The Story of Raven and the Li...

By shayelee8

21.2K 480 90

The Olympian gods of the past have been visited by the Fates and told by them to watch the hologram displayed... More

Chapter 2: Three Old Ladies Knit the Socks of Death
Chapter 3: Grover unexpectedly loses his temper
Chapter 4 - My Brother Tells Me of My Heritage and Teaches Me How To Bullfight
Chapter 5 - Welcome to Camp

Chapter 1: I accidentally vaporize my mutant teacher

4.6K 99 7
By shayelee8

The gods were confused on the title but let the hologram play on as it showed a clear sky and markings that read "Present Day".

It's been 8 years since Charles took me in and raised me as his own sister. It's also been 8 years since I lost my childhood memory of my birth parents and of why I was running away. Life is now amazing for us in our school we call home.

"Would that be Raven talking?" Leo asks.

"Yup, Seaweed Brain always talked like that back when we were kids," Alex replied with a smirk on his face.

The hologram showed an elegant building that seemed to be located in New York and had a lot of kids living there. Mostly because it is a school and our home. After Charles discovered me, we have been locating other mutants, giving them a chance to live in a place that is a safe heaven for mutants, and training them to harness their abilities while schooling them on the history of our world and everything else.

"Wait, going to school and living there? Really?" Piper asked shocked.

"Yah, been there a couple of times. It's pretty cool," Thalia replied happily remembering the times there.

The hologram then showed a young woman with white hair and African skin laughing with a young boy as he made a fireball appear from the palm of his hand. The young woman with white hair prefers to be called Storm and is the most battle strategist mutants that I have ever seen. Her powers have the abilities to control any kind of storm at her will. She is also like a surrogate mother and sister to me ever since she found out that I couldn't remember anything from my childhood before I met Charles. The young boy with her prefers to be called Sunspot. He has powers that can match up with the heat of the sun and can transform into that with his entire body and is one of our newest recruits. The hologram then blackens but the voice of Raven could still be heard saying, I would continue further but it would seem like a long time thing so let's just get down to where I come in.

"Finally," Zeus said exasperated and bored already.

"About time," Hades said in agreement.

"Boys!" Hera snapped at the two in a stern tone before pointing at the holograms changing form.

The hologram then shows the background of a forest behind the school. Everything was calm until a pair of cat-slitted light sea green eyes opened and something moved showing an outline of a young girl in her preteens. Then a line appeared and moved down the girls body to reveal a young girl with an almost deathly pale skin tone, black clothing that consisted of a black shirt, black leggings, a long black leather jacket that went towards the knee caps, black skirt that went above the knee caps, black combat boots that went up halfway towards the knee caps with a couple of silver belt buckles around them, and see-through black silk gloves that were triangulated at the hand to leave out the fingers and went halfway past the elbow, pure long black hair that went into a low right side braid with four hot pink streaks running through it down to her stomach, a black crescent moon birthmark over the left eye and a ocean wave birth mark under her right eye.

Alex smirked at knowing what was gonna happen since his girlfriend already told him her downfalls.

Smirking at her target, the young girl began crawling her way over the grass silently, while not making a sound, to the young man in a wheelchair. As she got close enough, she was about to let out a yell when she heard the man say, in a stern brotherly tone, "Don't even think about it Raven."

Ares started laughing at that said, " Well that was a bust."

Aphrodite threw her make up at him and said "shut up!"

"Well you have to admit that her stealthiness is good. Maybe she's one of my kids," Hermes remarked.

"Doubt it, the girl has black hair and sea green eyes so it can't be you Hermes. Let's just keep watching and see what happens next," Hephaestus said.

"Totally with you on that one Hephaestus for sure cause the girl seems to be a bit mischief and a bit of a thinker," Artemis said in a thoughtful tone.

"Wow, never thought that I would see the day that my sister..." Apollo began to say but was cut off by Artemis shouting, "Shut up and watch the hologram!!"

The young girl froze before a line appeared on top of her head and moved down her body changing her appearance from her mutant form to her human form. In that form she had an ivory skin tone and wore a regular grey T-shirt with the logo "cherished girl" on it, regular blue jeans, white socks, and blue and white sneakers. For her regular long black hair, she had it in a regular ponytail, that went down to the middle of her back and had a pure thick white streak running through it once, and wore no make-up at all to show her intentions of being a tomboy girl. Her dark sea green human eyes glittered with mischief and her mouth was curved upwards into a smile. "How did you know that it was me Charles, I was clearly silent the entire time on foot," young Raven asked her brother as she walked around him and sat next to him at the table.

