Fearlessly Loved By A Beast...

By wwepurplevixen

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Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 PART 1
Chapter 52 PART 2
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Because I love you...
Q&A about Fearless Beasts♡

Chapter 2

2.7K 74 39
By wwepurplevixen


"...And when she was down
She got right back up.
She was a beast in her own way, "




"You are going to see her at the arena soon , why are you still calling her?"

I glared at Paul as he spoke while we drove over in the limo.

He had actually wanted Charlotte and Ric to drive with us but I wasn't going to have any of that shit.

I couldn't fucking believe all the shit that fucking happened.

One moment it was the afternoon of Wrestlemania; me pushing her up against the wall, wanting to feel myself in her as her family knocked outside the door.

Next thing I wanted to get a fucking kiss before my match and I see John fucking Cena on her.

I knew he would be there, the fucking golden boy wouldn't let Wrestlemania go without it being graced by his fucking presence.

But I was not expecting to find him with my girlfriend and I fucking snapped.

I knew she wouldn't have done anything, deep down I fucking knew but it hurt seeing them together all over again.

Paul's words were playing in my head as well as her brother's that she would always love John.

She wanted marriage and kids from him.

She wanted a life with him so I couldn't speak to her then because I didn't want to lose my temper on her as the last time I did she had been in tears while I hadn't even known.

Even with a fucking broken nose Cena would probably play hero.

But then of course the fucking match.

I was so fucking angry and seeing her not affected at all as she stood in the ring just made me even angrier .

So I said some things,did some things that hurt Nicole. Things I wished I hadn't and it cost me the match..

Like the sucker I was, I went to her locker room after she won the title because even though I was mad, I knew how much it meant to her but when I got there it sounded like a party going on.

Again she hadn't cared and just as I was about to say fuck it, blondie came out and I got dragged to her.

I hated seeing her cry but she was so stubborn and all I wanted to fucking do was go to the hotel room with her because I wasn't in the mood for anything else .

But this was Nicole and to have thought she would have just agreed to come with me was wishful thinking.

Nothing was easy with her which I liked but not when I was annoyed with everything.

In the end I didn't see the point in fighting. I was tired, injured and didn't have the fucking energy so I let her go.

She said she loved me but I hadn't taken it seriously in that moment.

Why would she when she had Cena?

Rena had flown into town the next day with her husband and my boys, so not thinking about her was made a bit easier.

I hadn't even watched Raw because I would probably have driven over there and seen her and she would definitely still have been pissed.

But then I saw her at the Rodeo which was the last fucking place I expected to, I hadn't even seen her .

Turk had .

He was really attached to 'Coco' , he had asked about her last week and while Rena questioned me on what happened on Raw when she dropped by with them on Friday I hadn't spoken about it.

So she soon left and the boys spent the weekend at my place.

I hadn't contacted her because I knew better, she was fucking stubborn ,she was like me and I knew I wouldn't fucking want to hear from her but Turk had gotten used to her being at the house and I wasn't going to let my son down so I sucked up my pride and called her.

But like I figured she didn't pick up.

So I ended up taking them to my parents farm so we all could get away from my house and the reminders of Nicole.

I still continued calling though, after the first few times I would admit it was me wanting to speak to her but then her phone was off.

That day at the Rodeo?

She was just wearing a jeans and a tank top but I had missed her already and seeing other guys eyes wander over what was mine.

It pissed me off and I didn't want to know how many other guys were drooling over her in my absence.

And then there was the morning she came home, now that was fucking good. What wasn't good was me waking up to an empty fucking bed.

As soon as I had gotten off the phone with Rena who let me know she was there .

I got a call from Paul and that whole thing was a fucking mess I...

"BROCK!" I sighed and hopped out.

I wasn't sure what to expect once I got there , I knew I would be seeing her or rather seeing Team Bella who all probably hated me which I couldn't give a fuck about...

But her.

"Oh no honey! Brie Mode was made for me. And he was like you need to slow down. What the fuck? I told him 'Bryan we are at a fucking wedding' and ended the call before Brie could talk . I knew I would be paying..."

She stopped as the pale chick. Paige I think, stared at me approaching causing her to turn as well.

She was briefly surprised by me being there but then glared.

"Brock please don't.." I heard Paul but walked over to her.

"Nicole I..." She hopped off ignoring me as Paige followed her.

"See just stay awa... Fuck !" I heard Paul grumble as I went after her.

"NICOLE!" She walked on and now she was pissing me off but yet I was still going after her.

Fuck, if I didn't love her.

"NICOLE!" I pulled on her arm as I reached her and she immediately pulled her arm away from me.

"Don't call me that! I am Barbie remember?" She snapped and I felt my jaw clenching.

She was pissed. Her eyes were dark .

What the fuck?

Yeah she was always fearless but there was always the slight nervousness in her or moment where her breath would hitch because of me being close but nothing.

"You're not Barbie..."

I finally said.

"Oh is Barbie a term you use for your divas only ? I forgot I wasn't special. I guess Charlotte is a real Barbie" she shrugged.

"Speaking of which I saw her earlier. Happy to gloat about you flying over here together. "

There it was, the brief flinch as she said it.

" We didn't fly over here together Nicole"

We hadn't , I flew from home .

"I'm not anything of yours anymore, you don't need to explain to me. Better go find your Barbie before the segment so she can give you your orders since it seems she's the one that can order around the Beast !" she smiled before turning around.

