The Time of The Indus (Watty'...

By TheBookReader1452

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Based on a true story that happen over 500 years ago... More

Chapter 1: A Whole New Chapter
Chapter 3: The Revolution

Chapter 2: The Reveal

5 1 0
By TheBookReader1452

Buddy was taken to the hospital wing quickly. What was weird about it is instead of crying during the surgery, he felt guilty of how he killed his brother, Macai...
       Buddy went to the market to buy some Hemlock poison. The voice had told Buddy to buy some Hemlock poison to make Tischen to barf to death with.
      "Can I have a jar of Hemlock poison?" asked Buddy nervously, thinking of a lie to tell if he asked, why.
    "I see, is it for the war?" asked the merchant, suspiciously.
    "Yes, I am trying to Hemlock poison Aryan king Ravana," says Buddy with perfect acting, it looked as though it will actually happen. ( King Ravana was named after the "bad guy" in an ancient religious story which is passed down and is still told today but, of course, Ravana was a god too and no gods were evil in the Hindu religion the Indus valley people practiced)
      "Okay... but what will you give me" the merchant says. Buddy immediately face planted. "I'm just kidding, take it, if it is for the war, I will do the best I can to make sure we win!" says the merchant, Buddy wasn't  paying attention, though, he was thinking about his uncle king Ravana. He was separated from his brother at the age of nine. Ravana fell off a cliff by accident. There were people at the bottom. Unfortunately, the people at the bottom  were Aryan's. The Aryans save Ravana and treated him like a god for he had survived falling from a cliff! In the Aryan village, he was popular. He became king for the Aryan's. Mr.Rakanaan didn't approve of this though so he didn't reveal this to the town. He kept this secret between him, king Ravana and Buddy. (Macai was too young to know about this)  "Buddy? Are you alright?" asked the merchant, because Buddy was just staring into the sky, not taking the jar of Hemlock poison from  the merchant's hands.                                                                                                                               "Yes, I'm fine" Buddy says taking the jar of food poison from the merchant's hands, finally recovering from his daydream. Buddy went back to the camp carrying his Hemlock poison. Then Buddy put some Hemlock poisoning in Tischen's food so he would meet death in  a few days.After that, Tischen was sent home and Tischen accidentally coughed on Macai's food to spread the Hemlock poison. Next, Tischen went to the doctor to get himself cured. Unfortunately, Macai was the one who died and the rest is history.After this flashback, Buddy started to cry, but Chief Bob came into the camp hospital wing so he immediately stopped. After that, he probably lectured Buddy about how you should always be alert during a war... or ever, but Buddy wasn't listening to him, he was contemplating about how he could get rid of the voice completely. Suiciding was his first option... He left the hospital wing with a huge scar on his lower stomach. The war was still  going on. Almost half of the soldiers died because Buddy wasn't there. Buddy had  to go back to the war! He quickly ran to the battlefield but suddenly a mysterious figure appeared. It was a girl who looked like she was about Buddy's age.          
     "Don't go. Leave the rest to me..."says the figure. Buddy was about to ask who she was but then an Aryan came. The girl spun, grabbed the Aryan and broke his chest. She pulled out the ax the Aryan had and cut the Aryan's head off. The head rolled off into the distance.
      "Who are you?" asked Buddy. "We have the same blood, the same brother, and even the same parent. I am your sister. We were separated at birth and I was sent to another family" says the girl."What's your name?" asked Buddy.
"My name is Maya and I have been sent by Chief Bob to fight for you in the army. Same blood, same fighting.".
  "I better get going," says Buddy. Buddy got escorted back to his tent.   "Hope you get well soon," says Maya. Buddy fell in into his bed and went back to sleep. He slept with no weird dream, this time, knowing that Macai is dead. He woke up the next morning.

       Chief Bob came into his tent and says, "Kid, you need to stay here. Your sister will take care of the rest.". Buddy had one question in his mind that he was hoping Chief Bob would answer.
      "What family is Maya from?". Bob did not want to say anything about the old family.
     "Well she went to a very rich family and yeah," says Bob. The only rich family that he knew of was his neighbor The Ritchkins. They had been the nicest family Buddy has ever seen. The Ritchkins gave many gifts to their neighbors. Buddy was happy with his answer and went back to sleep. He still wanted to know more about Maya. So Buddy woke up. He ran back to the battlefield. He snook around to make sure no one saw him. He saw an Aryan. He ran to him and slit his throat. He saw Maya. He sneaked to his sister until another aryan came. "Hey friend, how about I chop your head and go away?", says Buddy. Buddy jumped up and whacked his sword at the Aryan's neck. The head flew into a bush. He finally reached Maya. "So why did dad give you to the rich family?", questions Buddy.
      "Aren't you supposed to be back at your tent?" says Maya.
      "I killed two people in one minute!"says Buddy.
     "I guess we could use a little bit more help. Go block the other side. Then I will give you the information." says Maya. Buddy whacked and slashed his sword. He killed 20 Aryans in five minutes.
      Unfortunately, his wound started to hurt and he saw Chief Bob.      "HEEEEEEYYY!!!!"yelled Bob. Buddy continued to fight. His wound started to bleed. Maya saw what was happening and quickly sat him down. Maya regretted having says that he could fight with her
Maya was very shy when she was little. She made one friend that she trusted. Her name was Amber. Amber had a mean brother. His name was Larry. Amber's family was an Aryan family who went to the Indus side because they thought fighting was not needed. One day Maya fell off of a roof. Amber saw and ran quickly where Maya was falling. Amber blocked Maya's fall. She heard a crack. Amber's leg broke. Maya carried Amber back to her mom but then Larry came. He did not notice Amber. "Hey, weird face! I hope you have a great fall!" says Larry. He pushed Maya. Amber fell out of Maya's hands. Blood spilled out of her head. Amber's parents saw the incident.
            "NOOOOO!!!!!!!" yelled Amber's parents. Larry was sent back to the Aryan's side for killing his sister. Ever since then Maya kept extra caution of each of her actions and caution of the actions around her, in case it caused something unfortunate .
Buddy started to cough blood. He was immediately sent to the hospital wing. Buddy had exhausted himself too much that his appendix inflated. He was in the surgery for five hours. Maya stood right next to the entrance so no Aryan could interrupt the operation. Buddy came out perfectly fine. He was ready to fight in the war.
        "The front of the battlefield is cleared. I think we should go attack the king now," says Maya. Buddy shivered. He did not know how strong his uncle was but he did send an Aryan to kill his father.
      Forcing himself to be brave Buddy says"Let's go get him". They ran to the Aryan side up in the north. They saw countless amounts of bodies while they were going. They saw chief Bob on the way to the castle.
     "You sure you want to do this?" asked Bob. Buddy nodded. They went in the castle. Buddy heard his voice again.
    "Hey, I'm back. Ooo looks like you've got a sister. You wanna kill her too?".
      "Go away " says Buddy.
     "What's that" asked Chief Bob.
      "Nothing" says Buddy.
      "Tell them the truth!" says the voice. Buddy ignored. He did not care. They finally reached the final gate.
      "Let' do this" says Buddy. It was time for the end of his story...

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