Pieces of Time

By mikesthereason

195 28 28

Michael, Calum, and Luke have been in search of a past unknown to Ashton. When they find it though, everythin... More



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By mikesthereason

Ashton's POV

"Wait," I said. "Who are you? Where did you find her? Who is she to me?" I asked annoyed.

I loved Winter. She has turned into one of my best friends on this tour, but the way in which we met was not right. I knew asking these questions would hurt her but I needed to know.

Michael stormed out of the room and I didn't care to stop him then Luke let out a sigh, "Calm down with the harsh questions. Can't you see you are hurting her feelings?" He gestured toward Winter, but I couldn't follow.

I couldn't face her now, after sounding like a total asshole. I needed to stand my ground and get my answers. If I looked at her face, filled with sadness or disappointment, I knew I would back off.

"Answer me." I demanded.

Winter stood, glasses and book in arms, and stopped next to Luke and Calum. "I'll leave you guys alone for a little bit." She small smiled.

She made it to the door but Michael appeared blocking her path. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and turned her around.

"Look at this!" Michael snapped with Winter in one arm and a photo in another.

He held a strong grip on her, so she wouldn't leave I suppose. She avoided my gaze as I took the picture from Michael's grasp.

I starred at it with shock. It was an old picture of me and Winter. I couldn't exactly remember it, but it didn't feel like the first time I saw it. I turned it around to find a date and what looked like a 'W'.

"We found that in your wallet in the hospital." Michael sassed.

"You never spoke about any girls or even showed us the picture so, we decided to find her." Calum added shyly.

Winter's phone started ringing. She escaped Michael's grasp as she answered and left the room, leaving the book and glasses on the chest.

"What would you gain by finding her?" I asked. I didn't understand anything and all of this felt like some fucked up joke.

"Finding your memory." Luke said. "Or at least we hoped."

"What?" I asked.

"We had to explain everything to her too. We are all trying to protect you and we were waiting for the right time to tell you all this-" Calum said.

"-but Nicole decided to be an asshole and tell you everything." Michael interrupted. Surprisingly, Luke didnt shout out to defend her. He stayed quiet. "Winter didnt want to hurt you either and we honestly put a lot of pressure on her."

"What type of pressure?"

"Pressure to get your memory back." Luke said.

"That's fucked up too. How is she going to help me?" I asked. I didn't even know Winter before Michael and Calum introduced me to her. "One picture does not mean she has all the answers."

"Well you see-" Luke started.

"Guys," Winter interrupted. "Can we speak, like now!" She gestured them to come into the hallway.

Michael, Calum and Luke all flooded into the hallway with Winter, while I sat on my bed.

Michael's POV

"What's up Winter?" Luke asked concerned as I closed the door to the room.

"I need to leave." She said desperately.

"If it's because of what Ashton said-" I started.

"No, no, I knew he would react that way." Winter interrupted. "It's my little brother. Miles called and well- I need to go home. But- but, I'll be back soon." She struggled to speak.

"Okay well if its urgent we can talk to John." Calum small smiled hugging her. "It'll be alright."

"Do you need us to go with you?" Luke asked. "No, you guys need to focus on the tour and I don't know how soon I'll be back." She shrugged.

"Well, don't worry, we will handle Ashton so he wont be a dick next time he sees you." I winked.

"Alright, I'll go with you to talk to John." Luke smiled. "I guess you are going to have a room to yourself roommate." Winter small smiled at Calum.

"Yeah, but when you get back we are still roommates." He smiled.

Luke left with Winter to John's room, leaving Calum and I in the hallway.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight?" I asked. "I really don't think I should be around Ashton, I think he needs to take a night alone."

"Alright mate, but what did you do with Nicole?" Calum asked.

"We killed her." I teased. "I'm joking, Luke locked her in the room." I shrugged.

"So he might need a space in my room too?" Calum laughed.

"Probably mate, that bitch is crazy." I laughed.

A door opened and Winter and Luke appeared. "Okay mates, all set." He smiled.

"When do you leave?" I asked. "Already trying to get rid of me Gordon?" Winter teased.


"John told me all of your middle names. Robert, Gordon, Thomas and Fletcher, which I already knew." She laughed.

"She leaves early in the morning. Basically in a couple hours." Luke shrugged hugging Winter.

"I'll most likely leave while you're all still sleeping." She small smiled.

"So we cant even take you to the airport?" I shouted. "That's not fair! What if something happens to you! There are pictures of you with us!" Calum shouted.

"John took care of security for her already mates, I remembered that." Luke smiled.

"Well you be careful-" I smiled pulling her from Luke's arms into mine. "-and come back soon roommate." Calum smiled making a group hug.


I woke up, after we piled into Calum and Winter's room last night, to find she was gone. She left a picture on the chest of all of us together and I began to miss her already.

I grabbed my pillow and tossed it over to Luke, "WAKE UP!" I yelled.

Luke jumped awake and Calum groaned from on top of his bed. "What now mate?" He lazily turned toward the other bed and noticed it was empty.

"I guess she really did leave." Luke sighed looking up at the bed.

"Yeah," I sighed as I stood and grabbed the picture, "but she left this." I smiled showing it to him.

"What are we going to do with Ashton?" Calum yawned as he sat up.

"He was being an asshole." Luke said annoyed as he stood and joined Calum on his bed.

"We have to do something before she gets back." I said.

Now we all had to sit and think of a plan.

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