"Apparently not silent enough," muttered Ares before getting smacked by Aphrodite's makeup once again and a stern glare from her.

"Yes you did but you forgot the one thing that I can do and that is read your mind or feel the presence of your thoughts near me," the young man known as Charles replied with a smile.

"Wow, way to lift her spirit Charles," Alex muttered sarcastically with an eye roll making Thalia smirk a little before shaking her head and began to watch the hologram some more.

Raven just chuckled and placed her head onto the table. "So I can manage to successfully scare Peter but I can't manage to scare you even with stealth," she said gruffly through the table.

"Who's Peter?" Leo asks confused.

"You'll see," Clarissa replied clearly remembering the day she met the guy and grimacing at what he did to her to haunt her.

"Don't worry. You will one day and when you do, we will celebrate that day as a way to say you passed the initiation test and are now one of the X-men," Charles replied placing a hand on his foster sisters shoulder before continuing, "Besides Peter/Quicksilver is easy to scare. You need to challenge yourself in scaring those who are hard to get at."

"Nice encouragement. The more you try the better it gets," Athena recited wisely making Hermes do an eye roll in annoyance before focusing back on the hologram.

"Can't. Every time I try hard, it always backfires on me and all of it will be for nothing," Raven replied looking up at her foster brother with a glum expression on her face.

"Well that's positive. I thought she would be a bit more optimistic," Piper said in a confused tone.

"Yeah, and here I thought that all demigods were good kids and optimistic about their lives," Hera muttered sarcastically.

"Don't lose hope Raven, you'll succeed at something someday and when that happens you'll find the confidence to scare people and take on the world with us together," Charles said with a smile on his face.

"Let's hope so soon," Raven said with a small smile before asking, "So how's Colossus with his social and training skills?"

"Changing the subject, oh boy Raven," Thalia said in a exasperated tone with a huff.

"Horrible but we are making some progress so that's a little light of the day," Charles said happily.

The group of demigods chuckled and let the hologram continue.

"That's good news, I hope," Raven said a bit happily before frowning.

"What is it Raven?" Charles asked his foster sister concerned.

"Yes, do enlighten us on why the frown," Dionysus said sarcastically not even caring about looking at the hologram at all.

"Dionysus, either watch or be forbidden to having children for the next century," Zeus said threateningly.

Dionysus just grumbled and watched the hologram continue.

"It's been eight years since I lost my memory and so far we have nothing on who I might belong to. What if I never get my memory back?" Raven asked scared out of her wits to be losing her memory forever.

"Never give up hope child, there is always another way to goodness," Hestia said in a soft and caring tone.

"Don't worry sister. Remember the saying, "Never give up hope for good things come your way on not giving up." Now go and play with your shifting mutant friend Grover while I head over to the school to give my report if the school's progress to the government," Charles said seriously before turning his tone into a happy one and patted Raven's shoulder twice.

"Boooorrriiiinnnnggg," Ares drowned out in a not so happy tone.

Everyone just either glared at him or frowned before he got smacked upside the head by Aphrodite and punched in the shoulder by Artemis angrily.

Raven smiled happily and tore out towards the forest where her best friend would be, not even caring if her friends thought that he was weird.

"Well, that's nice to know, but what exactly makes her friend weird?" Apollo asks confused.

Soon she came upon a young boy with a wispy-like beard, curly brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, and furry hindquarters with cloven hooves signaling that he was half goat.

"Satyr," Zeus muttered out boredly making some of the future demigods glare at him for saying that before watching the hologram go on.

When Grover arrived at Charles School for Gifted Youngsters, he claimed to be a mutant animal shifter but said something went wrong and now he is a permanently disabled mutant with half the form of a goat of where his legs should be.

"Wow, he couldn't have come up with a better one?" Thalia asked sarcastically.

"Hey, that one lie was my best one yet," Alex said in offence.

"Sorry buddy, but it's kind of dorky," Nico said with a bit of humor added to his voice.

Alex just glared at them before focusing back on the hologram muttering how that was a pretty good cover-up for staying in a mutant school while glaring at Thalia and Nico out of the corner of his eye.

