Unavoidable Affection (Naruto...

By firooz

141K 3.7K 915

It was a miracle. Only a miracle could be what brought Amarante Ikeda back to health when she was deathly ill... More

Unavoidable Affection (Naruto Fanfic) (Itachi Romance)
Chapter 2-The Team
Chapter 3- An Unexpected Visit From The Girlfriend......Joy
Chapter 4- Itachi becomes an ANBU captain! Let's celebrate!
Chapter 5- SASUKE!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7-A Fight, A Warning, And A Lecture. Boy, What An Eventful Day!
Chapter 8- Believe It!
Chapter 9- He's D-D-.......The D Word?
Chapter 10- The One Day He Wasn't Here This Happens!
Chapter 11 - The Uchiha Massacre......
Chapter 12 - In The Snake's Den!
Chapter 13 - Ew......Kabuto >¡<
Chapter 14 - Finally Reunited! But Not The Way I'd Hoped....
Chapter 15 - It's A Girl.......Guy........Person....?
Chapter 16 - Me + Suspicious Red Head = Trouble!
Chapter 17 - The Truth
Chapter 18 - The Bipolar Wonder Known As Tobi
Chapter 19 - Crazy Old Fortune-Telling Lady!
Chapter 20 - Until We Meet Again

Chapter 6-A Mission! But SOMEONE Ruins it!

7.6K 245 46
By firooz

Dedicated to Edeagle07 4 commenting n reading evry chap i write! also 4 sharing a phobia wif meh XD *shivers* ugh, needles >-<

 o, n a pic of Rei on the side! enjoy!


"Due to the number of other ANBU teams out on missions, we are giving you four a C rank mission instead of your usual D rank mission. You are to be strictly watching conv-"

"You're putting us on probation duty?" Itachi interrupted Danzo. Yes, that's right. ITACHI interrupted someone. I know, I'm surprised too.

Anyways, I dont know why he's even upset. At least we're getting a mission. Lately, all the ANBU teams, even the ones WAYYYY weaker than us, were getting missions. All of them except us.

I don't know what we even did wrong. It was like we were forgotten or something. Our team was fully capable of kicking any bad guy's ass yet we got no missions.We haven't gotten a mission since the scroll retrieval mission. Itachi never even got to act as captain yet because we never got any missions so far.

Juro's pretty pissed off about it. He absolutely LOVES fighting, that's why he became an ANBU, so due to the lack of missions he'll fight with anyone that he could. You step on his foot, shove past him, even if you bother him by talking too loud near him, he'd just make it into some big deal and fight with you.

Rei was pretty happy with it. You know, because of how he always freezes up during a mission and stuff. Less embarrasment or something like that. But even he was getting tired of showing up bright and early every morning just to be told to go train. We all would stop going but it was a requirement that all ANBU's show up every day to receive orders. We had all woken up this morning expecting to be sent off for even MORE training but, surprisingly, we actually got a mission.

At the moment we were at Danzo's office. It was the Hokage's original duty to give people missions but Danzo was in charge of ANBU missions. But the Third Hokage had to sways be here for some reason. Ugh, it must suck to be Hokage.

Wait, what ever happened to what Itachi told us before? That as long as we're doing something for the village that it's good enough? What a hypocrite!

But Itachis changed ever since he became ANBU captain. Instead of spending time with me and the rest of our team, he was either alone doing Kami-knows-what or spending time with Yuriko. Yuriko! I thought he couldn't stand her like the rest of us! Also, Shisui told me he hadn't shown up to the last meeting. Which was apparently odd because he never missed meetings.

He was more distant lately too. The emotions I got off him during the very short time we have alone together were distress and slight worry. Being his best friend, I think I deserve to know what was bothering him.

Danzo's one visible eye narrowed. He obviously hated being interrupted. "Yes, you four are to be watching someone. His name is Miso-"

"I know why you're doing this."

My eyes widened. Itachi knew why? But how? And why DID Danzo stop giving us missions?

"Oh? So, humor me Uchiha. Why am I doing this?" Danzo said, all superior-like.

