Figuring Out Emma (Harry Styl...

By xPotatoesOreos1993x

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[BOOK TWO] Emma's not one to easily let down her guard, and for good reasons. But when Harry charms his way t... More

Chapter 1: Next Stop, London
Chapter 2: We Don't Bite
Chapter 3: Scares Me
Chapter 4: The Real Thing
Chapter 5: A Night To Remember
Chapter 6: Do You Trust Me?
Chapter 7: Guarded
Chapter 8: A Good Day
Chapter 9: Love Drunk
Chapter 10: Obviously... Friends.
Chapter 12: Maybe They Were Right
Chapter 13: Drowning
Chapter 14: New Best Friend
Chapter 15: Bullied
Chapter 16: I'm Tired
Chapter 17: Because It's True
Chapter 18: Ride The Wave
Chapter 19: Lucky
Chapter 20: Does He Know
Chapter 21: Goodbye
Chapter 22: Are You Ready
Chapter 23: Testifying
Chapter 24: Conviction
Chapter 25: Can't Do This
Chapter 26: What Do You Want
Chapter 27: Nothing
Chapter 28: Stay With Me
Chapter 29: Mine. Yours.

Chapter 11: Welcome to Paris

167 9 1
By xPotatoesOreos1993x


"Maybe we shouldn't have let Niall go. Management is going to be pissed when they find out he's not coming to this meeting with us," Liam said as he pulled into the car park.

"It will be fine. I doubt management wants him for anything. My guess is this meeting has to do with the album cover or something small like that," Louis comforted Liam.

"I hope so. I'd hate for the poor lad to get into trouble."

"We'd all hate that. I mean, this is Niall's first real relationship in the three years we've all been together," Zayn added.

"Yeah, it's about time the lad got a girl," I added quietly as I got out of the car.

"Everything okay, Harry?" Louis asked me. I nodded my head silently not really wanting to talk much. "You haven't said much of anything since Niall left. Are you sure?"

"Everything is fine, I s'pose," I spoke quietly again.

"Okay, have you talked to Emma? She seems a bit off lately," he asked as we reached the doors.

"No," I answered solemnly.

Louis didn't say anything after that, but he sent me worried glances every twenty seconds. It was rather annoying. He had to know there was something bad going on between Emma and I. Neither of us were really talking to anyone. Emma stayed at Niall's all day yesterday, only talking to Anna if she talked at all. I went over to Liam's but I didn't goof off as much as I usually do.

As the four of us sat down in the meeting room we could already see that Ken and Joan weren't too pleased when they saw that Niall was not with us.

"Where is Niall?" Ken asked, with a tone of slight annoyance.

"Probably in America by now," Louis stated bluntly.

"Why would he be in America?" Joan asked.

"To go and take care of his girlfriend, Natalie, like he had wanted to previously this week," Liam spoke up.

"That boy needs to learn that his job must come first, not some random girl he met," Ken muttered to Joan.

"His job has come first for the past three years! Natalie is the first girl that really caught his eye and she is not 'some random girl' as you so very much like to portray her as. I admit they way they met was quite unusual but by the time they had started dating the had gotten to know one another and had been friends for a couple of months.

"And maybe, if for once in your life you would actually listen to Niall when he is talking to you, you would realize that Natalie means the world to him. He would do anything for that girl and you need to understand and respect that. Him having a girlfriend and flying out to take care of her isn't any different from the rest of us going and doing the same thing. You are just being arses about it because it's Niall, and quite honestly him having a girlfriend is a rare thing and you'd rather him not be in a relationship!" I said, my anger rising faster than any time before.

"You are right in the fact that him going to see his girlfriend isn't any different from one of you going and doing the same, but what upsets us is that he didn't check in with us first to make sure it is okay. Niall needs to respect the fact that his work is more important-" Ken said before I cut him off.

"No, it isn't. Not every minute of every day, not ever. And he did come and talk to you but you turned him down. So when he received a distressed call from the love of his life he chose to ignore you. Get the fuck over it," I roared as Ken made me angrier with his flimsy excuse of an argument.

"Harry, calm down, mate," Louis said as he placed a gentle hand on my arm.

"Well that is his mistake, because we called this meeting to tell him that he was to go to Paris with you, Harry. While you two were abroad, Louis, Liam and Zayn were going to do some interviews here in London."