Regardless of that, Charles welcomed Grover into the school with open arms and allowed him to train with mutants while figuring out a way to cure his disability and retain his mutant abilities.

"As if that'll happen," Dionysus muttered.

Ever since then, Grover and I have been great friends to each other and have often been helping each other out.

"That's not hard to miss by. She's always been friends with those her brother said to trust," Alex pointed out.

"Wait, her older foster brother controls her life decisions?" Leo asked Alex while holding his hands up in a time-out motion.

"Yah, he's been very protective of her lately when they were kids even to when she has been growing up knowing us," Thalia responded for Alex with a sad smile on her face wishing she had that life.

"Wow, another reason she never trusted us in the first place when we first met her," Reyna said in bewilderment.

"Hey Grover, how's the forest?" Raven asked cheerfully as she slowed down to a stop next to her best friend and sat down on the log that was once a fallen tree.

"Same as ever Raven, how's your sneaking abilities?" Grover replied and asked his mutant best friend.

"Let me guess, she's gonna tell him that everything went wrong and is gonna complain about it to him," Hades stated in a bored tone before getting smacked upside the head by an angry Persephone.

"Horrible as ever since I still can't manage to scare my brother," Raven replied glumly.

"Told you so," he said before getting smacked harder upside the head by Persephone and receiving angry glares from the others while Nico and Hazel rolled their eyes at their fathers display of childishness.

"Don't worry, maybe you might be able to scare him good enough that you will be able to join the X-men," Grover said to Raven in a positive and optimistic tone.

"Well at least one of them is optimistic about her future," Jason said helpfully but Thalia just gave a tiny shake of her head and motioned with her head to keep watching.

"That'll be the day but until then, I'm stuck learning Greek mythology and training to keep my mutant powers in control," Raven responded as she picked up a rock and tossed it a bit onto the ground before picking at a piece of her white streaked hair.

"Wow, you obviously know her too well that you know what's gonna happen next Thalia," Jason said in amazement.

"Never mind that, what I want to know is why a thick piece of her hair is pure white," Aphrodite responded cutting off Thalia's thanks to her brother.

"Still recovering from that traumatizing event?" Grover asked Raven concerned for her since the day something happened.

"What happened?" Poseidon asked in confusion.

"Yah, but I'll be fine. It's been six months after all, and there hasn't been any sign of him and Rogue is doing better in controlling her transferring powers," Raven replied turning to face her best friend and showing him a piece of her thick white-streaked hair.

"Who's Rogue?" Hera asked herself in confusion.

Now, I probably must explain what happened and why I have a thick piece of a white streak running down my hair.

"Yes, yes you should," Hermes said pointedly while Jason, Piper, Leo, and Reyna nodded their heads in agreement with the god of Travelers.

Well, my former uncle figure, Magneto/Erik Lensherr, kidnapped Rogue, a close friend of mine, to use her transferring power abilities to power a machine that would turn our American leaders into mutants.

"Wow, that's evil," Apollo said sarcastically knowing he faced worse with the gods than that.

I volunteered to rescue her myself since I was the only one capable of getting Wolverine close to her. After I was able to transport the both of us next to her, the machine began affecting us in waves until Wolverine managed to shut it down. But that didn't come without a price.

"What kind of price?" Piper asked herself scared of what the hologram was gonna show next as it showed young Raven straining herself on using her telekinesis abilities as a shield for both her and Wolverine in a white molecule movement.

As the waves kept on hitting me, I had to strain my powers to keep some of the waves at bay so much that pieces of my hair began to turn pure white like Rogue's, except hers was more at the front on both sides of her head while mine was on the right side of my head and was a pure thick streak.

"Poor thing, that's awful," Athena said sadly as they watched sweat drop down her head with the whiteness following not far behind it towards the end of her hair as she kept pressing on to get to Rogue.

After we saved Rogue, she was unconscious and looked to be dead, so quickly, I allowed her to touch my hand without my gloves on and transferred my energy into her to help her live.

"That's very brave, I'll give her that," Artemis said with a small smile knowing there was another young girl with the potential to defeat her enemies with determination.

Once that was done, I fainted and woke up in the medical room of my home with Charles really mad at me for straining myself and worrying him but also happy to see that I was okay and was brave. He promoted my training to a high level to begin fighting with the professional mutants to get more into battle mode and to access more of my hidden powers.

