Suicide Bridge ✔

By Jer-Beaar

523K 12.4K 7.4K

{Compleated} He gets all the girls. She gets no guys. He loves to party. She's never been to a party. He dr... More

Suicide Bridge
Sorry Mama
You believe he's not one of them?
Why are you trying to make me feel better?
I am partners with who?!?!
Bat Cake.
Carrot cake
Sleeping At My House (Andrew's P.O.V)
Drunk Games.
Almost Dying.
Making the cake.
girls day
Helping Him Come Out.
Where are we going?
On The Way
Getting In Trouble.
Thank you.
Jail but bailed
Be my Girlfriend.
Dress Buying
special part.1
special part.2
special part. 3

Going Home

9.9K 282 184
By Jer-Beaar

"I love you."

"Sure you do. I bet you don't even like me. Your probably making a bet out of this. I'm done with you. Bye and please don't talk to n ever again," I said with it all stinging. I wiped the rest of the tears off my face and began to walk home.

I walked out of his driveway and I found Rose just pulling in the driveway. I kept on walking and Rose got out of her car and came to me.

"What are you doing walking home like that?"She asked in a motherly tone.

"I'm walking home. It seems like Andy doesn't want me here and neither does his girlfriend. I'll see you later. Yea?"

"No you go back in that house. I want to talk to you and him."

"Yes, Rose."

We both walked back in the house and I saw Andy and Eli fighting.

Rose stepped in the fight abd she started to yell are Eli also. Eli looked at me with tears in her eyes and flipped me off and angrily stomped out of the house.

I put my back against the wall and slid down so I'm sitting on the wooden floor. I put my face in my hands and my hands on my knees.

I herd them still yelling in tell it all stopped. I looked up and saw Rose go into th kitchen and Andy just stood there. Looking at me.

He walked over to me saying nothing. He bent down and picked me up and walked over to the stairs.

He climbed the stairs with me in his arms still not saying anything I put my head in his chest.

Hearing Andrew sigh. I look at him. He smiles at me and frown. We entered his room and sat on his bed.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't of acted like a jealous girlfriend. In not even your girlfriend," I said.

"I'm sorry too. I never should of let her in my house."

"Is it true though you love me?"

"Yea I love you. I loved you ever since 8th grade."

"Wow. I'm sorry I-I don't
l-love you."

"Its okay. But soon you will. Hopefully," he said the last part in a whisper.

"Hey we have two more days in tell Monday what do you want to do?"

"I don't know what do you usually do on Saturdays?"

"I usually pant, but I don't have anything to paint with so then I watch movies."

"What kind of movies?"

"Marvel or any horror movie. I love 'Perge' but my favorite horror movie is 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' got to love that movie."

"I think I love you more than before."

"Really most guys hate those kind of movies. I remember going on a date with um who was it.... Oh it was one of your football buddies. I think his name is Luke or Leam? But anyways we went to go see 'Perge' and he whined like a little baby."

"His name is Luke. And when did you go on that date?"

"Like 2 years ago. I don't really talk to him that much any more."

"Oh okay."

"What are you jealous?"

"Well yea I'm jealous my best friend got to go on a date with you," Andy said in a angry voice.

"Hey. That happend over two years ago. Let it go. I did. I like you not him."

"Okay whatever I'll drive you home I know your mom wants you home by now. Go change in your clothes and I'll be down in the car after I get a shirt on."

"Okay yea."

Andy got a shirt and left the room while I jut sat on his bed wondering what I did wrong. I sighed and changed into my cloths abd grabbed my bag off of his floor. But before leaving I went into his closet and grabbed a gray sweetshirt and put it in my bag.

I walked down into the living room to find Andrew sitting on the black couch and his feet up on the coffee table. Watching something on the flat screen t.v. on the other couch was Rose watching the same thing Andrew is.

I walked over and gave Rose a goodbye hug. I walked over to Andrew and poked him on the head. He looked over at me and glared. I steeped back. Rose got up and went up the stairs to her room.

"On second thought why don't you have Luke pick you up? Don't you have his number or something?"

"Yea I mean he gave me his number but I never use it, but why are you acting like this?"

"Why don't you go ask Luke?"

I walked outside and got out my phone to call Luke. I mean if he wants to act that way then maybe Luke can pick me up.

I looked through my contacts and looked under the L's.

I found Luke's number and called him.


"Hey Luke."

"Oh hey Mia. How are you?"

"Good I was just wondering if you could pick me up?"

"Yea sure. Where are you at?"


"Why are you there?"

"I'll tell you when you get me."

"Okay I'll be there in five."

"Thanks luke your the best."

"I know sweetheart."

"Wow I haven't herd that in a while."

"Okay I'm about to leave my house I need to go you know how much I hate talking on the phone and driving and texting and driving. Okay bye sweetheart see you in five."

"Okay bye bubba."

I hear him chuckle before he hangs up the phone.

Five minutes later I see Luke's car pull in the the driveway. I walk up to the car and open up the door.

"Hey bubba."

"I haven't herd that name in forever."

"What can I say that's your nickname."

"Okay so tell my why Your over at Andy's."

"Okay me and him are doing a project in cooking class. My mom didn't pick me up so she made Andy take me home yet his ex girlfriend wanted a ride home too,"I took a breath and told Luke the rest of the story. "And that's what happend."

"Wow. We will be arriving at your house in 30 minutes."

"Why 30 from here it only takes 5."

"I need to stop at the store and get food. Me and you are having a girls day."

"Bubba have you told the team yet?"

"Told them what?"

"That you're gay?"


"Whn do you think your going to do it?"

"I'm doing it on Monday, and I was going to call you today also because I want you to help me do it."


"Yea sweetheart plus I miss spending time with you."

"I miss spending time with you to bubba."

Luke pulled into the grocery store and parked into a parking spot.


Done with another chapter!!!!!! how do you like it?

so anyways yesterday was the first time I went on rollercoaster. I also road the New one called 'the Monster' at Adventureland. It wasn't that scary. Anyway this is it for the chapter have a good day or night.❤❤

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