Transformers: Primed To Fall

By LiamNeilRaschane67

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This is the story of the Fallen (in the Transformers Prime continuity), one of the first living beings create... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Six

119 5 1
By LiamNeilRaschane67

Chapter Six

So it had come to this. The Liege Maximo had such a numerous amount of secrets, it would fry the minds of whoever he could ever attempt to explain them all to. But, if his brethren were expecting an explanation from him, what good was it to disappoint?

"If hidden information on all of us is to finally leak for everyone to know," he began, "then I suppose now is the time reveal my own. In the beginning, even before we ended our encounter with Unicron, I knew that I had potential for more. I burned with the knowledge that that I could raise myself to the highest points of greatness with my own skills, but Unicron stood in the way of that objective, of course. So, I needed to get the Chaos-Bringer out of the way for Cybertron's future -- and for mine. Saving Cybertron became my primary priority, and we were all united in that effort. Thirteen spoke truly when he reminded us that 'all are one.'

"And so we all know the tale, for we experienced and created it. Unicron was defeated by our variety in skill, yet also by are unity in light. But none of us were truly equal, of course. Right after the climactic showdown with the Chaos-Bringer, I was brimming with ideas to change Cybertron for the better -- my way. And you have all so graciously supported my efforts.

"Yes, of course, you are wondering, 'What does Maximo mean by our help? This sounds dubious!' But I assure you, no one should harbor any fears about my pursuits... as long as you are compliant with them. Now, back to the subject of my actions in the time being. I was, of course, assigned to work on Energon maintenance, but in my free time, labored on projects of my own. I experimented on cybernucleic formulae to attempt to create a new attempt at half-sentient life. Our esteemed leader himself advised that I breed a new type of warrior if I was to aspire to such an arbitrary endeavor."

When blank gazes met him, the Liege Maximo simplified. "Prima suggested I go forward with attempting to replicate life." When he saw understanding in everyone's eyes, he continued. "So, I became the perfect friend for all of you, serving and supporting my brethren in every conceivable way I was able. In turn, I listened to whatever you had to say, whether it was your attitude towards others, your wondrous new ideas for the future, and your secrets about your behaviors. This led to me having knowledge of everything you have all confessed, and so I have a little say in this 'seeds of darkness' business. I know that even I was infested with one by Unicron's mere presence, and it has brought me to a level higher than expected.

"You heard how Alchemist gleaned some of Onyx's cybernucleic acid, of course. But I managed to glean the acid from him, as well as the formula of genetic data. It allowed me to further my research. Then I... borrowed some of the power of Quintus' Emberstone, and he was indifferent in sharing it, seeing as I was the only one who listened to his rants with interest." He saw slightly guilty looks on some faces. That was what they got for neglecting a fellow Prime. "I used that special life-giving energy to bring my creations to a life bordering consciousness. They became amazing warriors in little time, but an error in programming led to... unpredictable alterations."

Another pause. "If I must lower my speech level, then so be it," Maximo muttered. So he simplified his speech. "The creatures became deformed and bestial because of a flaw in genetic coding. I am not the greatest in such scientific pursuits. Some were successful, but I was commanded to shut down my project when Prima discovered they were fighting each other. Admittedly, I did pin the beasts against one another in combat to test their abilities, but I soon aborted that as well. I then settled on raising smaller, more manageable creatures. I even gave one as a gift to Solus. It was done with good intentions, for I desired her happiness." the Liege noticed Megatronus start at the mention of Solus' gift, and he felt that it was not just because he said her name.

Actually, Maximo knew that Megatronus had destroyed it. He had not only given the pet to Solus Prime as a gift in return for the Apex Armor, but also used it as a spy. He had viewed part of the argument between her and her misguided lover through the pet's optics, until the poor thing was obliterated.