"That's what they called an upgrade back at her school and may I just say that when I went to see her train on that level, I was frightened that she was gonna die 24 times," Alex pointed out as Clarissa smiled and nodded her head in agreement.

The downside of the mission was that no matter what I did to make it go away, the white streak will always be there as a mark and reminder of my bravery and why I never trusted my former uncle figure in the first place.

"And why she never trusted grown-up males or boy males or anyone else when she first arrived and saw us," Clarissa stated in a knowing it all tone making Alex, Athena, and Ares chuckle a bit at her tone.

"I'm sure that he's in hiding after seeing what you can do with your powers," Grover stated with a small smile on his face.

"Yup, it's probably that because we have never seen him anytime we visited her school," Alex pointed out to his friends.

"Maybe, but we just have to wait until he makes his next move. Then we can take him down and turn him over to the cops," Raven replied with a determined look in her sea-green eyes while narrowing them in determination to be a part of her brother's next plan to stop Magneto.

"Wow, she kind of looks like you when you are determined to take down your enemy's brother," Hades said in amusement making Poseidon look closely at Raven's face trying to see if she was his child.

"Okay, well if you ever get the chance to take down your..., I mean Magneto, then give me a call and let me watch you beat the crap out of him for what he did to your best friend," Grover replied with a laugh making Raven laugh in amusement at what he said.

The demigods of the future started laughing at that one before Nico said "Close call on that one Grover, but a good one," before they all continued to laugh even harder at that one making the gods smile in amusement at that joke.

"Yah, when that happens, I'm gonna give him a good hard kick to the nuts and then bash him on the head. Besides, you know that Rogue is like my sister to me and you are the only best friend I have ever had at this school," Raven replied as she placed an arm around her best friend's shoulders.

"Awww, that's so sweet," Aphrodite cooed at the love the two of them shared with each other as best friends.

"And you are my best friend that I've ever had Raven. Thank you for being my best friend," Grover said hugging Raven around her shoulders with his right arm and smiling.

"She's always gonna be a best friend to you, Grover, no matter how hard you lie," Thalia said gently with a smile.

Suddenly, they were interrupted by something rustling within the bushes. The two of them carefully broke apart and Raven summoned her own weapon before holding it out in defense in front of her.

"How did she do that?" Artemis asked both confused and shocked.

"Maybe if we kept on watching, we could find out when later," Athena suggested with a shrug of her shoulders.

The weapon I hold before you all is a bow and arrow that I can make appear out of nowhere and hit the bullseye with precise aim.

"Not all the time but still works every time she uses it," said a new voice that was said from the back, and when the demigods from the future parted, everyone saw that it was Grover from the future with a smile on his face.

"How did you...?" Zeus asked confused before the Fates stepped in and said as one, "Another to tell the journey of his friend," before disappearing and leaving.

"Can I say that that was creepy?" Grover asks unsure of what to say next.

"Don't worry, we are all thinking the same thing but then again, it's the Fates," Thalia said thoughtfully before everyone turned back to the hologram showing Raven from three years ago.

I had discovered this ability three years ago when I got angry at Peter for his prank on me that I may have accidentally summoned my weapons and shot him in the leg.

"Bwahahhahahhaha, oh my gosh!! This girl is classic!! She shot him in the leg on accident!!" Apollo said while bursting out laughing with Leo and the future demigods seeing Raven with wet sand in her hair and an angry look in her eyes.

Charles grounded my ability for three weeks until Peter can get back up on his feet and then helped me to control it. Still, wouldn't hurt to hit Peter in the leg again so that way I won't have to worry about him pranking me again.

The Olympians began to laugh at her saying that thought out loud before the laughter died down to allow the hologram to continue.

After a while of waiting, Raven just shrugged her shoulders and made her weapons disappear. "Maybe it was an animal or something," Grover suggested as he came up right next to her and stood to wait for anything to come out.

"You do realize that you just insulted yourself since you are part animal," Raven retorted back with a snort.

Alex snorted at that part with a smile while Clarissa and Thalia giggled at Raven's attempt for a joke.

"So did you," Grover responded back turning his head towards her with a small glare.

"Did you really have to argue like a kid Grover?" Alex asked his best friend sarcastically.

"Hey, it was in defense," Grover replied with a hint of being offended by that comment.

"Did not," Raven shot back facing her best friend fully and glaring at him before continuing, "I was just pointing out the obvious thing that was in your sentence when you suggested something like that."

