The Dangerous// L.T.

By imahoeran

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"The ones whom keep to themselves are the most dangerous." ©bestsongeverluv More

The Introduction
Haven't I've Seen You Before?
The Party Part 1
The Party Part 2
I've Definitely Seen You Before
Meeting Josh
Oh No You Didn't
Dinner Gone Wrong
Change. I Like It.
Getting To Know Eachother
The Bet Begins
Girls. Are. Evil.
Truth Or Dare?
The Bet Ends Here
Why Are You Here?
Don't Hurt Him!
It's Tyler, Louis
It's Louis, Tyler
A Day With The Girls
Creepy Waiter Guy
The Dangerous?
One Direction
My Birthday With Anna And Louis
I Hate Eleanor
What Are You Doing Here?
Louis' Side Of The Story
The Big Day

Tyler's A Teenage Dirtbag

678 20 2
By imahoeran

Jillian's POV


I stare at my purple dress hanging on the hanger. Tonight's the night I'll be going out with Tyler. Honestly, I'm a bit scared of Tyler now. I know I shouldn't be because he just got angry, but after being with my dad all those years, I'm sensitive to those kinds of things. The crazy thing is, Tyler doesn't know about my dad. I told Louis because he was eager for an answer I guess, and I had to give him one. I jump when I hear a knock on the door causing my to dissolve from my thoughts.

"Come in." I say.

My mom comes in with a grin on her face as her head pokes out from the door. "Hey sweetie. I wanted to see if you were getting ready or not."

"Oh, um yeah. I just picked out my dress." I say, pointing to the just above the knees length dress.

"Sweetie! I love that dress! It always looks great on you! Now hurry up and finish because I want to take a picture of you!" My mom says holding her phone up.

"Mooooommmmm." I groan.

She chuckles, then says, "Okay, okay. But he will be here soon so I'd get movin'." She closes the door behind her, and I change into my sparkly dark and light purple dress.

After the struggle of getting the un-fitted dress on (I really need to go shopping sometime) I looked at myself in the mirror. This is definitely my favorite dress too. It hits my curves at just the right places, and it made me look extremely skinny, say more than I feel.

I plugged in my curling iron and put beach wave curls in my hair. I have no idea where we're going. I figured my dress would be perfect for any where we could possibly be going.

Not soon after I walk downstairs, I hear a knock at the door. My mom rushed down the hall, knowing I wouldn't want her to make an appearance at the door as well. "You look gorgeous hone! Just remember to stay safe, alright?" After realizing what she just said, she blushed. "I don't mean it in that way. You better not being doing that stuff at eighteen!"

"Yeah, no." I say as we begin to giggle. I spot Josh coming down the hall with sleepy eyes.

"Is Louis here?" He asks in a soft voice.

"Oh... we're not gonna see Louis anymore. He's not a good person..." I trail off as I watch his sleepy eyes turn into sad eyes.

"Whhhhhhyyyyyyy? I like Louis way more than Tyler!" He whines.

"I'm sorry Josh, but we're not seeing Louis any longer. I will be back soon. Take care of mommy for me, okay?" I ask him as I kiss his forehead.

Instead of answering me, he runs down the hall making him out of sight. I let out a sigh as my mom wraps her arms around me. "It's okay hone. He's only four. He doesn't understand." I told my mom about Louis beating Tyler up in our house, but of course she defended Louis saying he's just jealous. Moms. What do ya do with em? "Now, go on that date you've been waiting forever for." And with that, she walks down the hall. I take in a big breath before opening the door to a handsome boy with a plain white shirt and black jeans.

"Wow, Jillian... you look... you look beautiful." He says as he takes in my appearance. "You ready?"

"Yep!" I say as I grab my purse and put my silver heels on. And with that, we drive off to into the night.


We finally come to a stop in front of a large building with flashing lights and has big lettering that says 'This Is It.' "You're taking me to a club?" I ask him.

"Well, yeah. I hope you don't mind. It was the only thing I could get together last minute." He says.

'I would rather got to McDonald's.' I think to myself, but don't say it out loud.

"Let's go." He says as he gets out of the car. I open the door and instantly regret not getting a jacket. It's Seattle, stupid!

He notices me shaking and puts his arms around mine. We walk into the club, and I hate this alright. I hate parties, what makes him think I won't hate clubs?

"Let's go get a drink he says as he grabs my wrist and pulls me through the sweaty crowd. This reminds me of the night me and Louis... Ni Jillian! You can't think about Louis! Not tonight, not ever! He's a selfish jerk that doesn't care about you. But what if he does? No Jillian! Not at all! UGH! GET HIM OFF YOUR MIND NOW! But it's so hard, I lo- Don't you dare finish that sentence! You don't love him, and neither does he!

"Hello? Hello?! HELLO?!" I hear and see fingers snapping in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry. I got lost in thought. What is it you said?" I say.

