The War of The Magi : Book Two

By Klpizzillo

53 0 1

News of the heir spread fast through Itod, twisting and turning through the cities like a wild river. With th... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Untitled Part 7
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter One

14 0 1
By Klpizzillo

Rays of light blasted into the great hall as Senea stood tall with her chin jutting out in front of the throne. She twisted her head one way, then the other. It was the end of winter celebration, the beginning of vernal. The frost flowers were woven in an intricate and gorgeous flower wreath that hung down from the ceiling. Vines of the flowers swooped down and then up; the arches would hang just above the heads of the guests, teasing them with their scent.

"I'm telling you, it is off center!" she cried from her spot, her fists resting against her waist.

Zephir grunted as he held the rope, glaring at Senea. "Your grace, does it really matter?" he said through gritted teeth.

She stepped forward, her fingers waving in the air and Zephir felt the rope slacken. He released his hands, leaving them there to catch the rope just in case. "Of course it matters. Lady Elika left me in charge of the decorations. Everything must be perfect!" She stood next to him then, her eyes shifting to where she could see from his vantage point. "I suppose it's center from here."

"The ceiling is off center."

Senea spun, her dress blossoming out like a flower awakening. She hopped in her spot and clapped her hands at Ylva. The Magi waved her fingers around, more flower blossoms sprouting from the cracks in the ground and lining the walkway up to the throne. "You did it!"

"Of course I did it. Creating flowers is children's magic." A crack of a gentle smile graced her lips as more flowers bloomed.

Zephir rolled his eyes and held the rope, tugging with all of his strength to tie it off. "I want to know how Magnar got out of helping!" Zephir cried out as Senea walked back towards the throne.

She turned, her braid moving with her head. "His father requested his help. Who am I to deny the Lord Commander?"

She moved back to the throne, focusing her thoughts as more frost flowers blossomed from the stone. "The Queen?" Zephir responded as he carefully walked over Ylva's creations. The flowers began curling up the benches as he passed. The fragrance of them filled the air of crisp snow with a touch of honey.

Senea whipped her head back to look at Zephir, eyes glinting like daggers before a kill. "Exactly. So don't question my reasons."

Ylva bit back a laugh. She had come out of her shell naturally, but still reserved herself around both Magnar and Zephir. He turned to look at her, hearing her snort. "Hush it you."

"Don't be angry with me!"

Senea snorted and plucked a flower off of her throne. She made her way towards Zephir, sliding the short stem into his tightly coiled hair. "You are going to fix yourself up and not look so disheveled?" Senea questioned, her voice filled with mocking.

Zephir reached out to her, grabbing her sides. She laughed and batted at his hands, leaping over the flowers that Ylva was beginning to create. The Magi rolled her eyes, flicking her hand at Zephir as he jumped over her. He soared closer to Senea, grappling onto her shoulders as he fell. Ylva's smile grew wider as Senea pointed a finger at her.

"He was in my way," Ylva said, her face returning to her normal flat stare.

Zephir began chasing her again, Senea leading him out of the great hall and along the back corridors. Maids dodged out of their way, turning their bodies so the dishes were well protected. She raced through the kitchen, Zephir hot on her heels. Cara and Mia turned to watch, their laughter filling the air.

She ran towards the main hall, her boots hitting the stone, the echoes bouncing off the walls causing their laughter to fill the entire room. Davry dodged out of Senea's way, calling out towards her. "Your grace, I must insist!"

Zephir bumped into him, steadying the man by his shoulders and muttering an apology as he began racing after her again. "I am going to get you, Senea, I swear!"

She laughed and laughed, the guards watching with careful eyes as she raced up the steps towards the royal chambers. "You'll have to move faster than that!" she called back, turning into one bedroom before he could make it up the stairs.

He rammed into a guard's chest, grunting an apology once more. "Lord Commander will not be pleased with this!"

Zephir waved the man off, stopping at the entrance to three separate rooms. He tapped his finger against his chin, sliding into the room on the left side. He glanced around the room and heard movement in the royal bedroom. "I should have known!" he muttered, turning back and sprinting towards the center room.