He continued confessing. "But I also wanted her to have this pet of hers in return for the Apex Armor which I had requested. Sadly she kept it and refused, so there is her seed for you. She became selfish and only Forged for herself. I wished for that armor because it makes its wearer practically invincible. I required possession of it for protection against my more rowdy beasts.

"Alas, I never managed to control them due to lack of the armor and a neglect to maintain their savagery, and their presence is now a threat. It would be very dangerous if any were to... escape. But we needn't worry too much, seeing as we have had to deal with savage malice before. As long as I keep them in their place, you have nothing to fear from them." He meant his words to be a slight threat, assuming the others understood the implication. And yes, he was slightly referring to Megatronus while speaking.

"I also have developed a special relic of my own. Because I was never given one such as the Star Saber or Lenses, I decided to fashion something more fitting for me. So I created the Liegian Darts. They truly can work wonders, so long as one understands their function. I should further explain them later, for they work as much more than simple weapons." He subconsciously fingered his right arm, where some of the various darts were stored.

"And as for my new apparel, I believe that with grand change in circumstances must come a grand change in appearance. I have elected to change my colors to those suited of a ruler because I believe such a circumstance may be necessary. I will not mince words much longer, because our dire situation is ever greater a threat. One of our own is deceased. Our secrets are exposed. Darkness plagues our minds. Lines are continuously drawn due to ever-increasing animosity. As the words on this chart imply, Prima is no longer fit to lead us, because he trusts no one and is himself a hypocrite. It seems none of us is worthy to rule, but let me ask this -- which of us is the least worthy? The one who has done the worst of us, the one most full of attributes of Unicron? We are all smoldering under tension of animosity, but what, or who, could become the likely spark? If I may speak for all of us, might I suggest... Megatronus?"

All optics turned to the mentioned Prime. Megatronus stood there, his blazing red eyes staring swords at the Liege Maximo. The guilt and shame that shone so clearly from them from his grief as Solus' death was gone. Another bot stood there, clearly desiring to cause harm to this royal-looking, silver-tongued speaker. Maximo knew his brother hated him right now, but was not going to show any fear. Perhaps any violence could be averted if Megatronus stayed calm and explained his secrets like the others did. Liege Maximo looked down at the ground, then fingered his arm. The largest three of his beasts were already lurking in the ground not far beneath them near the Tower. He was ready to free them if the circumstances required it.

"You all know that I was created to be like Unicron by Primus himself," Megatronus began, his optics still boring into that of Liege Maximo. "So, upon feeling a darkness greater than just my own, I naturally relished it. I enjoyed the sense of power I possessed, but always wanted... more. That ambition drove me to become something monstrous inside, something I failed to see in myself. I even harbored thoughts of insurrection against the rest of you. Yet only Solus Prime seemed to try to help me when all of you simply shunned me. And whenever anyone else reached out to me, it was to warn me of a danger I already knew or to get something out of me. Which is exactly what Liege Maximo did to me!" he screamed the last part, hands clenched into fists. "His own desires led to him using me to take from Solus, leading to our argument and her accidental death! Maximo is the true murderer!"

And with that, he lifted his arm cannon and fired at Liege Maximo. The manipulator quickly ducked into his transport as the blast grazed the top, and he soon felt blows coming from all around the interior as he cowered within. With them came angry rants on him being the culprit, demanding justice. This was not proceeding well. He knew from the moment Solus died that that would be a complication to his well laid-out plans. The time for releasing the beasts was upon him.

He quickly began driving his transport away, the vehicle shuddering under the impact of other Primes attacking it. He sped up its pace, then typed in a series of numbers to summon his ship to his location. Right as he did so, he felt a searing pain coursing through his head. He felt hot, suddenly, and almost thought that dark red flames surrounded him. He felt exposed, like everything he knew was being exposed.

Then, the sensation ceased, and he realized that he was still driving forward. Wondering what just happened, he stopped his vehicle and quickly leaped out. With his current apparel, running did not come easy. But then he saw his starship flying across the sky down to him. He clambered inside as it lowered to the ground, and as he looked out the viewport, he saw Onyx Prime charging him in the distance. Likely because the beast warrior was infuriated at the abuse of his own genetics.

