors note
Authors note update

Chapter 19 - part 2

6.7K 267 8
By InfiniteMarissa

Blaze's P.O.V

"Get over here Kara an rose what are you waiting for" I screamed at them as tears came out of my eyes, I looked at my mate with my heart in pieces. I gripped his fur in my fingers and shook him rapidly trying to wake him but failed. I covered my face with my hands and when I looked at Blake he knew what was about to happen to him.

"That's was your bloody pack!! what were they doing here ! what aren't you telling us!" at this point I gave one hard blow on his jaw and he was on the ground holding his jaw in pain, I caught a growl in the woods and a few more sounded.

Had they left or are they watching us? I looked back at Blake and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragging him toward the woods. I looked back to make sure Kara and rose we're doing there job and they were. when I got to a clearing I seen red eyes approach us but my estimate is there were only 15 wolves.

I lifted Blake to his feet and gripped his arm scared a bit. "Give us are alpha" they all said in the same moment, it was wierd. I thought of jade, and what the wolves might do to the pack if I didn't hand him over, let alone did. Jade his happy I can't take that away from her, and Colin, boy do I love him.. if I didn't give Blake over would they forge an attack immediately? there's one thing I was certain about, I'm no giving Blake away for jades sake, then I should give my self. it's time i made a sacrafice for once.

"No" I said firmly. I heard a few growls and they slowly began approaching but came to a halt when I raised my hand for them to. I threw Blake to the ground and quickly absorbed his energy as I watched him blissfully fall to sleep. I stood up and put my hands forward as if to be hand cuffed "take me instead" is all I could say and then the wolves were on me, tackling me to the ground.


I woke up not even remembering how I passed out, I was no longer in my dress but in a long black lace dress that spread along the floor at the bottom, I was hand cuffed with ropes though. I turned and saw a mirror an when I looked in it I could hardly recognize myself.  My hair curled, my makeup was done, black eye shadow, mascara, red lipstick... what the hell is happening?

I looked at the door and ran to it throwing off the black heals I wore. when I got to it I banged on it hoping someone would come to my rescue, but no one did. 'Rose!' I screamed threw the mind link but didn't get a response. I tried three more times and when I heard the familiar voice I couldn't forget that could make me mad in seconds but also make me laugh, I cried 'Blaze!!??' Blake's voice had came threw my head... did the link work this far apart? 'Blake! Where am I ? where are you? what's happening?' I cried out in the link. 'I'm coming' I heard his voice and caught a growl in them... but what did he mean he was coming? he can't.

'If I leave then the wolves would just attack again.. Blake I have to stay here' I only got a growl back when he heard my words. 'NO! I refuse to let you do that!! I have a plan just stay were you are' he said and then he put up his mind wall so I couldn't get threw to him.. what was gonna happen?

I walked to the mirror and my makeup didn't even smudge the tiniest bit, what the hell is this stuff made from? I couldn't wipe my tears away so I laid my head on the desk with my hands still tied behind me.. how long have I been here and knocked out cold? In the next minute I heard bolt locks being unlocked, I got up in a perfect stance, chin high back straight.

When I seen Blake, jade, an then some of the red eyed wolves in human form, curiousity struck me. I opened my mouth to speak "You are free prisoner, get off my territory and back home. and don't think about returning" Blake abruptly cut me off. I was shocked. I turned to look at jade who was holding Blake's hand with her head down. I glared at her inability to be strong when I heard a growl I snapped my head towards a guy who was now in front of me blocking my view from jade "don't look at are Luna like that you bitch" he said and slapped me straight across the face sending me back a few steps. when I looked back jade was starring straight at me shocked and angry "how dare yo-" jade was cut off by Blake when he shook his head.

"I said go, do i need to show you the way out?" Blake said with an anger face expression, but i could see pain in his eyes. what is he doing. i stood silent starring at them in shock.. "I guess i do" blake let go of jades hand and stormed over to me grabbing my upper arm and forcefully throwing me foward. 

We walked for about 3-4 minutes till we approached the large door i had once seen when i came for blake "Leave, dont come back" i was shocked when i heard jades words. One of the wolves cut the ropes off me and i rubbed my aching wrists. i walked a few feet out the door and looked back 'what are you guys doing.. are you guys coming home' i said as i could feel pain in my stomache like someone was punching me over and over again. Jade began to cry and blake took her in his arms 'When you get to the pack house, they will tell you everything' and just like that the door was shut leaving me in this wierd long dress.

I went to go shift but fell on the ground.. what the. I observed my arms and there was a shot bandaid on me, when i lifted it sure enough there was a little shot puncture but it had a blue hue to it. They must have given me a ashot so i couldnt shift and get out, but why? im free now there was no use?

i lifted the bottom of my dress and began running, i ran threw the woods as fast as my two legs could take me and kept thinking get to colin get to colin so i wouldn't colapse from the amount of confusion and dizzyness. 

