The Unbiological Sisters

Od JadeHero330

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In 1786, Millicent and Temperance Ennis are awaiting arranged marriages. In 2008, Molly Miller and Taffy Will... Více

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The Unbiological Sisters
Chapter 1 ~ Make the Past Last
Chapter 2 ~ Survival and Suffering
Chapter 4 ~ The Second Step
Chapter 5 ~ The Third Step
Chapter 6 ~ Hey, I Just Met You....

Chapter 3 ~ The First Step

42 6 6
Od JadeHero330

  Damon burst into the room and slammed the door shut, cutting off Taffy's only escape route.

  "No, don't." She begged as she crawled backwards away from him.

  Damon held the gun at his side and watch Taffy squirm. They both noticed as the faint sound of sirens echoed in the distance. Damon grinned though it never reached his eyes.

  "You call the cops?" He asked while looking around the room. His eyes landed on the phone near the wall closest to him.

  "I oughta shoot you right now." Damon hissed. He strode forward and yanked Taffy into a standing position, then threw her against the wall. Damon elbowed her hard in the gut forcing the air out of her lungs.  Then he pointed the gun squarely up under Taffy's chin.

  Taffy felt sick. This was the end. He had the gun pointed. Now all he had to do was pull the trigger.

  "Police! Put the gun down!" The officer paused as he waited for Damon to obey. When he didn't move, the officer yelled, "Now!"

  Damon chuckled low so only Taffy could hear. "This isn't over." He said, slowly lowering the gun as he stared into Taffy's eyes. He let it drop to the floor.

  Two cops entered the room behind the first one and they cuffed Damon while reading him his rights. "Not by a long shot!" He smirked as one officer escorted him out.

  Taffy became lost in thought as Damon's words rang through her head. She barely noticed the officers still in the room.

  "Are you all right miss?" asked the first officer.

  Taffy turned to look at him, finally shaking free from her reverie. She nodded curtly.

  "What's your name?"

  "Uh--Taffy Williams."

  The officer looked her over once. He stepped closer and shone his flashlight at Taffy's eyes. Taffy squinted, trying to blink away the light.

  "Have you been drinking or taking any drugs tonight?" He asked.

  Taffy rubbed her hand across her face. "Yes sir."

  'Honesty is the best policy' suddenly rang true as Taffy watched the officer's manner soften slightly from the accusing nature he had a moment ago. He motioned for her to follow and led her out to the squad car, letting her into the back. Taffy watched as he closed the door and went to speak with another officer.

  Molly watched the stars twinkle in the sky outside her bedroom window. She couldn't stop thinking about Sam and because she couldn't stop thinking about him, she couldn't stop the tears or bring herself to fix her room. She both hated and loved the pain in her chest. It made her feel closer to Sam, but also made her realize he was never coming back.

  The sky lightened quickly and brought morning with it. Molly continued to watch the sun rise, unmoving. The day wore on and still she hadn't moved. She was trapped in a moment that refused to end; a moment that her parents refused to comfort her in.

  Taffy sat at the officer's desk, whom she now learned was Officer Plackard. He was on the phone with her parents. Taffy found herself watching his lips as he spoke. Eventually, Officer Plackard put the phone back on the receiver. Taffy switched her gaze to meet his.

  "Your parents are on their way."


  Officer Plackard looked as if he would like to say more, but instead he stood. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

  Taffy nodded and he walked away. She then proceeded to pick at the skin around her fingers and bite her nails nervously. Her parents knew about the drug problem. Taffy had promised to stop three times. Three strikes. This was the final straw and she knew if she wasn't "out," then she was pretty darn close.

  Officer Plackard returned and took his seat across from Taffy. She glanced everywhere in the room except for at him. For some strange reason she felt as if she'd disappointed him, much like she knew she had disappointed her parents. It wasn't that she hadn't tried to stop. Every time she said she would, she tried. But Damon...

  Of course she couldn't blame it all on him. Addiction had a bit to do with it as well.

  "Taffy." Plackard said. Her eyes unwillingly snapped to his face almost like a reflex. "Is it short for anything?"

  Taffy shrugged. "Yeah, but I don't like my real name."

  Plackard smiled and Taffy had to cover her mouth to hide her grin.

  "Well, Taffy, I'd like to give you some advice."

  Taffy raised her eyebrows, suddenly curious.

  "You've escaped a point in your life that you can either leave behind you or return to. I know, as a teenager, life seems to be acting against you, but you can move on and try for better things. Before your parents walk through that door and rip you a new one, just remember that they are only looking out for you. Let them help matter what it costs."

  The intensity in his eyes forced Taffy to look away.

  "Oh, that looks like them." Plackard mentioned as he watched the doorway. He jumped up and went to greet the parents who had just walked in and were looking around. The mother's normally hairsprayed perfect brown hair was winded and her blue eyes flashed worry while the father combed his fingers through his black hair in an effort to smooth it back into place and keep his hands from shaking.

  Taffy sighed and watched her hands. She bit her lip nervously.

  "Mr. and Mrs. Williams?" Asked Plackard.

  "Yes, where's Taffy? Is she alright?" Mr. Williams gushed.

  "She's over here, she's fine." 

  Officer Plackard directed them over to his desk.

  "Is she in any trouble?" Inquired Mrs. Williams as Mr. Williams placed his hand on Taffy's shoulder comfortingly.

  "No, but she was on drugs when we found her." Mrs. Williams held her breath as if it were the end of the world. "However," Plackard continued, "Taffy was very cooperative and told us everything we asked. So she's been let off with a warning."

  Mrs. Williams breathed a sigh of relief and Mr. Williams squeezed Taffy's shoulder lightly. "What happened?" He asked.

  "At this point the only thing we know is your daughter was in a house with a bunch of other teens taking drugs and she called 911 when the man who distributed the drugs wouldn't let her leave the premises and became violent."

  Taffy was glad he didn't mention the gun. The last thing she wanted was her parents to worry more about her than they already did.

  "And you have this man in custody?" Mr. Williams said, wanting to make sure.


  "Is she allowed to leave?" Mrs. Williams cut in.

  "She's free to go. Just keep a close eye on her." Plackard's lips turned up slightly as Taffy caught his gaze yet again.

  Taffy led the way out of the station with her parents close in tow. Once outside, she turned on them.

  "I want to stop. For real this time." She admitted.

  Mrs. Williams studied her daughter's face, seeing only sincerity. Mr. Williams smiled slightly. "Alright, we'll talk about getting you help when we get home." He took his wife's hand and tugged her lightly toward the car.

  Taffy turned her head to face the window and the reflection staring back at her. "Thank you." Taffy whispered, then she twisted around to catch up with her parents.

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