Liege Maximo realized as his ship took off that he shouldn't have confessed all that he said. Curse Alpha Trion for forcing us to spill our secrets, he thought, and curse Megatronus for killing Solus Prime. That was a setback he never intended, and although he did feel some grief at her demise, he also felt a sense of satisfaction at the fact that Prima would not be trusted again anytime soon. And, Megatronus, the fallen one, was now ever more the outcast and hated one. Even with the Liege Maximo out of play, they were probably infighting even as he escaped. His ship rose off the ground, his destination set. The small elevator in the middle of nowhere.

Well, the thought with a regretful sigh, I suppose that now unleashing my army will be necessary. He briefly considered freeing the first three now, as he flew to his laboratory. After flying for a while to his destination, he looked into the distance, and saw his ground transport erupt in flames on a distant viewport that magnified the area. They had destroyed it looking for him. He couldn't allow them to find what else was inside. He then looked at the screen hidden on the underside of his left arm. He had connected a computerized transmitter to his arm, and now looked directly at the button on the screen that would self-destruct his Liegian Dart-loaded vehicle. Then there was the one that would free the first three beasts. Just at the push of a couple of buttons, the spark of conflict would be set off.

He decided that now was the time to use them. He pressed them both, then waited. There was no turning back from war now. But desperate times called for necessary actions. Let's see how well they deal with this challenge. But already he regretted doing that even as he left the doomed place.

* * *

Meanwhile, before that happened, Prima, Megatronus, Nexus Prime, and Onyx Prime chased after the transport until it suddenly stopped and the ship landed near it. But before that happened, Megatronus finally released his pent-up rage in a literal blast of energy. Crimson flames unlike any the others had ever seen appeared out of his hands, and his chest began to glow the same color. This may have been a surprise to his fellow Primes, but Megatronus knew just what this was.

All of his rage gave him power, some kind of burning energy inside his bosom. He only unleashed it when at his angriest, or when he focused the fury into a specific action. Now, he was aiming at Liege Maximo. Or to be more specific, his mind. The entropy gave him unnatural, even supernatural abilities that he hid within himself. As his emotions festered inside him, so did the energy. Prima was right. He was dangerous, and the time for hiding it was over.

The flames enveloped the vehicle for only a moment, and Megatronus concentrated on his small chance. He shut his optics and listened for Liege Maximo's thoughts. But then, the transport wheeled away to a distance too far. Megatronus instantly ceased using the dark energy flames and halted. The other three did as well. He felt dizzy, now that the rush was over. But now he knew. He had a slight bearing of where Liege Maximo was headed. He knew no specific location, but felt the direction and general area.

Yes, this was power he relished. He only withheld it because of Solus Prime's influence. He, Onyx Prime, Nexus Prime, and Prima all watched. Unsure of what was to happen next, they watched as it quickly zoomed away into the sky. Liege Maximo could have been in it, or, Prima deduced, he was still hiding inside the vehicle. So they had fired upon it until they decided that he wasn't in there.

"How dare he!" Onyx growled.

"It seems," Megatronus sighed, "that we all have a common enemy."

"Allying myself with you?" Nexus cried out. "The murderer and one who relishes the darkness? I'd say that you're no better than Maximo after all of this! And what was that you just did there?"

"Please, let's just calm down and return to the Tower!" Prima said.

"But why?" Nexus countered. "Why would you want to affiliate yourself with 'agents of chaos?' And seriously," he yelled at the Dark Prime, "what was all that business with the flames and the screaming and the... whatever that was?"