"What do you want to drink?" He asks as I realize that we're at the bar.

"I don't drink, Tyler." I say annoyed with his actions tonight.

"Yeah, that's right. Just get me a Coars Lite, will ya?" He asks the man behind the table. He nods and leaves us alone.

"Why don't you drink?" He asks me.

"Well, it's a long story. But I am under age to drink so I can't. That goes with you as well." I shove him playfully.

"C'mon! I want to have a fun night! Don't you?" He asks me just before the man brings back his beer. "Thank you." He takes a swig and looks back at me obviously wanting an answer.

"Yeah, I guess. It's just that-" I freeze in my spot when I notice a more than familiar face coming in the doors of the club along with a couple of other girls and a girl.

"It's just that what? What are you looking at?" He says as he turns around and spots what I'm looking at. "Does he have to be everywhere you are?" He asks me as he clutches his glass tighter.

"You have got to be kidding me." I mutter under my breath. I'm not ready to face Louis right now. Not now. Not today. Not ever. He catches my eye, along with Tyler's, and immediately starts storming over here.

"Tyler, I'm gonna go to the restroom really quickly." I say as I run to the restrooms. I run in there and look at the handle. Great. No lock. What kind of door handle doesn't have a lock? Like WTF? Louis' probably sane enough to not come into a girls restroom. Right?

My question is quickly answered when Louis comes barging in the room. "Jillian!" He exclaims. "What are you doing in this club out of all of them? Especially with Tyler?"

"It is none of your business about what I do with Tyler. Now go, I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to be in here." I say as I point at the ladies on the door indicating this is the girls restroom.

"I'm not leaving until you let me talk to you." He says. He crosses his arms, and I copy his actions. I pull out my phone and look at the time. 9:35.

"Fine. You get 5 minutes. Go." I say as I wait for him to begin talking.

"Five minutes. That's all I need. Okay, so I'll start from the beginning. Ever since I first saw you at that party, I knew you were the one. I knew that love at first sight is true. And I know it sounds corny and all but it's true. That's why I had you get that tattoo, because I wanted you to be mine. And I didn't know how you felt about it since we met that night and I really didn't want to take advantage of you but I wanted you to remember me. And apparently you did, since when I saw you at school you recognized me instantly. I knew I would never forget you, and I would see you again. But then when I found out you love Tyler, it really hurt me, because I love you way more than any one else could. And that includes him. He's just using you because he wants what I had a chance at having, and he's going to try to take that chance from me. Trust me, once he doesn't want anything from you anymore, he'll dump you. Because he's a douchebag and-" I cut him off before he could say anything else.

"One, you don't love me. I know that for a fact. Two, that is what you will do to me, not him. He's the sweetest guy I've ever met, and I am happy that I'm spending tonight with him. So I am going to go back out there and finish the night I will never forget." I say as I storm out of the restroom. Who does he think he is saying that about Tyler? He doesn't know One Thing about him!

I got to the place where Tyler was just at, but I couldn't spot him anywhere. I searched everywhere, but I couldn't find him. I look at the dance floor and see him. With another girl. Lip locking with her. I feel the tears coming, and I don't fight them. "Tyler..." I whisper to myself. I look around and see Louis with sympathy in his eyes. I shake the image out of my head and run out of the place as fast as I could.

"Jillian! Wait!" I hear as I run out there.

"What do you want Louis?" I yell at him. I already knew it was him. He's probably out here to rub in my face he was right.

"Do you need a ride?" He asks me, then my heart drops. That's right, Tyler was my ride. Dang...

"Yeah, sure. I guess." I walk with him to his car and he opens my door. I give him a small smile and hop on the car. He copies my actions and starts the car. No one talks. It's really silent. And it's making me uneasy.

When we're about half way to my house, I break the silence. "Look, if you want to rub in my face that you were right, I will never talk to you again and jump out of this car."

"I wasn't." He says as he keeps his eyes on the road.

"Okay." I say. I think I like silence better. When we finally reach my house, I open the door and get out. When I get to the last step I hear, "Jillian!" coming from behind me.

"Yes?" I say once I turn around to find Louis window rolled down looking back at me.

"Erm... See you Monday." And with that he drove away. Well that wasn't weird.

I walk in the house and my mom is at the bottom of the staircase. "Hi honie. Did you have a good time?" She asks me. Instead of answering her, I run upstairs to my room and slam the door behind me and lock it. That should give her an answer. I immediately flop into my bed and bury my face in my pillow and let out all my emotions beginning with crying.


Aww! Poor Jillian! Who knew Tyler was such a jerk? Oh wait, I did. Lol. I'm sorry for the late update guys. I've been busy lately. I have a life you know. Anyhow, I just finished cross country so I'm gonna have extra time. Let's just hope that with my luck I don't have loads and loads of homework.

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~ Ashlyn Malik

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