I didn't like the emotions I was getting from everyone. Juro was mad at Itachi for getting in the way of our possible mission, Rei was scared and curious for the reason why we were getting treated like this, Danzo was annoyed and slighty-slighty!- scared, and Itachi was just pissed off and infuriated.

Why was Danzo scared? Could there be a true reason for our lack of missions? A bad reason?

"Because of me." Itachi claimed, his onyx eyes boring holes into Danzo.

Itachi? What did he have to do with it?

"Because you don't trust me. Because you don't trust the Uchiha clan. Because you're tryi-"

"Thats enough!" the Hokage interrupted, gaining surprised glances from my whole team. Well, all of us but Itachi. He shot Itachi a warning expression, as if to tell him not to say any more.

What was he going to say?

This time the Hokage starting telling us the mission. "You four are going to be watching Misomiki Koaki 24\7. He is a highly dangerous convict that has been recently released due to lack of evidence to keep him in jail but we all know he works for Orochimaru." We all exchanged a look. If Orochimaru was in all this, then it sure was big. "Orochimaru will try to contact him either to retrieve him or kill him. Misomiki didn't say anything yet but under the chances that he may reveal Orochimaru's secrets he may try to kill him. You all must at the same time make sure he doesn't step out of line while protecting him from Orochimaru's wrath. This mission will begin tomorrow once the convict is released from confinement."

Orochimaru? This wasn't good. The guy was this notorious legendary Saniin who turned bad. He was part of this badass organization called Akatsuki right now which, although they've never exactly entered Konoha and attacked, were pretty strong. They sure scare the crap outta loads of people here, including me. It wasn't his power that scared me though. It was his freakishly long tongue and how he experiments on living people like they were lab rats. Last time I checked, people weren't animals! Well, that Uzimaki kid with the nine tailed fox sealed in him was part fox but I don't think that counts.

Poor kid. Last I heard, he was now reduced to humiliating himself for people's attention now. Ever since the fourth Hokage died on that tragic night a few years ago the third Hokage has made it a strict rule that no one tell him what was sealed inside him. The kid had no idea why everyone hated him and was scared of him! Personally, I think he should know why people treat him the way they do but I'm not the one to tell him.

The only way I know him is because I live a few houses away from him. As ridiculous as it sounds, the apartment was cheaper because it was near his house! Stupid, but hey, I'm not going to pass up on a good deal. Anything to live in a house besides mine. I just moved there recently and noticed that I had no neighbors except for the nine-tails. Eh, neighbors are annoying anyways.

"You are all dismissed!"

We all bowed respectfully before poofing outta there and appearing in front of the Hokage's tower thingy. "Lets all get ramen!" I offered.

Juro pursed his lips. "Is it on you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine."

"I'm in!"

I turned to Rei. "You?"

He shrugged. "I got nothing better to do."

All our eyes turned to Itachi. "And you?"

He shook his head. "I've got a date with Yuriko."

I mentally frowned. I sensed dishonesty coming from him. He was slightly guilty for something. Probably for lying to us. But I decided to play along.

I groaned. "That's you second one this week! And today's Thursday!"

He shrugged. "Maybe next time."

"Sure......" Juro said, sounding as unconvinced as the rest of us were. He said the same thing yesterday too.

"Is it just me or is Itachi changing lately?" I wondered outloud as we walked to Ichiraku.

"Itachi's changing." Juro responded, seemingly annoyed.

That's what I feared.


"Nii-San! You're home!" Sasuke cheered.

'But from where?' I wondered.

Since Itachi hasn't really been home lately and his dad was always out on meetings and his mom was doing double shifts at work, I was watching Sasuke a lot lately. Not that I mimd though. He's so cute! I wish he was my brother!

"Since I'm always watching him, can I take him home? Just for a few days?"

I always ask him that. I'm pretty sure that if I ask enough that one day he'll finally say yes!

But, unlike the other times, he didn't seem very amused. "Thanks for watching him. You can go home now."

What? What was wrong with him today?!? We always hung out after I babysat Sasuke! It was his way of repaying me since I refused to receive money from him. I didn't like this. He really was changing.