"Enough!" Megatronus shouted, and they all silenced, looking at him with fear. He then realized that they were actually afraid of him. He smiled inwardly at the thought that he was intimidating. "Must I be the only rational one here? For once, I don't want to quarrel with you, because I wish to find Liege Maximo. And what you just saw was my true power. Pray that the need for its use does not come again. So, everyone shut up and let's investigate! The others are coming, too!" He pointed to where Micronus, Quintus, Alchemist, Amalgamous, Vector, Alpha Trion, and Thirteen approached. The two groups met on the field near the Tower.

For a moment there was awkward silence. "To start off," Prima began, obviously trying to save his position, "we should figure out where--"

Then Maximo's burning vehicle exploded, and they all turned to see it envelop itself in multicolored flames. But before they could wonder any more about that unusual phenomena, the entire ground shook around them. They all looked down, curious and afraid as to what was happening, and waited. Could it be a visit from Primus himself to punish them for their actions?

Suddenly, the rocky ground near them erupted with a bang, and they all stared in horror as three humongous monstrosities crawled out from beneath the surface. One was hunched and bipedal, with off-set yellow eyes, a snout-like face, and sword-length claws. It was taller than even Nexus Prime. Next to it was an equally large four-legged beast with wings, much shorter and wider. Its head looked humanoid, but slightly disfigured. Rows of razor-like teeth covered its mouth. The third one, the largest as well, had a birdlike head, flaming yellow eyes, and no limbs. Its entire body snaked down to a spiked, club-like tail. All seemed to be sentient, covered in natural body armor. The Primes barely had any time to appreciate these details or consider their source when all three simultaneously attacked.

Chaos erupted as Primes and beasts clashed, with weapons being pulled out of their various sheaths, limbs becoming weapons, and monstrous defense mechanisms growing to frightening lengths. The largest beast swung its tail in circles, narrowly missing the heads of Vector Prime and Quintus Prime, who dodged aside. The hunchbacked one leaped forward, claws extended to grab Nexus Prime and lacerate him. Nexus quickly split into three bots, who all began beating at its back when it hit the ground. They soon pulled out their swords upon climbing on the confused creature.

The winged one pounced on its closest lookalike, Onyx Prime. With wings of his own as well as four legs and two arms, Onyx Prime had the look of a metallic flying centaur wearing a hawk-like mask. It was known as the Triptych Mask, used to communicate with beings of lower intelligence, such as animals. Its other abilities were supernatural, but not needed right now. As his larger opponent tackled him down, the two rolled around on the ground, Onyx kicking at its face with his hooves.

Megatronus felt a rush of satisfaction at seeing all this. Finally, some action! He pulled out his special sword, which he called the Dividend, and charged at the snakelike being. It was currently snapping at Micronus, who was flying around its head while Quintus Prime uselessly poked at its spine with his tentacles and Vector Prime sliced through its stomach. It roared in pain, and swung it tail again. This time, it met its target, and Vector was stabbed by the stumpy spines protruding from its tail. It swung him around, throwing him into the approaching Megatronus.

The Dark Prime fell back as Vector Prime collided with him, then threw him aside. He turned to briefly see Onyx Prime lay bleeding on the ground, the four-legged beast rearing up to stomp on him. Megatronus threw his Dividend at the bird-headed beast, and it sliced the tail off completely. As the creature fell in pain, Alpha Trion and Thirteen jumped at it, stabbing its burning eyes with their own petty swords.

Megatronus turned to the one with wings and shot it in the side of the head. It stumbled and turned to Megatronus, who continued firing at it as it ran to him. He dodged out of the way as it pounced, stitching its side with burning holes as he blasted away. It landed face down, confused and pained. Oh, how he loved the thrill of combat! He jumped on its back, using his arm sword to stab its back repeatedly until it threw him off. He tumbled into the pit from whence they had emerged.

He noticed that the snouted one was having its claws chopped off by a wounded bot that was part of Nexus Prime, slicing at its hands with the Cyber Caliber. The other two were stabbing at its upper legs with the Omni Saber and Chaos Edge. For a moment, Megatronus wondered why Nexus thought he needed so many weapons. As the beast stumbled, squealing in pain, a beam of arcing blue light slammed into its chest. The beast exploded from the torso outward, its limbs scattering across the plain. The beam came from the Star Saber after Prima had swung it once. Apparently, he had been observing the battle briefly before taking action.