"Why am I going to Paris?" I asked without any real interest, my anger slowly deflating.

"Same as the others; to do a few interviews. We already bought both tickets not knowing that Niall had run off to America, so you are welcome to choose someone to go with you."

"When would we have to leave?" I asked.

"Tomorrow afternoon," Joan answered.

"Okay, just email me what I need to know," I said as I stood up from my chair.

"Harry, this meeting isn't over," Ken said.

"I need to use the loo," I lied blatantly as I walked out of the door.

I didn't go back into the meeting after that. I felt exhausted and just wanted to go back to my flat and sleep, so I waited outside by Liam's car. They walked out of the tall building about fifteen minutes later with blank expressions on their faces.

"They aren't pleased with you now, either," Liam huffed as he unlocked his car doors.

"I figured as much," I shrugged my shoulders.

"So who are you going to take with you?" Zayn asked.

"I'm not sure," I answered in a monotone.

"They said you could take anyone you wanted," Louis told me. "Even a certain American girl who seems to be avoiding everyone."

I saw Liam shoot Louis a weird look but Louis just ignored him.

"Are you saying I should invite Emma to go to Paris with me?" I asked him, looking him in the eye.

"Yes, I am."

"Are you mental? She's avoiding me because she found out that I like her!" I nearly shouted as I climbed into the back of the vehicle. "What would she think if I took her to the 'city of love?'"

"That you love her?" Zayn said, sounding confused.

"Probably, yeah! So she'd turn me down. I can't handle any more rejection."

"How do you know that she would turn you down for sure? What if we had Anna talk to her about it first and try to convince her to go?" Louis suggested.

"No. I want it to be her decision. I want her to want to go, not feel like she has to go," I said shaking my head.

"I can understand that."

"Good, so can we just let it be then?"

"Sure, mate, but I still say that you should ask her," Louis said as he patted my knee before turning to look out the window on his side.

I let out a long sigh and did the same. Maybe Louis was right and that I should just ask her. If I do, should I talk to Anna first to see if Emma would say yes? That might be a good idea, it could save me an embarrassing talk with Emma, that's for sure. I think I will do that, and weigh out my chances.

When we got back to the flats I went to Niall's first hoping I could talk to Anna. Just my luck though, Emma answered  the door. She looked a little bit shocked to see me, but she was able to try and hide it pretty quickly.

"Hi Harry," she greeted me softly.

"Hi Emma, how are you?" I ask, staring into her mesmerizing blue eyes.

"I'm doing alright," she answered as she looked to the floor, trying to avoid my gaze.

"That's good I s'pose. I was wondering if Anna was here, there is something that I need to ask her," I asked feeling kind of rude to brush Emma off like that.

"Uh, yeah she's in the kitchen making lunch," she said as she took a step back and opened the door a bit more.

"Thanks Em," I said as I walked in and made my way to the kitchen.

Anna stood in front of the stove with her back to me. I knocked on the wall to announce myself. She looked over her shoulder and gave me a kind smile.

"Hey," she greeted.

"Hi," I said a little awkwardly. "I, uh, have a question that I'd like to ask you."

"What's up?" she asked, turning to face me.

I glanced behind me and into the living room to check that Emma wasn't eavesdropping before I stepped closer to Anna.

"I was wondering what my chances were of Emma saying yes to going to Paris with me if I asked her," I asked in a quieter voice than before.

"I'm not sure. She's been in a... weird mood lately. But she could use some cheering up, so I'd say go for it, it is definitely worth a shot," Anna said with a shrug.

"What do you mean, weird mood?" I asked becoming concerned, and wanting to know if my guess as to why she was being more distant was correct.

"After the last conversation she had with Carmichael she's just been out of it."

"Who's he?" I asked feeling a bit jealous and concerned.

"A friend that's been helping her out with some things."

"What things? What kind of friend?"

"Just a friend, Harry. Anyways, it doesn't matter. I can talk with Emma before you ask her if you'd like."

"No thank you, Anna but thanks for offering."

"No problem, Harry," Anna said before turning back to the pot of noodles she was cooking on the stove.

I turned and walked back out to the living room, hoping I might find Emma still sitting on the couch. Just my luck, she was.