Maybe he had a reason. Perhaps he just didn't want to tell me in front of of Sasuke!

"Itachi, can I talk to you privately?" I asked.

A frown formed on Sasuke's face. "But its dark! You guys cant leave me alone!"

I expected Itachi do smile the way he usually did around Sasuke and tell him to be brave but for some reason he didn't do that today. "It'll only take a few minutes."

So I guess that's his way of saying yes. Since Itachi didn't say anything to Sasuke I decided to. I motioned Sasuke over to us. With an eager look on his face, he rushed towards me.

Like I've seen Itachi do countless times, I poked his forehead, watching with slight amusement as he stumbled backward back in surprise and covered his slightly red forehead with hands. "Marty-Chan!"

I chuckled. Even though Sasuke acted like he hated it, I knew he secretly liked it. It was Itachi's only way of showing affection. "Be brave, Sasuke. I know you can do it."

He frowned but nodded, already moving to close to window shades and lock the door.

It was dead silent when we entered kitchen. I didn't say anything, knowing if Itachi had something to say he would say it now. You could hear a pin drop if you were in the room. Tension's a real pain in the ass.

Two minutes. Three minutes. Five minutes. I was running out of patience but resumed to sit down and wait for his answer. Right now his emotions were cautious and unsure.

"You know how the Sharingan allows the user to copy whatever jutsu he sees?" he suddenly asked.

I blinked at the randomness of the question. "Yeah."

A little bit more silence. "What if I told you there was a different kind of Sharingan?"

A different one? But I only knew of one. There only was one. "What do you mean?"

"What if there was a Sharingan that allowed the user to put the victim in a stronger Genjutsu? A Sharingan with the ability to make the victim feel as if they were going through days, months, YEARS, of torture in the matter of a few mere seconds?" There was a nefarious glint in his eye that made my stomach turn uneasily. I've known for nearly all my life but I've never seem this side of him.

Something told me that this wasn't just an idea. No, something told me that this was a real thing. I wish that something would shut up.

The emotions coming off of him shifted. He was no longer uneasy and nervous. No, now he was anxious and excited. Exactly what his tone was insinuating.

"That sounds horrible." I observed. What an evil power to possess! Who would want to inflict such pain on one person?

His eyes widened in surprise and then he closed them for a few seconds. "You're right."

"What's this kind of Sharingan called? Who has it? How could someone get it?" I asked.

He shook his head sharply. "It's nothing........Just an idea......"

I sensed that he was lying instantly. This was really bad. But wait.......could this be.......what happened before?

(FLASHBACK!!!!!!!) (3rd POV) (yah, it's 3rd POV usually 4 flashbacks!)

"I'm sure Itachi will have a band-aid or something in his room, Sasuke."

The reckless child had mistakenly cut himself with the kunai knife he was playing with. Typical Sasuke.

The onyx eyed boy, who was still young and quite innocent, shook his head vigorously. "NO! Nii-San doesn't let me in his room!"

The neon green haired girl winked at him. "He never said I couldn't!"

Sasuke shook his midnight black hair covered hair again. "Nii-San will know! Then he'll get mad!"

Sne rolled her dark blue eyes carelessly. "Itachi doesn't know everything."

Sasuke's eyes widened. "Yes he does!"

Amarante sighed. "You're bleeding! I'm sure he'll be okay with me getting you a band-aid!"

Before the honest child that she was watching could stop her, she ran into Itachi's room. Her nose scrunched up in disgust when she saw it. It was bland, boring. A tall bookshelf filled with as many books as it could fit, a long peach colored bed that had recently been set, a light brown colored desk, peach colored walls, a clean floor, and totally bare walls. Ew.

She opened the drawer of the desk, slightly cringing at the loud sound the drawer made as it slid open noisily, and rummaged through it. Pencils, books, papers, scrolls.........huh, the drawer looked much bigger than it actually was.

It took her a few mere nanoseconds to realize that there was a secret compartment in there.

She inspected it closely, checked the inside and outside of the drawer. Sliding away the thin slab of wood that had tricked her earlier, she looked inside.