Megatronus stopped for a moment to consider where the monstrosities had come from. Fighting the fat one with wings, he had noticed that it looked familiar to him. He then realized that it was because it shared attributes with Solus Prime's pet! Given to her by Liege Maximo. The trickster had caused this as well!

Looking around, Megatronus saw a long pipe in the pit. It was horizontal, and cylindrical, large enough to hold a bot. It led somewhere, no doubt, but where? Megatronus felt that he could figure it out if he entered. He walked forward. He was going for Maximo personally.

* * *

The Liege Maximo landed his ship smoothly in front of the elevator disguised as a small building. He huffed as he stepped inside and punched in the code. His plans were in shambles, but he could still possibly force his brethren into submission. All he needed was to fire one fresh Liegian Dart into the containers of still-growing beasts. Then, using the power of suggestion, he would bend them to his will, and they would do whatever he commanded. Then they would lay a siege of the Tower of the Primes, where the others had surely gathered. He could almost see it come to fruition. Victory without violence was what he considered a true victory. Though it was possible the rest of the Primes would put up a fight about it.

Let them, he thought, for soon the warring will be amongst them. The elevator halted, and Maximo stepped out, assured of himself that his plans could be saved. As he entered his laboratory, he turned the switch that would activate the lights. But instead of brightening the place, the ceiling only sparked. The lights had blown out. Well, he would just have to work in the dark. He began walking to where the console to control (and release) the beasts was.

"Hoping to reach this?" A deep, gravelly voice said out of the shadows. The Liege stopped cold. He knew that voice... but...

Two red eyes that almost seemed aflame glowed out of the darkness. The flickering lights showed the rest of the bot's body, and Liege Maximo gasped as he saw Megatronus standing over the console.

"H-h-how?" Maximo stuttered, something he had never done.

"The pipe leading from your beasts," Megatronus growled. "Though I see they were not the only ones." He raised a hand over the screen, searching the buttons on it.

So, the Dark Prime was brighter than he seemed. Still, Maximo feared what Megatronus' recklessness would bring about. "Would you care to explain what happened back when I was... departing?" Maximo asked. "I believe only you could have possessed such might as to invade my head in such a way. Very well, done, I might say."

"Shut up!" Megatronus yelled. "You have taken away that which was closest to me. Solus would still be alive if it weren't for you!" Megatronus' voice shook as he shouted. His grief was clouded his judgement. The Liege knew that much.

"No, please," he said, trying to steady this mentally unstable bot, "I assure you, I never intended any deaths. I wish for every Spark on this world to stay alive. I never wanted anyone to be hurt." This was true. Liege Maximo was speaking simple honesty. And pleading with his older, much more dangerous brother. Happenings like this usually never occurred. Times were changing.

"That much is true," Megatronus said darkly. "Times are changing, and I will now alter them further by ending what you hold dear -- the success of your mad plans." He lowered his hand to press the release switch.

No, Liege Maximo thought. He had not yet programmed them to be obedient. If unleashed now, the army would be mindless and chaotic, with only the energy of the Emberstone to keep them surviving. Who knew what would happen after that? And how did Megatronus know what he was thinking? "Please, don't!" he cried out.

The Dark Prime only chuckled. "You would beg of me? How weak of you." He then looked downward, scowled, and said, "Too late to stop now." Then he slammed his fist on the large button.

* * *

Onyx Prime stood up on his hooves, grimacing in pain. He had fallen partway into the pit made by the monsters' entry. They were mighty, for sure. He looked at the large, snaking one, and saw Amalgamous Prime using his Scythe and numerous fists to finish it off at the neck. Then, the squat, four-legged one he had previously tangled with fell out of the air and landed at his side, the back half of it sliced off. He glanced over at Prima, who stood with a glowing Star Saber. Apparently, he had just done that.