He widened his eyes at Senea coiled in Magnar's arms, a mischievous grin splashing her face. "Get him," she whispered, the twinkling in her eyes revealing her plan all along.

Magnar lunged at Zephir, holding the man by his waist and lifting him up like a doll. "Oh you cheater! You cheated! No fair! No using outside help!"

Her laughter rang out once more.

The entire castle was filled with lighthearted energy. The winter had been kind to them, the snowfall minimal and the fish abundant. The rivers were already overflowing with runoff thanks to the consistent sunshine filled days. Ral had never been more prominent than after the attack.

Magnar threw Zephir out into the hallway, the Yasdenian stumbling to catch his balance. Senea poked her head out, sticking her tongue at him. "Go and help the twins down in the kitchen!" she giggled the order, covering her mouth the moment that Magnar turned to face her.

He scooped her up, holding the queen against his shoulder as she squealed and clutched both of his shoulders. Zephir straightened himself, sticking his tongue out in retaliation at Senea and grinning at her. "Next time, I will catch you!"

Magnar walked into her bedroom, shutting the door with his foot before placing her down. He kept holding her, though. Lowering his head, he pressed his lips hard against hers, leading her back towards the bed.

The kiss broke and he took a breath, inhaling the faint smell of frost flowers on her. "I have missed you far too much today," he whispered against her neck. His hands trailed up her stomach, stopping just at the ties of her dress.

Her arms wrapped around his neck, leaning hers off to the side. "What took you? I half expected you to be back hours ago. It's almost dusk."

His grin never faltered as he pressed his lips on her jawline. "Deciding things with my father. We've increased the guard along the gate and walls. Boring things, really." She sighed out, burying her nose into his hair as he kept kissing her. "You didn't see your bed."

She quirked a brow. "So sudden, Magnar. I thought you had been relieved this morning."

He pulled back, laughing kindly. "Go ahead and look," he said and gave her a slight push backwards.

She spun, eyeing the intricate gown that was spread out over her furs. Whiter than snow with golden stitching along the hems, Senea had never seen such a gorgeous piece of work. "What's this for?" Her breath was caught in her throat.

Magnar took a few steps forward, his thick fur cape fell behind him as he moved. "We received word that a few Council members will be making an appearance at the festival tomorrow. And that is the first item recovered from Itod. Fitting, I suppose."

Senea stood next to him, her hand trailing down his inner arm to find his gloved hand. "Is it as bad as they say it is there?"

"The say that most of the castle has been left untouched, but over time, age has taken it's toll. We have keepers there to go through everything, document what has been lost."

She gripped onto his hand, squeezing her fingers in between his. "And they decide to send back a dress?"

Magnar looked down at her, his thick hair in need of a cut as it fell just over his eyes. Senea's free hand brushed the curls back, holding her hand against the side of his face. "My mother had it sent up last week to be resewn for you. Your mother wore it."

Senea's lashes moved fast, stunned at Magnar's words. "She did?"

He nodded, licking his lips as he pushed her closer to the dress. "She wore it at the last vernal festival before, well, you know. While she was carrying you." Despite the need to tell her that he remembered the dress from meeting her mother the first time, he kept his mouth shut waiting for her reaction.

"I can't wear this."

With the squeeze of his hand, he shook his head only once. "Why not?"

Senea shook her head head and made an attempt to back away from the dress. Magnar held her in place with a stern tightening of his grip. "I can't wear something that my mother owned."

"You wear Arene's items all the time."

Senea let out an exhausted sigh, the shaking of her head continuing. "That's different. Magnar, I appreciate the gesture," she trailed off, taking another step back.

"My mother will be furious if you don't."

She shot him a glare, her mouth falling open as she frowned. "Don't you dare use that on me."

"Livid," he purred, a hint of a grin teasing the corners of his mouth. "She'll be in tears."

"Damn you, Magnar. That's not fair."

His arms coiled around her shoulders, holding her tight to his chest. She curled her arms around his waist, burying her nose in the fur collar and breathing in the scent of winter mixed with sweat. "Besides, my love, you have nothing else to wear."

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