Worth Solving {Dylan O'Brien}

By AintThatDevine

771K 17.8K 4.7K

Genesis and Dylan started talking over a wrong number but something compelled them to keep the calls going. A... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
For You, With Love

Chapter Nineteen

16.6K 318 136
By AintThatDevine

A/N: I actually hit 20k! That's amazing! That surely made for an excellent friday on my part. There are a few references to the Maze Runner and one of Star Trek and I apologize if you don't get them! If you havn't been able to tell by now, I really don't do anything other than watch tv, listen to music and write so there will always be odd references! Hope I didn't keep you all waiting too long for the update! Here it is! Xx -Melissa

p.s. it's also more of a filler! xx


{Genesis's P.O.V.}

"I want to take you on a date. A real one."

Hearing Dylan speak those words softly against my neck made tingles run down my spine. As much as I should've expected it, I was still taken by surprise.

I laughed lightly to cover up a nervous tid bit, "My mum didn't scare you into it, did she?"

"Well of course she did." Dylan squeezed me a little tighter, "No, she didn't. All me. I just needed to man up and do it." He pecked my cheek softly, "She just helped." Sitting down next to me, he admired the work I had done on the invitations.

"I'm going to guess that's code for she gave you ideas for it?" I asked, sensing that that was exactly what she'd done.

Dylan hesitated as if I'd caught him, "Yep. That is very much what she did." He nudged me a little bit, "But you'll have to wait to find out what."

I rolled my eyes with a grin, "For how long then? I'm not going to be eighty by the time, am I?"

"Ha. ha." Dylan stuck out his tongue playfully, "But I don't know yet. Maybe next week?" As I set down the stylus, Dylan picked up the tablet as if it were his own child. "Is there anything you can't do, Gen?" Taking in my questionable look, Dylan sighed. "I mean you write, you can draw, do makeup, run, sing, b-"

"Sing?" I asked with a laugh that seemed much too forced. "When on earth have you heard me sing?"

Dylan grinned sheepishly, "You sing in the shower."

I restrained from face palming, feeling my cheeks redden. "Oh."

Laughing, he shook his head. Without saying anything else, he stood up with my tablet, poking away at it for a few moments. "How on earth did you get Club Zema to let us have the party there?" He looked around at the details with an impressed look. "How many people do you think?"

"Maybe a hundred? You're the one with all the pretty famous mates." I replied, messing the with ends of my hair. While Dylan was out, i'd used his mobile to call Zema about the venue.

"There." He set it back down infront of me, "We can go pick them up from the card shop in a couple days."

My hands dropped down to the table as I leaned over to read the litle paper that Dylan took notes on. "Your handwriting really is awful."

"I'd expect something like from an english major." Dylan joked, looking at the paper to decipher what we'd do next with the limited amount of time we had to plan a Hollywood party. "But Posey's is worse." Walking over to the kitchen, he pulled out a beer from the fridge, "You want anything?"

Awkwardly restraining myself from saying him, I just said water and left it at that. "How about decorations? Is that something we should go pick up ourselves or order online?"

Dylan grinned, "I think that would be more fun to pick them up ourselves." He picked up his keys from the countertop, forgetting about the drinks and jingled them with eyes filled brightly like a child. "Wanna?"

"It's not even October yet." I answered with a lifted eyebrow, "Are there even places open with halloween decorations?"

"You, Gen, are an LA newbie. Trust me, they put up halloween things all year round in some places. Leo DiCaprio gets his party planned around March, gets everything then and doesn't have to do a thing for months." Dylan held out a hand to me, grinning. "Lets stop by Zema to see how much we need and then we'll get some scary ass stuff."

I picked up my mobile before grabbing his hand, rising from the table. "You're mad." I answered with a laugh, following him out of the house.

"And you forgot about traffic." I rested my head back of my seat in Dylan's rover, knowing that we'd been sitting in that exact spot for atleast half an hour. "This is bloody insane."

Dylan laughed lightly, "Welcome to Hollywood. And this isn't even that bad honestly." He checked the time on his mobile, "So, we've got some time to get to Zema and Halloween Hollywood is open all night. We're okay."

I opened the notes section on my mobile, "I guess this leaves some more time to work on the party. What are we going to for music? DJ or playlist? Zema said that they could work with either. If we need a DJ, they can get a good one but they also have an excellent speaker surround sound." Glancing over to Dylan, he seemed to be watching me with a sort of amazement. "What?"

"Nothing," Dylan shook his head as if he could shake away the look. "Nothing." He repeated, letting out a tiny breath as the traffic cleared up a little bit. "So, any idea what you want to do for costumes?"

"Well I have this really brilliant record of being a Slytherin at Hogwarts for halloween." I replied with a grin, locking off my mobile.

"Should I be afraid of asking what the record is?" Dylan asked, grinning as he drove closer to Club Zema that i'd called earlier on our traffic trip to tell them that we were on our way to check it out.

I nodded, "Probably."

"Okay..." Dylan said warily, "What year was it that you started?"

"2002." I replied sheepishly, knowing that I was infact a proud slytherin potthead.

Dylan bit on his bottom lip to stifle a laugh, "Wow, Gen. That's...-"


"Impressive." Dylan said over me, knowing that I'd shoot myself down before anything. "It's impressive and adorable."