Onyx reached out with the Triptych Mask, and sensed that the behemoth still lived. And he sensed its origins as he mentally connected with the wounded beast. Then, after figuring out who had sent it, he growled savagely, and grabbed the beast's head. With a twist and a yank, he pulled it off of its neck, tossing the head into the pit below. Then he crawled onto its back for the other ten to see him.

"Liege Maximo has done this!" he screamed to the sky, and everyone stopped and listened. This was the longest sentence he had uttered in a while. And the other Primes all realized after a moment's thinking that he was right.

Prima stood for a moment before slowly, optics turned to him. Assuming it was because they looked to him as a de facto leader now, despite what they thought of him, he started speaking.

"Brethren, we have all been undermined by our very own. We must band together to end whoever caused this. Order must be restored to Cybertron."

"Under your banner?" Micronus Prime scoffed. "Why should we trust you? How did we ever trust you to be our leader, O master of paranoia?"

Murmurs of agreement sounded from a few other Primes, including Nexus, Onyx, Alchemist, and even Alpha Trion and Thirteen. They stood by his side.

"But..." Prima turned to Vector, Quintus, and Amalgamous. Then he realized something. "Where are Maximo and Megatronus?" This question began more unrest.

"Perhaps, they have played a part in this," offered Thirteen.

"No," Vector Prime argued in his soft, calm voice. "not both. This is beyond the scope of anything we have encountered since Unicron, beyond the work of Megatronus. I believe that Liege Maximo has been plotting against us ever since the beginning. Our misguided brother Megatronus may have ended the Spark of our beloved sister, but I do not completely blame him for doing so. It was, I put together, a fit of rage in which he murdered Solus Prime. But the Liege has worked against us in many ways, as he strangely revealed to us. He developed those beasts using the work of Alchemist, Quintus, and Onyx. We need to end his games before they cause more damage. In my opinion, Megatronus' actions are forgivable over those of Maximo."

After a pause, Onyx Prime limped forward to Vector. "Agreed," he said simply. They clasped hands, and Vector asked, "if ever required, will you stand by my side in times to come?"

"Times to come?" Prima asked.

"You are no longer our leader," Micronus declared, "for we are now simply our own masters. We must now look to our friends, or better yet, to someone trustworthy, someone more worthy to hold the title of Prime. Alpha Trion, perhaps?" he suggested after a pause.

All eyes turned to the Archivist, who quickly shook his head. "No, no, no." he said. "I cannot possibly be worthy. I was the one who wrote that our secrets would be revealed. Much of this would not have happened if I had let the timestream be. Not me."

"But had you not done so," brought up Quintus, "we might never have figured out Maximo's plans."

"And your humility proves that you could be ever more worthy," muttered Thirteen.

Vector Prime offered a bit more of his own insight. "Out of all these mistakes, I find Prima's actions against us forgivable as well. We must all band together against future common threats."

"Threats like what?" Micronus asked. "Our missing two? What if Megatronus has gone to eradicate that threat you mentioned?" Prima noticed as this conversation commenced that no one was on his side. They would rather vouch for his twin in all this.

This needed to end. Prima blurted out, "Did you not recall seeing what Megatronus has already done with his dark powers that he admits to reveling in? He is an even graver threat than anything else you could mention!"

Arguments would have started again there had they not all stopped to listen. A shaking similar to the previous one was coming from the pit, and they heard a clatter of dozens of footsteps on metal. What it was they didn't know. As they all turned expectantly towards the gaping hole in the ground that wasn't there a megacycle before, they heard the racket increase.

Then, dozens more bestial creatures began emerging from the pit, rearing, screeching, and charging at any sentient being. More and more came, several at a time. An army of monsters from below the surface. So much variety was among these monsters that they could not each be described. They were much smaller, but even so, the battle resumed with even more vigor.