I turned and saw Paul about to open his mouth but I raised my hand before walking ahead.

" DON'T!!" I called back as I walked on.

I let her go because there was no fucking point.

I couldn't fix things because I couldn't explain the reasons that led to it.


"My client does not need to explain his actions. He saw an opportunity and took it.
Even if Miss Bella wasn't champion he would still be alongside Charlotte. Because just like he is genetically Superior so is Miss Flair.
And well I guess Miss Bella is perfect to be against . I mean she used my client to win several matches by playing his music when he was not even present in the building. Using my client to steal wins to get to the top..."

I wished I could just shut him up but I couldn't so instead I just stood there staring into the camera.

".. My client does not like to be used, that's why he wasn't keen on this acquaintance idea but Miss Bella cost him so I guess its good she is champion.
Brock does not like losing and he was cost by Nikki. And as the saying goes .The enemy of my enemy is a friend and that is coincidentally Charlotte. Charlotte Flair..."

He was cut off and muttered something under his breath as he realized by who.

I heard her music fill the arena and almost smiled.

She walked out alone until she reached the ramp midway and stopped with a glare on her face.

I now realized why she was with Paige back there, her team wasn't here.

"Miss Bella ,what are you doing here?"
The annoyance was clear in Paul's voice.

"What am I doing here? Well unlike everyone else you like to rant off about, I am not going to stand back there and listen while you lie about me. Your client needs to stop being a big ass baby and own up to the fact that he actually lost a match"

She didn't look at me, just at Paul.

"Oh is that what you are claiming Nikki? Brock Lesnar has been undefea..."

"Not even for a year! He passed out to The Undertaker because he is weak, the Beast is weak!"

I laughed a bit as she was actually doing this.

The woman who loved me .

Yeah I finally believed she did .

Because if she hadn't?

We wouldn't not be together right now , she cared that's why she left.

The things she fucking said that night when she left ..

"Well aren't you brave ranting off on my client while you wouldn't dare step into this ring."

She laughed and stared at the crowd and surprised me by actually walking down.

"No not our champion! Stay outside where its safe!"

She set her title so that it hung over the rope behind her and then turned to us.

"I am here and I am anything but afraid of The Beast Incarnate. You know why Brock?"

She turned to me and I simply stared at her.

"My client does not have time to stand by and listen to your theories"

Paul walked to the ropes while I moved and stood against it, not that I was planning on leaving.

"Well he should , you know why I am not afraid of you Brock ? Because you are an embarrassment!! You didn't want to be my acquaintance so you go to the Flair's cause they are more worthy? Well that's bull. You went crawling to the Flair's because I didn't want you. Because the Beast is not what he claims to be is he?"

"Nicole is pushing it. The Beast looks angry."

I felt my jaw clenching as my smile dropped.

Paul glanced between us , she wasn't affected at all.

She took off her cap and glanced around the crowd before gazing at me again.

"The Beast wants my attention so he goes to side with my enemy to get closer to ME! But I have a lunatic, BROCK! I don't need a Beast who has sunken so low as to play sidekick to a woman who wasn't even good enough to hold that belt right there"

"The Lunatic ain't even here tonight , what is she thinking?"

"She's Fearless Michael!"

She pointed behind her as I saw how angry she was. I knew what she was doing but it didn't stop me from becoming angry as she was making a fool of me out here.

She breath in as I had moved towards her and she slipped on her cap again.

"I am so glad that you were weak and lost to the lunatic cause I wouldn't want to be stuck with the embarrassment that is the Beast and you're not only an embarrassment to me but to yourself and..."

Before I could stop myself I close lined her.

"Brock! No! Brock just hit our Fearless Champion down"

"Oh I knew it was coming, she was provoking the Beast"

She stared at me as she slowly sat up and I held a blank face even though I regretted it, I was angry and no one spoke like...

She surprised me by laughing before looking down and slowly getting up while I frowned.

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, we had trained together so many times she had gotten used to it.

She quickly got to her feet without the mic , I wasn't even sure where it flew to.


"What?" I whispered.

"I am not afraid of you Brock. Do it again , hurt me again!"

She screamed as she got in my face, glaring which I returned.

"I don't take orders from you!" I sneered.

"Of course you don't.."

She whispered and I couldn't ignore how close she was and I saw her hesitate in continuing.

She might have been saying all that shit because she was angry but she felt it.

I felt my anger going away.

"I..." She began but I heard music.

Charlotte's music.

It caused her to immediately move away from me , her glare returning as she moved to get her title.

We got backstage as Nicole had left through the crowds as they cheered for her after having a stare down with Charlotte.

"What the hell was that? You are my daughter's acquaintance and you are standing there getting close to..." I heard Ric and after what he did at Wrestlemania to Nicole, pushing her off that rope.

He was the last person I wanted to see.

"Fuck off!" I held my hand up and walked on.

I soon heard Paul as he caught up to me.

"Brock you have a contract . They have every right to be concerned because..."

"Contract? That contract was me fucking being played! You know that and I know that!"

"You know I did it for you to get you back on.." I cut him off as I had been hearing his excuses since last week.

"I don't give a fuck Paul because the fucking Flairs and that contract is the main reason I don't have Nicole!"


Hope you liked it.

Always a bit unsure when it comes to his POV: )

NIKKI being fearless

What do you think of her provoking the beast?

All MANIPS in this chapter was found off YouTube videos so credit to whoever made it.

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