"Yup, always pointing the obvious facts in each sentence. Gets that from her brother," Thalia stated with a small left-sided smirk on her face.

"KIDS!" they heard a voice yell from behind them startling the both of them that made Raven use her telekinesis powers to attack the stranger from behind but stopped as she faced the stranger fully to see her Ancient Greek teacher Mrs. Dodds.

"Oh no," moaned Grover scaredly.

"Sorry Mrs. Dodds. We just thought that you were an intruder from Magneto's group," Raven said politely and lowered her head in shame like a good little girl that she had always been taught to be.

"Wow, was she always this polite and good back then?" Jason asked amazed as Reyna.

"Yeah, but back then she was only an innocent child with no memory of herself until later on life changed her," Grover replied casually.

"Where's that polite girl now when you need her," Hera muttered sarcastically.

"Drop the act right now young lady! Confess on what you have done and you shall suffer less pain," Mrs. Dodds said in a snarling tone making Raven look up at her teacher in fright with Grover shaking very badly behind her.

Grover began to shake a little and go a bit pale at what will happen next.

"I don't know what you're talking about Mrs. Dodds. I've always been here at this place. I've done nothing wrong, I swear it! Please! I never done anything...." Raven began to beg before Mrs. Dodds interrupted her in a snarling tone yelling "Your time's up!"

"Uh-oh," Thalia muttered in shock.

Raven watched in horror as Mrs. Dodds shifted with her fingers turning into talons and her leathery jacket turning into large leathery wings. One thing Raven knew for sure is that this Mrs. Dodds wasn't human and was very angry. "Raven! Run! Now!" Grover shouted, snapping her out of it as they quickly began to run with the hologram while Mrs. Dodds chased them with her wings.

"Seriously, she is just seeing a woman transform into a Fury and the one thing you tell her to do is run?!" Ares asked the satyr outraged at something like that.

"Best I could think of at a moment's notice," Grover replied in defense.

Charles! Help! Raven shouted in her mind as they kept running through the forest path they always take to meet on the spot to maybe put some more ground between them and Mrs. Dodds.

"Sure, like her big brother can help," Ares muttered sarcastically before being hit once again by Aphrodite and Artemis.

Soon they came upon a clearing where Charles was waiting anxiously with a pen in his hand and threw it to Raven as Mrs. Dodds bursted out of the forest in her evil non-human form.

"How's a pen supposed to help?" Leo asked confused before being shushed by Reyna.

When Raven caught the pen in her left hand, it was no longer a pen but a sword made of bronze metal that seemed to be made of something Raven read about in her history of Ancient Greek class.

"Great, so the girl knows about mythology but doesn't know that she is a part of it," Hades said in a fake optimistic tone before being cuffed upside the head by Persephone.

It seemed to fit her just right and had some writings on its hilt but she quickly ducked to her left and rolled away from Mrs. Dodds.

"Close call," Clarissa muttered as it continued.

As she looked up, Raven began to get angry and felt her secret forbidden power begin to rise but quickly took control of it and charged at Mrs. Dodds, who was cornering Grover looking as he was going to be her next snack, before plunging the sword into her chest.

The demigods of the future gaped at seeing Raven unknowingly glow with the power of her mysterious ability while paying attention to stopping the Fury from killing her best friend in anger.

She looked on in anger as Mrs. Dodds cried out in agony before disappearing into a cloud of yellow dust and vaporized on the spot.

"Wow, she just defeated a Fury all on her own and she even had her mysterious ability glow around her. Dude, you never said anything about that," Leo said to Alex accusingly.

"In my defense, she did keep a lot from me back then and she never mentioned how she used her powers but she did mention a Fury going after Grover," Alex replied holding his hands up in defense.

Grover looked up in fright before calming his breathing and watched with Raven as her sword turned back into a pen.

"Cool, remind me to make one of those when we get back to the future," Leo said in amazement.

"Raven," Charles began to speak but was interrupted by Raven asking, with fright in her voice, "What. Was. That? What. Happened?"

"Wimp," Ares muttered.

"Raven, we need to talk," Charles replied grimly with the hologram closing in on a sad look on his face as if he was dreading for this day to be happening before it faded into black.

"Oh boy. This will not go well in the next chapter," Grover said sadly.

"Next chapter," everyone heard the Fates voice say before the hologram showed the words for the next chapter, "Three old ladies knit the socks of Death".

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