A book. More like an dictionary. Hm, but it was a rather thick dictionary. All thoughts about the band-aid forgotten, she opened up the book.

It was hollow! But the inside only revealed yet another book!

Scowling, she carefully removed it from the other book. But her scowl was gone when she saw the cover of the book. "The Sharingan: It's History And Secrets"

Maybe it was just some material for light reading? But if it was, why would he be hiding it? Remembering a trick she once learn way-back-when, she checked the bottom side of the book and gasped. Whenever a new book was opened, it formed a crease at the binding. That's why some books instantly opened to a page sometimes. It only happens if that page was always viewed. Usually, there were creases at every page of a book, as long as that page was opened.

The book in her hands only had two creases. That meant he only read two pages, which also meant that he got this book for a reason. There was something he was looking for in this book.

One crease was at the very beginning, meaning it was probably the index. Curiosity acting as the catalyst of her actions, she opened the book and it immediately opened to the other page Itachi had also viewed.

What was this? Mangekyou Sharingan? Shes never heard of this before.

There was a picture next to it. It looked a lot like the Sharingan that she's seen other Uchiha's possess except there was a shurikin-like pupil. She was about to read what it did when she heard the loud voice of Sasuke. "Amarante?!?!"

She nearly dropped the book. Sasuke couldn't come in and see this book! She didn't know why it was hidden, but for whatever reason it was, she had to respect Itachi's intentions, what ever they were, and keep it hidden.

So she places it back in the original hiding spot, making sure it didn't seem anything out of the ordinary, and left his room with slight haste.

Perhaps she'll be able to find out what this Mangekyou Sharingan thing was later.


Did I just find out what this Mangekyou Sharingan does?


What was I doing? She would never understand!

Unlike me, Amarante was still pure. She didn't need to be sucked into all this. She was just an ANBU Black Opp who's goal was to protect the village. If she was to find out what I was doing she would never forgive me. Never look at me the same way again. Never let me go through with it.

I knew Marty. If she found out what I was going to do to my parents, my family, my friends, she would probably sacrifice her own life to stop me. And while I could deal with killing all those people, I'm not sure how I'll cope with the death of Amarante in my hands.

I cant let her find out what my next and last mission was going to be. That means I'll have to avoid her. Because of her amazing ability to sense people's emotions when it gets closer to the time that I'll have to annihilate the clan she'll sense my dress am anxiety and probably try to stop me. That can't happen. So I'll have to push my selfish desire to be around her more around the end and make sure that no one find's out what's going to happen.

Of coarse, she would still find out after I've done the unforgivable deed but at least I wouldn't have to see the pained look on her face after I've betrayed her. No, I would be with the Akatsuki before she'll even have a chance to find out.

Why me? Wasn't my childhood bad enough? Even after witnessing all those deaths, all those hopeless attempts for peace, all the pain and suffering if so many people, I still cant live a normal life. But I'm still grateful that it was me chosen to do this mission. If they had asked any other person, that person would demand a ridiculous amount of money in exchange for killing all those people. But I haven't requested for any stupid money. My price for doing all this was that I could spare just one. Sasuke.

Amarante always said she wanted to take care of him. Once my entire clan in murdered Sasuke would go to live with her. He'll be in good hands.

Everything must go according to plan though in order for this to happen exactly as I wanted it. That was why I had to take many extra precautions. First if all, I have to be ready. I need to be prepared-mentally and physically-to kill everyone who had any importance to me. I also had to make sure I knew what I was doing. Thats why I got that Sharingan book even though I still had that plaque that explained how to obtain the Mangekyou Sharingan. I also had to hide everything from my family. My father was a smart man. If he saw signs of what I'll do, he wouldn't hesitate to fight and try to kill me.

"You can go now." I informed Amarante.

She jerked out of her thoughts and nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow at the mission."

She left the kitchen and bent down to start talking to Sasuke before she left.

I leaned casually against the door frame. I was sure going to miss all of this.

Well, having a normal life was fun while it lasted.


like I mentioned in my other stry, I'm on the brink of quitting Wattpad so if u liked it, plz give me feedback. If u didn't like it, then just dont say anything.    

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