 Well, here goes nothing...


"Emma?" I heard Harry ask.

I looked up from my book and saw Harry standing a foot in front of my spot on the couch. He had his hands shoved into the small front  pockets of his jeans and his curls kept falling into his face as he looked down at me. There was a small, almost hopeful smile on his face.

"What's up, Harry?" I asked quietly.

"Nothing, I just wanted to make sure you were really doing okay. You hadn't really seemed like it when I first arrived," Harry told me, sounding so sincere it made my mind go blank.

"Oh," was all I could manage to come up with. I still wasn't entirely sure on how I felt about Harry liking me either. "I-I'm just trying to deal with a few things is all. It's nothing to worry about."

"You could always talk to me if you wanted," he said shyly as he looked to the ground.

"I know, Haz," I whispered.

Harry looked up at me the second I said his nickname. A peculiar glint was shinning in his beautiful green eyes. He slowly ran his tongue over his lips before he spoke again.

"Have you ever wanted to go to Paris before?" he asked me out of the blue in his slow drawl.

"Sure, why do you ask?" I asked feeling a bit wary of his answer.

"Well I'm going to Paris tomorrow to do a few interviews. Niall was supposed to come with but since he's in America I am able to take anyone I choose. I was hoping you'd like to accompany me," he asked sweetly.

"So let me get this straight, you are asking me if I would like to go to Paris?"

"With me, yes," he stated softly.

I sat there staring up at him for what seemed like a long while before I ever so slightly nodded my head. "Sure Harry, I'll go to Paris with you."

"Really, you will?" he asked, a large smile spreading across his face.

"Yeah, I love London but the weather has been bringing me down these past couple of days."

"Well I'm sorry to say that it probably won't be much different, love. Paris and London are quite similar."

"Just different monuments to see then?" I asked with a sigh.

"Pretty much, yeah. But I believe you will still love Paris and I'm nearly positive that we will have one day all to ourselves to do whatever we want. I could show you around if you'd like," Harry offered.

"I'd love that," I said giving Harry a small smile.

"Good, so I would put the book you are reading down and start packing. We leave tomorrow early in the afternoon."

"How long will we be in Paris?" I asked.

"About five days," he said after looking something up on his phone.

"Okay," I said as Harry turned to walk away.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he looked over his shoulder.

"See you tomorrow," I waved goodbye. "Oh and Harry, thanks for inviting me."

"It's my pleasure, Em," he said before leaving Niall's flat.

Paris, I'm landing in Paris. It still feels so surreal and as excited as I am about being here, there is a voice in the back of my head saying it was a bad idea. But I don't listen to it because how can you possibly turn down a trip to Paris, France? Exactly, you can't! At least I can't.

It's Paris, mi amour! Goodness, just how many times can I say Paris without becoming annoying to myself? I don't know yet, so we shall see how long it takes. Paris, Paris, Paris.. Oh how great it is to be in Paris... sort of. The weather is kind of suckish. Okay, I think I'm done now with saying Paris and talking to myself. I really need to stop doing that.

"Stop doing what?" Harry asked quietly from across the aisle. I jumped slightly, not expecting him to say anything to me.

"Uh, nothing, Harry. I need to stop doing nothing," I said as I nodded my head stiffly, my cheeks becoming a light pink.

"Well you can 'stop doing nothing' now that we've arrived in Paris. Once you've slept of course, you look a little tired," Harry observed.

"Only a little, I didn't get a lot sleep last night," I said without much thought.

"How come?" he asked as his eye brows pulled together slightly, making tiny little creases in the space between them.

I was worrying over Vick and what Carmichael had told me. "I was too excited about coming to Paris to sleep."

"Oh," Harry said, seeming to not believe me.

"Okay, so you said that you had an interview an hour after we landed?"

"Yeah, and since it was right away I figured you might want to stay at the hotel and relax just in case you were to get tired."

"It would probably be for the best if I did," I agreed. "Besides I never did get to finish my book yesterday."

Harry smiled slightly, one of his dimples barely forming in his right cheek. "I'm sorry for distracting you," he chuckled softly.

"It's not that big of a deal. The book hasn't been holding up to it's reputation in my opinion," I shrugged my shoulders.