I seen the pack boarder and happily ran over and past it, i kept running and running till i smelt my way to the house. I was exhausted from head down, body sore and all. I must have ran for 2 hours straight. I finally colapsed infront of the door taking a breather, but i was back on my feet in a few minutes. I walked in and followed Colins scent but when i smelt shays i ran towards it despite my sore feet, when he seen me a smile scorched his face and he opened his arms happily taking me in them "Oh blaze, your back" he said joyfully "after a week without you, your really back" he said yet again. But a week? i was gone a week? Colin... Was he alive DID HE DIE!

I threw myself out of Shays arms and picked up Colin's scent again, i looked back at shay and he nodded. I ran toward the scent which of course led me to the room but came to a quick stop when i smelt talia's scent.. You have got to be kidding me..

I set my hand on the doorknob not sure if i should open the door or not, My wolf scratched banged growled and put her force into trying to get me in, but its like i was frozing. What do i do?

 ( I was gonna end it but i think you have had enough Cliff hangers lol. here you go)


After a minute of thinking i twisted the door knob but it was locked. My wolf immidiatly lost control, but i still couldn't shift i could only feel her, the anger inside me turned into pure rage. I backed up a bit and kicked the door knob breaking it as the door swung open, what i seen made the rage grow horribly worse.

Colin and Talia were sitting on the bed, to close for comfort, and watching the Tv. They had shocked expressions and when colin seen me he moved his hand which was once clasped in Talia's hand. The Fire inside me blazed to an unbarable rate, Without thinking i ran to the bed at unhuman speed gripping her neck and lifting her fully up and off the bed. It wasn't long till colin wrapped his arms around me and pulled me off sending me and him tumbling along the floor. I was growling and roaring at this point. If talia stays a second more she will be either dead or in the medic station with severe injuries "TALIA GET OUT!" Colin yelled trying to hold me against the wall.

I was clawing at the air and i felt my Canines come threw, My wolf was making its way back. Talia ran toward the door and my anxiety made everything appear in slow motion, she was close to the Door when i shifted throwing Colin to the other side of the room, Royalty is not something to mess with. i ran sliding along the floor getting right infront of her.

i leaped with my jaws almost around her throat when colin rammed into me sending me against the wall again. By this time talia was outside of the room and probably far from here i could feel myself ease. I ran to the closet grabbing a Blue silk sleeping gown and putting on a bra and panties. When i put the dress on it barely reached over my butt, I went to change it but colin Aggresivley Nudged the door open making me jump a bit. my hair was still curled and my makeup remained which still bothered me. I didn't realize i was growling at him until i smelt his anger go away and i could no longer only hear my rising pulse.

"What the hell was that!" colin said approaching me but i just pushed passed him heading for the door when he grabbed arm wipping me around "i demand an answer" he shouted gripping my arm harshly to the point where i thought it would bruise. I didn't answer i only gave him and angery glare expression and i felt tears sweep down my cheeks. I was angery and hurt. my emotions are so off at this point.

"no, i deserve an answer.. i can't be with you if all your doing when i turn my back is sneaking around with TALIA" i emphasized the word 'talia' so he new what i ment. "I make a sacrafice of my own well-being so the wolves wouldn't attack and kill you and take blake away from jade, and i come back home to this! What the hell colin, i ran 2 straight hours just to get to you!" i punched him right in the chest sending him back a bit, me and my wolf were to hyped to be near colin or anyone right now.

"It's not like that she was just, Hanging out with me.. i haven't seen her in 2 years Blaze!" at this point he was yelling right back. i shook my head taking in a deep breath "well have  a good couple of days with her, i'm done for right now" i got to the door when i heard the most painfilled words "a-are you rejecting me as a mate?" Colins words crushed me. We spend more time fighting then we do loving eachother, if this is how its gonna be for the rest of our lives together then i guess i am.

I turned around jumping into his arms, when i kissed him, i kissed him like it was the last time i would ever feel, see, or touch him. The kiss was full of need and want, when i let go of him i felt empty. I set my hand on his cheek and let a few tears drop before leaving the room.

I got to about the kitchen when i seen the guys in there ethan,connor,shay but no sam. They slowly looked me up and down and i barely remembered what i had put on. I growled at them and there eyes came to my face no longer lingering upon my body. Ethan coughed strangly and mischieviously "so we seen and also heard what happend.. anything you needa talk about?" ethan patted the space right next to him but i shook my head "I just need to know.. is there an empty room anywere?" i spoke so quietly i didn't think anyone heard me but shay noded catching my attention.

"If you go  up the third set of stairs and you get to the only door that is red, thats it" he said a bit cautious, like he didn't wanna anger me. I noded and headed up to the room he spoke of.

when i got there i flopped on the bed covering myself with blankets. Without colin beside me the night was gonna feel lonely like all those nights as a rogue, i just need time. to think things over.

...Can i trust colin anymore?...


                     And there ya go, a pretty long chapter (: sorry i took so long to update this chapter... this one was not edited by the way sorry, its to long to over read again haha. Anywhoo enjoy lovlies.. Bye (:


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