With newfound bravado, Onyx Prime led a counterattack charge against this horde of mindless brutes. The two groups clashed violently once again, and the beasts of all shapes and sizes just kept coming by the dozen. Onyx fought them as if he was one of their own kind. Like an animal. Nexus pulled out the Omni Saber again, cleaving through monsters as they came, the blade almost glowing with swirling images of galaxies appearing on it. It was quite a powerful sword, and it was in great hands.

A long-necked, winged one managed to tackle Prima before he could bring the Star Saber to bear. He grabbed its face as it bit at him, kicking it off so he could reach his blade. He fired his arm cannon into its neck to push it off, then grabbed the Saber again as it reared back. Then he stabbed it through the wound, slicing the sword upward so that the beast was cut in half from the neck up. These were no doubt the work of Maximo, but Prima felt that they had no... coordination. Liege Maximo always planned his actions, but these things were too chaotic to have been only his work.

Megatronus was his first angry thought as he swung the blade sideways, the beam coming out of it disintegrating several of the small monstrosities. He just knew his twin was behind this. And no one would believe him. Everyone ignored Prima. Well, he would show them just how right he really was, once he restored proper order. He was the chosen leader, and he was going to prove that using the Star Saber.

Then, something caught his eye. Liege Maximo himself was clambering out of the same hole in the ground. Fleeing from the creatures surrounding him, which were already clawing and biting at his feet and cape.

"He has done this! Our own brother Megatronus has brought this upon us!" he shouted frantically at the nearest Prime, who just so happened to be Onyx. The larger bot turned to surprisedly see Maximo, who was always so calm and collected, now freaking out over these events. But surprise soon became bitterness, and he began beating down upon his fellow Prime out of fury.

Now the fighting was not just between Primes and monsters, but even among those of the Thirteen themselves. As Amalgamous shifted as many arms as possible into existence, he started beating everything within reach. This included both creatures and Quintus Prime. Startled, Quintus left fighting off the beasts and leaped upon Amalgamous Prime in sudden anger. Chaos was intensifying. Brothers were turning on each other more than ever.

Then, Megatronus leaped out of the pit, eyes ablaze with the fury of battle. More company seemed like a blessing by now, so his arrival almost brought joy. His eyes and hands ignited with the entropic red fire, and he fought with a rage unlike any had seen before. He beat monsters down and tore them apart with his bare hands, destroying them left and right. He grabbed one of the smaller beasts by the shoulders and single-handedly tore it in half. Then he fired his cannon at the head of another until its front half was a pile of ashes. But his eyes kept flickering around the place as he did so, attention on nothing at a time.

"Where are you?" he screamed at the battlefield of a plain. Then he ran through everyone, punching obstacles out of his way rather than dodge them. He let nothing slow him down, as if he was walking right through his enemies. Prima watched all this while absently cutting down the inhuman things coming at him. Where was he going?

His attention was then drawn to Liege Maximo crawling his way up the steps away from the battle, going for the Tower of the Primes. Refuge? Prima was not about to allow the orchestrator to flee his own abominations. He ran up the steps after him, intending to deal with this foe first, then move on to get rid of the wild card of a twin he had. These two were undoubtedly evil, and order could only be maintained through their suppression.

These thoughts ran through his head as he passed a huddle of Vector Prime, Alpha Trion, and Thirteen. They were back-to-back, swinging out with their own ordinary swords to guard one another from the onslaught. For Thirteen, this day was the first day in which he had used a weapon like such. Prima became increasingly realizing of how unique this day had become.

He saw Liege Maximo run in through the doors, and went up after him. He wrenched it open and called out, "Maximo! Halt in the name of Cybertron and face your crimes!"

The other Prime turned around with an angry snarl. "This is not my crime." Then, after a moment's consideration, said "Well, not all of it."

"What do you mean?" Prima asked, extending the Star Saber in front of his face.