"That's too bad, but if you don't like it why do you continue to read it?"

"Because I have already invested enough of my time to read three-fourths of it. So why not finish it?"

"You make a valid point," Harry agreed with me. "Come on, it's time to go and explore Paris."

Harry unbuckled his seat belt and stood up, holding his hand out to help me from my seat. I accepted it after unbuckling my own belt. After grabbing our carry-on bags we headed towards the exit on the plane in a comfortable silence.

By the time Harry arrived back at the hotel from his interview I had finished my book and fallen asleep, and it was only four o'clock in the afternoon. I was woken by the sound of the hotel room door closing an hour after I had fallen asleep. Harry walked back into the bedroom of our suite and threw his jacket onto his bed.

"Did I wake you?" he asked me when he saw me laying in bed, my eyes just barely open.

"Not intentionally, I'm a light sleeper," I told him.

"I'm sorry," he said as he sat down on the edge of his bed, running a hand through his messy brown curls that weren't really curly anymore.

"You could use a hair cut," I mused out loud.

"You think so?" he asked, pulling on a curl, bringing it down in front of his eyes.

"I s'pose, it just seems to look real long lately."

"It kind of is, but it's only annoying in the wind when it keeps blowing into my eyes," he said as he released the curl.

"That's understandable," I said as I snuggled deeper into my blanket trying to get warmer. Harry had brought in a slight chill from the outside with him when he came back to our room.

"Are you cold?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

"A little," I admitted.

"Here, let me get you an extra blanket," he said as he got up to search the closet. He pulled down a thin, extra blanket and carefully splayed it over my bed, covering me with it.

"Thank you, Haz," I smiled appreciatively.

"No problem, Em. Why don't you try to sleep some more and I'll go order a pizza from room service," Harry smiled back at me.

"Okay but no fair eating all of it while I finish my cat nap!" I called as he left the bedroom.

He just laughed in response and no more than four minutes later I was fast asleep.

After another hour of sleep I woke up feeling refreshed. I walked out into the living room portion of the suite in search of the pizza that Harry supposedly ordered. It sat on a counter, half of it already gone. Loading a plate with two slices I joined Harry on the couch. Since he was engrossed in his phone he didn't try to stop me from stealing the remote that sat on his lap or changing the channel. I put it on some random movie that I couldn't understand because it was playing in French.

"Don't think I didn't notice you changing the channel on me," Harry mumbled a few seconds later.

"Oh, darn, you caught me," I rolled my eyes as I bit into a slice of pizza.

"Of course I did, I don't miss a thing."

"Oh yeah? Then what movie did I change to? Without looking at the telly," I told him as he tried to glance at the screen.

"A movie where the people are speaking in French," he smiled childishly at me, his dimples prominently showing and the corners of his eyes crinkling in the cutest way.

I shook my head and laughed softly. "You're an idiot."

And that's how we spent the rest of our night; making bad jokes with each other while watching movies where the actors spoke in French. I have to say, it's been the best time I've had in a while.

My favorite ring tone began singing loudly beside my bed, waking me up from a few hours of sleep. I knew who it was and immediately jumped out of bed to answer it, letting out the girliest squeal in my entire life. Harry stirred in his bed letting out a low groan as he tried to block out the sound and fall back asleep.

"Who would call at such an hour?" he mumbled darkly in his sleep.

"Only the world's best friend," I smiled to myself as I quickly answered the call.

"My god, Emma! What took you so long to finally answer my call? You know I'm a busy man," the familiar voice teased me.

"You're never busy for me," I said as I walked out of the bedroom and into the suite's living room so Harry could sleep.

"I suppose you are right about that one, but seriously what took you so long? I've tried calling you for the past hour to check in on how one of my favorite girls was doing," he said sounding a bit concerned.

"It's kind of a long story if you want an answer that will make any kind of sense," I said as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I've got all afternoon," he said and I could tell by the way he spoke that he had a smile on his face.

"Well, naturally it all started with Natalie," I began.


A/N: Here be-ith chapter eleven! I really hope you liked it, I revised it soooo many times... Not even kidding.. Buttttt yeah, I like to think it's a decent chapter. And just wait until the next chapter, my lovelies :) it gets even better.

Any who, vote and comment, yeah? Please dooo! I love you!

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