I sighed, "What about you?"

"Well, before I was casted in Maze Runner, I wanted to dress up as Thomas, but seeing as we're basically the same person, it'd be kind of shallow to dress up as a preson you already portray in a movie." Dylan said with a small grin, "I'm not sure what house I would be in, but being a Hogwarts student would be pretty cool."

I grinned, looking from my blue finger nails to Dylan, "I know a test you could take."

Dylan nodded, letting out a tiny laugh, "Then we should do that then." His eyes lit up but he kept it to himself.

I relinquished narrowed eyes from his silenced idea and watched cars drive along with us. An irridescent purple sign waved us over, Zema gleaming infront of us.

Before we even entered the club, a burly man in a shirt that said "SECURITY" on the back opened the door for us. With it three hours from opening, they knew that people from all over the city would be coming for the well know and most saught after club. A smokey screen was starting to be set up and a man with a blue and purple mohawk was up at the turntables, flipping through vinyl and tapping away at his macbook air. The large shelves behind the bar were being stocked with only the best alcohol and bar maids were feverishly wiping down the bar as well as the tables around the open space for dancing. It was one of those places that deserved the talk that it got.

"Genesis Venita is it?" A blonde that must've been over 40 clicked over, "I'm Ellen, we talked on the phone." She turned to Dylan, "And Dylan O'Brien, how lovely to see you again."

Almost embarrassed, Dylan hugged Ellen, sending me the clear message that he'd infact been in here enough for the owner the know who he was. "Hey Ellen."

"We're more than excited to have you and your halloween party here! Like I told Genesis on the phone," I tuned out a little bit as Ellen spoke to just Dylan, already knowing she was going to tell him about arrangements for drinks and music.

Without a moment escaping me, I found myself wandering the club. It was like something out of book or from a telly show. Infact, it reminded her dangerously of Oliver Queen's night club in Arrow. Narrowing her eyes, it looked exactly like the club in Arrow. Same staircase leading up to an upper level, same bar, tables, DJ stand. Either one ripped off the other or-

"I've seen that look before." A gangly lad with pushed up blonde hair walked over the me, his arms crossed over a white polo. "Anything look familiar to you?"

Pretending not to flip out at the sight of his cocky popped collar, I nodded. "Ar-"

"Stephen Amell was in here before he started working on Arrow. When they mentioned to him about the whole night club bit in the show and asked for his imput, this is what he imagined." He held out a hand to me with a grin on his face as if I should be clapping for his 'extensive' knowledge on the subject. "I'm Jeff, Ellen's step-son."

"Genesis." I replied, shaking his hand briefly.

Jeff narrowed his eyes, "Not Venita, is it?"

I nodded again, "That one, actually."

"I heard you have a book coming out sometime next year." Jeff told me as if I didn't already know, "Got you on the news too, talking about you and fancy pants over there."

I lifted an eyebrow, "Fancy pants?"

"Yeah, y'know." With myself crying over his lack of complete sentences and improper grammar, Jeff continued, "Rich boy who 'as it easy."

I pointed back to Dylan and Ellen, "I'm gonna go."

Jeff grabbed my arm, not letting me make a safe return to Dylan downstairs. Smirking he shook his head, "But I like talking to you. Lovely accent."

"Thank you," I replied warily, glancing back to Dylan who was signing things with Ellen. "But Dylan and I are just here for a quick second."

"Might have to make it a few more."

"You sure about that?"

He narrowed his eyes again, an unattractive crease overshadowing his eyebrows as if he didn't have any.

I smiled brightly and cocked my head to the side, putting a hand on his shoulder. Hoping to God this would actually work, I pinched the nerve by his neck tightly. Fluttering my eyelashes, a look of pure horror crossed over his eyes. With his knees buckling, he slowly dropped to the floor.

"Vulcan nerve pinch, bitch." I replied, turning quickly and padding down the steps back to Ellen and Dylan. As I walked across the open space, I was almost positive that the security man from before was clapping for me with a big grin on his face. Hiding a laugh, I met up with Dylan. "Ready?"

"Nearly." He replied, looking over a selection of drinks, "What do you think you'll drink since you don't do alcohol?" Carefully, as if I would break, he wrapped an arm around my waist, his hand around my side as he slightly pressed me against his side.

Hoping no one noticed my sudden flush, I 'umm'ed in the chance of regaining my composure quickly. "I think just anything fizzy will do." I glanced between the two clueless Americans, "Just soda is fine." Feeling that was the right word for it here, I waited for a response.

Dylan nodded, "Good that. Thanks Ellen."

I shut my eyes to stop from laughing as we walked back outside, finally letting it break free as we met the air and the city noises. "Spent too much time on set?"

"Huh?" Dylan glanced down at me, "Oh, god I forgot you've read the Maze Runner books. Damn."

I grinned brightly, "Well, I mean, my favourite actor was said to be in the movies." I nudged him, remembering that i'd told him a couples months ago that I was reading of them around the time that he was filming them.

Dylan ruffled my hair, "Yeah, yeah."

"Shuck face." I mumbled, flattening out my hair as I climbed into the passenger's seat, a smile unable to hide itself. I was infact, happy.

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