"I created this army of wonders with the intention of using them as enforcers. They were meant to hold down any rebellion for when I became Cybertron's new leader after your intended downfall."

"Downfall?" Prima exclaimed, outraged. What did Maximo think he meant?

"Yes, in the event that everyone forfeited faith in you and put it in me. That would possibly have occurred had not your wretched twin interfered. He released this armada of bestial warriors before I could maintain proper control over them via use of my special artifacts." He pulled a glass container with a needle, filled with a brown liquid.

"The Liegian Darts?" Prima asked.

"Yes, those exactly. Though the use of my tongue is much preferable, there are those who cannot be convinced in any way. One type of these Darts has that power. To make those pierced with their eloquent venom listen to me and therefore, do my bidding. Those first three I sent were not programmed you to end you at all. They were meant to prepare you, maybe even weaken you, for when I took control. Unfortunately, that did not occur. But, I also have another type of Liegian Dart than can provide a detrimental effect on Energon and the air. You have actually encountered one of them already."

That was something Prima had figured out on his own. He had other matters to discuss. "Liege Maximo, I command you to come with me and help to end this plight you have caused, or else I will use the Star Saber to obliterate you! This is your choice."

They stared at each other in silence for a moment, and then the Liege smirked. "Oh, but that sounds like an abuse of power to me. Defend my world or die? Where is my agency in this? If you desire to be a true leader, then you should lead by example, not by force. Otherwise, you are no better than a tyrant who desires ultimate power over everyone! That is what you desire, is it not?"

"It is not!" Prima yelled again, not wanting to accept that truth. Maximo was right about him, but he wasn't going to let that put him under the manipulator's yoke of persuasion. He raised the Star Saber above his head to end him, then felt an enormous vibration permeate the building around him. A blast of deafening sound from behind him was synonymous with the shaking, and he suddenly feared the worst. What has just happened outside?

* * *

During the encounter inside the Tower, the rest of the Primes had fought outside, with the beasts and with each other. It was simple chaos, and soon, no one knew whose side they were on. It was every bot for himself. Somewhere during the barbaric warring, Megatronus had arrived again -- bringing the Requiem Blaster. Hefting it up, he had pulled the trigger again, hoping to end this conflict.

This discharge was smaller, with less a devastating effect than its previous firing. It made an enormous vibration across the surface once again, destroying all the creatures in front of it. Everyone scattered before the sheer might of the Blaster, intelligent being or not. Confusion and terror ran through all the Primes, whose audio receptors were ringing from the noise of the explosion.

Megatronus had then advanced on the Tower of the Primes to end it, blasting the door down with his own arm cannon. He found his two greatest enemies within, and in his rage, had resolved to end them both. But before Prima, Megatronus, and Liege Maximo could fight each other to finally settle their fates, something happened.

Due to Maximo inserting one of his Darts inside the Energon flow for the building, the fueling substance became highly unstable. Upon interference from the firing of multiple energy blasts and releasing of powerful energies, the Energon flowing throughout somehow ignited. In the middle of this battle of the Primes inside and outside the Tower, the entire building exploded in flame.

This was such a surprise that everyone ran from it. The inhuman beings fled in every direction, going on to disappear under Cybertron's surface in times to come. They would come to be known as the population of the Underworld. The Primes also scattered. The three inside escaped in surprise as flaming shrapnel rain down on the inside.

All twelve Primes scrambled in different directions, rational thinking left behind. They had no idea what was happening around them, and naturally, feared what they didn't understand. This battle was over, but the conflict was really only beginning. They knew they would meet again, every one of them. The Thirteen were no more. They were now twelve independent Primes,

The multicolored, chemical-burning flames slowly consumed the magnificent golden structure, a spectacle so unique and strangely entrancing that everyone escaping looked back at it. They had never seen anything like it before, and most of them would never see such a strangely beautiful scene of chaos ever again. In all this, one truth was evident -- this day marked the commencement of the War of the Primes.

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